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Ooooooooooh, I didn't notice....thanks. I'm so oblivious lately...God gave me a miracle...and it turned me into an idiot. An idiot who spends most of her time vigorously exercising in futility. I'm exhausted, and have accomplished nothing, but I'm in really good shape.
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Okay Lori_7,
I'm going to post this without riddles or some underlining secret meaning.
I know for a Fact that it's possible to place "Voices" into a persons head through certain forms of communication equipment and radio frequency. I believe when you hear the "words of God" in your head, you've basically got some "Handler" pulling your strings.

Now this can be bad or it can be good, thats totally dependent on what your handlers intensions are and what project their running. If it helps you become a better person then go with it, however if they start pulling creepy stuff (which I hope they don't) then it's going to be real difficult to pull the plug.

I know that while people don't see these systems for what they are Murders, Rapists and Paedophiles are still out in the world using such equipment to their avail. This is what I'm up against and what I'm sharing with you and those that read this post on the board so you know that those systems exist which is part way to getting convictions.
Eman...I like you already...ass.

Stryder...wow...um...this is sensitive...and I am not known for my diplomacy...but here goes...

You are going to extremely great lengths to deny the existence of a spiritual realm...lengths that may at some point take you to a place that you do not want to go...like a psychiatric hospital for example. I'm very familiar with this...this...i don't know what to call it. I'll call it a lie, yea, a lie. This lie is why my ex-husband was just recently released from his third visit to the psych ward, and is now heavily medicated and applying for disability benefits with the social security office. See, he has voices that talk to him too...in his head. I tell them that they are demons, and he says I'm crazy...and yet...

Anyway, he says that people watch him through the television, and that there is this vast conspiracy against him and his family. He thinks that people are spying on him all sorts of ways, and negatively affecting his life. In this way, he gets to blame everyone else for his problems in life...for his mistakes and failures and pain. In this way, he is held unaccountable for anything bad that happens to him or because of him or his actions. The voices in his head tell him these things. They have also told him to kill himself. They are trying to drive him crazy and they are doing a great job. And the second time he was committed, he was heading for a local highway overpass, with an intent to jump off of it.

During this miraculous thing that's happened to me, I had noticed a significant change in my ex...for the worse. He has spells where it gets worse, and then gets better for a while. The intensity of it changes. Well, during my miracle, it became very intense. He called me on the phone and told me things about what was happening to me that he had no possible way of knowing. It scared me so bad...I've never been that scared in my life. I wasn't shaking, I was convulsing. His voice was different...it wasn't even like he was talking...it sounded like he was possessed. Like something else was talking through him. This happened more than once. Every time he called during this time, he would start the conversation in tears or practically...talking suicidally, saying that he couldn't take it anymore. As soon as I would try to say anything to help...speaking the truth...telling him to talk to Jesus...to pray...he would immediately become so hateful and beligerent. He spoke the most vile and hideous things to me...and crazy things. And he wouldn't let me get a word in at all. And I would end up having to hang up on him. And I would have to call back and tell him that I love him, and then hang up again. Cause I wanted to make sure that he knew...no matter what. Once during this time I had a message from him on my answering machine. And there were two voices. One was his...and the other was not human. They were speaking at the same time, but not saying the same thing. The other voice was hissing and almost sounded synthesized in a way...it was not human. I turned up the volume on the machine and listened to it several times...trying to make sure that it wasn't background noise from the tv or stereo or maybe he was in a bar or something...but it wasn't. It was actually my ex who was in the background, and this voice was in the foreground. I couldn't make out what it was saying, and I decided that I didn't want to know. But it sounded exactly like you would imagine a demon to sound...that's the only way I know to describe it. And yea, I deleted the message...like a dumb ass. I said "Ew, I don't want that on my answering machine", and hit the delete button...as I said...like a dumb ass.

My ex has come out of it since then...like I said, he's heavily medicated and applying for disability. But I tell him what I heard on my machine, and he thinks i'm crazy. That's what he says. In fact that's what a lot of people say about me lately. But I'm not crazy. I'm the sanest I've ever been in my entire life. And I know what I heard.

During this time, for a short time...I felt a bit threatened myself...and so it prompted me to pray for protection, and I did. So I feel as though because I have protection through christ, and because of the holy spirit...that satan tried to get to me some other way...through the ones that I love. My ex, unfortunately, was an easy target. They have been messing with him all along, but then directed their focus through him to me...trying to scare me. And they did...and so I prayed some more. And through that experience I'm no longer afraid...I've learned that I don't have to be afraid. And I also prayed for my ex. And he will be healed too...soon.

