
*Originally posted by Xev
I still don't see why the "old serpent" has to be the same serpent that tempted Eve.

How many "old" serpents are there?

*I'm sorry, could you clarify?*

This statement is true, but often claimed to be a lie...

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
(Genesis 2:17, KJV).

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
(2 Peter 3:8, KJV).

Satan says, and lies while doing it, altho many claim the statement is true...

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
(Genesis 3:4, KJV).

And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.
(Genesis 5:5, KJV).

God says, "in that day" and a day is as a thousand years to him.
Adam lived only 930 years which less than a day to God, therefore Adam died "in that day" just like God said he would.

*I'm not aware of it.*

OK, I won't treat "debating" with you as a debate.

*Some make it the basis of theirs.*

An example would be me.

*You think there is a real difference between "fallen" and "cast down" ?*

Only if you think there is a difference between falling and being thrown down.

*True, true, but where does that leave us?*

Us? What us?
I'm OK, but you could be subject to a Job-like thing.

*Alleged beings, then. I do not believe in their existance. But I might refer to Isis or Osiris as a being, for the sake of discussing Egyptian mythology.*

You still haven't explained how not believing in some beings would make you immune to their actions.
That's like saying you don't believe in thieves while being robbed.

*No. I don't believe in Cthulhu or the invisible pink unicorn. I do think that you are a rather intelligent man, and I enjoy our debates.*

I was referring to the fish-person thing and the believing in "stuff" stuff.
I thought you weren't aware of any debate?

Are you two people?

*They what?*


*I don't follow - battle for death? Why would one battle in order to die?*

I guess you really aren't following.
It's not a battle for death, but for your life.
The people who have chosen death seek to convince you not to change your mind to choose life.

*Very true. I base my reliance on logic on circular reasoning - logic is good because it is logical. Also because I've seen more people err from illogical thinking than to err from logical thinking. Skepticism because it helps me get rid of a lot of error. Believing the first thing that you are told without proof will not help one live a good life, or to discover anything true.*

Lucky me.
Atheism is everyone's first choice.
That's why becoming a Christian is called "converting."

However, that circular reasoning you base your life on seems a little, well, circular.
There is no way to check up on your accuracy, or reasonability, or anything for that matter.
On a superficial level, your reasoning may be consistent, but that could mean consistently wrong, and even the determination of that is subject to things like memory.

*Existentialism is more of a label that describes my approach to life, specifically Camus' concept of the Absurd. This stems from my athiesm and disbelief in an afterlife, which stems from skepticism and logic.*

There is nothing inherent in either skepticism or logic which would preclude belief in God.
In fact, you are highly unlikely to meet anyone more skeptical than I, and I believe in God.
I am completely skeptical about the contents of millions of books, whereas most so-called "skeptics" are skeptical about the content of only one.

*Yes, this about describes Socrates' approach to life. Asclepius was the Greek god of health.*

You don't see the supreme irony of that being his approach to life, while he was dying.
Asclepius isn't just the Greek god of health, btw.
He's a demon, and he's the same "god" modern doctors swear allegiance to.
And, many's the modern patient discussing his sacrifice to the same demon while dying from his "treatment."

*He is basically saying that his life has been one long illness, and that he owes the doctor for keeping him alive for so long.*

Of course, had he not been dying, he'd have lived much longer.
Or is that just too obvious a concept?

*Could this not be the result of mental illness on the "possession's" part?*

That's the modern "interpretation" as given by the fathers of modern psychiatry, all of whom were drug addicts, sexual deviants, or suicides, or some combination of all three.
That would practically "prove" they'd be right?

On the other hand, since the demons speak for themselves rather than for the proposed mental patient, it seems fairly obvious that they are themselves rather than the proposed mental patient.
Furthermore, they are quite lucid in their statements even while the possessed are not.
Interestingly, after the demons depart, the possessed return to normal instantly, so something is obviously happening.

