Luminiferous Aether Exists!

Apparently, the physical composition of the aether (what it's made of) is unlike anything that anyone has ever experienced. In my view, the aether is composed of wave-functions. Wavefunctions are not just math; wave-functions exactly describe the phenomena of aether waves.
In other words, for an aether medium made of wavefunctions, those wavefunctions, when they become energized, they become electromagnetic fields.

So lets look at your "ontology".

Base level: Spacetime
spacetime contains: wave functions
spacetime contains: aether <-- the subject we are discussing.
aether is made of: wave functions
electromagnetic fields are made of: wave functions

Where is the need for aether? It doesn't seem to be doing anything. I know that you said that physical constants would be properties of the aether, but we already assign those to spacetime and it is not a problem. I see no need to bundle up the physical constants and assign the (inappropriate) word "aether" to them.
So lets look at your "ontology".

Base level: Spacetime
spacetime contains: wave functions
spacetime contains: aether <-- the subject we are discussing.
aether is made of: wave functions
electromagnetic fields are made of: wave functions

Where is the need for aether? It doesn't seem to be doing anything. I know that you said that physical constants would be properties of the aether, but we already assign those to spacetime and it is not a problem. I see no need to bundle up the physical constants and assign the (inappropriate) word "aether" to them.
In addition to your list, these waves exist across the complete range of frequencies and wavelengths. These same waves have the speed of light built into them. I've said that a lot. But here is something new.

Every particle in the standard model (gluons, quarks, leptons, bosons) exists as a composite of EM frequencies. That's why particle-anti-particle annihilation yields gamma rays (a burst of photons). For example, an Up quark would exist as a frequency range from f_1 to f_2. It's very existence would be a range of aether medium wave frequencies. For every one of its frequencies, that particle has a range of wavelengths and therefore a range of momentums.
$$p = \frac{h}{\lambda} = hk$$. When all of the aether waves in the frequency range have momentums that point in the same direction, the particle will be traveling very close to the speed of light. When the momentums of all of the frequencies point in random directions, the particle approaches very slow velocities.

In this way, all particles remain part of the space-time continuum. Gotta go!
Mazulu, you used to claim that space and time were made of aether waves. I know that is not a problem for someone like you that can effortlessly use "non-linear" logic. Here is what you said on the gravitycontrol forum aug 19 this year:

It is my opinion that space-time is made of aether waves which obey the relationship: wavelength*frequency=speed of light c = 300,000 km/sec. Distance is made of wavelengths of aether waves. Time is made of the frequencies of aether waves. As a consequence, the speed of light is always measured to be c. It is my opinion that there are coexisting universes that have much larger speeds of light; in effect, they would be considered hyperspace and could be used for interstellar travel.

So in your theory the aether is not inside of space-time. While the word aether is meant to mean something filling space.

Back to your ontology: A wave function inside of another wave function, would not that be just third wave function? As far as I know there are only a few ways to combine functions and they always just leave another function. Perhaps you could show how the functions interact in a abstract form. Say the aether wave function is f(x) and the electromagnetic wave function is g(x). How would you write the what ever it is you are saying? [For instance: f(g(x)) or f(x)/g(x) etc.]

Why attach the word "aether" to a wave function when the name is clearly inappropriate and unnecessary? I know that you want to free the world of physics from the oppressive shackles of mathematics, but are you trying to free us from the shackles of language too? Such free form use of language is very difficult to communicate anything in. Regular language is difficult enough without redefining words.

No one can understand your theory because even you do not understand it.
Mazulu, you used to claim that space and time were made of aether waves. I know that is not a problem for someone like you that can effortlessly use "non-linear" logic. Here is what you said on the gravitycontrol forum aug 19 this year:So in your theory the aether is not inside of space-time. While the word aether is meant to mean something filling space.
Hi Cheezle,
I want to give you a very clear picture of what I have in mind. In my view, the laws of physics exist because of a medium called the luminiferous aether. This luminiferous aether contains the medium of our space-time and our universe (where speed of light c = 3x10^8 m/s). And it contains other mediums/space-times/universes where the laws of physics are different. Two mediums can overlap in the same space at the same time. Generally energy does not transmit from one universe to the other; but it's not impossible either.

I like science fiction and the idea of traveling through hyperspace. For this to be possible, the medium of our universe, our space-time, will have to overlap with a coexisting hyperspace universe, coexisting hyper-space-time. I believe that the big bang occurred within a much larger hyperspace universe.