The fact is Stryder, that we do not fight our battles against things of this earth, but against spirits and principalites in the air...in the heavens. That's in the Bible, and it's true. Nothing is manifest in this world that isn't birthed from the spiritual realm first. Those voices are not of men or of the mechanics of men's creation...but of spirits...of angels. And when the voices do not speak the truth...when the fruit of the communication is rotten...then you know that they are the angels that are fallen...they are liars...murderers...yes...but not human.
They are very human. If your Ex became aggrevated about religion being brought into dealing with his problem I can understand why, As you mentioned yourself he's seen it from another point of view and to him he might seem religion as a waste of time dealing with it. You have to understand the world doesn't run on one form of religion and to suggest it does is an error in itself. In fact the religion that most follow has only been around a maximum of 2000 years and it's suggested that the Romans adopted it to create a monothesistic environment to undermine their multiple states that had polythesistic tendencies, which commonly were at war with one another based upon their dispution of gods.

In fact I would consider that perhaps a Caesar realised the control that could be maintained through a singular religion.

You should also not Spiritualism is what existed before the knowledge of what things were. When the sun rose in the morning and Set in the evening it was perceived a Deity that did this or was this. To continue further you should know it was thought the world to be FLAT by those that weren't Navigators or Astronomers and if you went to far in one direction you'd fall off.

In essence mankind is renound for it's imagination and it's ability to fill in where information isn't presented. Afterall do you know how a car truly works? You might put fuel in and place oil into the engine, but other than that you might be lost to its inner workings. To people that had never seen an engine before it would have been perceived a demon or some work of magic.

The world that we live in is filled full of Lies and secrets. Notibly most of them are countries doing there own hidden projects and trying not to broadcast to the rest of the world what they do. However if they are doing a project they might as already conceed to know that other countries, groups, organisations and individuals already know there projects are a foot. They know this not through people commenting or being placed into mental hospitals but through the shear fact that they are human and as all humans are, they to are "fallible".

There is no such thing as a perfect being, let alone a perfect "doing".

If it was purely up to me and I had the funds, backing and support I would Smite every last one of the little rotten Bastards. Since they don't know what they are messing with.
Wow, Stryder. Maybe the pseudoscience section is a good place for you. . . :D

I don't doubt that it's possible for such things to be. Some type of resonating type effect. But, you make it sound like it's a common thing. Guys on the corner manipulating people with "voices" in their heads.

The thing about it is, I wonder what these 'voices' would sound like? They almost surely wouldn't sound like thoughts. But, I suppose schizophrenics voices don't sound like thoughts either. I guess that's the point. A 'real' voice that is not thought to be thought therefore it must be either god, aliens, supernatural beings, whatnot. We can always come up with a good explanation for unexplainable phenomena. That's what makes us human.
I would suggest that firstly there is the construction of a voice that would sound similar to your own, then you would realise that it is not your own from the generation of a paradox. It perhaps commenting something that you deep down would not comment or perhaps manipulating thoughts about a family member in a sick perverted way. (Of course you know that it's disgusting, but it continues anyhow)

The point about such voices is they have their own logic, not one built by the psyche of the victim. They present themselves and depending on how the interaction is with the victim then decide how they continue to interact. They could pretend to be Aliens, Gods, Angels, Devils, Ghosts, Police, Agents(MI5-6/FBI/CIA) but the truth of the matter is they will be attempting to coverup and falsify things at every turn.

I wish I could explain the reason why this occurs, perhaps it's about creating unwilling enformers that spy on people that could potentially uncover conspiracy plots or enemy agents. However if a majority of the main countries, Security agencies and Third party Contractors are using this equipment all without the others supposedly knowing, then everybody is an agents stool pigeon.

(I know it sounds a serious "Matrix" philosophy with anyone listening to you being the ears of an agent, but the reality is actually nearly like that.)

There was in fact a suggestion that the clandestine manipulation of individuals to develop psychosis and who are enforced into hospitals is actually to help cover up the figures of the number of ex-military people that suffer psychological problems after being in conflicts. Afterall if society is ill, and a few ex-military men go crazy and kill people or wife beat, who's going to notice that statistic?
It's telepathy...it's not mechanical...it's telepathic communication. And not from a human...from a spirit. What are spirits who lie? Demons. How can you possibly give so much credit to those who are considered to be the dredge of society? Murderers and rapists? They are too busy murdering and raping to spend time developing such an elaborate system of communciation. And why would they? It's not logical and it's not necessary. The government? They can't even figure out a way to feed people for crying out loud. Have you ever visited a local government run office...of any type? The lack of productivity is profound. It's like stepping into another world, where fat middle-aged women in stretchy pants and big sweaters eat snack food and drink diet sodas and gossip all day long for a living. And middle aged men with comb-overs and polyester pants walk around aimlessly with a single piece of paper in their hands trying in vain to decide which tower high stack of paper to place it upon...back and forth across the office aimlessly...with some glazed look in their eyes...forgetting where they were going half way there, and having to return...like they're all on acid for god's sake. And then there's the one hoochie on the one telephone, that has the one incoming line, and no message service, that's talking to her boyfriend for 8 hours straight...which is why you have to go to the office in person in the first place, cause you can never get the stupid gum-chewing bitch to take your call! And then the military...what, the ex high school football jock bullies who didn't have what it took to get a sports scholarship? And everyone else who didn't know what else to do upon high school graduation? Listen I've been on a military base...and I've never seen so many drugs in my life. One of my ex-boyfriends came out of the army hooked on cocaine ok?

