Man Gets 3 Years for Sex with Horse

I heard the horse is depressed and wonders what it did wrong now that it's lover is no longer around.
It was actually rape. She kept saying "Nay, nay!", but he did it anyway.

Psycho, I linked to the entire documentary that's from earlier in the thread.
Let's say you are the horse and you can choose between:

1. Being tenderly loved by a small dicked (compared to average horse-size) human.

2. Running around racetracks risking injuries and inevitable execution.

3. Pulling heavy coaches or other mundane tasks.
This is the most idiotic thing ever.

Seriously, who in congress comes up with this cr@p?

I dont know whether this is a state crime or a federal crime. I know they are trying to outlaw it nation wide I dont know if they had.

But it has to be the most idiotic law ever to be put forth by congress.

We spend millions probably billions on congress yearly, and not just on their salaries, but on their subordinates salaries, etc.

Probably everyday in congress is another couple million dollar out the window.

So essentially to get this bill to work take time, you have to have a guy present the idea, committee to see public opinion, committee edits it, goes to the congress, doesnt have majority, goes back for editing, voted on again, someone decides to attach some sort of amendmant to build a new naval cruiser (probably not, but you would not believe how many completely random and off topic things get put into unrelated bills, ESPECIALLY, bills about a declaration of war), voted on again, gets passed, goes to the senate, senate wants revisions, revised, another amendmant added something about a limousine for the subordinates of every congressman (again, probably not, just an example of the totally off topic stuff added to these bills), passes congress, passes senate, president vetos/signs which may mean we get to start from the beginning (yay:D), goes to supreme court, decides whether unconstitutional.

So between all that they probably spent atleast a week of time, and I dont mean the time elapsed, I mean literally if you added up all the time spent on that bill it would probably equal 168 hours. And probably atleast a few dozen million dollars went out the window.

Than it gets sent to the states to get approved, if any of the politicians value their jobs (or lives depending on how far south they are:D) it will get passed.

So than the police get introduced. And amazingly, nothing happens.

Problem is, how the hell do you catch someone doing it? first off because you need a warrent to spy on them, and typically speaking you need something more than unwarrented suspicion.

It's like the idiotic waste of time that is the law against burning the national flag. If you really wanted to burn the national flag, you would throw it in your fire place and nobody would ever know.

So essentially we wasted probably upwards of 100 million dollars of the tax payers money and an easy month in congress voting a law that is practically unenforceable, and how many people actually has sex with an animal? Maybe like .00000000000001% of the population? So we wasted a hundred million dollars on maybe like a few dozen people WHOM WILL NEVER GET CAUGHT. Well except for this guy...

They could be using that money to fix the economy, instead their wasting it because they think their is an epidemic of people burning flags and having sex with animals....
It was actually rape. She kept saying "Nay, nay!", but he did it anyway.

Psycho, I linked to the entire documentary that's from earlier in the thread.

The prisoner says it's all been a night mare.
He thought he'd already had a complete discharge.
After all it was only a petty offence. (pet-ty offence geddit?)

Seriously, perhaps she's forgiven him
But will she be allowed visiting rights?
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