Louis and the Nazis.


First of all, your position has been that as rap artists who spew "anti white" lyrics aren't been pursued as much as White Power band,s there is a "double standard". The argument is flawed and the connotations that can be received is that as a result of the double, persecution of White Power music should be ceased.

1. There aren't any such rap artists.

2. Even using the faulty evidence you provided for supposedly hateful rappers, the relative reach and growth of White Power music demands that it receive more attention.

3. Your argument is fallacious because it trues to excuse the existence of one bad thing by bringing into question another.

I'm comparing music motivated by one brand of racial hatred to music motivated by other brands of racial hatred.
There is no logical compare; one, White power music is a niche and widespread, the other, a supposed anti white influence on some rap songs (even though your references are wrong, lets assume there are right for argument sake), does not have the influence or the numbers. The comparison is faulty and it serves no purpose.

Has Nazism resulted in more death and destruction that non-white racism against whites? Absolutely, but not because non-white racism is less wrong, but because non-whites historically have not been in power in nations with any sizeable white populations.
Irrelevant + non sequitur.

I'm talking about mainstream media bias when it comes to reporting crimes where race (or even sexual orientation) can be a factor; of ignoring some stories of crime and/or bigotry when other, similar crimes are blabbered about for days or even weeks.
I will ask his question again: “media bias? which media? against whom??”

Political correctness can be a red herring, but it isn't always and it isn't now. Christ; this whole thread reeks of political correctness. Why did hateful messages in music only become a national crisis with it started coming from obscure, crappy, white power bands?
Eminem does not get bashed for his anti gay lyrics? Did the president of the US not go on national TV to debase Ice-T and gansta rap in general? Wasn’t Luke’s music barred from stores, etc etc? Do not confuse a lack of knowledge for the truth…

I agree that white supremecy is wrong, but it's irrelevant to my point that hate coming from other racial groups is often given a free pass by the same people who shit their pants over some dickhead with a swastika tattoo singing lousy rock songs.
Your argument is incorrect; they are not given a “free pass”
Originally posted by thefountainhed

Still cannot feel your dick, eh maggot? Fuck off. I'm not in the mood to play around with your head.

your moods are best discussed with your mother. she might care. i do not.
i do note however your propensity to violence. looky here....

Originally posted by thefountainhed
I thought old moronic Spock needed a bullet in his brainless head.

BTW, I have all colours, and I can skin him and use the skin as a gift wrap.

i'd characterize this as some sadistic homosexual impulse. skinning was also feature of genocidal wars. it is thus implicit that the head is espousing racial hatred against the jews

Originally posted by thefountainhed
I want seconds. I want to stick my fat black dick up the trailer trash whore's ass and watch it bleed.

this is probably the best indication of the head's sexual impotence. violence against women disguised as a sex act. the "bleeding" here is a recurring theme in his posts.

now originally i assumed that middle class/college attendance segment of society would have similar levels of crimes when measured across racial/ethnic lines. however the disturbing pathology the head demonstrates in his posts convinces me otherwise.

umm...happy holidays, head?
Random thoughts

"The Jack Back," by Sir Mix-A-Lot

I'm actually more put off by Mix-A-Lot's addiction to guns than his lyrics. But this is one of my favorites, which falls under the column described as anti-"white racist," or approximately however that was phrased.

After all, his "gatt" is his lawyer."

It's all in how you choose to look at it, I think. Over the years, I hear more about anti-white lyrics than I do the actual lyrics.

As to the white supremacists? Hey, let's just wait for the next black corpse to turn up at the hands of a white-supremacist group, and if Bush doesn't declare race supremacism in general a terrorist threat, well, at least we'll know a little more about Bush's integrity or lack thereof.

Other than that, treat white supremacists with compassion. Genuine compassion is often ineffective, but given what's at stake, a little condescending compassion from the culture at large will either embarrass the young generation into thinking a little more clearly for themselves, or else alienate and polarize them in their paranoia, at which time they'll come out to play, at which time Dubya could treat them like he hopes to treat other terrorists: pick 'em off as they show themselves.
Mod Hat: Happy Holidays?!

That's a heck of a holiday, folks.

Work and play nicely, please.

Translation: Enough "bitching" and "dick"-ing around.

Thank you very much.
oh alright
i'll make an entry in my ny resolutions list...res 201: no more "bitching" and "dick"-ing around.

That's a heck of a holiday

nice touch, ja?


happy new year, old chap.
The Fountainhed

I am going on vacation for about a week and half and should be back next weekend (give or take a day or two) to continue the debate.

Before I left I just wanted to mention that I know that any debate over song lyrics, public comments or written word has a large possibility for misquotes and/or statements being taken out of context. I wouldn't be at all surprised if there were some songs on that list that shouldn't be, but there are songs/artists on that list that should be there and there are even a few things that aren't there, but I believe should be.

For the record, I don't automatically assume that anything with the word "devil" is referring to whites. While the word "devil" can be and is used as a hateful reference to whites, it really can mean anyone or anything the person saying it wants it to mean. When I see the word "devil" in the context of a rap song I consider it to be a BIG "red flag", but look into it before I comment. My focus is more on songs with specific, unambiguous references to race as well as individuals and groups with connections to and/or songs inspired by hate groups/ideologies. There are such examples on that list.

Anyway, I hope you and everyone else reading this thread had a a good Christmas and has a happy new year.
Ha I used to watch theroux's weird weekends, he is a funny dude.
Subtle enough so that the people he is making fun of don't realise it and he can continue for an entire weekend. Brilliant.