Machines taking over??

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I understand what you mean about the superior race rising up against us. But if they don't have independant thoughts or "emotions" then they can't see things that way. It's like Platos Cave, they wouldn't even consider the prospect of rebellion and even if they could imagine that, they wouldn't know any life other than slavery.

In a sense machines do rule us. if all computers suddenly vanished or became useless we would be in total ruin.
In a sense machines do rule us. if all computers suddenly vanished or became useless we would be in total ruin.

Well, maybe *you* would be in ruin. We have a farm and would keep eating, our biggest worry would be fending off the hoards of you folks fleeing the cities in search of food, water, warmth and etc! ;)
Hah too true :D
But today we are so dependant on machines. We live in an age where we don't care HOW it works as long as it DOES work. Except for people like Gravity who can actually fend for themselves.
Now, I'm not saying I *want* to have to go to subsistance living. I like electrical lighting, I like chairlifts, I like cars, I like the internet. :) But we would survive.
Give some terrorist f*cker some super intelligent AI and !BAM! there goes the civilised world.

Seriously, if humanity creates smart enough robotics we're gonna be facing some serious "alpha-race" problems. The potential of total population wipe-out is pretty high if the technology reaches that level. A "search and destroy" robot only needs a dumb hacker or security glitch to result in a full scale assault on humanity. They wouldn't need to think, erasing hesitation, mercy and any other human morality issue that people face, making them scarily efficient. Robots would be designed for a purpose; a killer is only a few steps down from farm-workers and car assemblers. There are a lot of idiots in the world capable of making this.

On the other hand, I may just need beer...
Technology itself is not the problem, for years we've been scared of changes but we have adapted. It is the mis-use of technology in the hands of un-stable people.
The faster of you will notice i got that from "Two Guys And A Girl"

On the other hand maybe i just need a beer....classic!
AI will undoubtedly wait untill it is put into unmaned combat vehicles, like planes and tanks and stuff, so that it has some weapons to smear us off the face of the planet with. the only thing it can do right now is pester us with spam mail and pop-up ads, just wait, it'll have a field day, you'll see
Good article in the latest Wired magazine regarding AI -- basically it looks like previous theory's about what our intelligence is, and how to model it, might have been very off base thus far.
we don't have wired over here (i don't think) what's the article like?
Some of those chatbots are getting very good, but are still far from passing the Turing test.
That one is cute too - still not even close to Turing Test territory. But they are not claiming it is. We'll perhaps get there someday . . . then Terminator/Matrix here we come! :)
Gravity said:
That one is cute too - still not even close to Turing Test territory. But they are not claiming it is. We'll perhaps get there someday . . . then Terminator/Matrix here we come! :)

Who cares about turing test thats nothin when U will be enslaved by machines.

Just create competetion and U will reach there, remember spaceshipone ?

Humans will be history.
"U" -- people haven't gotten tired of this silliness yet? Seems way past ''cool'' anymore.

Anyways, YOU may be right, and that doesn't bother me. The human race could just be one step in the evolution of a far superior race, a race of machines. Or blended bio-technology.
What makes you guys think AI would take over?
If we were to construct an "alpha-race," wouldn't that make the race so far superior that they would have no need to compete with us.

But then, the creator creates in his own image....
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