Man Gets 3 Years for Sex with Horse

I doubt he'd live to tell the tale if the latter was true. Many people have died from internal injuries after being sodomised by horses. This case, for example, makes for an eye-watering read.

That was the late Mr. Hands (link is to the Wikipedia page about him).

"Many people have died"? I can't imagine that too many people have been twisted/adventurous/brave enough to try that. But I was pretty amazed to find out that anyone had actually gone through with it ever.
That was the late Mr. Hands (link is to the Wikipedia page about him).

"Many people have died"? I can't imagine that too many people have been twisted/adventurous/brave enough to try that. But I was pretty amazed to find out that anyone had actually gone through with it ever.

Well 'many' is a fairly vague term of quantity anyway, let's not quibble over numbers. All I'm saying is do a Google search - there are more known cases than you think.
All I'm saying is do a Google search - there are more known cases than you think.

I'll pass on the Google search. The exact number of people corrupting the morals of horses in this manner can remain a mystery to me. The only good thing to come of this are some of the clips on YouTube of people reacting to seeing the Mr. Hands clip. Some of those are actually funny.
Back in the days when it was considered evil for unmarried people to have intercourse, bestiality was only laughed at, not persecuted. The reason there are so many old jokes about it is that it happened.

If this guy is such a loser that he can't find a woman to have sex with, what do they expect him to do, go out and rape one? Even losers worry about getting HIV from a hooker, and they don't all live in the rural parts of Nevada where it's legal and safe.

Still, by any moral standard he should at least buy his own animal. You don't get to borrow your neighbor's horse for any reason without asking. In the Wild West you could be legally shot on sight for that.

Well for riding it, anyway. I don't know what they would have done to this guy in Tombstone.
Not sure how tongue and cheek this was, but I don't really think it would be fair to the animal he bought. How does an animal give consent to someone with that much power over it. I also think it is unlikely he simply cannot find a woman. I think it is more likely he is messed up, unfortunately not in some mild endearing way like having a foot fetish.
The real crime here was stupidity, if he wanted want to bugger horses, he should just buy a mare and get a place out in the country where he and the missus can have some privacy.
Sex with animals is still a crime everywhere .
Animals need protection too .
I just wonder what really pushes a person to have sex with an animal....:confused: .
Maybe those animals are the only ones who have ever been physically affectionate to them and they mis-read it. Like a pedophile thinking a 3 yr old is flirting with them.
I still think think this is a very long and very harsh sentence for this stupid crime . Jail is just a waste of time and a waste of money but when it is necessary then it is .
OK, how many animals does he need to rape before its justified? Or does it have to be a specific kind of animal?
Unless it was a poni, the horse probably didn't even notice it...
I would think a 6 months sentence is sufficient and sends a clear message to this sick individual .

did you read the article. Its the second time he's been caught. His second time in court for the same offense.
Three years? Huh. If he had shot and killed the horse it would probably be considered malicious destruction of property, which in my state if the horse was worth under $20k (which I'm guessing it was) would only get him one year in jail...