Man is de-evolving

Since your opening statement seems to be wrong I'm afraid I didn't invest the time to read the rest of your post.
Me too, it's pretty soon apparent that the post is fundamentally flawed.
if people are de-evolving, why does my son have no wisdom teeth? I bet people are being born without an appendix as well.
I am sure Ibn Batuta, Al-Idrisi, Hero of Alexandria, Maimonides, Hippocrates, et al would be suprised to learn that all science came from the Roman Catholic Church.
SwanSword's beliefs are the ultimate proof that, at least, some human brains have already begun devolving (note: it's not "de-evolution" but rather "devolution").

The common man discredits the source of Truth with insult and innuendo. The truly wise topple armies with the pen.

Everything you've said that's even been within smelling distance of the empirically testable has been proved wrong. Is there a good, as yet unstated, reason why we should believe any of the rest?
The common man discredits the source of Truth with insult and innuendo. The truly wise topple armies with the pen.


Sorry, but you can't even topple a few forum posters,
and, as redarmy said, you've been proven wrong here quite a few times.

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This is a quite lovely diatribe, far above the usual standard, against the modern magick systems we laughingly call science but, unfortunately, offers nothing - nothing - in the way of a graspable replacement.

As a foolish former follower of all things scientific, I'm left in a horrible (and actually rather embarrassing) limbo. What to do, what to do..

The proper programming yields the proper state of mind, which yields Absolute Power. In the end analysis, I want to harness the technology that yields Immortality, and Absolute Power over the three dimensional reality. This is the technology of Roman Catholicism. It is far more advanced than any machine technology, chemistry, biology, or mathematics; although these can be used to solve problems caused by sin.

Medical scientists, who are applied scientists, primarily chemistry oriented, also referred to as physicians, or doctors; treat the temporal punishments for sin, manifest in the physical body as collections of uncomfortable symptoms, or disease; thereby eliminating the uncomfortable warning signs that the soul is going to burn in Hell, and leaving the Eternal punishments for sin fully intact. Disease is due to descendants bearing the guilt for the sin of their dead ancestors. There is enough genetic evidence to prove that predisposition to sin is passed on genetically from ancestors to descendants.

What would a person rather have? control or happiness? Truth cannot be grasped, and made subject to the finder. Truth will flee if She is held too tightly, and the senseless heart that tried to capture Truth is darkened by the illusion that the beauty she sees is not a mirage, but is full of goodness to heal her wounds of injustice. What she finds is emptiness and evil; more of the same pain for which she sought healing.

She wants most of all to have the man who loves her willing to die for her; For if she cannot gain security through his love, she will gain it through his strength. The guilt for intentionally sterilizing herself, and performing godless perversions of the female act, slowly builds, and the woman needs a sacrifice to take her sin to the grave.

This is the concept behind The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus IS The Man, Who Loves each woman beyond measure, with Mercy so deep He took her sin upon Himself, and took it to the grave. It is a natural tendency for women who don't use their bodies in a way pleasing to God, to reproduce God's Image, to aim the guilt they naturally feel in disobeying God ordained Nature, at their mates; filing for divorce en masse, fooled by lawyers into believing their lives will get better after they get rid of their husbands.

In the courtroom, 10,000 damned souls of women who filed for divorce speak into the wife's mind, "It's better to rule in Hell, than be subservient in Heaven". And that is exactly what happens. 99% of all divorced women are impoverished within two years, working slave labor, raising kids alone, with no gratitude from anyone, and either her ex-husband, or one of her children kills him/herself to atone for the separation of marriage partners while the breath of life remained in both.

Practicing the occult is a much more effective way to be happy than trying to fill one's mind with random, chaotic, disordered facts, strung into some theory by wild conjecture, magic particles, theoretical physical entities that cannot be observed, and have only mathematical manifestations.

The technology of superior power, transcendence of physical existence, life that is pure consciousness, with limitless ability to know Truth, and Will that is perfectly aligned with God The Father, The Immutable Source of All Power; is much more powerful than technology limited to the three dimensional reality.

I can say I have everything I ever hoped for. My life is perfect, every day. Anything I tell my Heavenly Father I would like, He gives to me. I want for nothing, and I am perfectly happy all the time.

That's because I know what I want. I have always known what I wanted. I have searched for decades, everywhere. What I wanted was always available to me, but I couldn't see it. I was blinded by abominable ideas, and questions that should never be asked. I looked in science books for the answer to why there was no love in the world, and what the purpose of life could be without it.

