Man is de-evolving


Registered Member
It is an empirical truth, and maxim of evolution, that higher order life forms can only evolve from lower order life forms, and a higher order life forms never evolve into lower order life forms. Agreed?

For those who seek control, limiting one's world to what can be perceived with organic sensory channels, leaves only three dimensional reality to contend with, and a crude mathematical cataloging of this three dimensional reality lends a illusion that, if only to learn a sufficiently large amount of facts, an individual can be in control.

I am a scientist. I know how to evaluate astrophysics research. I understand how a particle accelerator works, and why. I understand exactly why potassium cyanide kills the physical human body. I understand why an atomic bomb explodes, and I also understand many occult sciences, and much sorcery.

In order for science to exist, rational thought must be employed to solve problems. Rational thought to solve problems was first outlined by Thomas Aquinas, the famous Roman Catholic Saint, in "The Summa Theologica", which has been in print for almost 800 years. Previous to this, the most common ways to solve problems men encountered were astrology, which was used by French doctors to devise a laughable cure for bubonic plague during the 1300s; military strength to annihilate opponents and conquer needed land, whilst supplying needed labor and booty; spiritual methods, many comprising using demons to fight demons; and occult science, where secret knowledge was used to create a problem, driving a market for a solution, and was also used to solve the problem.

After the writing of The Summa Theologica, many occult sciences were laid bare, through scientific study. An example would be: If you flip a coin 100 times, and it lands on heads all 100 times, the chances of the coin landing on tails the 101st toss must be astronomically in favor!! Agreed?

Let's do this mathematically. The chances the coin will land on heads, 100 times in a row, after it happens, are 1:1, because the chances of anything that already happened having happened are 100%. The chances of two things happening in succession are the multiple of the things happening individually. The chances of a coin toss being tails, is 1:2. 1:1*1:2 = 1:2. The chances the 101st toss of the coin being tails is 1:2, or 50%.

This is what confuses people most about science. Past occurrences in no way indicate future performance. The past is in no way linked to the future, and the present is independent of the past and future. The tendency of people to use past occurrences in judging future outcomes is how gambling casinos make money. Odds making is an occult practice, where people are led to be superstitious, and gauge chance outcomes by past performance.

Odds making is science. Whenever defeat is scientifically insured for a victim, you have an occult practice. Before Saint Thomas wrote "The Summa Theologica", people believed all manner of things occurred because of forces unconnected to the physical world. The key to harnessing The Physical Laws of Nature is human ignorance to the fact one is doing it.

All of physical reality is trustworthy, unless mankind is allowed to tamper with it. The only unpredictable things known exist only on earth, or in earths atmosphere, and are within the reach of tampering by mankind. Every chance occurrence of anything is due to mankind.

Human beings lack sufficient intellect, muscular coordination, and sensory perception to understand anything, other than how to physically survive. Machine technology is not very advanced, and precipitates its own end by limited fuel and material resources.

There is technology available that would allow Immortality, and unrestricted travel, beyond light speed, because matter is not involved, and to make the highest evolved life form on earth Absolute Judge of All, with Absolute Power over physical reality.

This technology is hidden because forces oppose humans making the next evolutionary step, Immortality. The way this technology is kept hidden is by bombarding Western Society with sensuality, and gratification of the flesh. This makes humans essentially blind, only having use of the organic brain, and five extremely limited sensory channels.

In this condition, the human race will unwittingly commit genocide against itself. This is a condition known as Homegaciditis (pron. hoe-Megg-Uh-sid-Eye-tiss; etym. From Latin-Homo Human; from Greek-Omega Last, Final, End; From Latin-Cide Death; From Latin-Itis Pathology, Disease, Illness; def. Literally-Human final death disease. The disease currently infecting the human race. Symptoms-Abortion, sodomy, feminism, suicide, use of birth control, homicide, atheism, genocide, greed, consumption, secular humanism, terrorism, universal human ignorance, intimate relations outside the bounds of sacramental wedlock, godless perversions of the female act, divorce, failure of women to use their bodies in a way pleasing to God, psychopaths seeking innocence, to defile its beauty, out of sheer wickedness; man seeking evil for the good that may come of it, human beings manufactured by scientists, The Medical Industry creating disease to drive a market for itself, The Government Funded Secular Humisitic Suicide Induction Eugenics Engine, driven by the quest of The Masonic Temple to bring Osiris, the ancient Egyptian God, back from the dead; and Government run sorcery and occult practices.

