Man’s laws are better than God’s. This is the irrefutable reason.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Man’s laws are better than God’s. This is the irrefutable reason.

Man’s laws can and are questioned and changed when found lacking.
Their penalties are graduated where the penalty is fitted to the crime/sin.

Our first examples of God’s laws are given to us in Eden.

The ancient and modern Hebrews and Jews do not read Genesis literally and see it as man’s elevation and not our fall. Somewhat the way this clip portrays.

The Hebrews and Jews see us going from child to man with Satan, through the talking serpent, being the wise animal described by God. God’s instrument and warning of testing our temptations. Satan, God’s most glorious angel. All in myth of course with no ties to any reality.

Ancient Christians, to this Gnostic Christian, made the fatal error of thinking that God had completely failed in Genesis and started of a corrupted man with a cursed earth and a God that lacks a good moral sense. They thus follow willingly a genocidal maniac.
Somewhat like you or I following the Hitlers and Stalins of history. Insanity by today‘s standards.

Christians were wrong then and now have been indoctrinated so deeply in this idiotic notion of God’s failure, that now, thanks to their purse, the Church hierarchy will not reverse this, fatal to thought, view. They would have to admit that they created the notion of guilt and the Church would lose many $$$.
Can’t place truth above $$$ now can they?

Man’s laws are graduated and have a sliding scale of penalties.

Are God’s laws, with their unchangeable nature and one size fits all ultimate penalty, inferior to man‘s laws?

Just to play *cough* Devil's Advocate:
Man’s laws are better than God’s. This is the irrefutable reason.
Man’s laws can and are questioned and changed when found lacking.
Does not the very fact that a law can be questioned indicate that it is not perfect? That there is room for improvement? In other words it's not as good as it could be.
So how do you maintain that something you have already acknowledged as lacking be considered to be better than something (supposedly) handed down from a "perfect source"?

Their penalties are graduated where the penalty is fitted to the crime/sin.
This is based on the assumption that penalties should be graduated. And the source for this belief turns out to be... flawed human reasoning/ experience etc.

Irrefutable? Nope. :D
Of course my view is that it's all man's law, only that one is reinforced by the mythical authority of the divine.
Just to play *cough* Devil's Advocate:

Does not the very fact that a law can be questioned indicate that it is not perfect?

It's perfection, if it has any, can only be know by questioning and looking at it's perfect logic trail. If not questioned, how could it's perfection be shown?
It could not.

That there is room for improvement? In other words it's not as good as it could be.
So how do you maintain that something you have already acknowledged as lacking be considered to be better than something (supposedly) handed down from a "perfect source"?

Supposedly yes.
Yet that same perfect source, if it is the Bible we are talking about, also says that genocide is a good form of justice even as the perpetrator, God in this case, could have cured all instead of killing all.

Way too strange a situation not to be questioned.

This is based on the assumption that penalties should be graduated. And the source for this belief turns out to be... flawed human reasoning/ experience etc.

Irrefutable? Nope. :D

Are you saying that if you are caught speeding at 10 KH over the speed limit, you would think it fair that your fine should be the same as the one who was fined for going 100 KH over the limit?

Are God’s laws, with their unchangeable nature and one size fits all ultimate penalty, inferior to man‘s laws?

How on earth do you know what God's laws are?

Do you really believe that some things you hear claimed to be the God's laws, really are God's laws?
man always finds exceptions to mans laws..
show me a law and i will try to show how man has made exception to it..
(this is legislative law we are talking about and not scientific law correct?)
Man has already easily outdone the vision of the ‘Creator’ in showing how good life could and should be.
How on earth do you know what God's laws are?

Do you really believe that some things you hear claimed to be the God's laws, really are God's laws?

No. To me, all that is written about God has been written by men.

It is silly literalists and fundamentals that I mostly address.
They believe that the laws in the Word of God are God given.
This is part of their delusion.

man always finds exceptions to mans laws..
show me a law and i will try to show how man has made exception to it..
(this is legislative law we are talking about and not scientific law correct?)

Correct and thanks for showing one of the good reasons why man's laws are better than god's. Not all, as you say, is black and white. The world is gray and the laws should reflect that.

Are you saying that if you are caught speeding at 10 KH over the speed limit, you would think it fair that your fine should be the same as the one who was fined for going 100 KH over the limit?
I didn't realise we were talking about perceptions of "fair", but this already been addressed in my second point:
This is based on the assumption that penalties should be graduated. And the source for this belief turns out to be... flawed human reasoning/ experience etc.
the idea that god's law which controls the universe and everything in it, is inferior to man's law, which can be bought and sold among men at best, is ridiculous.
the idea that god's law which controls the universe and everything in it, is inferior to man's law, which can be bought and sold among men at best, is ridiculous.
Surely one of the most rational, well thought-out and logical refutations yet posted on Sci.
I salute you. :rolleyes:
here's how complex it is...

can man's law fix what's wrong with the world?


are you going to require me to present evidence of that, or can we move on?
here's how complex it is...
can man's law fix what's wrong with the world?
are you going to require me to present evidence of that, or can we move on?
It's your claim (no). You provide the evidence.
yeah, i salute you too, but they don't have an emoticon for that. :)
