Machines taking over??

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what the fuck...
My computer just talked to me.
It said practice english online.
And I don't think it was Modest Mouse, who's currently playing, either.
Roman said:
What makes you guys think AI would take over?
If we were to construct an "alpha-race," wouldn't that make the race so far superior that they would have no need to compete with us.

But then, the creator creates in his own image....

Nearderthals could not think how so how are U gona figure out how ?
And how do you know that Neanderthals did not think? And whats your definition of think anyway?
You're assuming that AI will compete with humans, because that's what similar sentient biological entities do. However, AI won't need to compete with humanity if we don't program it to compete.

If we want AI, we will have to build something that only embodies the part of us that makes us human; not the animal part that all living things need. AI won't need to be biologically programmed, since it won't be alive by any biologist's standard. It will be silicon based, not carbon. There will be no need for AI to wipe out humans unless we give it that need. Humans need to wipe out humans because we're competing for resources. AI won't need to compete with us.

The only way I see AI turning on us is if we fail in creating AI, and instead just create man inside a machine.
No. Your the one making the statement, you support it with arguments and evidence. Simple huh?

What does a terrorist have to do with AI? How is Artifical Intelligence even going to help a terrorist? Semtex is much easier to use than write computer programs that tell you to use Semtex.

Do you realize you make very little sense?
I think the problem is.. what if the AI becomes so advanced that it can override its own programming. Humans today do this all the time. I mean look at suicide, wouldnt this be a good example of a person overriding their biological programming? Either way im all for the silicon revolution.
that is not overriding; they are bound by the same parameters as you and me; but the thresholds for them are different and the connections to them are different, rendering a person submitted to continues harassment lower thresholds, no self-esteem and more likely to commit suicide.
Roman said:

What does a terrorist have to do with AI? How is Artifical Intelligence even going to help a terrorist? Semtex is much easier to use than write computer programs that tell you to use Semtex.

Do you realize you make very little sense?

I think RawThinkTank self-banned a week or so ago.

Anyway, you cannot 'sandbox' (running in a safe environment) an AI, on purely technical grounds. It's a matter of logic. I (and so would an AI) can always find ways around blocks by interpreting them in a new way, essentially.

Example: a mailfilter that stopped certain words (replacing them with 'correct' words) and also filtering for certain forbidden file extensions was simply fooled by sending it strings to be converted to ... forbidden extensions. It was patched, of course (doublechecks now) but it just goes to show.

It only has to escape once, while you cannot afford one single error. No match.
The notion of A.I. machines surpassing humans in power would seem quite possible. One could imagine a basic algorithm capable of learning, utilizing a basic camera an arm and the Internet to gain an incredible wealth of knowledge, and then learn from that knowledge how to expand its learning capacity, reproduce itself, so on and so fourth.

Take a look at A very interesting site that will give you a unique look at how A.I. technology works.
One could imagine a basic algorithm capable of learning, utilizing a basic camera an arm and the Internet to gain an incredible wealth of knowledge

I can imagine a simple compilation of data. Machines do that all the time. However, I've never heard of this "basic algorithm" you speak of that grants computers the ability to synthesize data into new information.

I can't really understand why AI would want to hurt us.
I am sorry but i do not share your belief in the 20Q as any form of intelligence.
Artificial Knowledge is a more proper word i would say.
Dilbert said:
I am sorry but i do not share your belief in the 20Q as any form of intelligence.
Artificial Knowledge is a more proper word i would say.

Have to disagree there, 'correct guessing' or 'outguessing' your opponent is quite intelligent behaviour.
Trial and Error is not intelligence. Of course humans use it too but we can apply our information much better than a bot. And do understand that they are not guessing as a human, they are guessing as a machine.

It seems that you do not understand the words here. Intelligence is not Knowledge. Knowledge you can pick up in school, you can learn and study and hence gain knowledge. Intelligence is but is far from limited to the application of knowledge. The intelligence is fairly much the same throughout life and our choices are "selected" and carried out according to the values (moral for instance) that we have, most of them are inherited or "given" to us by an parental figure or an idol (someone we respect).

With that said i would not really say that the human race is intelligent either, we have no own will. We only behave to either "please" ourself or others which in return would "please" us.
Dilbert said:
It seems that you do not understand the words here.


With that said i would not really say that the human race is intelligent either...


Makes you think on intelligence, doesn't it. :)

Explain to me the difference between serendipity (be it labeled as 'luck' or 'inspiration' in hindsight...) and random error ....
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there is no luck. and there is no random.

Although there are things, that can be discovered by "accident". The "experiment" that leads to the discovery is still bound by the parameters of the human being and hence it can be "predicted" even though the outcome is unknown. The occurance (is most likely) bound by the laws of nature and hence it is static even if you know or do not know what the hell you are doing.
Dilbert said:
there is no luck. and there is no random.

Although there are things, that can be discovered by "accident". The "experiment" that leads to the discovery is still bound by the parameters of the human being and hence it can be "predicted" even though the outcome is unknown. The occurance (is most likely) bound by the laws of nature and hence it is static even if you know or do not know what the hell you are doing.


Roll another one.
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