It is interesting to note that the act of the human race eliminating itself from existence is a free will act, and is perfectly aligned with The Universal Justice God laid at the foundation of three dimensional reality, to which all that exists must be aligned. Anything not aligned with The Absolute Justice will cease to exist. Mankind is not aligned with Universal Justice because men sin. Unless man comes before God, confessing his sin, and seeking forgiveness, through The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the human race will eliminate itself in an act of obedience to The Lord God Almighty, which states: 'We the people refuse to align our behavior with Absolute Justice, which states: Nothing shall exist in Creation that is not aligned with The Absolute Justice Placed upon it by God, so we are eliminating ourselves from existence as a final act of obedience to The Lord God Almighty.

If anyone would like any references, please tell me. I don't want to list 7,000 references, but I do have rational bases, and foundation material for all the material presented.
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I am a scientist. I know how to evaluate astrophysics research. I understand how a particle accelerator works, and why. I understand exactly why potassium cyanide kills the physical human body. I understand why an atomic bomb explodes, and I also understand many occult sciences, and much sorcery.

Your first sentence was negated by the final statenment in your last sentence.

Therefore you have no credibility with me or any other real scientist here.


Your first sentence was negated by the final statenment in your last sentence.

Therefore you have no credibility with me or any other real scientist here.


Sorry to see you go so soon. I do accept criticism, although I do not consider you reply criticism, as it doesn't address any specific words, or concepts, and doesn't define anything noteworthy or novel. You fail to explain how two sentences in my op contradict each other. I know, 9 billion years from now, when is space dust, a superior life form will reconstitute this web site, and they will only be concerned with what you think about my post. Please clarify.
Sorry to see you go so soon. I do accept criticism, although I do not consider you reply criticism, as it doesn't address any specific words, or concepts, and doesn't define anything noteworthy or novel. You fail to explain how two sentences in my op contradict each other. I know, 9 billion years from now, when is space dust, a superior life form will reconstitute this web site, and they will only be concerned with what you think about my post. Please clarify.

Very well, I'll reply to you just this once more in order to clarify and remove all doubt since you couldn't see it for yourself.

In your statement that I quoted, the two parts that I've bolded in this re-quote are the ones that are clearly self-contradictory to any person of science:

"I am a scientist. I know how to evaluate astrophysics research. I understand how a particle accelerator works, and why. I understand exactly why potassium cyanide kills the physical human body. I understand why an atomic bomb explodes, and I also understand many occult sciences, and much sorcery."
There is technology available that would allow Immortality, and unrestricted travel, beyond light speed, because matter is not involved, and to make the highest evolved life form on earth Absolute Judge of All, with Absolute Power over physical reality.

This technology is hidden because forces oppose humans making the next evolutionary step, Immortality. The way this technology is kept hidden is by bombarding Western Society with sensuality, and gratification of the flesh. This makes humans essentially blind, only having use of the organic brain, and five extremely limited sensory channels.
7,000 citations would hardly be necessary, but it would be nice if you included citations to support the claims you made. Such as the above comments.

Somebody should really move this to the Pseudoscience forum.
SwanSword's beliefs are the ultimate proof that, at least, some human brains have already begun devolving (note: it's not "de-evolution" but rather "devolution").
Some thoughts .. .. ..

SwanSword said:
There is technology available that would allow Immortality, and unrestricted travel, beyond light speed, because matter is not involved, and to make the highest evolved life form on earth Absolute Judge of All, with Absolute Power over physical reality.