*I am subject to no-one but the laws of the United States of America and the demands of morality.*

Sure, and the moon is made of green cheese.
Btw, just out of curiosity, do you know the real reason you are an atheist?

*Why? Okay, stipulating the existance of demons and whatnot, why bother with me? I'm an athiest. I'm damned already.*

To keep you that way.
My purpose is to make sure you don't remain condemned, since a simple change of mind would save you.

*Then they would be hiding from me?*

I doubt that they'd have to try very hard to do that.
After all, you are preconditioned to disbelieve their existence, so any accidental discovery will be easily explained away, by your own mind, yet.
Xev, please read the article I provided. There it clearly proves tht the serpent, lucifer and satan (=devil in greek or latin) are actually 3 different characters and that they can't be one and the same. Christians merged these 3 entities to make one big super demon, giving him enormous powers so tht they can scare potential christians to become christians and for a long term- control christians. Please read, all based on bible quotes, holy scriptures.
How many "old" serpents are there?

Only one is mentioned.

God says, "in that day" and a day is as a thousand years to him.
Adam lived only 930 years which less than a day to God, therefore Adam died "in that day" just like God said he would.

Ah, an interesting interpretation.

Only if you think there is a difference between falling and being thrown down.

I'm tending to veiw the difference as a translator's error.

Us? What us?
I'm OK, but you could be subject to a Job-like thing.

I don't think I have much faith to test. I am, however, quite unlikely to curse God.

You still haven't explained how not believing in some beings would make you immune to their actions.
That's like saying you don't believe in thieves while being robbed.

That's true, very true, but I don't worry about being abducted by aliens either.
The order of probability is so low that I don't have much to worry about.

I was referring to the fish-person thing and the believing in "stuff" stuff.

Oh! Sorry.
No, I don't believe that either. Your Christian bretheren here can annoy the hell out of me, but stupidity is more dependent on the person than on the person than on their religion/lack thereof.

I've met extremely annoying and closed-minded athiests and pleasent and interesting Christians.

I thought you weren't aware of any debate?

I meant elsewhere.

Lucky me.
Atheism is everyone's first choice.
That's why becoming a Christian is called "converting."

Unless one has been raised in a thiestic/Christian enviornment and grows up believing and never questioning, yes.

However, that circular reasoning you base your life on seems a little, well, circular.
There is no way to check up on your accuracy, or reasonability, or anything for that matter.
On a superficial level, your reasoning may be consistent, but that could mean consistently wrong, and even the determination of that is subject to things like memory.

You are partly correct. There is no real way I can test my approach to life, or its reasonableness.

I can see if it is logical, and I can subject it to my own inquiry and the inquiry of others. But that is about it.

And yes, I am aware that testing a belief in logic with logic is circular.

There is nothing inherent in either skepticism or logic which would preclude belief in God.

Correct. But in the absence of evidence for His existance, I do deny the liklihood of such.
I of course cannot outright deny the possibility.

In fact, you are highly unlikely to meet anyone more skeptical than I, and I believe in God.
I am completely skeptical about the contents of millions of books, whereas most so-called "skeptics" are skeptical about the content of only one.

Oh, I do doubt the Q'ran, Bitzvita Gita (spelling?), Tao Te Ching, Mein Kampf, Upainshads, Eddas, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Nietzshe's "Twilight of the Idols", Betty Friedan's "The Feminine Mystique", Richard Dawkin's "The Blind Watchmaker".....well, do you see my point or shall I keep rattling out titles?

You don't see the supreme irony of that being his approach to life, while he was dying.

Frankly, I think Socrates was a bit of a nutcase. A philosopher in the extreme.

Asclepius isn't just the Greek god of health, btw.
He's a demon, and he's the same "god" modern doctors swear allegiance to.
And, many's the modern patient discussing his sacrifice to the same demon while dying from his "treatment."

That would explain my HMO, yet I do feel the need to defend the medical profession against accusations of demon worship.

