Man’s laws are better than God’s. This is the irrefutable reason.

Are you saying that if you are caught speeding at 10 KH over the speed limit, you would think it fair that your fine should be the same as the one who was fined for going 100 KH over the limit?

No, that wouldn't be fair. But under the current system (at least in Australia) I was once fined for doing 84 in an 80 zone, down a hill on a three lane freeway. The fine was more than $100.00. Do you know how often you have to take your eyes off the road to make sure you don't accidentally do that?

Our current laws allow for revenue raising under the guise of road safety. It means that we have laws that aren't reasonable anymore. The entire legal system is to some extent susceptible to that kind of corruption.
I didn't realise we were talking about perceptions of "fair", but this already been addressed in my second point:

Fair, just, better, call it what you will.

Stop dancing. Are you saying that one penalty in hell for eternity is good justice regardless of the sin?

There is no problem with laws.
It is a problem who enforces these laws. :itold:

That is why God and his laws are irrelevant and churches can only use fear tactics to try to enforce them or demand $$$ for their intervention with the big imaginary guy.

Law without enforcement is just hot air.

the idea that god's law which controls the universe and everything in it, is inferior to man's law, which can be bought and sold among men at best, is ridiculous.

If God was controling all you say then I could not write that both you and he are loonier than toons.

Stop dancing. Are you saying that one penalty in hell for eternity is good justice regardless of the sin?
I suggest you re-read my post.
A law is a law.
The idea that it should be variably applied is a human one. And we know humans to be flawed.
No, that wouldn't be fair. But under the current system (at least in Australia) I was once fined for doing 84 in an 80 zone, down a hill on a three lane freeway. The fine was more than $100.00. Do you know how often you have to take your eyes off the road to make sure you don't accidentally do that?

Our current laws allow for revenue raising under the guise of road safety. It means that we have laws that aren't reasonable anymore. The entire legal system is to some extent susceptible to that kind of corruption.

Yes. Some laws are just tax grabs and we have become economic units for a greedy and sometimes corrupt system.

We get what we vote for though, sometimes.

don't you think if the term law was used in the same context as science does, it wouldn't need enforced.

Scientific laws are not designed or rightly said, discovered, for social manipulation and control so we are comparing apples and oranges.

I suggest you re-read my post.
A law is a law.
The idea that it should be variably applied is a human one. And we know humans to be flawed.

I said nothing about variably applying law.
I see that we do not understand each other.
Pointless to continue.

I said nothing about variably applying law.
Are you saying that if you are caught speeding at 10 KH over the speed limit, you would think it fair that your fine should be the same as the one who was fined for going 100 KH over the limit?
I see, you just meant varying the penalty. Very close to a semantic quibble.

If a law is set and the penalty for doing so has been specified, and then that law is broken...
The message is simple: this is the law, these are your bounds, don't exceed them. Or else.
one penalty in hell for eternity

This is of course the most absurd injustice of Christian doctrine. Although there are some Christians who believe that the eternal aspect of the punishment is the complete destruction of the soul and that this is essentially the same as non-existence. So the punishment is effectively eternal but the suffering isn't. But whichever way you look at it it's just a tad excessive. The real kicker is that it seems that human beings are more merciful than God is, because many countries don't have a death penalty for any crime and most of the ones that do reserve it only for the most heinous of crimes.
The message is simple: this is the law, these are your bounds, don't exceed them. Or else.

pft..i just got back from the casino for their 2.99 all you can eat tacos, wanted a strawberry margarita, they would not serve it to me cause i left my ID in the truck on the other side of the parking lot (they have a shuttle for their parking lot)


i have been there several times with my daughter, they had always carded her but not me,this was the first time i went in by myself...


the idea that god's law which controls the universe and everything in it, is inferior to man's law, which can be bought and sold among men at best, is ridiculous.

Surely one of the most rational, well thought-out and logical refutations yet posted on Sci.
I salute you.

On principle, Lori's stance is the correct one.

The problem is in how to distinguish between God's law and man's law in specific instances.
The problem is in how to distinguish between God's law and man's law in specific instances.

There is no distinction. God's law (if we are talking moral laws) was created by man in the first place. It is a testament to the inherent desire of man to be greater than himself. This may not always be apparent but such sentiments do exist in many people. Unfortunately however man can be both noble and intolerant at the same time and this is also reflected in God's law. An example of this is the condemnation of homosexuality. That sounds like a very human kind of intolerance to me.
I heard that God just took a few trillion years off of the Pope's eternal sentence for the sexual abuse stuff; however, eternity never ends, anyway, so it didn't really change anything.
so how do we get ppl to control themselves?

The same way we all control ourselves now.
With what we know and have learned. Education and knowledge of good and evil is key just as scripture tries to tell us. A & E became as Gods with it but unfortunately, the early church decided to call our elevation a fall so that they could sell salvation for $$$.

It is just a myth of course but we can still try to learn from it.
