Lucid Dreams/Paralysis dangerous?


Registered Member
I´ve been having several lucid dreams and dream paralyses lately. The experienses have not only been positive. Often after a lucid dream I get into a paralysis and I have to struggle to get out of it. The most recent paralysis, almost felt like i was going to die. It felt like my soul (if there is such a thing) was outside of the body, and i could control it, but not wake up. Not a very pleasant experience.

I ask you guys; can lucid dreams/dream paralysis be dangerous for the health?
Is it possible to develop psycosis or get physical injuries (heart stopping, stop breathing)?

All answers is appreciated. I will sleep better when these questions are answered :)

Edit:please excuse my bad English, I´m from Norway.
Sounds like a OOBE to me. Next time it happens, concentrate on your little finger, you'll be good as new in no time. If you start experiencing other odd 'health' issues, go see a doctor, so far, it sounds nothing more than an Out of Body Experience. They are quite common with lucid dreaming.
I had my first paralysis at five this morning. I was still in my dream but I remember suddenly feeling pinned. I tried to scream, to talk, to move, but I couldn't. My eyes were open and I could see that it was daylight outside. I started breathing heavily. Eventually I broke free and really woke up. It was pretty cool:cool:
I´ve been having several lucid dreams and dream paralyses lately.

novaster: how can that be? You had a lucid dream AND dream paralysis? At the same time? Or subsequently? Please explain. If you have lucid dreams you can influence what you dream, where you go, how you go... :confused:
I went from an Paralysis into a lucid dream. Its hard to explain. It happened when I tried to awake from the paralysis. Suddenly "i flew" around the room.
There are many different opinions on sleep paralysis. Some believe its effects of astral traveling, or your just waking up turing a REM cycle. Just remember sleep paralysis isnt dangerous. Panic makes things worse. Close your eyes and relax and your paralysis will be gone. I have had many problems with this as a young child and experience it many times a week, and although sometimes it may seem scary i can assure you its safe and wont cause you any damage.
Sleep Paralysis is nothing mysterious, it is a phenomenen where your mind has awakned but your brain is still sleeping, it happens during a REM stage sleep.

There may be many reasons for its acurance, one of them could be that you have some anxiety and stress problems, depression or simply because you are lacking of potassium, or have an ubnormal Potassium existability, and to the extrem it could be a sign of a sleep disorder called Narcolepsy.

It happens as well when you have neither of the probglems I mentioned above.

About lucid dreams, lucid dreams are linked to your level of mind awakness during a sleep and as well it is not suprising that you have sleep paralysis with it, since dreams the majority of times happens during a phases of REM sleep, and when your mind is a little more awakned then normal when you sleep then you will have lucid dreams.

In with those symptoms you have as well day time sleepiness and that even if you sleep well, then you should perform a sleep study they are the sign of narcolepsy, and if other then those you have cataplexy, then 99-100 % chances that you do suffer from Narcolepsy.

At last, when you have sleep paralysis, the better is just to let it go, do not try to fight against it, it will be worst, the paralysis is real because when your sleep enter in REM stage your brain shut down the neural nerve system responsable of muscle contractions in order that you do not act in your dreams, normally someone should not feel this paralysis because their mind should be sleeping. So I confort you that in no way this can be dangerious for your health, its a normal process.

Ive had some cool Lucid Dreams.. (colorfull,touchable,etc.)

And even had one "vibrating like Hell" dream...
I even woke up, and still vibrated a lot till it came to a stop..

I dont even know if that vibrating stuff(like I was shaking
like a Jackhammer) was real... but my back muscles did
tingle a bit after waking up, after the "vibrations" stopped :b

Dunno If I was having an Astral "lift off" that failed eheh,
but It DID happened..
Don't worry there mate, there's nothing wrong with you. Paralyzis is completely normal, just so you don't move when dreaming. Safety you could say. After a few seconds your brain will be fully awake and you will able to move again.

The vibrations someone here mentioned isn't anything to worry about either. I've experienced them myself and some explain it with that the Astral Body oscillates in a higher frequency blahblahblah. Well, all you need to know is that it's not dangerous or something to be afraid of :)

I had the strangest experience once. I woke up by the buzzer and looked at the digital clock to see what time it was. Only, the part of the brain that recognizes numbers wasn't awake yet so all I saw was mumbo jumbo. It was like looking at that counter the alien in Predator has on his wrist-nuke. After a few seconds I was awake and the numbers sort of melted together to coherence.
Sounds like astral projection. I AP at least 3 times a week now and used to have sp all of the time it's not scary anymore. There is really nothing bad that can happen with it you just need to learn to control your emotions but the worst thing that you could do is panic. I used to be scared to death when I would get sp and first few projections were terrifying but just relaxing will lead to good experiences with it.
Im new to this whole dream thing but am rather interested in learnign more about it,
Recently i had a very bizaare dream which i was kinda scared by, I was wondering if it was perhaps a case or similar to the Dream paralysis mentioned above.

Heres my Situation.
1 Night i go to a party have a few alcoholic drinks. So im not really drunk but definatly have a decent amoutn of alcohol in me.
I have alot of Caffeine from drinks so have a really bad sleep

after many hours of trying i finally get to sleep.
I had many kinda weird dreams where i seem to be semi concious since coming to this forums i believe that is Lucid Dreaming?

