Lost or forgotten something?

bells i said MOSTLY not always if you read the origional statement (which you quoted BTW:p)

Bells i went to sleep one day with a pan of oil on the stove and woke up to the smoke detector going and a black roof (from the smoke). I got my ass kicked for that one i garentiee:p

You do realise the more people the more likly to lose one? (look at how many children get lost on hiking trips because of this) especially if they all think they are with eachother. So (for example) the father thinks the mother has him, the mother thinks the son has, the son thinks the father does ect and they all feel coumfetable because someone else is looking after them. This is quite likly unfortuantly.

As i said this is negligence and should be treated as such (ie with social services) rather than throwing them in jail. what would be the point?

Considering you dont have children, I shouldnt be surprised that you think its easy to forget they exist. For some reason you think its not only easy to do, but its easy to do for 17 hrs. "of well, accidents happen" They didnt forget a bag of groceries, they forgot a child.
so your saying if this was a teacher then that would be an acident because they are not there own child?

Hell my dog went missing for almost 10 hours before i noticed because the roller door didnt go down when i drove in and i just didnt notice. Also i LOVE my fish, and watch them for 90% of my free time yet i still havent noticed (even though its sitting on top of the tank) that the filter was unpluged from when i fed them for 2 days.

Im sorry but there IS no specialy psycic conenction between a parent and there children, they are as suseptable to forgeting as anyone else is ESPECIALLY when they are stressed.

unless your suggesting that parents do regular head counts and check lists, roll calls ect every hour which is just ridiculas. My mum couldnt even rember my name half the time:p (she kept calling me my sisters name:p). Parents arnt anything special and are as suseptable to human failings as anyone else
so your saying if this was a teacher then that would be an acident because they are not there own child?

Hell my dog went missing for almost 10 hours before i noticed because the roller door didnt go down when i drove in and i just didnt notice. Also i LOVE my fish, and watch them for 90% of my free time yet i still havent noticed (even though its sitting on top of the tank) that the filter was unpluged from when i fed them for 2 days.

Im sorry but there IS no specialy psycic conenction between a parent and there children, they are as suseptable to forgeting as anyone else is ESPECIALLY when they are stressed.

unless your suggesting that parents do regular head counts and check lists, roll calls ect every hour which is just ridiculas. My mum couldnt even rember my name half the time:p (she kept calling me my sisters name:p). Parents arnt anything special and are as suseptable to human failings as anyone else

You can compare your dog getting out and a clogged filter to a handicapped child left in a car for 17 hrs til your fingers fall off. They are not even close to the same.
actually the dog example is quite close (you should have herd the argument i got from my partner after that). Memory is falable was my point and no one can garentiee that they will rember everything about ANYTHING
bells i said MOSTLY not always if you read the origional statement (which you quoted BTW:p)

Bells i went to sleep one day with a pan of oil on the stove and woke up to the smoke detector going and a black roof (from the smoke). I got my ass kicked for that one i garentiee:p

You do realise the more people the more likly to lose one? (look at how many children get lost on hiking trips because of this) especially if they all think they are with eachother. So (for example) the father thinks the mother has him, the mother thinks the son has, the son thinks the father does ect and they all feel coumfetable because someone else is looking after them. This is quite likly unfortuantly.

As i said this is negligence and should be treated as such (ie with social services) rather than throwing them in jail. what would be the point?

A pot on a stove is not the same as "forgetting" a child.

Kids getting lost on camping trips? Yes it can happen.. kids wander off and the adults think the child is with the other adult and vice versa. But I have never once heard of anyone losing a child (be it their own or another person's) on a camping trip and then taking 17 hours to realise that child was not there. Again, 17 hours, which encompassed an afternoon, dinner time and bed time. In all that time, no one in the house realised that the child was simply not there?

so your saying if this was a teacher then that would be an acident because they are not there own child?
No. She's saying that all of them in that house seem to have forgotten that a 4 year old child existed and didn't seem to realise he was not there for 17 hours. Teachers constantly do head counts and roll calls to make sure all the children are still there. And if one was missing, they wouldn't forget to report it or wait 17 hours to check to see that all the children in their care were still there.

If it was an hour or even 3, one could say it was an accident. As you said, that many kids, hard to keep track of. But 17 hours? No one noticed he wasn't in his bed or at the dinner table?

Hell my dog went missing for almost 10 hours before i noticed because the roller door didnt go down when i drove in and i just didnt notice. Also i LOVE my fish, and watch them for 90% of my free time yet i still havent noticed (even though its sitting on top of the tank) that the filter was unpluged from when i fed them for 2 days.
So you noticed after 10 hours that your dog was missing? And these people did not notice that their child was not there for 17 hours? They didn't notice that their child was not there for the afternoon, no one noticed he wasn't there at dinner time and at bed time?

Im sorry but there IS no specialy psycic conenction between a parent and there children, they are as suseptable to forgeting as anyone else is ESPECIALLY when they are stressed.
So you're saying that parents need a psychic connection to remember they have children?

unless your suggesting that parents do regular head counts and check lists, roll calls ect every hour which is just ridiculas. My mum couldnt even rember my name half the time (she kept calling me my sisters name). Parents arnt anything special and are as suseptable to human failings as anyone else
Ask your parents if either of them would have noticed if you weren't home from 3:00pm till 8:30 am the following day, when you were meant to be home. Ask them if they think it would have been possible for them to miss the fact that you, as a 4 year old and supposedly at home, weren't there for an afternoon, dinner time and bedtime? Ask them if they would have noticed that their 4 year old was not where he was meant to be (at home with them) and whether it would have taken them 17 hours to realise or notice this.
i doubt my parents would have forgoten me for that long but then there were only 4 of us in my family. As for the dog the reason we realised it wasnt there was because it was barking under our bedroom window (which faces the FRONT of the house):p
they did lose my litle sister at the show one year and only noticed because she was smart enough to go up to a cop and tell them she was lost (i think she was 3 at the time) and they found the rest of us:p
There is no way that anyone can be forgiven for having "forgot" a child. This is the epitomy of victimization. Poor you, you forgot your child in an unattended car.

Get a grip people, personal responsibility, does this strike a chord?

What would you propose that we do to combat this sort of thing, better education? Like, the offending party didn't know better?
There is no way that anyone can be forgiven for having "forgot" a child. This is the epitomy of victimization. Poor you, you forgot your child in an unattended car.

Get a grip people, personal responsibility, does this strike a chord?

What would you propose that we do to combat this sort of thing, better education? Like, the offending party didn't know better?
