Looking for Flash


Go to church? I am the church!
Registered Senior Member
Hi Everyone,

I just re-registered with this forum. I used to post here several years ago under the name Lori...it's been a long time. I don't recognize any of the old familiar names of those that I used to talk to. Well, it's been about 4 years since I've been out here.

Anyway...I've recently had a miracle occur in my life. A huge, whopping, mind-blowing miracle. One that is more major and astounding and important than statues crying tears of blood, or stigmata, or sightings of the Virgin Mary, and the like. I can't go into the details of the miracle here, as it would take forever. It's so complicated, and involved that I'm in the process of writing a book about it right now. I will say, though, that it has to do with a topic which is the reason that I came out here to post years ago. And involves a person that I spoke to on this forum.

One of the people that I used to talk to out here posted under the name of Flash. Flash and I talked for a couple of years, and became very close friends, even roommates for a short time, but have lost touch. I haven't talked to her in about 3 years.

But because of what has happened to me, I have to get in touch with her now. So I'm out here to try to find her. Does anyone remember her? Heard from her lately? I'm hoping that she still comes out here to browse and/or post occasionally. If so, please post here, or e-mail me right away.

Thanks to all. When I'm finished with my book, I would like to make it available on the internet, and will post a link here asap. And in the meantime, remember that Jesus rocks. Love you.
wow, it was so amazing you can't even say anything about it. That must be pretty amazing, I'm sure. Is there a special club you can get into now for having an experience so grand that you can't talk about it? Are you going to be making one if there is not? Ive been around here for a little while, I havn't seen anyone named flash.

According to the Search I did of the site (that convenient little link that could have told you if flash was still around) if I am reading it right Flash's last post was made on 03-16-00, at 03:46 AM
Wow, that was a long time ago, but I know that if God wants us in touch, then He'll get us in touch somehow.

Regarding your sarcasm...nice...pleasant...I suppose I have some of my own.

I'm not trying to be elusive, or to imply that it's some big secret that only select persons may know of. I'm saying that the detail of the circumstances surrounding the miracle is so vast and volumous that it takes a book to explain. I'm already in the process of writing the book, and this forum may not be the best place in which to write it, so I'm writing in it Microsoft works files. Get it? When I'm finished writing it, and the season is right, then the whole world will know about my miracle. I told Tiassa a bit about it, in the religion forum, if you wish to read my post there. Soon enough, the whole world will know...but the time is not right yet. I don't know exactly when it will be, as it is not up to me to decide.

The miracle has to do with healing, aliens, revelations, the antichrist, the false prophet, the mark of the beast, spiritual rebirth vs rebirth of the flesh, eternal life of the spirit vs eternal life of the flesh, the jezebel spirit of organized religion, taking Jesus' name in vain, witnessing falsely in Jesus' name, spiritual resurrection, deception, romance, truth, love, and marriage, just to name a few of the main topics involved. So as you can see, it's complicated...very complicated and volumous in detail. It's as if every single thing that's made up my entire life has led me or prepared me for what has happened now...all of a sudden everything has meaning...things that seemed so insignificant before...and everything about my life makes sense. But I'm 37 years old, and that's a lot of life to make sense out of...so it's gonna take me a while to write it all down. I hope that this helps you to understand what I meant by my last post. :)
It's as if everything in my life up to this point has led me to rolling my eyes and letting out one massive sigh. Let me guess, you will expect to be treated as the copyright holder of this book, even though its of vital earth shattering spiritual importance to all the peoples of the world?
But of course, and attempting to have it published for sale as well, it'd be the only spiritual thing to do.

37 years old you say? You know what? You make me feel better about my own life, you'd probably do better writing a book for suicidal people to make them realize that any measure that they've been using to deem their own lives as having been wasted is entirely obsolete. I'm sure you could set one hell of an example.
Wow, you guys are really hateful and cynical. It's kind of unpleasant to read about actually. I was going to put the book on a website...for free. And then, depending on demand...may publish. But it may not come to that, as the other person involved in the miracle is a very famous person. And a multi-millionare. Money isn't an issue with me though. I've got a $70K a year resume in financial analysis, and am currently making about half of that as a waitress...so I can write. God put me in the perfect place and job to do just this, and it's not about the money. I love God, not money, and God takes care of me very, very well. And thanks for the concern...it seemed real heart-felt. You people are really scary you know? To attack someone like that just for honestly answering a question. Mystech...you would do better to keep it to yourself if that's all you have to say...I'd say that words just like yours are the reason that the suicidal people put the gun to their head in the first place.
lori im not sure what these forums were like before, but theyve been like this ever since i joined... a bunch of negativity