Back to your ontology: A wave function inside of another wave function, would not that be just third wave function? As far as I know there are only a few ways to combine functions and they always just leave another function. Perhaps you could show how the functions interact in a abstract form. Say the aether wave function is f(x) and the electromagnetic wave function is g(x). How would you write the what ever it is you are saying? [For instance: f(g(x)) or f(x)/g(x) etc.]
I got the idea for a wave aether from the wave-function description of the Double slit experiment. When both slits are open, the particles will pass through the slits creating an interference pattern, even if the particles were fired one at a time. You could fire one particle every 24 hours. It might take a while, but eventually you would get the interfeence pattern. That lead me to believe that the wave-function existed even when no particle was being fired. In the article, there is the equation $$Dsin\theta = n \lambda$$. I think nature really does use wavelengths to measure distance because the geometry of space-time is made of wave functions with wavelength and frequency.

If aether wave function is f(x) and electromagnetic wave function is g(x), ...

Why attach the word "aether" to a wave function when the name is clearly inappropriate and unnecessary?
Wave functions are just mathematics. The mathematics that describes the laws of nature is certainly useful, but it's just mathematics. When something is reduced to mathematics, than you're not thinking about what it is that you're really counting. Mathematics hides the natural characteristics of what you're counting. For example, try counting paper clips and compare that with counting jelly beans. How accurate will your counts be if someone walks by and eats some of your jelly beans? Jelly beans are physically real things that have characteristics that might not be accounted for by just mathematics (like the characteristic of being food that someone might eat.).

I use the aether because I'm trying to describe characteristics of space and space-time, characteristics that may not be accounted for by the mathematics. For example, how much energy does it take to curve space-time in such a way that you create a 1g acceleration field the size of a pencil? What if you don't curve space-time using the stress-energy tensor? The mathematics of the Einstein equations don't address this kind of question. But if space-time is a medium, particularly a medium made of aether waves, then it might be possible to curve space-time.

An aether wave f(x) is a naturally occurring ontological physical thing that is described by a mathematical wave-function g(x). Aether waves have physical properties like permittivity and permeability.
Hi Cheezle,
I want to give you a very clear picture of what I have in mind. In my view, the laws of physics exist because of a medium called the luminiferous aether. This luminiferous aether contains the medium of our space-time and our universe (where speed of light c = 3x10^8 m/s). And it contains other mediums/space-times/universes where the laws of physics are different. Two mediums can overlap in the same space at the same time. Generally energy does not transmit from one universe to the other; but it's not impossible either.

Why do I have to drag this information about your theory out of you. Take a look at quant’s theory. He lays it all out for everybody to see. His write up may not be his complete theory but it is enough to let us all know the basics. You on the other hand seem to hide parts of your theory. Like this multiverse view of your aether. You have been using the word aether for a long time in these forums and we only now learn this aspect of how you define the word. As I drag this information out of you, who knows what else you hide.

I like science fiction and the idea of traveling through hyperspace. For this to be possible, the medium of our universe, our space-time, will have to overlap with a coexisting hyperspace universe, coexisting hyper-space-time. I believe that the big bang occurred within a much larger hyperspace universe.

You do realize that the word fiction means ‘made up’. It seems that you are creating a fictional physics for some fictional universe and presenting it in this forum as a real physical theory. You call me a scoundrel an troll and it turns out our roles are reversed. You should put a disclaimer in front of your posts telling us that your views are based on sci-fi books, TV shows and movies.*

I got the idea for a wave aether from the wave-function description of theDouble slit experiment. When both slits are open, the particles will pass through the slits creating an interference pattern, even if the particles were fired one at a time. You could fire one particle every 24 hours. It might take a while, but eventually you would get the interfeence pattern. That lead me to believe that the wave-function existed even when no particle was being fired. In the article, there is the equation $$Dsin\theta = n \lambda$$. I think nature really does use wavelengths to measure distance because the geometry of space-time is made of wave functions with wavelength and frequency.

Ahh, here you change your theory again. You say that nature really does use wavelengths to measure distance but being a measure of something is not really the same as being made of that same thing. You really need to try and stay consistent.

If aether wave function is f(x) and electromagnetic wave function is g(x), ...

Wave functions are just mathematics. The mathematics that describes the laws of nature is certainly useful, but it's just mathematics.

