

The day after the hurricane passed, there were reports of looting but network reporters had been saying that people were looting out of desperation, in search of food and water. A lot they knew.

The pictures I have been seeing are of people - black people - stealing shoes, diapers, and television sets. Not food and definitely not water. Not unless the armfuls of clothing, shoes, and appliances I see people wading through the streets with count as food and water.

Now, if all the looters were looting out of desperation, how desperate were the guy and girls I saw toting several boxes of size 13 Nikes? How desperate was the fellow with the stack of diapers? What, is it that he has several babies at home suffering from loose bowels? What am I talking about, what home? Everything is under water and what isn't, has been totally destroyed.

Plasma TV?

And just what are those guys stealing the plasma television sets going to be watching when there is no power in the entire city?

Desperation? Yeah, right. I am beginning to believe that black people, no matter where in the world they are, are cursed with a genetic predisposition to steal, murder, and create mayhem.

The entire firearm department at a Wal-Mart department store, for example, was cleaned out and the looters used the stolen weapons to rob people. How low is that? Everybody is suffering and the black people would seek to rob people who are suffering just like themselves.

No white looters?

And it has nothing to do with poverty. Where are the white people in all this? I am sure there are poor white people living in New Orleans, Biloxi and the other towns affected by what has been going on. Is it that the media are not showing pictures of them looting and robbing? Or is it that they are too busy trying to stay alive, waiting to be rescued, and hiding from the blacks.

And you know what? Even if the poor whites were looting and robbing, wouldn't it be nice if the blacks could have made them the only ones doing it?
This has/is already being discussed in another thread!
J.B said:
The pictures I have been seeing are of people - black people - stealing shoes, diapers, and television sets. Not food and definitely not water. Not unless the armfuls of clothing, shoes, and appliances I see people wading through the streets with count as food and water.
Therefore because that is all that you have seen means that is all that there is to it of course. It is more than a little ignorant to have failed to noticed that not only have white people been looting but police as well.
J.B said:
Desperation? Yeah, right. I am beginning to believe that black people, no matter where in the world they are, are cursed with a genetic predisposition to steal, murder, and create mayhem.
Tell the truth, you've always had that racist attitude haven't you?
J.B said:
And it has nothing to do with poverty.
Thats right, you can bet that not all of the looters were living in poverty, at least before to the hurricane.
Your post is nothing but racist drivel.
As to the looters good luck to them. I really cannot fathom that in the other thread on this topic some would have looters executed on the spot the people advocating that are no better then the lunatics doing the shooting and raping in New Orleans.
J.B said:
Yeah, right. I am beginning to believe that black people, no matter where in the world they are, are cursed with a genetic predisposition to steal, murder, and create mayhem.
What about the white people in charge of this country, who's stealing, murdering, and creating mayhem in Iraq led to unpreparedness for the disaster we see now in New Orleans?

What about the decades of poverty that leads one to take valuable goods already considered a total loss on insurance?

What about poor people being forced to live in the lowest and most flood prone areas of the city?

What about the tens of thousands of black people that didn't loot at all, and were taking care of their families?

What about the white people who's similar actions of taking food were called "finding" rather than looting?

What about the police who were forced to loot as well, just to survive?

(also, diapers were one of the most important items the refugees mentioned as being needed)
The pictures I have been seeing are of people - black people - stealing shoes, diapers, armfuls of clothing.
I guess you and him would prefer to see them barefoot in 8 -10 feet of dirty, infested water with their childrens asses hanging out further pissing and shitting anywhere and buttass naked huh? :bugeye:

by J.B.
I am beginning to believe that black people, no matter where in the world they are, are cursed with a genetic predisposition to steal, murder, and create mayhem.
You mean that you and him are just beginning to think that. HAH! :mad:
The cursed genetic predisposition must belong to all people of color/without color seeing as you and you're kind do it as well.

by J.B.
The entire firearm department at a Wal-Mart department store was cleaned out and the looters used the stolen weapons to rob people.
How do you or he actually know that for sure? Without question?

by J.B.
Is it that the media are not showing pictures of them (non blacks) looting and robbing?
That's exactly what it is!
spidergoat said:
What about poor people being forced to live in the lowest and most flood prone areas of the city?

What about the police who were forced to loot as well, just to survive?
How where these people "FORCED" to do these things?
My comments still stand. Black people can be racist against themselves. If everything I had was gone, I would be tempted to steal a TV, or more likely jewelry, to sell it later.

Still, law and order must be maintained, I guess (yawn).
Police were looting stores for everything, food, water, clothing, shelter, bullets.

How were they forced to inhabit the lowest areas? They were cheaper, due to the inherent danger. This wouldn't be so bad if plans for evacuation had been made for them...
I like this quote from this article written by this black man:

"Just once, I would like for us blacks to take the high road in situations like this, where instead of showing our darkest side, we put our best foot forward. But I guess that would be too much to ask, too much of a case of wishful thinking".

He is right, just one time I would like to see blacks take the high road when situations like this happen.

I'm probably "racist" for just wishing for that.
If you want blacks to feel they have ownership and participation in this society, rather than feeling exploited and an underclass all the time, then stop being such a racist. Stop saying they are inherently uncivilized or different than you. If people like you can't do that then they will always feel like outsiders taking what they can from a corrupt and hateful society.
Yeah, most of those items looted are pure bullshit from greedy people. The only looting I would have done, assuming I was dead broke and not prepared, would've been items that benefitted my, and others, survival. I would have immediately looted a Big 5 or other sports/survival store and grabbed a gun, water purification device, a battery-less radio and flashlight, a raft/kyake, tent, pack, non-perishable food items, and whatnot, then head to a supermarket for food and water if that previous store didn't have enough.