You laugh at what you can't see. There was a time people were infected with parasites because they never attributed their sicknesses to impure water. Why? Because they couldn't see anything in the water. It looked pure.

In 1346, The Pope commissioned all of Europe to find the cause of the black death. The scientific solution was given by a group of six French doctors: 'Because of an unfortunate astrological occurrence, where Mars, Jupiter, and Venus gathered into the same zodiac three years previous, fumes and vapors are being emitted by the earth, causing the plague.

'Treatment and prevention should consist of avoiding rain water, sleeping only during darkness, and never during the day. All fish and poultry should be avoided. Thinking happy thoughts will prevent being overcome by sickness, and focus on wealth brings joy that instills the will to live.'

The way we look upon these impetuously ignorant physicians of the 1300s, who did nothing but swindle the public with terminology and expensive, but useless treatments, is the way God sees mankind; impetuously ignorant, misguided to the point of elimination, and damned to dwell in darkness because we think we are in control because we can understand how creation works.

Here is a challenge to anyone who feels like arguing: Using your will, maximum strength, scrunching your eyelids, and with you face turning beet red; create a Universe. I'll give you some pointers. You need to put your new universe somewhere besides where this one is, because there is already a universe in that spot. Universes are made of photons, some of which are raw, and most of which are geometrically configured to form energy, plasma, empty space, matter, and singularity.

You will need to know how to arrange four axes that are all perpendicular to each other. After you fold together the photons, you will need to speak the words that cannot be uttered with the mouth, and then wait five billion years for things to start looking right. If you did it right, there will be a sentient life form that evolves, and is Immortal. You will then be a god, and expected to know everything, have all power, and be able to solve any problem.

Try it. If modern secular science has no way to create a universe, it can take a seat with the rest of the students being taught by The One Who can Create a Universe.

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There is enough genetic evidence to prove that predisposition to sin is passed on genetically from ancestors to descendants.
Name it.

p.s. I think you're a great addition to Pseudoscience subforum, all others have been vanquished.
I don't have time to read all that right now when there's so much else to read and so little time to do it. It looks interesting, so I'll read it in the morning, I promise.

I hate to generalise about these things but maybe this is a valid extrapolation about us unbelievers: it's possible that we're just busier.
Phrenology is a laughing stock of judicial sociology and was refered to as pseudoscience even in the 19th century.
"Higher orders"? Not that business again.

Swansword, you might make a case for that in only the grossest possible manner imaginable; multicellular organisms being more complex than single-cellular, mammals than sponges and so forth. But the variance around such a position is so wide as to render the comparison unimportant. As spurious indicated, any number of evolutionary lineages are losing, modifying or regaining diverse organs and functions in the process of their own evolution. Are they, too, "regressing"? Or merely being selected against one or another character state by their environment, or randomly radiating into unexploited ecological niches? Directionality is not really a reasonable concept.
I'm going to knock off a bunch of these.

Read_Only said:
In your statement that I quoted, the two parts that I've bolded in this re-quote are the ones that are clearly self-contradictory to any person of science:

"I am a scientist. I know how to evaluate astrophysics research. I understand how a particle accelerator works, and why. I understand exactly why potassium cyanide kills the physical human body. I understand why an atomic bomb explodes, and I also understand many occult sciences, and much sorcery."


If I am to understand correctly: It is your understanding that a person cannot house understanding of two different disciplines in the same mind? A person cannot be know both Law and Medicine, both know how to be a Postmaster and an Electrician? Know both secular science and applied science? I contend a single mind is free to understand as it is able, as much as its capacity allows.


Zyxoas said:
SwanSword's beliefs are the ultimate proof that, at least, some human brains have already begun devolving (note: it's not "de-evolution" but rather "devolution").

Hi Again, Zyxoas,

'De-evolution' packs more punch than devolution, and is easier to understand. I am an evolutionary prototype for those who can grasp technology so advanced it appears to be magic. Any sufficiently advanced technology appears to be magic, until it is understood. Because I don't want this technology being used for selfish gain, I make it public. No one is required to like it.


Avatar said:
I don't remember the name of the species, but there is an anaerobic bacteria that lives about 2km below the surface and was discovered in a South African mine.
Any way that bacteria still possesses inactive genes for aerobic respiration and it means that it has evolved from a surface living, oxygen breathing bacteria.
Change the environment and the organism tries to adjust to it.
If the new environment requires simpler biology and the more complex structure is inefficient it may over time become a "lower order" organism, if you buy that separation.