Three statements you have made:
1) Wave functions are just mathematics.
2) Mathematics is just a description.
3) Aether is made of wave functions.

I will leave it to you to make some conclusions from these statements. Your inability to express your ideas comes from the fact that you are making this all up on the fly. You don't really have a theory. You should not be posting this in Alternative Theories. You should be writing a sci-fi book because everything you are talking about is fiction.

When something is reduced to mathematics, than you're not thinking about what it is that you're really counting.

Mathematics is not about counting. A subset of mathematics called Arithmetic is about counting things. Geometry is not about counting. Topology is not about counting.

Mathematics hides the natural characteristics of what you're counting. For example, try counting paper clips and compare that with counting jelly beans. How accurate will your counts be if someone walks by and eats some of your jelly beans? Jelly beans are physically real things that have characteristics that might not be accounted for by just mathematics (like the characteristic of being food that someone might eat.).

You like to say that Mathematics is just a way to describe things. Isn’t that your purpose on these forums? Communication? Now, you might say you prefer to use English to describe things. But there is a problem with that. English (human language in general) is very poor at describing physics. In fact it is very poor at communicating everyday life. For instance, if I say, “The man saw the woman with the telescope.” Who had the telescope? The man or the woman? This statement is ambiguous but most people who hear it will say the man had the telescope. But not all people will think that. Different people have different contexts.

Mathematics is a language can be used to describe things in a very rigorous way. But mathematics is not just a language. That is why some people group maths in the sciences. Mathematics is also a body of knowledge. A shared context. And this context is non-ambiguous. If you have two matrices M and N and you multiply them together, the context of the body of maths tells us that MxN is not necessarily the same as NxM. (notice I am not counting things here). People who have taken Linear Algebra understand this. And they understand that if you rotate an object in 3-space and then rotate it again, the final state of the object may not be the same if you did the rotations in the opposite order. This fact is not a description. It is a fact about the world we live in. This knowledge is a context physicists share so that the two rotation matrices M and N can be understood to behave as I described. Now, I described this in English and that is why I had to provide you with the context. I could not assume that you knew this fact. In mathematics it can be assumed that you already knew that 3-space rotations do not commute. More generally under multiplication matrices do not commute. I don’t have to explicitly give you that context when I say MxN. Notice that this makes mathematics a from the standpoint of meaning very very dense. A short mathematical statement can say a lot.

I use the aether because I'm trying to describe characteristics of space and space-time, characteristics that may not be accounted for by the mathematics. For example, how much energy does it take to curve space-time in such a way that you create a 1g acceleration field the size of a pencil? What if you don't curve space-time using the stress-energy tensor? The mathematics of the Einstein equations don't address this kind of question. But if space-time is a medium, particularly a medium made of aether waves, then it might be possible to curve space-time.

An aether wave f(x) is a naturally occurring ontological physical thing that is described by a mathematical wave-function g(x). Aether waves have physical properties like permittivity and permeability.

Your theory, PIDOOYA.
Why do I have to drag this information about your theory out of you. Take a look at quant’s theory. He lays it all out for everybody to see. His write up may not be his complete theory but it is enough to let us all know the basics. You on the other hand seem to hide parts of your theory. Like this multiverse view of your aether. You have been using the word aether for a long time in these forums and we only now learn this aspect of how you define the word. As I drag this information out of you, who knows what else you hide.

Ahh, here you change your theory again. You say that nature really does use wavelengths to measure distance but being a measure of something is not really the same as being made of that same thing. You really need to try and stay consistent.

Three statements you have made:
1) Wave functions are just mathematics.
2) Mathematics is just a description.
3) Aether is made of wave functions.

I will leave it to you to make some conclusions from these statements. Your inability to express your ideas comes from the fact that you are making this all up on the fly. You don't really have a theory. You should not be posting this in Alternative Theories. You should be writing a sci-fi book because everything you are talking about is fiction.

Mathematics is not about counting. A subset of mathematics called Arithmetic is about counting things. Geometry is not about counting. Topology is not about counting.

You like to say that Mathematics is just a way to describe things. Isn’t that your purpose on these forums? Communication? Now, you might say you prefer to use English to describe things. But there is a problem with that. English (human language in general) is very poor at describing physics. In fact it is very poor at communicating everyday life. For instance, if I say, “The man saw the woman with the telescope.” Who had the telescope? The man or the woman? This statement is ambiguous but most people who hear it will say the man had the telescope. But not all people will think that. Different people have different contexts.

