Luminiferous Aether Exists!

Intellectuals are so afraid of being thought of as stupid. Yet every one of you who thinks that an aether medium is unnecesarry is stupid. Here is why. The Einstein equations tell you that space-time curvature causes gravity. Then you argue, stupidly, that space-time is nothingness. If space-time is nothingness, then how can nothingness curve or cause gravity?

If you don't believe in a medium AND you think I'm insane for talking to aliens, then you are worse than stupid; you are a blithering idiot. Here is why. It took someone who believes in God AND talks to aliens to tell you that nothingness cannot cause gravity to exist. Nothingness cannot cause anything to exist. Duh!
The mathematics looks like this,
$$s^2 = \Delta r^2 - c^2t^2 = \Delta r'^2 - c^2 t'^2$$. However complicated space-time might look, I know this: an electromagnetic field (light) is going to traverse a curvature without breaking phase. The curvature is going to change the frequency and the direction of the light via time dilation and length contraction. But the space-time continuum is not going to shred or damage the phase and frequency information. If I transmit 1000 sinewaves through a curvature of space-time, I'm going to receive 1000 sinewaves on the other side of a curvature in space-time. The aether theory states that space-time is made of aether waves. When aether waves are energized, they become electromagnetic waves.

So the question becomes this: experimentally speaking, how can I create a curvature in space-time? My strategy is to transmit an electromagnetic frequency chirp, repeatedly. The repeated chirp is intended to induce a curvature in space-time. Since slow repetitions don't produce noticeable gravity effects, then the idea is to try it at a faster repetition rate. 1000 repetitions per second is the best I can do right now.

It seems to me that if this gravity beams works, then the effect will be somewhat different than you describe. You see, the first few chirps will begin to bend spacetime. So now the beam is traveling through a warped spacetime. But the chirp is still going to bend spacetime. It does not even know it is already in a spacetime warp, so it bends it more. And the process continues for as long as you have the beam on. This will eventually produce a back hole if it continues long enough. Of course long before that happens the device will be ripped apart by the extreme gravitational gradient at the starting edge of the beam. But the damage is already done. The spacetime will spring back instantly as the device stops sending the chirp repetition. By this time the energy in the warped space was probably the energy equivalent of a mass the size needed to create such a gravity field. This is an immense amount of energy. Probably enough to blast a good size chunk out of the earth and fling it out of orbit. THIS DEVICE IS A BOMB. Let me repeat that for effect. THE DEVICE ... IS A BOMB!!!1!

When I realized this, I had to ask myself, why would the peaceful space aliens give Mazulu the plans for such a device. The answer is clear. Humans are a very warlike race. The space aliens know that if we ever venture into the stars we will leave a path of death and destruction. So they telepathically transmit a plan for a seemingly simple gravity beam device that any calibration technician can construct in his free time out of common household items. Tech builds the device. Tech switches it on and Kablooie. The space aliens have solved their human problem. I wonder if they have destroyed any other races/planets this way?

Will Dr Mazulu turn the device on? Will the planet earth be destroyed? Is it the end of the human race? Tune in next week to Dr Mazulu And The Space Aliens as Mazulu constructs the tin foil gravity beam antenna!
It seems to me that if this gravity beams works, then the effect will be somewhat different than you describe. You see, the first few chirps will begin to bend spacetime. So now the beam is traveling through a warped spacetime. But the chirp is still going to bend spacetime. It does not even know it is already in a spacetime warp, so it bends it more. And the process continues for as long as you have the beam on. This will eventually produce a back hole if it continues long enough. Of course long before that happens the device will be ripped apart by the extreme gravitational gradient at the starting edge of the beam. But the damage is already done. The spacetime will spring back instantly as the device stops sending the chirp repetition. By this time the energy in the warped space was probably the energy equivalent of a mass the size needed to create such a gravity field. This is an immense amount of energy. Probably enough to blast a good size chunk out of the earth and fling it out of orbit. THIS DEVICE IS A BOMB. Let me repeat that for effect. THE DEVICE ... IS A BOMB!!!1!
If the emitter is turned off, then space-time will indeed spring back instantly. Even if it's not turned off, space-time will also spring back instantly. So it's really a question of how many chirps does it take to curve space-time, and then how quickly does space-time spring back?

The aliens I communicate with are benevolent and have the best intentions. They were very careful about analyzing my character and intent. I was very honest with them. I told them I wanted to use the gravity drive information to tease and taunt the physics community; and try to implement it. They were fine with that.
They were very careful about analyzing my character and intent.

Yes I have heard that aliens very thoroughly analyze all their contactees with odd and dangerously shaped metal probe thingies. Just curious, is it very painful? And what's up with the cattle mutilations? Why the interest in disecting cow reproductive parts? Those aliens are pretty strange if you ask me. I am sure you are not a good judge of characters when it comes to space aliens with their exotic psychologies. You see a spectral entity from another dimension and immediately assume they are spiritually advanced beings who mean us no harm. Maybe they worship giant brain eating insects or collect human skulls as trophies. You don't know. You might think you know, but believe me, you do not know. You don't seem to be a good judge of anything.
If you don't believe in a medium AND you think I'm insane for talking to aliens, then you are worse than stupid; you are a blithering idiot. Here is why. It took someone who believes in God AND talks to aliens to tell you that nothingness cannot cause gravity to exist. Nothingness cannot cause anything to exist. Duh!