Of course, had he not been dying, he'd have lived much longer.
Or is that just too obvious a concept?

Like I said, I think that Socrates spent so much living in his head and not enough time actually living.
Nonetheless, he had balls, and died rather well.
It's Plato that I cannot stand.

That's the modern "interpretation" as given by the fathers of modern psychiatry, all of whom were drug addicts, sexual deviants, or suicides, or some combination of all three.
That would practically "prove" they'd be right?

Well, psychiatry has always tiptoed along the line between science, medicine and pseudoscience.
However, much of it is well confirmed.

Do you think demons would leave because of an injection of Haldol?

On the other hand, since the demons speak for themselves rather than for the proposed mental patient, it seems fairly obvious that they are themselves rather than the proposed mental patient.

Oh, I don't find that too obvious. Think of the symptoms and case descriptions of schitzophrenia (sp?).

Furthermore, they are quite lucid in their statements even while the possessed are not.
Interestingly, after the demons depart, the possessed return to normal instantly, so something is obviously happening.

Hysteria? Attention seeking? Malingering?
I think that there is a more prosaic explanation - in fact, I can think of several.

But you know what you saw better than I do.

Sure, and the moon is made of green cheese.

No. I'm likely to respect and follow the advice of certain people, and I obey the laws of my country (more or less, of course), but I am subject to no one.

Btw, just out of curiosity, do you know the real reason you are an atheist?

More or less.

I doubt that they'd have to try very hard to do that.
After all, you are preconditioned to disbelieve their existence, so any accidental discovery will be easily explained away, by your own mind, yet.

Yes, I am more likely to reach for a natural explanation than for a supernatural. Should a natural explanation fail - well, then I would have to reach for the supernatural.


I read it, thanx. But I'm beginning to think that, while the Devil and Lucifer may be different characters, the snake could be described as a manifestation of the Devil in Xtian mythology.

Certainly such an interpretation "works".

Also, Tony has debunked their contention that Lucifer is not mentioned in the OT.

The OT Jews believed one obeyed God out of love, not out of hope for reward or fear of punishment,

This is false. There are numerous references in the OT to God being jealous, and that one should fear God.

I find the article to be fairly good, on average, but I think it has an agenda and I think this agenda has hurt it.
I know tht he as he himself said (I'm a jelous god), but the concept was tht you loved god out of love not fear, how it was really in action we can never quess.
I think it has an agenda and I think this agenda has hurt it.
hey, I didn't write it, but it's the best out there tht researches the particular matter so I posted it. I'm sure you can write better:), with a little atheistical agenda;):D

oh and I have been seeing you little struggle with tony1. I'm fed up with him, it's like talking to a wall. Even Nelson is better in this matter.

the snake could be described as a manifestation of the Devil in Xtian mythology.
when the serpent was introduced there was no christianity, so it can't be a christian concept
I know tht he as he himself said (I'm a jelous god), but the concept was tht you loved god out of love not fear, how it was really in action we can never quess.

Yeah. My knowledge of Judaism is a bit sketchy.

I'm sure you can write better, with a little atheistical agenda

Why thanks! I'm actually thinking of summarizing the conclusions that Tony and I have reached in this thread (with his permission, and proper attribution) and posting it.

Merely for personal consumption.

oh and I have been seeing you little struggle with tony1. I'm fed up with him, it's like talking to a wall.

Adam is going to tease me mercilessly for this one, but I really do think you guys are a bit - er - unfair.

His style is no more acerbic than mine or Cris', and he's quite intelligent and well read when it comes to the Bible.

C'mon, I've been known to compare a poster to various disgusting disease causing micro-organisms. All that Tony has ever done is quote the Bible and tell you that y'all are going to burn.

No use in being offended by that which is quite unlikely to exist, right? C'mon, give him a chance.

Even Nelson is better in this matter.