Mathematics is a language can be used to describe things in a very rigorous way. But mathematics is not just a language. That is why some people group maths in the sciences. Mathematics is also a body of knowledge. A shared context. And this context is non-ambiguous. If you have two matrices M and N and you multiply them together, the context of the body of maths tells us that MxN is not necessarily the same as NxM. (notice I am not counting things here). People who have taken Linear Algebra understand this. And they understand that if you rotate an object in 3-space and then rotate it again, the final state of the object may not be the same if you did the rotations in the opposite order. This fact is not a description. It is a fact about the world we live in. This knowledge is a context physicists share so that the two rotation matrices M and N can be understood to behave as I described. Now, I described this in English and that is why I had to provide you with the context. I could not assume that you knew this fact. In mathematics it can be assumed that you already knew that 3-space rotations do not commute. More generally under multiplication matrices do not commute. I don’t have to explicitly give you that context when I say MxN. Notice that this makes mathematics a from the standpoint of meaning very very dense. A short mathematical statement can say a lot.

Your theory, PIDOOYA.

I've said this repeatedly. I took the concept of wave-functions, for each frequency in the EM spectrum, made them obey $$c = \lambda f$$ and called them aether waves.

I'll tell you, it is more of head ache trying to explain this concept then it's worth. I'm working on the experiment. I'll improve my antenna if I have to. I'll boost the power if I have to. If I get something, hurray! If not, boo hoo!.

Yes, I get it that I should be laying out a very clear mathematical description. But clear mathematical descriptions are a dime a dozen. Ultimately, someone has to sit down and say, "ok, how do I test this?" In my view, the experiment is the only part that really matters.
I just realized that the reason you added this stuff about seeing into, and travel through and to other universes is that you must have just seen The Avengers on DVD. That happens in the movie. Loki opens a portal and the aliens attack Earth through it. Your next experiment should be to construct the tesseract device, imbue it with immense energies, and open a doorway into another universe. In your own movie in your mind, you are a super brilliant physicist working for a secret organization to bring alien technology to Earth. May I suggest the name DOCTOR ALIEN! rather than MAZULU. Your super power is advanced alien technology in the form of gravity beam generating wrist bands. I think you need a sidekick (perhaps a gray alien named Fernando) and an arch villain. Hmmm. I may know someone who could be the arch villain. I need to get a spandex suit first though so that I can transform into The CHEEZLE! (note to self, renew gym membership) I will have to get back to you on what my superpower will be. *THHHHWAKK!* *BIFF!* *ZOWIEEEEE!*

Interesting. I just noticed that you quoted my full text with except one paragraph was removed. This is what you left out:
You do realize that the word fiction means ‘made up’. It seems that you are creating a fictional physics for some fictional universe and presenting it in this forum as a real physical theory. You call me a scoundrel an troll and it turns out our roles are reversed. You should put a disclaimer in front of your posts telling us that your views are based on sci-fi books, TV shows and movies.
I just realized that the reason you added this stuff about seeing into, and travel through and to other universes is that you must have just seen The Avengers on DVD. That happens in the movie. Loki opens a portal and the aliens attack Earth through it. Your next experiment should be to construct the tesseract device, imbue it with immense energies, and open a doorway into another universe. In your own movie in your mind, you are a super brilliant physicist working for a secret organization to bring alien technology to Earth. May I suggest the name DOCTOR ALIEN! rather than MAZULU. Your super power is advanced alien technology in the form of gravity beam generating wrist bands. I think you need a sidekick (perhaps a gray alien named Fernando) and an arch villain. Hmmm. I may know someone who could be the arch villain. I need to get a spandex suit first though so that I can transform into The CHEEZLE! (note to self, renew gym membership) I will have to get back to you on what my superpower will be. *THHHHWAKK!* *BIFF!* *ZOWIEEEEE!*
Grey alien named Fernando? Actually I got the idea of coexisting universes from personal experiences I've had, and other people have had. How is it that a spectral entity can appear, but leave no physical trace? Sure mental delusion, but that's no fun. Another way would be that the entity exists in a coexisting universe. The entity tries to enter our universe, but cannot because it's particles only exist in it's universe. But in the process, the entity causes energy to pass into our universe, and it appears as light, as a spectral image.