I would have gathered up as many people as possible to take with me out of the city, but no way in hell would I have remained in that cesspool. I'm a helpful and caring person, but I'm not stupid. That's like remaining in an area that just got nuked. Sure, I'd love to stay and rescue as many people as possible, but that's suicide. You're more productive and helpful to others alive, not dead. If everyone would have just grabbed a couple people with them to leave the city, everyone would be saved. So I'm not a hero all because I didn't stay to help out everyone, I'm not here to win medals. Those few people I already saved is more than enough in my book of karma.

The ONLY time I would have looted non-survival items, assuming I was dead broke, would have been a jewelry store or another place that has light-weight, expensive, and easily bartable items to make some quick cash once I made it out of the city for my, and others, survival. Especially how many people weren't allowed out of the city once the flooding started, I wouldn't have hesitated to give away a $1000+ piece of diamond jewelry to allow my passage out of the city. You gotta do what you gotta do to survive, but stealing plasma TVs and clothes is pretty retarded. Where you gonna put all that? In your flooded home to get wrecked immediately?

- N
Rapes, killings hit Katrina refugees in New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - People left homeless by Hurricane Katrina told horrific stories of rape, murder and trigger-happy guards in two New Orleans centers that were set up as shelters but became places of violence and terror.

The refugees, who were waiting to be taken to sports stadiums and other huge shelters across Texas and northern Louisiana, described how the convention center and the Superdome became lawless hellholes beset by rape and murder.

"They killed a man here last night," Steve Banka, 28, told Reuters. "A young lady was being raped and stabbed. And the sounds of her screaming got to this man and so he ran out into the street to get help from troops, to try to flag down a passing truck of them, and he jumped up on the truck's windshield and they shot him dead."

"There is rapes going on here. Women cannot go to the bathroom without men. They are raping them and slitting their throats. They keep telling us the buses are coming but they never leave," she said through tears.

"We found a young girl raped and killed in the bathroom," one National Guard soldier told Reuters. "Then the crowd got the man and they beat him to death."

I guess the white man is FORCING blacks to rape and murder too?
A criminal's actions reflect more on themselves and their relationship to society than their race. Most refugees from Katrina happen to be poor and black, some these are statistically bound to be criminals, just like a certain segment of white people are also violent and criminal.

The lack of law and order is more the fault of government officials, who lacked an adequate response to the disaster. Racism never forces an individual to do any particular action, but it creates an underclass of poor people more willing to commit crimes, more desperate and unhappy, less inhibited by the norms of greater society.
spidergoat said:
If you want blacks to feel they have ownership and participation in this society, rather than feeling exploited and an underclass all the time, then stop being such a racist. Stop saying they are inherently uncivilized or different than you. If people like you can't do that then they will always feel like outsiders taking what they can from a corrupt and hateful society.

I've found that racist goes both ways!! And more to the point, I think there's more racism against whites than whites against blacks (yes, that's a personal observation from years of living)

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
I've found that racist goes both ways!! And more to the point, I think there's more racism against whites than whites against blacks (yes, that's a personal observation from years of living)

Baron Max
that is bullshit.
Baron Max said:
No, that's not bullshit.

Baron Max

i may only be able to speak for my country but i am fairly sure its as bad,if not worse in your country.i grew up in a perfectly nice neighbourhood,everyone is a bit weird but not outright bad.about 98% of them are terrible racists,they dont think that they are because they dont specifically say "i hate blacks/pakis/whatever" but are.a lot of people i know around the country have found the same thing.just because its covered up by censorship doesnt mean it exists.i mean if a party like the bnp can exist?!
J.B said:
No white looters?

Okay I'm going to be patient and tolerant here, because, inane and self-servingly hateful as your comments are, you are at least trying to make sense of a complicate situation, and I guess that's to be commended, even if you jump to some sort of wild and idiotic conclusion.

The question itself is a valid one: Why do I see so many black people looting on my TV? The answer is not, as you suggest, simply because black people are evil or genetically predisposed to criminal behavior. The short answer is because New Orleans is very much a city in a good position for looting, and about 80% left in it are black. That alone means that it’s fairly likely that most of the people you see doing anything in New Orleans will be black.

Simply pointing out that blacks are currently in the majority in New Orleans doesn’t clear up the racial question, of course – why are so many black people left in New Orleans – a city which did have a fairly large white population as well. The answer to this runs along economic lines, very large portions of New Orleans poor (and New Orleans had a lot of poor before the storm) are black, and no real provisions were made to get the poor/elderly/disabled out of the city before the storm hit. So essentially these people were just left behind.

Given their current situation, having been forgotten and left to die, and with major retail outlets like Wal-Mart’s and K-marts bound to clear out their inventories and claim it as a loss to the insurance agencies anyway, you’ll have to forgive me if I don’t shed a tear for the terrible terrible losses to these global corporate giants when the devastated and impoverished throw-aways of society whom we left to die in a terrible storm begin smashing and grabbing what they can in the course of stocking up on the food and water that hasn’t been supplied to them as it was promised by city and federal officials. Maybe they’ll be able to pawn enough Nike Shoes and plasma TVs that they’ll have a little fund built up to evacuate the next time society decides that they are expendable, and it’s not worth the resources to try and evacuate them from the next big disaster they happen to be in the way of.

And on another note, I’ve seen plenty of white people looting – you must not be paying much attention to the news. Even the NOPD have been caught looting, there are plenty of photos which show white people looting as well, as well as black looters carrying nothing but food and water. Be careful not to cherry pick your facts to support some sort of already drawn racist conclusion.
So, Kenworth, you think it's bullshit that I said, "Racism goes both ways."???

I'm not sure what you were alluding to when you posted "That is bullshit."???

Baron Max