Tony, to his eternal credit, has not attempted to prove that zero is infinite, explained why, as a virgin, he knows how to bring a woman to orgasm, or pronounced Descartes "crap" without even reading Descartes.

when the serpent was introduced there was no christianity, so it can't be a christian concept

No, but the serpent as devil seems to be in line with Christian doctrine.
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OK I take my words back- Tony is not worse thn Nelson. Nelson is more harmless though:D

serpent and devil are not one and the same just because
if Satan was in Heaven serving God during the lifetime of Job, he could not have been the serpent in the Garden of Eden during the lifetime of Adam and Eve.
simply because serpent was then punnished to forever crawl and eat dust and be an outcast from the worls of god. so sure they may fit into ne concept but they can't be one and the same. It would be like saying tht Washington and Clinton are the same person, because they both were presidents at some point of time (serpent was at the very beggining, satan was some ~4500 years ago)

and serpent is a lot more nicer thn god. he showed the way. he created the first RATIONALIST giving Eve the knowledge, but tht's another topic.
Originally posted by Adam
It seems to me that Lucifer in the christian mythology is 100% about freedom and knowledge. Whereas god wanted to keep humanity ignorant slaves, Lucifer chose to give us free will and reason. Lucifer may indeed be the enemy of an evil dictator, but hardly the enemy of mankind. Any thoughts on this?

Yes. Either read your Bible to understand what is going on, or start your own religion with this as its central theme and you as its prophet.

Have fun.

*Originally posted by Xev
I'm actually thinking of summarizing the conclusions that Tony and I have reached in this thread (with his permission, and proper attribution) and posting it.

Merely for personal consumption.

Sure, go for it.

*No use in being offended by that which is quite unlikely to exist, right?*

Fire is unlikely to exist?

God says, "in that day" and a day is as a thousand years to him.
Adam lived only 930 years which less than a day to God, therefore Adam died "in that day" just like God said he would.
If this is true then in the same context of Genesis shouldn’t we also interpret the term ‘day’ to mean 1000 years in a consistent manner?

If so then I see problems.

On the 6th day God created man. This could mean that God took 1000 years to create Adam, i.e. on the last day of that 1000 years Adam finally appeared. That’s fine so far, but on the 7th day God rested, i.e. he did nothing for 1000 years.

At this point Adam is now 1000 years old and is still alive.

This is confirmed from Genesis 1:31 – And God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day. I.e. Adam was still alive at the end of the 6th day, and we can assume that ‘behold it was very good’ means that sin had not occurred at this point otherwise things could not be considered very good.

If rest means doing nothing then there will be no further interaction from God for another 1000 years, i.e. the 7th day.

The temptation and the eviction from Eden etc. could not then have taken place until at least the 8th day.

What then is the validity of Genesis 5:5, And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died? If God rested for 1000 years then Adam is already 1000 years old. If a day is really 1000 years then Genesis 5:5 is false.

Of course none of this makes sense when one reads Genesis and tries to substitute 1000 years instead of the normal meaning of “day”. In which case Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Must be false since Adam lived many years after eating the fruit.

I don’t think it is possible for Genesis 5:5 AND Genesis 2:17 AND 2 Peter 3:8, to all be true.

If you want to stick with a day meaning 1000 years then we must assume that God did not rest on the 7th day but did work, in which case Genesis 2:2 (God rested) is false since Genesis 3:21 states that God made garments for Adam and Eve, at least.

Everything points to a day meaning a day in the normal sense in which case God is capable of lying since Genesis 2:17 cannot be true.

I’d be interested to see your explanation.

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Fire is unlikely to exist?

No silly, eternal fire is. Eternal fire would contradict the second law of thermodynamics, which is a pretty well verified theory. So it's unlikely to exist.

