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Religious? No, me neither. Organized religion is what it is...the only good thing about it is IF it leads you to knowing Christ personally...which unfortunately, most of the time, does the exact opposite...as people use it as a substitue for the real thing...and that is so profoundly dangerous and destructive...the Jezebel spirit bears the spirit of the antichrist...being born again is the real deal...there is no substitute for knowing Jesus, and being counseled, not by a preacher...a man...a book, but by the holy spirit of God Himself.

Yea, Jesus is all about cleaning and healing for sure...it's definitely what He's done with/to me....in a major way. I am so eternally grateful. I can't even explain it in words.
fair enough.
let me rephrase.
i personally,
dont believe in God (the father), Jesus (the son), nor the Holy Spirit.

If they were real, and were really who they said that they were in the Bible, would you want to know? Would you want to know them? Just curious. Cause I know them, and they're totally cool...they're exactly who they say they are...and they are One. They're everything...and everything to me...and like I said...I'm not religious. If you want to know...uh...then all you have to do is want to know...sincerely want to know...and you will know...you desire sincerely, and they take it from there. So...do you want to know? If not, do you mind if I ask you why not? You don't have to answer if you don't want to...I know it's personal and all. It's more of a rhetorical question really.
Thanks for this thread Lori 7, i must be bored. I have just wasted 5 mins of my life reading it.

And then another few seconds typing a response....
This is the funniest thread ever. :D

I can beat you at psychic powers, Lori. I have the mystical power to speak and have my words appear on my computer screen. I can do something even more amazing. I have the mystical power to make toast so that it's chewy-yet-crispy-warm, the perfect piece of toast!

Bow down to me and take me as your guru. :cool:

Those moronic aliens and fictional characters are kidding you.

Quit saying that you are not religious. You fit almost every definition of the word 'religious' imaginable. Perhaps you think you aren't religious because you don't partake in rituals. Too bad, because that's not what religious means--that's just something that some religions practice.

Ok man, whatever label floats your boat. My point is that I don't want to be included in the "church people" category. The "holier than thou, ritualistic, dogma following, do this and don't do that, it's all about the arbitrary rules, judgement soaked, you're going to hell if you don't eat breath walk talk and shit like I do"...uh...people. When I hear the term "religious", that's what I associated with it. So by my definition, I am not religious...I am born again. And there is a vast difference between the two...I am very well aware of this difference, as I have lived the difference, and experienced it first hand. The only part of the definition of religion that applies to me is the fact that I believe in a higher spiritual power. The rules and the rituals and the dogmas you can throw right out the window, if you please, as they do not apply. I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit lives inside of me, and counsels me...that to me, and by definition is not "religious"....it's just a fact...it's not a dogma, or an organization, or a teaching that you follow, but it's a "reality" that you live with 24/7...it's my existence...not some exercise that I do on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Does that clarify?
What the bleep is with the hot thing?!?!? I can't remember who it was in another thread...on the religious forum i guess...that asked me if I was still hot. And then just today, I was reading some thread out in the archives from years ago, where there was a conversation about whether I was or was not hot. I wasn't even posting then...the conversation didn't even include me. So just to clarify...no people, I'm definitely not hot. As a matter of fact, God has recently told me to get the color cut out of my hair...which got me into a pixie do, and to stop wearing makeup. He must be working on my vanity...I guess...he didn't really say. But my flesh is certainly feeling the sting of being crucified, yo. Or I've thought that it may be because when I finally hook up with the famous dude that's involved with my miracle...people will say, "Well you know, there HAD to have been some miracle that happened, otherwise what would HE be doing with HER????" And I wouldn't blame them, because this guy is sooooooooo beautiful...and because right now, I look a hell of a lot like Peter Pan. Or maybe a thirteen year old little boy...or a lesbian. Well, the kind of lesbian that guys don't think is hot...ya know, cause there are so many that are sooo hot. So no, to put it to bed forever, I'm not hot. I'm not ugly, and I'm not pretty, I'm ok, whatever that means.
Lori_7 said:
I'm not ugly, and I'm not pretty, I'm ok, whatever that means.

It means nothing ... I just wondered what you'd look like when I peer over some hot coffee on a crisp morning ... orange sunrise optional ...
wa...uh...it meant nothing? can i at least have some coffee in a to go cup? *pitiful pout*
I know that the military in more than my own country are suppose to serve the country and "god", however they are usually told that if "god" tells them to do something, they shouldn't listen as it has to go through the chain of command.

I'm not military myself but it suggests to me that if a subversion tactic was to utilise a religious situation of a "God" telling you to do things, a religious person would follow "Like a sheep", however the reality is that in a flock of sheep... how many are wolves in sheeps clothing?

So I suggest Lori_7 don't listen to what you think is "God", just know yourself, know who you are and what your about. You are your own person not someones "Puppet" so live your life, not theirs. (meaning what they want you to be for them)
who are you referring to...when you say "someones"...i don't mind being god's "puppet"...it's funny you say that because as of late i have felt more and more like that...only i have referred to myself as feeling like a doll...i guess a doll is a puppet huh?

see i don't think that you are getting me...my vibe...so allow me to lay it down for ya...

i don't listen to people...i listen to god himself...he talks to me personally....there is no chain of command there...well it's a short chain huh...him to me and that's it.

i don't GO TO church...i AM THE church.

i want that to be my sig...it's been so long since i've been out here that i can't remember how to even get one...hmmm...let me see if i can find it...
but no....sorry, i'll stop now before i get kicked off. lmao.