Lost or forgotten something?

I can recall a few incidents where people have driven over their infants.
Everytime it has been - putting the shopping in the boot, put the bassinet down, forget bassinet, drove over kid.
I can recall a few incidents where people have driven over their infants.
Everytime it has been - putting the shopping in the boot, put the bassinet down, forget bassinet, drove over kid.

Did any of them leave the bassinet behind the car, go inside, sit down, read, do whatever around the house, have dinner, go to bed, get up, shower, walk to the car later and then accidently run over said child in bassinet, 17 hours later? Did any of those parents not realise at dinner time or bedtime not realise that the child was not in the house? In short, did any of those parents forget their child was outside in its bassinet for a duration of 17 hours?

You are describing a tragic and horrible mistake. Something that happens within minutes of the individual forgetting they had placed the bassinet behind the car. Not 17 hours later. That's the difference. We aren't talking about minutes, and hour or even two. We are talking about forgetting for 17 hours.. all afternoon, dinner time, bedtime, early morning..
It's not forget. It's don't care.

I feel sorry for them.
A massive mistake but a mistake nonetheless.
Eight screaming kids ( or seven) will send you insane, temporarily or otherwise.

My grandma who raised my father, raised him with 6 siblings and 3 step siblings,
yet she even knew every single things in her freezer. She knew what to buy
to avoid over stock and expiry date.

I have just three siblings but my mum would never eat till she makes sure all
of us (and my dad) eat. In my elementary school years, everyday she will put
some food on my back pack to make sure I don't eat junk food at school.
It's not forget. It's don't care.

My grandma who raised my father, raised him with 6 siblings and 3 step siblings,
yet she even knew every single things in her freezer. She knew what to buy
to avoid over stock and expiry date.

I have just three siblings but my mum would never eat till she makes sure all
of us (and my dad) eat. In my elementary school years, everyday she will put
some food on my back pack to make sure I don't eat junk food at school.

thats what i do aswell, i always make sure my kids eat and my husband eats before me, anyway anyone who has kids will tell you that, when kids are younger and you ahve to feed them your food will go cold anyway
Bells scouring the net for key words again:rolleyes:

No pet. It's called reading the papers online.

Orleander said:
You eat last? LAST? On purpose?

Neither my husband nor I usually eat until both of the children have been fed or have started and made headway into their meal. I've never eaten any meal with my children in the house, without making sure they are eating or have eaten first.
I make supper and when its ready, they are told. I don't holler and holler. Then we start eating. If its cold when they get to the table, that's their fault. If they dawdle too long, the table gets cleared and all food is put away. That has happened a time or two.
I swear, I feel like the meanest Mom here.
I make supper and when its ready, they are told. I don't holler and holler. Then we start eating. If its cold when they get to the table, that's their fault. If they dawdle too long, the table gets cleared and all food is put away. That has happened a time or two.
I swear, I feel like the meanest Mom here.

But you knew where your child was, didn't you? You were aware if your child ate or not, weren't you? How about when they were 4 years of age? Did you notice if they were in the house or at the dinner table or even there at bed time? How about in the morning?

That's the thing with this story. No one in that household apparently noticed that the youngest and 4 year old child was not only not there for the whole afternoon, but not there at dinner time or bed time. That strikes me as odd. No. Actually, odd does not even cover it.

I have a 2.5 and a 1 year old. When it's dinner time, I go and get them and tell them it's dinner time and carry the 1 year old and the 2.5 year old runs for the table or in the opposite direction. Either way, I notice and know what they eat and how much they eat. If the either of them don't want to eat dinner, that's fine. They're offered other things and if they aren't hungry, they aren't hungry. But we know they are in the house. We know where they are.
Bells i have left meals burn at work because i simply forgot they were under the sal until they started to smell, i have forgotten to put the bins out even though i have driven in and gone "i must rember to put the bins out before i go to bed", i have even forgoten to pick my partner up from work before. Bad memory happens and sadly there is no magic conection between parents and there children so that they know where they are at all times. I have herd of stories of parents forgeting to take there kids to school (though they do it every day) or taking there kids to school on a weekend by mestake.

Nothing really surprises me anymore:p
They maybe negligent parents but i wouldnt call them murders by any strech. I feel more rage at those parents (mainly mothers) who leave there kids in the car while going to the pokies for hours at a time than i do at someone who simply forgot there kid was still in the car period.

Its tragic but acidents happen
Bells i have left meals burn at work because i simply forgot they were under the sal until they started to smell, i have forgotten to put the bins out even though i have driven in and gone "i must rember to put the bins out before i go to bed", i have even forgoten to pick my partner up from work before. Bad memory happens and sadly there is no magic conection between parents and there children so that they know where they are at all times. I have herd of stories of parents forgeting to take there kids to school (though they do it every day) or taking there kids to school on a weekend by mestake.