What, Avatar, just because I was singing "Tony's theme" by Pixies?
The original serpant in Genesis is not the Satan or Lucifer mentioned in the OT. These concepts were merged in later Christian dogma, therefore it's pointless to quote Revelations as proof of their being the same entity since that book is part of that merging. Written hundreds if not thousands of years after the original introduction of the serpant in the OT. One has to view the OT and NT as seperate documents, if not each and every single book as seperate documents. There are many human hands that wrote them, no matter what you view guided them.
*Originally posted by Cris
If this is true then in the same context of Genesis shouldn’t we also interpret the term ‘day’ to mean 1000 years in a consistent manner?

Agreed it should be in a consistent manner.
However, I suspect that you are wishing to define "consistency" in a realm which you have admittedly rejected.

*If so then I see problems.*

No doubt.

*What then is the validity of Genesis 5:5, And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died? If God rested for 1000 years then Adam is already 1000 years old. If a day is really 1000 years then Genesis 5:5 is false.*

Very clever, but misses the point.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
(1 Corinthians 2:14, KJV).

Irritating, but true.

*I’d be interested to see your explanation.*

Nothing to explain.
Your argument is just the flip side of the one that goes, "if a day is as a thousand years then one second is as 0.01157407407 years.
Therefore after 0.01157407407 years, Adam was only one second old."

Both are false.

Other than that, a valiant effort, Cris.

*Originally posted by Xev
No silly, eternal fire is. Eternal fire would contradict the second law of thermodynamics, which is a pretty well verified theory. So it's unlikely to exist.

2LofT may be well "verified," but by whom?
Besides, eternal fire doesn't mean fire that burns eternally, as it does fire which has eternal consequences.

The Bible gives an example.

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
(Jude 1:7, KJV).

The fire isn't still burning, but the cities are gone.

*Just as long as you do not post the sonnets I wrote in his honor.*


*Originally posted by Angelus
The original serpant in Genesis is not the Satan or Lucifer mentioned in the OT.

How do you know?

Granted, it isn't Lucifer, but it does look like it is Satan.

*These concepts were merged in later Christian dogma*

They may have been merged in Catholic dogma, but then everything is merged in Catholic dogma.

*One has to view the OT and NT as seperate documents, if not each and every single book as seperate documents.*

That's why they are called "books," not "chapters."
Originally posted by Adam
It seems to me that Lucifer in the christian mythology is 100% about freedom and knowledge. Whereas god wanted to keep humanity ignorant slaves, Lucifer chose to give us free will and reason. Lucifer may indeed be the enemy of an evil dictator, but hardly the enemy of mankind. Any thoughts on this?

This is the old "Satan is cool" rap.

You see Adam, the reason Satan seems cool to you is because you are anti-God. So is Satan. You are either for God or against him. If you are against him then you are siding with Satan.

Boy, this religion stuff is haaaaaarrrrrd... isn't it?

You see Adam, the reason Satan seems cool to you is because you are anti-God
*Shakes hands with Adam*
You are either for God or against him.
Avatar aims his bow at Ekimklaw from the shadows of darkwood
Boy, this religion stuff is haaaaaarrrrrd... isn't it?
only for those , who understand it
Boy, this religion stuff is haaaaaarrrrrd... isn't it?

15 yard penalty for sounding like Ron Jeremy!

You are either for God or against him.

Which God? Do the Elder Gods count?

(On a unrelated note, I think listening to Eisenzsturde Neubaten while searching for pictures of Cthulhu is about as Industrial as I get. But a nice, Industrial looking Cthulhu. I always thought Giger should do a Cthulhu statue. Right, I'm babbling.)

2LofT may be well "verified," but by whom?

There are these guys in labcoats...I think they are called "scientists" or something.

Besides, eternal fire doesn't mean fire that burns eternally, as it does fire which has eternal consequences.

Good point.
Originally posted by Ekimklaw

You see Adam, the reason Satan seems cool to you is because you are anti-God. So is Satan. You are either for God or against him. If you are against him then you are siding with Satan.
Actually I don't think satan is cool. Satan doesn't even exist. You have to be a christian to believe in satan.