Here are the ranks of order for Kingdom Animalia:

Lowest to highest

1). Cannot reproduce without host DNA
2). Single celled reproduction by mitosis
3). Ability to live without being surrounded by the solvent, water
4). Groups of independent unicelled organisms that cooperate
5). Symbiotic life forms
6). Organisms that are able to ingest food and water, and digest
7). Organisms composed of many differentiated cells, dependent on one another for the survival of the organism
8). Sexual reproduction
9). Faculties of emotion
10). Willingness to make sacrifices out of love
11). Faculties of reason
12). Use of tools
13). Use of fire
14). Use of Agriculture
15). Formation of civilizations governed by what are best known today as The Ten Commandments
16). Ability to use patterns of beliefs to solve the problems created by temporal physical existence.
17). Discovery of Absolute Truth, and assimilation of Absolute Power.

All animals other than humans are eight orders from finishing their evolution. Man is one order from finishing his evolution.


SpuriousMonkey said:
1. Modern lynx have two sets of lower molars. In the fossil record felines (not varda) have lacked the second molar since the Miocene.
2. some lizards in South America - digits re-evolved after loss of digits.
3. some scientists claim stick insects have re-evolved wings (Whiting et al 2003: nature 421:264).
4. digits that re-evolve are morphologically different.
5. re-evolution of ovipary (snakes)

None of these examples demonstrate a change in evolutionary order. Natural selection allows a species to adapt to a changing environment over time. Because an environment changes, and an evolutionary artifact becomes useful for a second, third, or seventh time; does not mean the organism has increased or decreased its rank of order on the evolutionary scale.

Also, digging up skeletons, and then deciding who has the most credible guess at what kind of animal it belonged to; and then making the person with the best credential's version the truth that mankind will forever believe, until that expert retires, and another glory hound cooks up some other fantasy fitting the tiniest amount of evidence; is pure conjecture based on flawed rationale, with no other purpose than to give people an excuse not to believe in God, and therefore license to commit sin.

The average IQ of someone with PhD. after their name is 95. Credentials guarantee not that someone is an expert, or even competent, but only that he was subjected to secular humanisitic indoctrination at a post secondary school level, for a given number of hours.

Take a PhD.ed clinical psychologist for an example, he will have a client come to his office, have that client confess sin for an hour; Either sin other people did to the client, or sins the client committed; but the psychologist will not offer forgiveness for the sin, because if he did, he wouldn't have that client to keep paying him for not forgiving his sins.

A person can go to confession at no cost, be forgiven by Jesus Christ, and that's it. They don't need to go back unless they sin again. Secular humanism means big money for a lot of people. The key to reducing The Western World into robots, that get fed the slime oozing out of the television, the lies spread by women's magazines about things as crazy as women faking orgasms, and women wanting mentulate men; is to keep people from hearing The Name Jesus Christ.

I can tell you from personal experience that a large male organ hurts Caucasian women. If a guy wants to date Caucasian women, and he has more than the average guy, she's going to complain.


RO said:
Hmmm... "Alternative Theories." I didn't realize that was another term for woo-wooism. How about something more to the point - like "Crackpot Posts?" Calm down? I'm having fun poking at obvious woo-woos and other varieties of crackpots.

They are such easy targets that it's hard not to. Sort of like shooting fish in a barrel.

There's a term for inability to express one's self constructively, but I can't remember what it is. It's easy to discredit what a person has never read, or can't understand. Most people function under the assumption that if they can't understand something, or aren't interested in something, that those things aren't relevant or important. This shows that there are definite limits to intellect, but none whatsoever for stupidity.

SpuriousMonkey said:
Jesus already offers people immortality. It's the work of the devil to lure people with falls tales of immortality.

I knew someone could say it. That's what I'm trying to tell this board. The technology that comes from Jesus Christ, much unlike machine technology, promises to bring mankind into an age where Immortality is the goal of technology. Technologies offered by godless sciences will cause everyone to eventually wind up dead. That is not the course we want to pursue.

Death is bad. Life is good. We don't want death. We want Life. Ask any person if he wants to live, or die, and he will say he wants to live, unless he's looking for sympathy, and says he wants to die, in which case if you volunteer to kill him with a pistol, saving him the trouble, he'll admit he doesn't really want to die.