This technology is hidden because forces oppose humans making the next evolutionary step, Immortality. The way this technology is kept hidden is by bombarding Western Society with sensuality, and gratification of the flesh. This makes humans essentially blind, only having use of the organic brain, and five extremely limited sensory channels.”

7,000 citations would hardly be necessary, but it would be nice if you included citations to support the claims you made. Such as the above comments.

As I stated in the op: Limiting science to the realm of what can be observed using the primitive and weak human sensory channels, and analysis of this observation, limits science severely. If the electromagnetic spectrum were 500 miles long, the senses of hearing and vision could perceive 1 mm of it. This is very limited. Human vision is inadequate to perceive a subatomic particle, for two reasons: Light has too long a wavelength to be reflected by a subatomic particle, and the eye cannot resolve something so small.

This would be adequate proof human sensory channels are very limited. Jesus Christ brought technology to earth that allows Immortality for the human race. This is fully documented by The Roman Catholic Church, which, incidentally, is where all science comes from.

Scientific method was born in The Roman Catholic Church, and 70% of the scientists over the last 2200 years were Roman Catholic Clergy, including Gregor Mendel, A Catholic Monk who discovered genetics; Nicolas Copernicus, a Roman Catholic Priest, who discovered the earth is not the center of the Universe, allowing astrophysics to develop; Ruy Lopez, a Catholic Bishop and famous logician, who invented a system of chess play that made him world champion, and whose system is still unbeatable. He invented the castling move. Thomas Aquinas, a famous Catholic Priest, devised the scientific method used by Descartes, Newton, Einstein, Kepler, Oppenheimer, Goddard, and every other scientist.

Roman Catholicism is the inventor of science. Therefore, science without Roman Catholicism is incomplete, because science needs an absolute reference to define distance, weight, and time. Length, mass, and time are not useful without some reference standard that encompasses all three, but is unchanging. Also, without Roman Catholicism, science is hopelessly crippled because the agnostic human mind is not interfaced with 'The Mind', in 'The All', thereby having access to All Truth, All Wisdom, All Understanding, All Knowledge; and in a much simpler and cohesive form than reliance on the crude approximations and guess work secular science
sits upon.

I want to reiterate, science based only on what can be observed using the primitive narrow and weak sensory channels of the temporal human organism, and analysed with an intellect that cannot even calculate the precise positions of each subatomic particle in the universe, at infinitessimally small time increments, for all infinitessimally small time increments, and calculate all forces exerted by, and on everything, also at infinitessimally small time increments, so that when a coin was flipped, it could be flipped suchwise, taking into consideration that every particle and force in the Universe was taken into consideration, that it would always land on edge. God cannot play football because He can flip a coin predictably, having all knowledge of everything, and Ultimate Authority over All, so There would be no way God wouldn't know who was going to kick off. The fact that people think a coin toss is random is evidence that man lacks the ability, intellectually, and physically, to toss a coin predictably.

Man has as his fundamental right, to critically examine his environment, and himself, and build a life according to his observations. But, if man conforms himself to physical reality, looking after only the comforts of the flesh, he becomes temporal, and eventually will need to face complete annihilation from existence.

The man who progresses beyond the physical reality, and embraces Eternity, will become Eternal, and will escape death. Jesus Christ brought the technology necessary for man to become Immortal, and Have total reign over Creation, as Children of The Father, and Masters of Creation.

For more references to famous Catholic Scientists:
I'm not allowed to post links.

I give myself as reference standard to the fact that spiritual forces of darkness battle mankind's progress toward Immortality.

When man was first able to reason, and love, his mind knew Truth, and his heart knew innocence. A mind that knows Truth will love its own innocent heart because Truth loves innocence. This love of the mind for the heart IS the soul. In this way man is like God. If man seeks The Truth, The Mind of God, and man seeks Mercy and forgiveness, The Heart of God; this man will have a soul like The Soul of God, and will be like God, Immortal.