Maybe that should be your power?
Interesting. I just noticed that you quoted my full text with except one paragraph was removed. This is what you left out:
Yeah, I saw the word "fiction" and my index finger clicked the DEL key; don't know what happened.

OK, I know part of what inspired the idea of using linear frequency chirps. The idea is to create a space-time interval that has an acceleration field/space-time curvature. But you have to continuously transmit the frequency chirp in order to create the "gravity image".

By the way, here is the link to my paper that explains some of this stuff.

And if you're going to play "Avengers", just stay off the furniture. We're not free of gravity yet.
It's ok Cheezle, Alexg. When we die, there is no afterlife. So nothing matters anyway. Or at least that's what the scholars tell us. No magic. No meaning. No God. No soul. Cold cruel world and we're all alone. Drink from the fountain of scholarliness, and embrace your alone-ness. Logic says that life is an accident and that we should embrace our meaninglessness.
It's ok Cheezle, Alexg. When we die, there is no afterlife. So nothing matters anyway. Or at least that's what the scholars tell us. No magic. No meaning. No God. No soul. Cold cruel world and we're all alone. Drink from the fountain of scholarliness, and embrace your alone-ness. Logic says that life is an accident and that we should embrace our meaninglessness.

I don't see that implication at all. It is not logical reach your conclusion based on the discussion. The fact that there are not spectral entities appearing to us from other universes, does not imply that our life is meaningless. Plenty of people can have meaningful lives and never believe in spectral entities or other supernatural beings. All you need is one counter example to show that your thinking is flawed. I don't feel alone and I am happy that I don't see hallucinations such as you describe. And seeing such hallucinations does not automagically give life meaning. A life based on hallucinations does the opposite.
It's ok Cheezle, Alexg. When we die, there is no afterlife. So nothing matters anyway. Or at least that's what the scholars tell us. No magic. No meaning. No God. No soul. Cold cruel world and we're all alone. Drink from the fountain of scholarliness, and embrace your alone-ness. Logic says that life is an accident and that we should embrace our meaninglessness.

You're a 'the glass is half empty' kind guy, huh.
I don't see that implication at all. It is not logical reach your conclusion based on the discussion. The fact that there are not spectral entities appearing to us from other universes, does not imply that our life is meaningless. Plenty of people can have meaningful lives and never believe in spectral entities or other supernatural beings. All you need is one counter example to show that your thinking is flawed. I don't feel alone and I am happy that I don't see hallucinations such as you describe. And seeing such hallucinations does not automagically give life meaning. A life based on hallucinations does the opposite.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe I am an imaginative and creative? According to the "scientific community" imagination is considered a mental disorder. The scientific community is off pursuing a Higgs particle to explain everything,. But guess what! Nobody will be helped by such an explanation. There will be no new products, no new inventions. The Higgs particle explanation is a lot of money wasted and will yield nothing of any value. In contrast, someone with a lot of imagination and creativity is trying to come up with a gravity field generator. But that person is accused of mental illness by a bunch of trolls who do not comprehend the concept of innovation. Long ago, the US Congress killed the Texas supercollider project, back in the 80's. At the time, I didn't understand why. Now I do. Because it's a glorious waste of time and money that won't help anyone. It won't save any lives. It won't lead to technological innovation. It won't give us spaceships or a technological revolution.

Instead, it takes some technician with a belief in God, enough creativity and desire to ask telepathic aliens: how do you build a gravity drive.
Instead, it takes some technician with a belief in God, enough creativity and desire to ask telepathic aliens: how do you build a gravity drive.

This is not imaginative or creative, this is what is known as bat-shit crazy talk.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe I am an imaginative and creative? According to the "scientific community" imagination is considered a mental disorder.

This is not true. The only time imagination is associated with a mental disorder is when you don't know the difference between imagination and reality. It is then referred to as a delusion and may be associated with a number of different mental disorders... Or it may be drug induced by a number of different legal or illegal drugs.
This is not true. The only time imagination is associated with a mental disorder is when you don't know the difference between imagination and reality. It is then referred to as a delusion and may be associated with a number of different mental disorders... Or it may be drug induced by a number of different legal or illegal drugs.

Not according Origin. Look at his quote.
This is not imaginative or creative, this is what is known as bat-shit crazy talk.