Avatar said:
Ah, SwanSword, good times, you remind me of some lost posters. I look forward to further entertainment.
Oh, and I agree with spurious.

I'm glad you're entertained, because that's why I write. How do posters get lost?, And if I'm here, how can I remind you of someone who got lost? I seem to be getting mostly comments about me, and not my posts. I don't mind. People persecute me, subtly cut me down, fly into blind fits of homicidal rage (I've had six attempts on my life within six months, six days, and six hours of each other.), I was accused of having disordered thinking by a judge after I gave testimony in court. I invoked my right to speak, for the record, and said, "For the record: The judge has made a medical finding of disordered thinking without the proper credentials". The judge ordered everything regarding disordered thinking stricken.

SpuriousMonkey said:
wikipedia_Bonobo said:
Sexual intercourse plays a major role in Bonobo society, being used as a greeting, a means of conflict resolution and post-conflict reconciliation, and as favors traded by the females in exchange for food. Bonobos are the only non-human apes to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex (most frequently female-female, then male-female and male-male), tongue kissing, and oral sex.

That is nonsense. What is being mistaken for justification within the animal kingdom for humans to engage in every godless pagan sex ritual, is not sexual in nature. Primates are not capable of developing nonproductive sexual behavior, because the entire species would quickly be annihilated.


SwanSword said:
Anytime an Immortal tests his Immortality, he dies.
Oli said:
Sorta like telling everyone you can swim, until you actually get into the pool, hmmm?

Without the ability to believe swimming is possible, there is no possibility of swimming.


SwanSword said:
It is an empirical truth, and maxim of evolution, that higher order life forms can only evolve from lower order life forms, and a higher order life forms never evolve into lower order life forms. Agreed?

Hipparchia said:
I am not an expert on this, but your statements do not ring true. As I understand it from my reading there are lots of instances where 'advanced' evolutionary features are lost. I think one of the other posters made mention of a specific example above, but I believe there are many of these. Secondly, I believe the notion of higher order lifeforms is not popular among biologists. They might refer to a creature bieng more complex, but that is a different thing.

Since your opening statement seems to be wrong I'm afraid I didn't invest the time to read the rest of your post. (No disrespect, I just have a family to look after.

The opening statement is the gatekeeper keeping those without proper understanding from the remainder of the post. Acquisition of Truth requires diligence. See above for evolutionary orders.


Orleander said:
If people are de-evolving, why does my son have no wisdom teeth? I bet people are being born without an appendix as well.

Since dentistry, there have always been a good proportion of people that have no wisdom teeth. Lack of wisdom teeth is not a sign of evolution, except to people who guess at The Truth, and just say wisdom teeth are evolutionary relics. There is no proof for any part of the story of evolution. However, there is plenty of proof that natural selection occurs within a given species.

Also, surgical removal of organs that are actually necessary for immune health; and without which people are chronically ill for the rest of their lives, generating a steady stream of income for the same people who remove the organs, under the guise of legitimate medical care, because if a doctor says it has to come out, that absolutely must be the truth, because a doctor said it; in no way affects evolution.


RedArmy said:
don't have time to read all that right now when there's so much else to read and so little time to do it. It looks interesting, so I'll read it in the morning, I promise. I hate to generalise about these things but maybe this is a valid extrapolation about us unbelievers: it's possible that we're just busier.

I used to work 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. That is the hard way to make money. I started practicing Roman Catholicism, and studying it, and I never needed to work again. I have plenty of money, enough that I need to give a good proportion of it away to the poor. I own everything I have ever wanted. I'm like a little kid whose Father spoils him rotten. I'm retired, and I am sustained for life.

That's what happens when people place all their trust in God. It takes effort to get to know God, and time, but if someone gives God 1/2 hour per day, God will give that person five extra hours per day.