Nothing really surprises me anymore:p
They maybe negligent parents but i wouldnt call them murders by any strech. I feel more rage at those parents (mainly mothers) who leave there kids in the car while going to the pokies for hours at a time than i do at someone who simply forgot there kid was still in the car period.

Its tragic but acidents happen

asgaurd, when you have a mentally ill child, or even an ill child with an every day virus, you make sure they eat, having a mentally ill child i'm sorry to say, puts more respsonibilties on the mum and dads and should not be left to the other kids of the house!!
Bells i have left meals burn at work because i simply forgot they were under the sal until they started to smell, i have forgotten to put the bins out even though i have driven in and gone "i must rember to put the bins out before i go to bed", i have even forgoten to pick my partner up from work before. Bad memory happens and sadly there is no magic conection between parents and there children so that they know where they are at all times. I have herd of stories of parents forgeting to take there kids to school (though they do it every day) or taking there kids to school on a weekend by mestake.

Nothing really surprises me anymore:p
They maybe negligent parents but i wouldnt call them murders by any strech. I feel more rage at those parents (mainly mothers) who leave there kids in the car while going to the pokies for hours at a time than i do at someone who simply forgot there kid was still in the car period.

Its tragic but acidents happen

of course dads NEVER leave kids in teh car do they? :shrug:
of for christ sake.

the cases that have been in the media have ALL been of mothers leaving there children in the car while they gamble

i can think of 2 possable reasons for this, either women are more susptable to gambling adiction (i dont know but i doubt it) OR mothers are more likly to be looking after the kids when they want to go gambling (i would suggest this is much more likly)
Bells i have left meals burn at work because i simply forgot they were under the sal until they started to smell, i have forgotten to put the bins out even though i have driven in and gone "i must rember to put the bins out before i go to bed", i have even forgoten to pick my partner up from work before. Bad memory happens and sadly there is no magic conection between parents and there children so that they know where they are at all times. I have herd of stories of parents forgeting to take there kids to school (though they do it every day) or taking there kids to school on a weekend by mestake.

Nothing really surprises me anymore:p
They maybe negligent parents but i wouldnt call them murders by any strech. I feel more rage at those parents (mainly mothers) who leave there kids in the car while going to the pokies for hours at a time than i do at someone who simply forgot there kid was still in the car period.

Its tragic but acidents happen
So it took you 17 hours to realise you'd not turned off the stove? It took you 17 hours to remember that you were meant to pick up your girlfriend and had forgotten? Not realising your 4 year old mentally disabled child is not in the house for 17 hours is not simply 'forgetting', nor can it be put down to a "bad memory". How exactly did everyone in that household forget about the existence of a 4 year old child who has lived with them from the day he was born?

Think about it Asguard. 17 hours and no one noticed that he was not there all afternoon, dinner time, bath and/or bedtime. You're telling me that every single person in that house forgot there was meant to be a 4 year old running around, they forgot about the 4 year old for dinner and at bedtime? Every single one of them?

Parents who leave their children in the car to go and play the pokies do so intentionally. They don't "forget" that their children are in the car.

of for christ sake.

the cases that have been in the media have ALL been of mothers leaving there children in the car while they gamble

i can think of 2 possable reasons for this, either women are more susptable to gambling adiction (i dont know but i doubt it) OR mothers are more likly to be looking after the kids when they want to go gambling (i would suggest this is much more likly)
There have also been cases of fathers who have done the same thing.
bells i said MOSTLY not always if you read the origional statement (which you quoted BTW:p)

Bells i went to sleep one day with a pan of oil on the stove and woke up to the smoke detector going and a black roof (from the smoke). I got my ass kicked for that one i garentiee:p

You do realise the more people the more likly to lose one? (look at how many children get lost on hiking trips because of this) especially if they all think they are with eachother. So (for example) the father thinks the mother has him, the mother thinks the son has, the son thinks the father does ect and they all feel coumfetable because someone else is looking after them. This is quite likly unfortuantly.

As i said this is negligence and should be treated as such (ie with social services) rather than throwing them in jail. what would be the point?
Bells i have left meals burn at work because i simply forgot they were under the sal until they started to smell....

:bugeye: Youre comparing forgetting a pot on the stove to a child? And Bells makes an excellent point. 17 hours!!!! A mentally handicapped child needs more care. How could they not notice that they hadnt had to take care of him in 17 hrs?
orleander at the time i had around 4 meals on the go (at work BTW so didnt have anything else to worry about), how much do the parents of 6? (sorry cant rember the exact amount) have to think about. The cooking, cleaning, running around for that many kids? I think you judge to harshly