Machines taking over??

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If the machines are going to take over...why dont they do it now? I mean the U.S is all concentrated on the War On Terror and Iraq and stuff that they would never think that The Terminator is behind them and going to take over the god damn world? So why dont they quit fucking around. Join forces I mean...The sony dog, The Honda Robot, Furby, and other machines along those lines could easly just be screwed up on accident or purpose. and bam all man kind is poof GONE
Because actual machine intelligence is barely at the level of the cockroach, and that only in the most highly advanced artificial intelligence robots at the cutting edge of technology.
Don't worry about the machines taking over, worry about the people who control the machines taking over . . . and perhaps they already have.
Yeah, if the machines themselves took over -- they probably would do a much more logical job of handling things!
hypewaders said:
Machines taking over... How ridiculous. I think I'll go watch TV now.

Lol, when the first cars came they thought it was magic and people ran away from them. Not so long ago they could have never guessed that we have computers now. My point is that technology is advancing fast and before we know it we have computers that think for themselves.

Howabout humans controlling robots with brainwave technology? There is no AI needed there because the human does all the thinking.
albume, why the hell do you think machines taking over the world would be a good idea? yeah, things would be alot more efficient, TOO EFFICIENT. Imagine having no life: wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, do manial tasks for hours, come home, watch tv, eat dinner, crap, it's 1984! Okay, this might sound like some people today, but we can CHOOSE to live that life, or to stray and live a little, or alot in some cases. human inefficiency is the best thing we have, it's what makes us capable of manifesting nightmares, but at the same time, creating beautiful dreams. a world ran by Skynet would be a dull, boring, pointless and inherantly evil place where people might as well blast a hole in their head because the end result would be no different: an unknown, un-morned death forgoten in the depths of a would-be humanity.
coexistence is better, both man and machine reep each other's benefits, working together to run the world, and dare i say, worlds?
Don't worry about machines taking over the world, worry about the people who control the machines taking over the world . . . and in fact, they have!
Because actual machine intelligence is barely at the level of the cockroach

Cockroaches could possibly take over the world. It is just a matter of evolution and mutation.
Cockroaches could mutate and become leathal to the human race. Possibly be the host of a virus spreading to every country in the world.

Hmm, some Ai only works becuase of mutation. Maybe just the sequence is incorrect.
We already live in a world that machines have taken over many of the jobs that humans and animals had. What are you typing on and how is it being transmitted....machines.
It's funny. We have created machines so that things would be easier, but everything is much more complicated than 2000 years ago.

Yeah, machines have taken over... we just sit in front of machines all the day.
No, machines will never take over... they're about as smart as a deku stick!

But what if we are machines? We're just so advanced that no one ever thought of it. All these molekyls in our body are just mechanical... no, just kidding! But how will machines be after 2000 years... or 20000 years? What if they're just like us? Like in the movie A.I....... the mechanical parts will not seem mechanical anymore... they will be just like us... yeah. that would be fun!

i bet the apes are gonna take over too. like in the movei, planeet of the apes. it would be fun. No... propably not!

I wonder if there will come a time when machines do all work and we humans just have fun... why can't it be like that now? Why do we have to have so much unnecessary stuff......
Yeah, you know the dream of the industrial revolution was that the machines would wait on us - be the ultimate servants. However I seem to spend most of my time waiting on machines! Who serves who?

But, still, they are just tools. And the largest supercomputer on the planet doesn't have the common sense of a mouse -- though it probably can crunch numbers faster!
people might as well blast a hole in their head because the end result would be no different: an unknown, un-morned death forgoten in the depths of a would-be humanity

weed_eater_guy, you'd be just as dead having led an empty, boring life as you would if you had lived gloriously.
I'll tell you all why machines don't serve us. because todays world is commercial. I suppose machines could make our lives a lot more easier than they are now with our current technology, but it's expensive. I'm sure you've all heard about Bill Gates's house, it's fully automated, were talking top of the line electronics. He can have ANY software, hardware, robotics etc he wanted what with his job as well as his cash. Yet that's all he has. Because it's so goddam expensive.

I dream of a day when machines can serve us, when mankind doesn't need to do anything. Well actually i'd still like a job, not a hard job obviously but something to keep me busy, stop from getting bored and remind me i'm human.

Personally i don't see the fuss with AI. Why do we want it? So we can have workers? well they don't need to think independantly, that would just complicate things. I think one of the main reasons is just so that humans can marvel at their own genius, we are very vain creatures.
But hey what do i know!

if you dream about when machines can serve us then you are bloody stupid because they are allready. I on the otherhand dream of the day when machines are human; When they think by themselves. You are so must be really naive if you think that a superior race would ever be interested in serving us. Sure, it will work perfectly in the short run but imagine that the world is America and the robots are the black slaves. You know the rest...

The reason why humans have not yet succesfully created any ALF is because they are to proud, they believe that they are the superior race.
Are apes smart? humans claim to think that they are pretty clever but in a very limited (and absolutely not human) way. Okay, so apes can use tools, but they do not think like humans.
Well, every animal on this earth process information in the same way. Undeniable is that the human race is the most evolved (from a human view). In most cases that may be true, in other cases the evolution has taken a turn towards a physical supremacy.
What is true though is that the survival and wellbeing of the induvidual and/or the collective is the single most important in a situation with limited outcomes. Humans, Lions, Apes, Sharks, Flies, Viruses. They all behave in the same way.
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