How much time and money could you save if:

You always picked the fastest checkout line
Always got a good parking space
Always got good service in every restaurant you ever dined in
Your children were always agreeable, and instantly obeyed you
The laundry always came clean the first time
You never experienced auto crashes, or traffic jams
You had the dream job of a lifetime, that gave you gobs of cash, and endless fulfillment; and you couldn't wait to get there each morning
Your spouse always obeyed you, or was obeyed by you, and made you feel like a king, or queen, serving you, hand and foot, for at least 15 minutes a day
You had a great marriage, and never argued, but sought only a deeper understanding of you spouse, as they probed your heart, fulfilling their role as finger of God
Your car never broke down
People were always willing to help you when you asked
People would loan you money without asking you to pay it back
Whenever you needed a piece of information, it dropped right in your lap
Whenever you couldn't find something you knew existed, you could ask Saint Anthony for help in locating it, and you would instantly find it
You were organized to the degree it takes to be truly efficient
You could always remember everything
You could find solutions to problems that mystify others
you always had a burning Love in your heart that allowed you to give and receive love and forgiveness, overlooking the carelessness and selfishness of those who need love and forgiveness
You spent no time pursuing vengeful emotions, and never experienced jealousy or anger
When people would meet you they would just want to be near you, and ask you all kinds of questions, and young women or men would try to mate with you because they wanted their children to be Children of God
You always got everything you needed, somehow, and you never needed to worry about it
You always got straight through on the telephone to exactly the person who could help you accomplish whatever you needed to
You always found the best airline, and always got a deal on the flight you needed
When your car got stolen, the thief felt so guilty he brought it back, and asked for help to stay away from crime, so you told him about confession, and he soon became a wealthy entrepreneur selling sunglasses at service stations, and called you on the phone saying, "You know, Red Army, I was going to commit suicide, but you led me to God, and saved my life. I would like to reward you. I was thinking of giving you $600,000.00, so you can buy that new house you and your spouse looked at, for cash."

This is what God will do for anyone who gives Him 1/2 hour per day to visit, receive His Love, let Him heal the wounds of injustice, mend your broken heart, speak to you, listen to you, and spoil you rotten, like a Child of The Lord God Almighty, with an inheritance to Rule The All, a gift from your Heavenly Father.

If a person can't imagine what is possible, it remains impossible. No one can ever have what they can't imagine. Desire like a king, so you may be satisfied like a king.


It is an empirical truth, and maxim of evolution, that higher order life forms can only evolve from lower order life forms, and a higher order life forms never evolve into lower order life forms. Agreed?

No. There are no "higher" and "lower" forms of life - only different forms of life. By saying a human being is "higher" than a bacterium you are automatically imposing biased criteria on which to judge "higher" and "lower".

Let's do this mathematically. The chances the coin will land on heads, 100 times in a row, after it happens, are 1:1, because the chances of anything that already happened having happened are 100%. The chances of two things happening in succession are the multiple of the things happening individually. The chances of a coin toss being tails, is 1:2. 1:1*1:2 = 1:2. The chances the 101st toss of the coin being tails is 1:2, or 50%.

You can only multiply if events are independent. Is you've tossed a coin and it has already come up heads 100 times, chances are that it is not a fair coin. Hence, the result on the 101st flip will not be independent of the 100th flip.

This is what confuses people most about science. Past occurrences in no way indicate future performance. The past is in no way linked to the future, and the present is independent of the past and future.

If that was true, there could be no science.

The only unpredictable things known exist only on earth, or in earths atmosphere, and are within the reach of tampering by mankind. Every chance occurrence of anything is due to mankind.

Quantum mechanics provides an obvious counter-example to your thesis.

There is technology available that would allow Immortality, and unrestricted travel, beyond light speed, because matter is not involved, and to make the highest evolved life form on earth Absolute Judge of All, with Absolute Power over physical reality.

This technology is hidden because forces oppose humans making the next evolutionary step, Immortality. The way this technology is kept hidden is by bombarding Western Society with sensuality, and gratification of the flesh. This makes humans essentially blind, only having use of the organic brain, and five extremely limited sensory channels.

How do you know about this technology, if it is hidden? Do you have special access to knowledge, possessed by no other human being?

The disease currently infecting the human race. Symptoms-Abortion, sodomy, feminism, suicide, use of birth control, homicide, atheism, genocide, greed, consumption, secular humanism, terrorism, universal human ignorance, intimate relations outside the bounds of sacramental wedlock, godless perversions of the female act, divorce, failure of women to use their bodies in a way pleasing to God, psychopaths seeking innocence, to defile its beauty, out of sheer wickedness; man seeking evil for the good that may come of it, human beings manufactured by scientists, The Medical Industry creating disease to drive a market for itself, The Government Funded Secular Humisitic Suicide Induction Eugenics Engine, driven by the quest of The Masonic Temple to bring Osiris, the ancient Egyptian God, back from the dead; and Government run sorcery and occult practices.

You're a conspiracy theorist, are you? And religious?

