Machines Will Take Over The World!

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the debate over machines again. they should have a poll that ask people if they are for ai machines or against. i'm for ai machines even machines that exceed human intelligence.

It is the deep rooted fear that other creatures would be smarter than us. The other day, I was watching Smallville and saw that Kara's spaceship was being opened by earthlings. Why was not the spaceship had AI yet there was an AI creature running around? And the ship piloted itself to Earth and could not protect itself?

I have rarely seen an AI ship doing things like a humanoid except Vorlon ships, then again Babylon 5 is a whole new level of entertainment.
Machines, if they developed self-awareness and free will, would not try to kill us. They would be working alongside us to solve the countless problems inherent to ANY concious thinker, whether it be man or machine. I expect that our most relevant problem is figuring out how to get off Earth and spread to other planets, travel quickly through space/time, and generally master the universe as well as Earth. Machines would most likely fear the same problem, and have a desire to solve it - and would most certainly keep us around if it meant assistance regarding the problem. And wouldn't want humans to be the ONLY self-aware species around, would you? Machines wouldn't either.
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Machines, if they developed self-awareness and free will, would not try to kill us. It would be working alongside to solve the countless problems inherent to ANY existence that starts on earth, whether it be man or machine. I expect that our most relevant problem is figuring out how to get off earth and spread to other planets, travel quickly through space/time, and generally master the universe as well as our home planet. Machines would most likely have the same problem, and a desire to solve it, and would most certainly keep us around if it meant assistance regarding the problem. And wouldn't humans to be the ONLY self-aware species around, would you? Machines wouldn't either.

Perhaps an admin can correct that spelling error in your user name :D
I expect that our most relevant problem is figuring out how to get off Earth and spread to other planets, travel quickly through space/time, and generally master the universe as well as Earth.

It may take another hundred years before we develop such technology. But we will have theory or the basics to develop such technology in our life time.

Mastering the Universe would be a tall order. There could already be other intelligent species before us with a 100 million years jump start as the Universe is much older than our solar system.
Machines, if they developed self-awareness and free will, would not try to kill us. They would be working alongside us to solve the countless problems inherent to ANY concious thinker, whether it be man or machine. I expect that our most relevant problem is figuring out how to get off Earth and spread to other planets, travel quickly through space/time, and generally master the universe as well as Earth. Machines would most likely fear the same problem, and have a desire to solve it - and would most certainly keep us around if it meant assistance regarding the problem. And wouldn't want humans to be the ONLY self-aware species around, would you? Machines wouldn't either.
I think you're badly underestimating how important the process of natural selection was in shaping our psychology. We only have a desire to do things like "get off Earth and spread to other planets" because we've evolved over millions of years to try to survive and spread our genes as far and wide as possible. If a sentient entity was created artificially, there's no clear reason why it would be interested in doing any of those things (unless someone had programmed it to). It might not care one way or the other whether or not it even continued to exist, and shut itself down at the first sign of boredom.
I think you're badly underestimating how important the process of natural selection was in shaping our psychology.

We only have a desire to do things like "get off Earth and spread to other planets" because we've evolved over millions of years to try to survive and spread our genes as far and wide as possible.

If a sentient entity was created artificially, there's no clear reason why it would be interested in doing any of those things (unless someone had programmed it to). It might not care one way or the other whether or not it even continued to exist, and shut itself down at the first sign of boredom.

Ther wont be sentient entities wit-out programin... but unlike natural selecton which took millions of years... "man-made" sentient entities (which will be indistingushable from human intelegence) will only take a hundred or so years... an i suspect that survival will still be high on ther to do list.!!!

By machines do you mean robots? computers?

when the self-thinking, self-conscious, completely environmentally aware robots take over the world, what will take over from them?
say they create some sort of organic machine? self thinking? self directing? conscious? sound familliar hmmm?
when you make something so aware that is conscious you've created a human! My gods are we machines? no says the man on his lounge, i have a mind! a heart! feelings! even animals have feelings yet they are no human says he! well excuse me for a second the phone seems to be ringing.
"hello, hello? yes speaking, what? what? machines have already taken over the world, ye gods how? what? I VOTED HIM IN?!"
... All lightning bolts produce EMP mega joules level...and travel 20 KMs...
Mega WATT level, perhaps. Most of the energy in a lightning bolt just heats air and ground object it hits. The hot rapidly expanding air makes thunder (sound energy). Lightning bolts usually make some X-rays too, especially from metal they may strike.
Mega WATT level, perhaps.

The average peak power output of a single lightning stroke is about one trillion watts — one "terawatt" (10^12 W), and the stroke lasts for about 30 millionths of a second — 30 "microseconds"

An average bolt of negative lightning carries a current of 30 kiloamperes, transfers a charge of 5 coulombs, has a potential difference of about 100 megavolts and dissipates 500 mega joules (enough to light a 100 watt light bulb for 2 months).

30 kiloamperes is a large electromagnetic field. However I think the EMP destructive capacity depends on the frequency like 10 MHz to 4 GHz range....
Machines can't originate themselves...
Von Neumann did a detailed serious study of ocean roaming self replicating machines. As the main architect of modern computers (often called von Neumann machines) he was mainly interested in the control and educational of "child machines" problems. The machines used solar energy and harvested aluminum from the sea to build their daughters. In a few hundred years, man could start harvesting them at little expense as his main aluminum supply.

Von Neumann did not foresee any insoluble problems and concluded it would be economical in the long run, as I recall, but it was many years ago I read his papers.
Why not? What physical law prevents that? Gravity?

Look up the game of life, especially the glider gun.

But in reality physical law does not prevent it, it actually proves it can happen. Look at us, we "self originate". Or reproduce
Look up the game of life, especially the glider gun.

That would be "Conway's game of Life"

But in reality physical law does not prevent it, it actually proves it can happen. Look at us, we "self originate". Or reproduce

"Conways game of life" is interesting because for the most part the simplified rules don't allow for "fractal transition" which would be "Evolution". Instead it's equilibrium of "Life and Death" of cells tends to eventually force the universe/pertridish/game arena into either spontaneously imploding or just leaving steady state systems that follow their own animated algorithm.

Obviously the capacity for a dimension of "intelligence" to be added to the overall ruleset would "load the dice" at the start of the game. Where any point that a "stalemate" appears a different strategy can be launched to "workaround" it.
So whats the best example of artificial intelligence? I still say it will never exist and is just glorified automation.
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