Lost Kingdoms of Cantre'r Gwaelod/Lyonesse/Avalon

Since this thread involves pseudo-archaeological and mythical topics, it has been moved to an appropriate venue.

Since this thread involves real alternative science, Skinwalker has tossed it into the dustbin marked "pseudoscience." Yes, there are alternative theories to the "mainstream" theories and current scientific theory is largely garbage theory backed by the most domineering people in science.
And since the Skinster is above the mere "pseudo-science" which I present, then why does he bother to comment here, since he's only concerned with "real science, and this is under "pseudo-science?"

The Skinster must actually see merit in much of the "pseudo-science," as you see it threatens his obviously fragile intellectual facade.
Frankly "real" science DOES have a problem. Particularly in the realm of Archeology. They seem to be pretty picky about what is "allowed" to be investigated. They just found a "Pygmy" skull in Indonesia and are damn close to just classifying a whole new sub-species for it. BASED on ONE skull.

The Smithsonian tried to lose "Peking man", but didn't think the chinese/Europeans would be meticulous enough to make a cast of him. Right, because only westerners can truely fuck up a find like that. We should consider ourselves so lucky evidence was too abundant of homo erectus and that Weidenreichian casts survived the Smithsonian and U.S government Purgings(well they couldn't quite get their hands on them could they?). So they admit that one.

Then we have 100s (perhaps 1000s of NAmerican, at the "Smithsonian") of bones of pre-historic "giant" bones from all over the world. Some they couldn't quite cover up like the complete skull of a 12' giant still on display in Arizona. Still no "classification" on these species. hmmm bias perhaps in some modern sciences? Explanations forced out of them...gigantisism...freak mutation. What about the constant recurrence of red hair and double teeth...oh you are a loon....you have no longer any credentials and will not work and any "reputable" University. Screw modern science.
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King Og circa 1200 B.C. is said to have been about 12 feet tall, and of course, other mentions of giants in the Bible, and in many ancient legends, corroborated by those giant bones you mention.

The giant Fomorians, probably Canaanites, who fought against Partholon's arriving forces circa 1500 B.C., lived in the Cornwall region, probably mining tin there, and building Stonehenge and many other of the megaliths of England.
If you want Science to relate to anything you ever suggest, never include "the Bible" as a source.
The bible also dictates that you should sever the body part from your body which you use to sin lest it corrupt the rest of your body. For it is far better to lose a part of your body than the entire body (this is figurative of course). I suggest you sever your head, good sir, before it corrupts the rest of an otherwise perfectly functional body.

As I pointed out in the other thread, Avalon is not held to be submerged. It is not an Atlantis myth. Rather, it is a myth more along the lines of "the mythical land to the West".