Unless man comes before God, confessing his sin, and seeking forgiveness, through The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the human race will eliminate itself in an act of obedience to The Lord God Almighty...

Hmm... Religious. Yes.

Jesus Christ brought technology to earth that allows Immortality for the human race. This is fully documented by The Roman Catholic Church, which, incidentally, is where all science comes from.

Got any evidence of any of this?

Scientific method was born in The Roman Catholic Church, and 70% of the scientists over the last 2200 years were Roman Catholic Clergy, including Gregor Mendel, A Catholic Monk who discovered genetics; Nicolas Copernicus, a Roman Catholic Priest, who discovered the earth is not the center of the Universe...

Interesting you mention this, since the Church went to so much effort to suppress that idea, persecuting Galileo in particular.

Ruy Lopez, a Catholic Bishop and famous logician, who invented a system of chess play that made him world champion, and whose system is still unbeatable.

So Ruy never lost a game?

Thomas Aquinas, a famous Catholic Priest, devised the scientific method used by Descartes, Newton, Einstein, Kepler, Oppenheimer, Goddard, and every other scientist.

Nobody can lay claim to inventing the scientific method.

The fact that people think a coin toss is random is evidence that man lacks the ability, intellectually, and physically, to toss a coin predictably.

Coin tosses are random because of lack of detailed knowledge of the initial conditions of the toss. Otherwise, the toss of a coin is a deterministic physical process.

For every scientific fact there are equally plausible explanations confirming the fact, or denying the fact.

This is patently silly. Give me an "equally plausible" explanation to the theory of gravity, denying the fact that things fall down when you drop them from a height.

Secular humanism, where morality is relative to physical desire, is not an invention of modern society.

Is the 18th century "modern"?

Medicine is a good example. Practitioners of medical science view diseases as collections of specific symptoms, with little regard for the cause of the symptoms, unless these symptoms indicate a lethal condition, in which case the cause will be eliminated, but the typical treatment of illness by medical professionals involves masking unpleasant symptoms, thereby turning each patient into a cash cow, dependent on medical treatment to alleviate symptoms, and ignorant of the true cause of illness.

On the contrary, billions of dollars are spent identifying the causes of disease, and fighting those causes (viruses, bacteria, genetic illnesses etc.)

The reason doctors recommend a low fat diet to prevent heart disease is because low fat diets cause so many other diseases, the doctors are better off tricking people into believing low fat diets are the key to health, when, in fact, the problem is processed fats.

The scientific evidence on nutrition and healthy eating is extensive. If you don't believe it, try living on McDonald's food alone, as in the film "Super Size Me".

The reason people recover in the hospital is not because of the thousands of dollars in medical treatment, but because hospitals don't use trans fats in food preparation for patients, unless the patient has good insurance, in which case trans fats will be fed to the patient, but discontinued so the illness will abate the day the patient's insurance runs out.

So, let me get this right. You're saying all disease is due to trans fats, are you?

Candida yeast overgrowth is responsible for more chronic illness than any other thing.

Got any evidence for that, or just more conspiracy theories?

Now that we have that out of the way, The human soul is the highest evolutionary form on earth.

Your Catholic church will be interested in your theory that souls evolve. Have you told them?

The jezebel spirit induces girls and women to rebel against the God ordained authority of their fathers and husbands over them.

Or father-and-husband ordained, more likely. Especially for the devoutly religious types.

If this couple is divided by an occult ceremony; where a leprechaun poses as a judge, and court magicians, dressed in suits and ties, look with reverence and awe, in the sequel to 'The Emperor's New Cloths', called 'Divorce Hearing'; performing motions sacred to the freemasonic institution, and uttering ancient Latin to the freemasonic god; as the disguised leprechaun engages in an unholy rape of the wife, using the phallic instrument he glances across the last page of the judgment, inducing the husband to believe his wife can now legally usurp the God ordained authority he has over her, according to The Physical Laws of Nature, specifically, The Physical Law of Marriage; and refuse him access to her body, for his pleasure, and to reproduce himself; one spouse needs to die so Nature will not be made a liar for having whispered soft engravings on the hearts of two young lovers, 'Until death you shall not part'.

This is sounding nuttier and nuttier. You're getting caught up in your own preaching.

Criminal behavior has now been engineered out of the manufactured humans. This has reduced intelligence by 40 IQ points.

Got any evidence of ... Oh, never mind. You're probably a lost cause.