Some wiseguy once said:
We put thirty spokes together and call it a wheel;
But it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the wheel depends.
We turn clay to make a vessel;
But it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the vessel depends.
We pierce doors and windows to make a house;
And it is on these spaces where there is nothing that the usefulness of the house depends.
Therefore just as we take advantage of what is, we should recognize the usefulness of what is not.​

I think that makes a lot of sense. To have something requires nothing(ness). I know you are all about the usefulness of things. It seems that empty space is more useful than you are aware of.
Intellectuals are so afraid of being thought of as stupid. Yet every one of you who thinks that an aether medium is unnecesarry is stupid. Here is why. The Einstein equations tell you that space-time curvature causes gravity. Then you argue, stupidly, that space-time is nothingness. If space-time is nothingness, then how can nothingness curve or cause gravity?

If you don't believe in a medium AND you think I'm insane for talking to aliens, then you are worse than stupid; you are a blithering idiot. Here is why. It took someone who believes in God AND talks to aliens to tell you that nothingness cannot cause gravity to exist. Nothingness cannot cause anything to exist. Duh!

We don't mind at all that you consider us stupid. Why? Because we all know that you are totally insane! You had better get professional help VERY soon before you are FORCED into a mental institution by those close to you.
Some wiseguy once said:
We put thirty spokes together and call it a wheel;
But it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the wheel depends.
We turn clay to make a vessel;
But it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the vessel depends.
We pierce doors and windows to make a house;
And it is on these spaces where there is nothing that the usefulness of the house depends.
Therefore just as we take advantage of what is, we should recognize the usefulness of what is not.​

I think that makes a lot of sense. To have something requires nothing(ness). I know you are all about the usefulness of things. It seems that empty space is more useful than you are aware of.

Nice poetry/prose. Very Zen. :)

In the same sporting spirit of your posts to Mazulu....

But Mazulu's question remains: how can the 'nothings' in the doorway, wheel etc etc get 'curved' unless they are a different sort of 'something' you merely label 'nothing' because you don't know what it is?

It's like Dark Matter and Dark Energy; we know it's there, but we call it 'Dark' because we don't know what they are. Similarly, Mazulu et al call the 'something we don't know' a medium/aether type 'something' which is not 'nothing'.

Scientists get away with these semantics when it suits them, but when aether proponents use these semantics its all so terrible!

Perhaps it's the wrong terminology? Maybe aether supporters should call the aether/medium "Dark Something" because that's what professional scientists do when they don't know 'the something' that they are looking at but cannot yet identify. :)

How about you both cool down and just agree to disagree? :)

After all, there's enough 'Dark Somethings' to go around, let's not be too eager to 'corner the market' on these semantics, hey!
We don't mind at all that you consider us stupid. Why? Because we all know that you are totally insane! You had better get professional help VERY soon before you are FORCED into a mental institution by those close to you.

Take it easy. Perhaps he is driven to calling others names because he himself has been the target of name calling etc from the word "go"? It takes two/more to tango, hey?
We don't mind at all that you consider us stupid. Why? Because we all know that you are totally insane! You had better get professional help VERY soon before you are FORCED into a mental institution by those close to you.

You can only be institutionalized if you are unable to take care of yourself. I have a job. I pay my bills. I maintain my responsibilities.

This is why I think many of you are stupid. You believe that gravity is caused by curvature of space-time (which is perfectly fine). But then you think that space-time is nothingness (this is the stupid part). You intellectuals think that nothingness causes gravity. That is batshit crazy.
Take it easy. Perhaps he is driven to calling others names because he himself has been the target of name calling etc from the word "go"? It takes two/more to tango, hey?

Understood. HOWEVER he continues to make claims about talking to aliens and other similar garbage - while learning absolutely nothing! Such a person cannot even remotely be considered sane! <shrug>
Take it easy. Perhaps he is driven to calling others names because he himself has been the target of name calling etc from the word "go"? It takes two/more to tango, hey?

Nope. I can see that space-time is something that exists and can be described as a medium. Those of you who don't, are too stupid to realize that space-time is not nothingness. Space-time is something, something that can cure, something that can be manipulated to curve.
You can only be institutionalized if you are unable to take care of yourself. I have a job. I pay my bills. I maintain my responsibilities.

This is why I think many of you are stupid. You believe that gravity is caused by curvature of space-time (which is perfectly fine). But then you think that space-time is nothingness (this is the stupid part). You intellectuals think that nothingness causes gravity. That is batshit crazy.

Not nearly as crazy as YOU present yourself to be. Mark my words - the guys carrying the funny little white jackets WILL come for you someday. Your coworkers and friends (if you even have any) will catch on to your mental problem eventually and will want you removed from society.