It should be intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer that:

A). Science has been reduced to a pillow of logic people can stick their heads under, while they plug each other's ears, close each other's eyes, and chant, "There is no God". But, everyone has to come out from under the pillow eventually. Logic is safe because its boundaries lie within the control of mankind. For every scientific fact there are equally plausible explanations confirming the fact, or denying the fact.

This leaves people a practically boundless arena for logical ideologue gladiators, to chase their own tails in an endless, but fruitless diversion from reality called 'pure human rationale'. The fantasies of science twist the mind into thought patterns that blind the soul, and entice the student to practice, with license, every godless perversion, so long as this doesn't affect the person's ability to perform his/her job, or the ability of another to perform his job, in the economic workforce, or Institution of higher learning.

This blindness precludes interface with The Mind, and renders the individual incapable of understanding the technology that would allow Everlasting Life. The reason this keeps happening to mankind is: There are principalities, powers, and world rulers of the kingdom of darkness that fool people into believing they can be immune to The Absolute Justice, and in control of everything important, if they dwell completely in the physical reality, amass understanding of a sufficiently large amount of facts to equal Truth, and ignore Divine Law.

Secular humanism, where morality is relative to physical desire, is not an invention of modern society. It is a tool the kingdom of darkness has used successfully, time and time again, to destroy The Sons of God the only way these Divine Sons can be destroyed: Suicide. Short of this fate, there is nothing that can kill a Son of God.

I would like to address the question of occult sciences and sorcery being included with secular sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. These are all the same. Occult practices and sorcery are applied science used to make money, while keeping people blind to the true cause of their problems.

Medicine is a good example. Practitioners of medical science view diseases as collections of specific symptoms, with little regard for the cause of the symptoms, unless these symptoms indicate a lethal condition, in which case the cause will be eliminated, but the typical treatment of illness by medical professionals involves masking unpleasant symptoms, thereby turning each patient into a cash cow, dependent on medical treatment to alleviate symptoms, and ignorant of the true cause of illness.

The reason doctors recommend a low fat diet to prevent heart disease is because low fat diets cause so many other diseases, the doctors are better off tricking people into believing low fat diets are the key to health, when, in fact, the problem is processed fats. All major pharmaceutical corporations own one or more food companies that make foods to drive demand for pharmaceuticals.

One of the key ingredients that drives demand for medical care is trans fat. Before the invention of trans fats, heart disease was practically nonexistent. Consumption of trans fats, present in all processed foods, suppresses immune response. This effect is so profound that trans fats have been used to prevent organ rejection in transplant patients.

The reason people recover in the hospital is not because of the thousands of dollars in medical treatment, but because hospitals don't use trans fats in food preparation for patients, unless the patient has good insurance, in which case trans fats will be fed to the patient, but discontinued so the illness will abate the day the patient's insurance runs out.

All allergies, multiple chemical sensitivitiy, and asthma can be eliminated by treating a patient for chronic candidiasis. That's the reason doctors don't test for Candida (pron. Cand-id-uh, commonly mispronounced can-Dee-dah). Candida yeast overgrowth is responsible for more chronic illness than any other thing. Key treatments exist, but these are not patentable, and doctors are paid kickbacks by drug manufacturers to only prescribe those substances listed as drugs by The FDA. Doctors can legally prescribe anything they think might help a patient.

Since medical facilities have become 'for profit' entities, they legally need to try to increase profits every year for the stockholders. They only way to do this is create more illness to be treated in these facilities. In modern society, the aim of a doctor is to create an illness through the treatment of another illness. This method has been proved to maximize profits.

When an industry is trusted to look after the public health trust, and this industry has created a sickness machine to feed its ever increasing appetite for cash, you have the thing that will eliminate mankind from existence.

This is an example of sorcerers practicing occult science.

Now that we have that out of the way, The human soul is the highest evolutionary form on earth. It is comprised of the love that a mind that knows Truth has for its own heart, if the heart knows either Forgiveness for sin, or innocence.