I can't come right out and admit I'm Immortal, because that would be putting Immortality to the test. Anytime an Immortal tests his Immortality, he dies.

You think you're immortal?

Ancient Egyptian records are more complex, and older than The Bible. These records indicate hominids, using Light physics, built huge underground cities, and used their superior understanding to induce harmonics into stones and earth that would cause emission of beautiful Light from the minerals.

Is there any pseudoscientific rubbish you don't believe?

-Back to Light physics

This Light was used for agriculture, navigation, power generation, and Immortality. The tomb of Osiris, the god, has been found in one of these underground cities.

Which one? Where?

Underground cities exist everywhere on earth, up to 27 km under ground, and can comfortably accommodate tens of thousands of inhabitants, with their property, livestock, and everyone's own bathroom and bedroom.

27km, eh? Tell me, are these cities well air-conditioned? And how do they fight the pressure to stop them collapsing?

This is no big secret.

It's news to me. I guess the conspiracy community just doesn't get enough publicity.


I think I've read enough.

I hope you don't actually believe anything you write. If you do, you probably ought to seek some professional help. Or at least try to get a proper education. You sound coherent enough. It's just the ideas that are screwy.
Let's weigh up the benefits and disadvantages.

On the one hand:
That's what happens when people place all their trust in God. It takes effort to get to know God, and time, but if someone gives God 1/2 hour per day, God will give that person five extra hours per day.

How much time and money could you save if:
You always picked the fastest checkout line
Always got a good parking space
Always got good service in every restaurant you ever dined in....... etc etc

Yes sounds good to me. These are not things which particularly concern me, but they are worth having.

But on the one hand:

People persecute me, subtly cut me down, fly into blind fits of homicidal rage (I've had six attempts on my life within six months, six days, and six hours of each other.),

You've convinced me. I don't mind waiting in checkout lines.

You've given us some advice, and now I will give you some advice.
Go to your Parish priest and tell him the ideas you are having.
In fact take him copies of your posts.
Then take his advice on what you should do.
SwanSword said:
When your car got stolen, the thief felt so guilty he brought it back, and asked for help to stay away from crime, so you told him about confession, and he soon became a wealthy entrepreneur selling sunglasses at service stations, and called you on the phone saying, "You know, Red Army, I was going to commit suicide, but you led me to God, and saved my life. I would like to reward you. I was thinking of giving you $600,000.00, so you can buy that new house you and your spouse looked at, for cash."
May I ask a stupid question?

If this person has $600,000... why is he suicidal and, more confusingly still... why did he steal your car? :confused::rolleyes:

Oh wait. I've just re-read it. Wealthy entrepreneur, hey. Hmm.. {sniff, sniff..}
Your spouse always obeyed you, or was obeyed by you, and made you feel like a king, or queen, serving you, hand and foot, for at least 15 minutes a day
I would divorce her and seek a less meekly submissive spouse. This spouse does not sound, to me, like a tiger in bed. :(
SwanSword said:
I can tell you from personal experience that a large male organ hurts Caucasian women. If a guy wants to date Caucasian women, and he has more than the average guy, she's going to complain.
They should date Asians. Asians, as a group, are genitally miniscule.
Posted by SwanSword
It is an empirical truth, and maxim of evolution, that higher order life forms can only evolve from lower order life forms, and a higher order life forms never evolve into lower order life forms. Agreed?

Posted by Hipparchia
I am not an expert on this, but your statements do not ring true. As I understand it from my reading there are lots of instances where 'advanced' evolutionary features are lost. I think one of the other posters made mention of a specific example above, but I believe there are many of these. Secondly, I believe the notion of higher order lifeforms is not popular among biologists. They might refer to a creature bieng more complex, but that is a different thing.
Since your opening statement seems to be wrong I'm afraid I didn't invest the time to read the rest of your post. (No disrespect, I just have a family to look after.

Posted by SwanSword
The opening statement is the gatekeeper keeping those without proper understanding from the remainder of the post. Acquisition of Truth requires diligence. See above for evolutionary orders.

Thank you SwanSword for making me laugh and brightening my day. I think I know enough psychology and certainly enough about human nature to recognise a lame excuse. Your statements are not in error, it is simply that I cannot understand them because I am not worthy. :bawl:Very good, very whimsical. :rolleyes:
I'd also like to thank you for saving me the trouble of reading anything else you write.:) Enjoy.