Edit to add: By the way, NO one is claiming that gravity is caused by nothingness - that's just more of your foolish, faulty reasoning ability to think any of us have said that.
Nice poetry/prose. Very Zen. :)

In the same sporting spirit of your posts to Mazulu....

But Mazulu's question remains: how can the 'nothings' in the doorway, wheel etc etc get 'curved' unless they are a different sort of 'something' you merely label 'nothing' because you don't know what it is?

It's like Dark Matter and Dark Energy; we know it's there, but we call it 'Dark' because we don't know what they are. Similarly, Mazulu et al call the 'something we don't know' a medium/aether type 'something' which is not 'nothing'.

Scientists get away with these semantics when it suits them, but when aether proponents use these semantics its all so terrible!

Perhaps it's the wrong terminology? Maybe aether supporters should call the aether/medium "Dark Something" because that's what professional scientists do when they don't know 'the something' that they are looking at but cannot yet identify. :)

How about you both cool down and just agree to disagree? :)

After all, there's enough 'Dark Somethings' to go around, let's not be too eager to 'corner the market' on these semantics, hey!

Dark matter is the quantity of mass that scientists can't see, that explains the angular velocity of galaxies.

Dark energy causes the universe to expand.

Try not to sound less educated than the guy who talks to aliens. Ok?
Not nearly as crazy as YOU present yourself to be. Mark my words - the guys carrying the funny little white jackets WILL come for you someday. Your coworkers and friends (if you even have any) will catch on to your mental problem eventually and will want you removed from society.

Edit to add: By the way, NO one is claiming that gravity is caused by nothingness - that's just more of your foolish, faulty reasoning ability to think any of us have said that.

Why? Because I see space-time as something that can be manipulated by EM frequency chirps? Because I am working on an experiment that could prove it? Or is it because I call the search for a Higgs particle a colossal waste of time, money and talent?
Why? Because I see space-time as something that can be manipulated by EM frequency chirps? Because I am working on an experiment that could prove it? Or is it because I call the search for a Higgs particle a colossal waste of time, money and talent?

Nope, none of the above. Because you claim to talk to aliens among other crazy, insane things.
Yes I have heard that aliens very thoroughly analyze all their contactees with odd and dangerously shaped metal probe thingies. Just curious, is it very painful? And what's up with the cattle mutilations? Why the interest in disecting cow reproductive parts? Those aliens are pretty strange if you ask me. I am sure you are not a good judge of characters when it comes to space aliens with their exotic psychologies. You see a spectral entity from another dimension and immediately assume they are spiritually advanced beings who mean us no harm. Maybe they worship giant brain eating insects or collect human skulls as trophies. You don't know. You might think you know, but believe me, you do not know. You don't seem to be a good judge of anything.
You don't think I'm a good judge of character. Let me tell you something. Your character is much more distinct than other people here in this forum. I've noticed that you pepper your "helpful" comments with insults. Sometimes you say nice things, but it's insincere. In fact you come across as insincere. I know I wouldn't want you as a friend because I don't trust you. You come across as a backstabber.

In contrast, everyone in my life always knows where I stand. I am very straightforward with others. Underneath it all, I sincerely want to be a good and honorable person. So a far as all this judge of character bullshit, you do have a habit of making false accusations based on zippo evidence. So I've judged your character based on how you act.
Understood. HOWEVER he continues to make claims about talking to aliens and other similar garbage - while learning absolutely nothing! Such a person cannot even remotely be considered sane! <shrug>

What business is it of ours where he attributes his inspiration for questions/experiments? I have seen him ridiculed for being honest about his personal 'beliefs' etc; but again, what business is it of science whence the new ideas/efforts come? It's the science and the effort to 'find out' that matters to science. All the rest is personal kindergarten playground BS. He has been ridiculed and now he is lashing out because of that. That is what happens when supposed scientists think that it's ok to have 'sport' with those not to their liking (for whatever reason). Science and scientists should be better than that. Cheers.
Nope. I can see that space-time is something that exists and can be described as a medium. Those of you who don't, are too stupid to realize that space-time is not nothingness. Space-time is something, something that can cure, something that can be manipulated to curve.

Luckily, from my perspective it is 'energy-space', not 'space-time' or 'aether' etc; which works out more consistently from scratch in my TOE, and without all the semantic contortions from either 'side' in the 'aether/spacetime' debate. It IS the fundamental medium wherein and wherefrom all other properties and phenomena arise and evolve and subside. The original unified field in other words. So you're preaching to the choir in my case, Mazulu!

However, from my own consistent TOE perspective (I will be publishing soon), your described experiment won't do what you describe, because that is not the source of gravity/curvature (of energy-space). It is quite another mechanism that 'curves' the energy-space. In my TOE perspective, gravity effect/curvature is an 'emergent' phenomenon and is not part of the original 'unified forces' state in the original fundamental 'unified field' of universal energy-space.

Anyhow, I don't want to stop you trying that experiment, for you never know what 'serendipity' may have in store for your experimental efforts, however inspired. Maybe you will find something else in the result of your experiments/ideas. Go for it!