This life form is Immortal, if only to be taught how to be Immortal. The physical human body exists as an evolutionary relic the soul can use to learn how to become Immortal. By practicing The Sacraments of The Roman Catholic Church, and subjecting one's self to Roman Catholic Doctrine and Clergy, the soul is brought into union with God The Son. Subsequent to this, the soul is brought before God The Father, for adoption into The Holy Family of God, being given The Surname, or Family Name of God The Father, God The Son, and The Blessed Virgin Mother of God. This Child of God is a Son of Man, and the forces of darkness will mercilessly attack Him from every direction.

The two powerful demons of this age are Mammon and the jezebel spirit. Mammon induces fathers to value civic duty above family loyalty, and to make the standard of behavior toward others the minimum legal requirement. In other words, if a person isn't legally bound to do something for someone else, they shouldn't. If a person is forbidden by law to do something, they shouldn't.

This leaves love and forgiveness, sacrifice and loyalty, kindness and decency, generosity and chastity, fidelity and family unity on the don't do list, but precludes outright murder in favor of deceiving children into suicide, because risk of loss of liberty is nonexistent if only deceit is used to murder people. This is Mammon's favortie pastime, because murder and mayhem don't have the twisted flavor of suicide. Demons love it when a person commits suicide, because the final impenitent sin of murder lies on the dead victim, insuring the demise of the soul.

This is why suicide bombing is such an abomination. The suicide bomber believes he will be rewarded by an endless supply of excellent food, eternal virgins, and strong drink. This is true, but Heaven is not the place souls will have unrestricted ability to practice gratification of gluttony, experience constant drunkenness, or engage in endless gratification of lust. That place is Hell, because people who can commit sin without anything to restrain them are in Hell.

The jezebel spirit induces girls and women to rebel against the God ordained authority of their fathers and husbands over them. Mammon induces these husbands to retaliate against their disobedient wives, not with forgiveness, but by harming her children. Mammon loves the jezebel spirit, but the only way Mammon and the jezebel spirit can make love is by inhabiting a man and a woman who were given these demons by their parents, who also marry each other, and then inducing the charateristic psychosis of each.

The ultimate goal of this duo is divorce. When a girl submits to conquest; her flesh pierced by her lover, her blood sacrifice of innocence is drawn unto the man, from behind the seal God placed over it, and Nature whispers soft engravings on the hearts of the two young lovers, 'Until death you shall not part'.

If this couple is divided by an occult ceremony; where a leprechaun poses as a judge, and court magicians, dressed in suits and ties, look with reverence and awe, in the sequel to 'The Emperor's New Cloths', called 'Divorce Hearing'; performing motions sacred to the freemasonic institution, and uttering ancient Latin to the freemasonic god; as the disguised leprechaun engages in an unholy rape of the wife, using the phallic instrument he glances across the last page of the judgment, inducing the husband to believe his wife can now legally usurp the God ordained authority he has over her, according to The Physical Laws of Nature, specifically, The Physical Law of Marriage; and refuse him access to her body, for his pleasure, and to reproduce himself; one spouse needs to die so Nature will not be made a liar for having whispered soft engravings on the hearts of two young lovers, 'Until death you shall not part'.

I'll tell you the difference between God and Nature. God will have Mercy. Nature will never forget Her words, and She will take a human life to make proper accounting for a couple Married by Natural Law, and separated while the breath of life remained in each.

Historically the life taken belonged to the ex-husband, who would sacrifice himself so his children and their mother might go on. The reason Mammon and the jezebel spirit want to do this is because it insures the husband's soul will burn for eternity for the final impenitent sin of suicide, and also insures the widow will have a demon to love her, who drives away all interested men, going so far as to kill its human male competitors for the woman; and impoverishes her, forces her to work slave labor, without gratitude from anyone, and teaches her children they are worthless because they don't have a father, and the father they did have comitted suicide, which means, since they came from their father, they are going to commit suicide too.

