Lost Kingdoms of Cantre'r Gwaelod/Lyonesse/Avalon


The legends of Britain include notions of kingdoms which were engulfed by the sea long ago, known as Cantre'r Gwaelod, Lyonesse, and Avalon, the ruins of which are now thought to be on the seafloor in Cardigan Bay and off the Isles of Scilly, so is this real history, or did the Brits dream it all up?

Avalon is said to have been submerged at around 700 A.D., but if that were the case, that sea level rise would have engulfed other areas too, and so, would have been noted in the literature and legends from other regions, and since the sea level rose greatly with the end of the Ice Age, it seems rather obvious that is when these kingdoms and others worldwide, whose ruins are now submerged offshore, were engulfed by the sea.
Since this thread involves pseudo-archaeological and mythical topics, it has been moved to an appropriate venue.
The legends of Britain include notions of kingdoms which were engulfed by the sea long ago, known as Cantre'r Gwaelod, Lyonesse, and Avalon, the ruins of which are now thought to be on the seafloor in Cardigan Bay and off the Isles of Scilly, so is this real history, or did the Brits dream it all up?

Most likely a dream, a faint reminder of what reality should have been, that gave the British confidence over other failed kingdoms. And Avalon...have these ruins been found?
Some indication of grids of streets off Cornwall, and to the east, offshore the coastal town of Brest, in the Bay of Dourarnenez of Brittany, are reportedly megalithic ruins.

To the northeast are reportedly submerged megalithic ruins off Helgoland island, north of Bremen, so there is much investigative work to do.
You should note that the see never has to rise to claim land, Cliffside retreats and home are lost to the see every single year. Due to global climate changes even the government has in respects lost interest in trying to defend the land from the barrage of the sea since it costs money and the battle will be lost against an unforgiving foe.

Cornwall being coastal has obviously lost land over the years, this is proven by some of the ruins that currently reside at the bottom of cliffs (which over time will be lost too).

As for the mythology of old, well you can suggest there is a kernel of truth to this or that but what that truth actually is, is something that you could only enquire about if people actually have any knowledge on the subject. The problem here is your asking of something thats "Age Old" and greater than everybodies life expectancy.
The ruins are there, and they didn't crumble off some cliff, the legends say that the sea rose to consume them, and the last great sea level rise was with the end of the Ice Age, the time of which is greatly debated, you'll hear from 15000 B.C. all the way up to 1500 B.C., so the question is, when did those civilizations flourish, and when did the Ice Age actually end?

The ancient Frisians, in the book Oera Linda, describe that the lost land of Atland succumbed to the sea circa 2000 B.C., and the Gibraltar area people were known as the Atlantioi by the Greeks, and Plato wrote that Atlantis went under at the time of Erectheus, Cecrops, and Erecthonius, so 1500 B.C. looks like the timeframe.
well why does it have to be lost kingdoms and such? why cant it be just some buildings of a kingdom that got consumed by water?
What evidence do you have that these civilizations existed at the end of the last glacial maximum 10,000 years ago?
What evidence do you have that these civilizations existed at the end of the last glacial maximum 10,000 years ago?

i was thinking the same thing...I mean does carbon dating work for objects in water?...are there any objects to carbon date?
Megalithic building didn't go back that far, would you have us believe that type of building was going on 7,000 years before ancient Egypt?

...who knows...

I mean Atlantis sparks some interest too, cant be from nothing, maybe it was Crete...but maybe it was a lost civilization.
Plato says that Atlantis, with its megalithic building and trireme ships and advanced metallurgy, went under 9,000 time cycles before his time, he did say years for the time cycles, but were the oral renderings from Egypt up to his writing of that info changed from 9,000 lunar cycles, to 9,000 solar cycles, to aggrandize the antiquity of ancient Egypt?
Plato? Plato was using the story of Atlantis as a philosophical dialog. Have you even read Critias and Timeas? Have you bothered with any philosophy at all? Many philosophers used the device of a dialog to get their point across. Plato's point wasn't a lost civilization.

What "experts" are you referring to? While you're at it, please quote the exact passages of Critias and Timeas that mention "trireme ships" and "metallurgy" so that we may see their contexts.

Also, back to this issue of "ice age" and civilizations (it is, after all, your nom de forum) and how there is evidence that civilizations other than paleolithic/mesolithic thrived 10,000 years or more ago.
You better go read Critias and Timaeus.

You're saying the submerged ruins are older than 10000 B.C., not me.

I've both Criteas and Timeas within arm's reach. Along with several other philosophical works. If there are relevant passages, surely you're willing to point them out for the benefit of others, eh?

And I've not mentioned any submerged ruins at all. You said there were civilizations that were submerged at the end of the "ice age," the last glacial maximum of which occurred 10,000 years ago.

Are you retracting your comments now?
You shouldn't. You should attempt to maintain some level of obfuscation and vagueness. The pseudo-historian can't afford clarity and concise wording lest the deceit become obvious.

You have a claim, to which you are clearly unwilling to invest academic opinion and genuinely researched information. What this short exchange demonstrates is that my decision to delete your woo-woo nonsense from the History subforum and move this thread to the Pseudoscience subforum were both wise and prudent.

I shan't take up any more of your time.
Good day.