Wow, can you tell...I'm a real patriot. I'll shut up now...I'm only ranting anyway.
Okay Lori_7, how about this:

If you were to stand in a room that has been designed to interfer with communications equipment ergo JAM comms, would you hear someone whisper words of wisdom to your ear as a spirit or would they be Jammed?

I know you'll probably answer they'd still be there but the fact is they would be Jammed, and they know it.

In fact I'm working on getting this out into the public, perhaps one day those hospitals where the fallen lay wondering what they have done will have such Jamming systems installed, suddenly you'll notice a great improvement in the speed that people are ready to leave, unfortunately those "Angels/Demons" (That are all one in the same at the end of the day) are waiting for them when they leave.

I suppose my view is tainted from what I've seen of the equipment myself and even of technology thats capable of being utilised to generate the same effect. Your spooks will just turn out to be a bunch of paraspychologists that know when they are pointed out and shown to the crowd that there entire careers and degree's will go up in smoke and mirrors.
Hehe, CIA or god? Either way, earlier in this thread Lori insinuated that god had told her she would end up "hooking up" with some famous person she apparently has been told she now has a connection with. I'm pretty sure we have all heard of this sort of pattern before? Dangerous stalker type obsession? We can only hope that this famous person has bodyguards!
Oh come on now Spymoose...I'm not a stalker. Trust me, I would have never believed it in a million years if it hadn't come from god himself. Dude, this guy is an untouchable. He's got every woman in the flippin' world wanting to get down his pants, and I wasn't one of them until this spiritual experience happened. I didn't even obsess over celebrities when I was a stupid teenager. I'm not about to start now for no good reason. After all, I was happy several years ago dating a man who put a roof on my house. AND, this miracle happened 4 months ago. AND we can't communicate until he (he being the famous person) says so. He will come after me...not the other way around. SO, I haven't even tried to reach him. And won't try because it would defeat the whole point. Listen, I know that this sounds really weird. Do you know why? Well, it's because it's really weird. Like the weirdest thing ever in the whole world. It hasn't been easy for me to get my head around this you know. I still don't think I do completely. It's just so bizarre...but it's true. God said "Lori, this is your husband." Along with some other things to describe him, and as to why he is...or what he's like. He said that he's like me, only a man. Like we're two halves of the same whole. He said that he's just like me only stronger...physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And I said, "Well, it sounds like he would make a great husband then." But if you think for one second that it didn't sound like the craziest thing in the whole world to me, then think again. Dude, you don't even know the half of it. It's the most bizarre thing ever. But it's also the most romantic thing ever too. And man, I am sooooooo grateful. I can't even put it into words. It's like an arranged marriage...by god. Cool, huh? But can you imagine how hard it is for me to know this, and not be able to see him or talk to him? It's really hard. Like I'm a horse and it's this big gleaming carrot that I can't reach. It's cool though. I'm really happy with the way things are. I know that everything has a reason and a season, and that god makes them perfect. This time apart is really important. Because in the end...all of you people that think I'm crazy now...and trust me, you're not alone in your opinion...will learn something very valuable in the end.


Soooo, if pointed out, these parapsychologists careers would go up in smoke and mirrors, then how are they making a living now? What is the point of this and who is paying them? You started out talking about criminals like rapists and murders using this equipment, but now parapsychologists....and are you saying that they are now being paid by the government/military who would deny their involvement if called out? I'm a little confused. And is this where you have seen this equipment...in the military?
Well Lori_7, The fact is there are many groups that use the systems for their particular projects, some are the everso hush clandestiners that would rather Kill than go to court, the others aren't so hardline but they know their still doing wrong at the end of the day.

The equipment I know of is actually parapsychologists, however everybody in the industry knows about each others systems. It gets confusing for the pawns in the middle and thats the way they like it for them.