Now the weird part.
Im dreaming about this party when some guy starts messing with me and pushing me aroudn and another dude is pulling me around by the collar. he then pushes me onto the pool table when i finally get annoyed and start swearing at him whcih gives him the excuse that i knew he wanted to actually fight me. so he grabs my pool cue and he is behind me puts que in front of my neck and snaps it back, The cue snaps and so does my neck. Then everything goes black and i die in the dream, i know ive died in the dream and my heart stops cause i have a completly broken neck. everything is just black and i cant move or do anything (so no OOB experience like the story above)
14 minutes later i wake up in the hospital with a sore neck.
So i go back to the party and tell everyone i jsut died and no one believes me then i tell the guy he broke my neck and killed me so he tries to do it again but id learnt my lesson and this time didnt get killed and avoided him.

So yea in summary, i get broken neck everything is black i know im dead and my heart has stopped. i cant do anything at all but 14 minutes later the hospital has saved me and im no longer dead or paralysed and can run around again.

It really affected me as i was told that if u die in dreams u die in real life in cases of falling of cliffs and such if u hit the bottom u usually die, and also the fact that in the dream i was so aware that my heart stopped and i could kinda feel it in real life(thats what it seemed like) so i think it was a lucid dream with paralysis and thats why i couldnt move and do suff when my neck broke.

Any Help would be appreciated thanks,
Well... you aint gonna die if you die in your dreams..

Ive fallen off cliffs, etc.etc.. and never had any problems about dying..

In dreams.. even the Lucid ones, its still just a dream..

Dont be afraid of that Death thing..
Actually what is happening is what's called a Hypnogagogic Hallucination and not lucid dreaming. These hallucinations happen when the person starts going to sleep or starts to wake up from sleep. This is basically dreaming while awake. People with these hallucinations tend to have sleep paralysis, like novaster has.

Sleep paralysis happens because the processes in the brain that pull you out of REM sleep "malfunctions". In other words the processes to regain consciousness and senses, etc. are all restored, but the part paralyzes you in REM sleep (so you don't act on your dreams) doesn't get shut off.

What helps? Basically, anything that would normally wake you up - an alarm, or someone saying your name, anything that is meaninful enough to wake you up from sleep normally.

I'd say (though not tested), that since you are conscious you may have an advantage. Maybe if you thought about someone saying your name to you, to wake you up, you'd snap out of it. Or maybe focusing on an urgency. Actual ludid dreaming training may help too.
uhmmm, can i butt iN? errrr..... i've been experiencing this "sleep paralysis" for almost 3 years now... argh, i damn hate iT! it's very disturbing..... i mean, is it dangerOus? i really find it hard to breathe you know... it brings shivers up and down my spine. when i wake up after having one (the sleep paralysis thingy), i take a few deep breaths. and theN, when i sleep again, it leads me back to where i last stopped! back to my paralysis again! grrrrr!! but then, i kinda figured out myself how to avoid it again... by changing my sleeping position. i was FREE from that experience for 2 months ONLY. after that, even though i changed my sleeping position, like facing sideways hugging a pillow, viola! there it is again..... geeesh. i just had this very weird experience lately... it was my worst experience...
novaster said:
I´ve been having several lucid dreams and dream paralyses lately. The experienses have not only been positive. Often after a lucid dream I get into a paralysis and I have to struggle to get out of it.

Don't struggle, that's just an exercise in frustration. It will pass naturally within 30 seconds or you might fall back asleep if relaxed.

novaster said:
The most recent paralysis, almost felt like i was going to die. It felt like my soul (if there is such a thing) was outside of the body, and i could control it, but not wake up. Not a very pleasant experience.

Sounds like in addition to sleep paralysis the blood flow to part of your brain was reduced. That will result in that out-of-body sensation.

novaster said:
I ask you guys; can lucid dreams/dream paralysis be dangerous for the health?

Nope. Not in the least.

novaster said:
Is it possible to develop psycosis or get physical injuries (heart stopping, stop breathing)?

From lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis? Nope.
novaster said:
I went from an Paralysis into a lucid dream. Its hard to explain. It happened when I tried to awake from the paralysis. Suddenly "i flew" around the room.

This is a fun little trick that happens when you wake up in paralysis and then fall back asleep into an immediate dream (lucid or non-lucid). The context of your environment gets rememberd (i.e. how everything looks) and then the dream begins without interruption from the earlier waking paralysis.

Some nights under the right conditions, I've ping-ponged between those two states over and over again. It's quite annoying when you're having a great dream, wake up, fall back to sleep, and then the dream starts over in your room. It's like pressing a reset button in a video game after you get so far.
argh! last night, 3 minutes right after i fell asleep, i immediately had one of that crazy stupid paralysis again! argh... i experience it almost every single day(night)!
If this helps, started taking cardizem CR 6 months ago for PVS with my heart. The lucid dreams started with it about 2 days into taking the prescription. Some paralysis occurs, but the cool point that I now can control my dreams alot easier than ever before. If I don't like the way A dream is going, I change my normal reactions and play with the dreams. Bad thing is if in a bad dream, the paralysis can be so strong that I still have to almost scream and yell to get out of it until last month. Accidently figured out that if I concentrate on my fingers, the paralysis passes and I can either get my bearings or wake up. Don't really understand the science of it, but I been sleeping better for the better part of the last 6 months. Hope that helps. Like I said, not very science, but I know what works for me.

