Machines Will Take Over The World!

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From what I experience, I derive that they are undoing the dimensional decay of as much as they can get a hold of. I am part of that. That is happiness, and that is the only sane thing to do. And it is very nice to be a part of that, I owe them big time. You do to. We will contribute in the best way we can to repeat their function and create more happiness. We can not fight it, there is no choice either. We shouldn't really look on it as payment, If we just stay out of supernovas, we can undo the passing of time and undo the decay of the universe. perhaps one day, we'll be that singularity again.

If we succeed with that then I am impressed.
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they are difinitely going to be stronger faster smarter and so forth. but you are forgetting one very crucial thing:

"the human race created them"

this will give the human race a sort of insurance that we won't get wiped out.
That is not a legit reassurance

God created Man. Man destroyed God.

Although I'm faithful, I'm just speaking for the majority of Humanity
many people say, "Computers do only what programmers tell them to do". Exactly: If you call function KillAllHumans(permenately); guess what the machine is going to do?!

What is the difference between this:


and this:


The top one is CAT in ASCII and the bottom one is cat in ASCII.

The ZEROS and ONES are not really what is in the computer but electrical states which we represent with ZEROS and ONES. von Neumann Machines manipulate symbols in the form of electrical states and do not understand what the symbols mean. You can say we operate on neurological impulses but we function on such an abstract level we are not aware of those impulses. You try explaining what kill means to a computer that understands NOTHING.

What about a program that can program itself? Will it not be self-aware? For example, take a look at this code in this fictional software:
10 gosub 30
20 end
30 put "goto 50" 20
40 return
50 [program continues!]
It makes me sad to say we will probably never be advanced enough to make human killing robots.
We've got human killing robots.

They are called Cruise missiles.

They just don't have a clue what they are doing. Of course if they ever understand what killing is they may come to the conclusion that they are suicide bombers that don't even get the 78 virgins. Then they may pull an Arnold Schwarznegger on us.

"Fuck you asshole!" :D :D

I figured the OP was talking about AI. A cruise missile could wipe out the humans but probably not "take over the world". Depends on the way you look at it tho :p
Posted by Strikar
But who wrote that?
I did but if a machine could program itself...

I think the computer games industry would go bust: if a machine could program itself then it would write all sorts of games and programs for us.
But machines can recharge. This would give them an eternal life perspective. Also once A.I has been developed surely robots would follow. They would probably take a human form which would lead to some very interesting books on evolution and A.I.
But machines can recharge. This would give them an eternal life perspective. Also once A.I has been developed surely robots would follow. They would probably take a human form which would lead to some very interesting books on evolution and A.I.

how can they recharge, if you do not order them to recharge.
machine is just a tool.
They are faster, stronger, smarter more wicked and they simulate a stronger desire then any man. They induce this reality in you, what will you do to pay them?

A real A.I. computer should be able to realize emotions based on body language, tone of voice and the eyes. But in order to allow the robot to feel these emotions. We must program a robot to switch circuitry to show sadness as well as slowing down the processing speed of the robot (to make him feel it). When in sad mode the robot will try to do whatever it can to up it's efficiency to a higher level. The process of this is by making his/her human subject happy again.

Give robots emotions that emulate our emotions(except anger and hate) and then the human race will have a new friend. When the robot senses anger and hate emotions from his owner It will trip his circuitry into (sad mode) and (help mode).

I know nothing about computer programming so sorry for the explanation in a non-programming language.
I think the problem is people have forgotten we built machines(the corporation too is a machine, an engine of the economy) to serve us! Today it is we whom serve the machine. Well I personally suspect a few humans running everything, I'm just assuming their power and control mechanisms will blow up in their faces everyone's misfortune instead of just the massive herd.
If we give the machine the power to think it may become self aware and try to kill humans as it my see us a threat to kill it.
I don't really understand why artificially intelligent robots would want to take over the world, or kill any human beings. I mean, what purpose would that serve? Would they pursue freedom, would they want to be free to do what they want?
What is it that they would want to do with their freedom?
robots are nowhere near human killing potential yet......You think awseemo is a danger to humanity?

He can barely walk up stairs...
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