According to origin, I am "bat-shit crazy". Why? Because I asked for help from a Higher Power. It doesn't matter that I got a result. I doesn't matter that I was able to come up with an experiment. It doesn't matter that I am working on the experiment. The "scientific community" is very clear about this. They say that there is no God and no Higher Power to commune with. Therefore, if we try, then we are stupid. If we get an answer, then we must be insane.
Not according Origin. Look at his quote.

According to origin, I am "bat-shit crazy". Why? Because I asked for help from a Higher Power. It doesn't matter that I got a result. I doesn't matter that I was able to come up with an experiment. It doesn't matter that I am working on the experiment. The "scientific community" is very clear about this. They say that there is no God and no Higher Power to commune with. Therefore, if we try, then we are stupid. If we get an answer, then we must be insane.

Do you know the difference between what you imagine and what is real?

If not then, you may be subject to delusions and delusional ideas. At which point I believe one of the technical origins of the delusion, is defined as, "bat-shit crazy". But I would not go so far as to diagnose such an extreme mental condition based solely on what I read on an internet discussion group. There could be other equally valid mental conditions that would lead to the same end.

You could also just be playing everyone for the fun of it.

It really all boils down to what you think and whether you know the difference between what is real and what you think.
Do you know the difference between what you imagine and what is real?

If not then, you may be subject to delusions and delusional ideas. At which point I believe one of the technical origins of the delusion, is defined as, "bat-shit crazy". But I would not go so far as to diagnose such an extreme mental condition based solely on what I read on an internet discussion group. There could be other equally valid mental conditions that would lead to the same end.

You could also just be playing everyone for the fun of it.

It really all boils down to what you think and whether you know the difference between what is real and what you think.

I think that reality depends upon one's religous views and one's spiritual values, or lack thereof. I think it is extremelty arrogant of the atheist scientific community to impose its limited outlook on the rest of us. Such arrogance has wasted billions of dollars in the search for a Higgs particle. Who gives a squat about a Higgs particle! It's not going to stimulate the economy one nickel. It's not going to lead to any new products. It's not going to trigger a technological breakthrough. It's not going to do anything for anyone.

In contrast, I have a gravity field generator experiment. It works like this. The space-time interval describes the curvature of space-time. The mathematics looks like this,
$$s^2 = \Delta r^2 - c^2t^2 = \Delta r'^2 - c^2 t'^2$$. However complicated space-time might look, I know this: an electromagnetic field (light) is going to traverse a curvature without breaking phase. The curvature is going to change the frequency and the direction of the light via time dilation and length contraction. But the space-time continuum is not going to shred or damage the phase and frequency information. If I transmit 1000 sinewaves through a curvature of space-time, I'm going to receive 1000 sinewaves on the other side of a curvature in space-time. The aether theory states that space-time is made of aether waves. When aether waves are energized, they become electromagnetic waves.

So the question becomes this: experimentally speaking, how can I create a curvature in space-time? My strategy is to transmit an electromagnetic frequency chirp, repeatedly. The repeated chirp is intended to induce a curvature in space-time. Since slow repetitions don't produce noticeable gravity effects, then the idea is to try it at a faster repetition rate. 1000 repetitions per second is the best I can do right now.

So while you intellectual elitests are patting each other on the backs for pursuing the "completeley and totally useless" Higgs particle, I will continue communicating with a Higher Power with the intent of discovering something useful and beneficial to humanity.
This is not imaginative or creative, this is what is known as bat-shit crazy talk.

I know this is true, because whenever I talk to aliens, they frequently mention guano. Wave propagation never even comes up. They just come over to shoot pool and to use my hot spot to research nitrogen fixation. (It turns out there isn't any on Remulak.) They eat all my eggs and drink all my beer, and then it's guano this and guano that, and they're gone. Go figure. But I'm pretty sure of one thing - if they were going over the blueprints to the universe with me I'd be the first one to come post here so you guys could go back through all your dusty old textbooks and stuff and mark 'em up. (Wow, talk about a get-rich quick scheme. Imagine an Idiot's Guide to Homemade Sonic Screwdrivers. You know those would sell.) But the science is all wrong, that's for sure. I know this because whenever I ask them how does a saucer overcome F = mg, they keep saying "mass quantities" and "guano".

In conclusion, Origin, since you've been patient with me here, I can only assure you that your statement definitely correlates with all empirical evidence as far as I can tell. ;)