The woman, who thought all her problems would magically vanish if she could just get rid of her husband, who was the source of her problems, now faces the darkness of feminism and secular humanism; her children being educated in the government secular humanisitic indoctrination system, which is part of The Governmental Freemasonic Secular Humanisitic Suicide Induction Eugenics Engine, that is using suicide to eliminate people with family values, so getting new humans through families can be replaced with industrial processes, where humans are grown into adults, and programmed with Aldous Huxley and James Joyce Catholic Hatred being wired directly into their minds.

Criminal behavior has now been engineered out of the manufactured humans. This has reduced intelligence by 40 IQ points. A solution must be found to increase work output. Several genes from the spinal meningitis pathogen are spliced into human chromosomes, creating a human without serotonin, and consequently no need for sleep.

This has lowered IQs another 40 points, but the ability of these new models to work 24/7 makes up the decrease in intelligence. Now no one will be offended if someone else is smarter than they are, because everyone is too stupid.

The lack of serotonin was driving people to tear their own skin off, so a drug was invented that gave all the benefits of gin and Roman Catholicism, without the alcoholism and hangovers, or Forgiveness and Immortality. This drug was named Hope.

The problem of food was interfering with profits. Algae was implanted under the skin of new people, making them photosynthetic feeders. Hope was pumped into all manufactured humans. Nonessential body parts, such as female breasts, male reproductive organs, one eye, one ear, hair, nails, and one leg were engineered out of the human genome.

People worked 24/7 for the biotech firms who created them. Satan had destroyed the human soul, but in so doing, eliminated any purpose for Himself, and thus disappeared in a puff of logic, replaced by the biotech firms.

Ok kids, it's time for bed. I hope you enjoyed that heart warming story.

Copyright 2007 by SwanSword, all rights reserved
Permission for linking to this post is granted.
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SwanSword, I really love your writing style, but I'm afraid that it is simply too verbose for me to read your ridiculously long posts completely.

Do YOU have any practical knowledge of this alleged true/Catholic Science? Are YOU immortal because of it?
This is a quite lovely diatribe, far above the usual standard, against the modern magick systems we laughingly call science but, unfortunately, offers nothing - nothing - in the way of a graspable replacement.

As a foolish former follower of all things scientific, I'm left in a horrible (and actually rather embarrassing) limbo. What to do, what to do..
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SwanSword said:
It is an empirical truth, and maxim of evolution, that higher order life forms can only evolve from lower order life forms, and a higher order life forms never evolve into lower order life forms. Agreed?
my dirty ape friend said:
no, that is bullshit.
Charming. Which of those many truths do you so bluntly and unelaboratingly dispute?
ok then, I'm curious, and prostrate myself before the fount of your infinite wisdom: examples of higher order lifeforms evolving into lower order ones?
ok then, I'm curious, and prostrate myself before the fount of your infinite wisdom: examples of higher order lifeforms evolving into lower order ones?

you make the mistake of accepting the concept of higher order.

if you dare to step over that specific rape victim you could commit rape yourself and point the finger to parasitic orders.
She was like that when I found her, ossifer. [Brought to you courtesy of BastTasteJokes, Inc.]

What the [enc]Hell[/enc] are you blithering about!?! I've never sucked the blood of my corpulent host in my life! Maybe you should say more. And preferably in English.
She was like that when I found her, ossifer. [Brought to you courtesy of BastTasteJokes, Inc.]

What the [enc]Hell[/enc] are you blithering about!?! I've never sucked the blood of my corpulent host in my life! Maybe you should say more. And preferably in English.

why say more on a false statement by making more false statements.

I would think it would be more interesting to actually discuss the topic again based on a proper approximation of biological reality.

I don't remember the name of the species, but there is an anaerobic bacteria that lives about 2km below the surface and was discovered in a South African mine.
Any way that bacteria still possesses inactive genes for aerobic respiration and it means that it has evolved from a surface living, oxygen breathing bacteria.
Change the environment and the organism tries to adjust to it.
If the new environment requires simpler biology and the more complex structure is inefficient it may over time become a "lower order" organism, if you buy that separation.