good luck

You might try checking your PM to see if Flash has responded
Lori_7 said:
Wow, you guys are really hateful and cynical. ...I'd say that words just like yours are the reason that the suicidal people put the gun to their head in the first place.
Was it your pure and religious open mind that helped you deduce all our flaws so quickly? And in such empathetic healing terms too. You must be a credit to your mystical powers.
And you must be a credit to the other super-bitch-mice sneering behind their pc displays while tapping away furiously on their typing-gun-machines.
Did you just insult computers? Because I understand why you insulted me, you don't like people who get hostile towards folks who want to market their "Spiritualism" for only a low low fee. I get that, you think we are ruining your fun. But I do believe that you have to be equipped with one of those hated "Typing-gun machines" to be arguing with me.
Hey, I found Flash...sweet. God always finds a way for me.

Spymouse...you're jaded and cynical...hostile for no apparent reason...prove me wrong. I told you that this isn't about marketing or money, but about locating Flash, which I've done...and about witnessing to a miracle...to the healing power of Jesus Christ...to end times prophecy...to salvation in Christ...and what is the reason that you refuse to believe me? Why do yo assume that I'm lying? I'm telling you the truth...I couldn't care less about money...it's not about money. I don't give a rat's ass about money. Do you hear me? Are you deaf...blind...or what's your problem? You don't know anything about me or my intentions...you assume you know things that you don't. You don't have an open mind and you don't give people, like me for example, the benefit of the doubt. I don't have mystical powers...I have the holy spirit inside me. But let me tell you that it doesn't take the holy spirit, or a rocket scientist, a psychologist, or a crystal ball to see what your problem is...it's quite obvious to anyone, simply based upon your words. See, my Father doesn't like it when I lie...so I'm not going to lie to you...about you...I call it like I see it...unlike you. If you want to hear a bunch of fluffy lies, then talk to the "other side"...that is what they are good for. Best wishes...sincerely...I hope that you can find the truth someday...it will set you free from all of the hate and hurt that you're apparently carrying around...and I'm not assuming that, but basing my deduction upon your words that you've shown here. Love you, and I pray that you are healed. Jesus heals with the truth. And the truth is a double edged sword...not a fluffy bunny. It pierces the flesh, and heals the spirit. Sorry about the piercing...but you asked for it. You want fluffy bunnies? Like I said, talk to someone who doesn't have the holy spirit in them...no fluffy bunnies here...they are not welcome here. Rabbits are roadkill.
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methinks he is one of those people that think insulting others is the best form of humour. im sure he was rolling on the floor in stiches when he thought up this:
"You must be a credit to your mystical powers."
no, you just suck. (spymoose i mean)
now im cynical and filled with and extra helping of hate but i dont go around (or at least i try not too) insulting others beliefs since they dont conform with mine.
Lori 7, nice to meet you. of course, my cynicism and sarcasm might not appeal to you, so sorry.
Logically Unsound,

Thanks man...nice to meet you too. Hey, I've been there...but not anymore (about the cynicism), and I can be a real sarcastic b***h myself at times...wish I wasn't. I'd better grow some thick skin though, and fast. God's been working on that with me...I wish I wasn't so retarded and slow though. I need to get used to it...the opposition. I'm going to get a lot of it, I know. There are a lot of people who are not going to want to hear what I have to say because of this miracle...people in organized religion to name the first...the new age "love and light" people..."aliens are our friends" people...atheists...lots of people. And as much evidence to the miracle as there will be, I know that just like Spymoose, people will only believe what they want to believe, regardless of fact or evidence...it's obvious...it's law actually. Most people just don't want to hear the truth about much...it's too consequential...they're too afraid...it's too painful to their flesh...their flesh is programmed to love the lies...it eats them up like candy...candy from fuzzy bunnies...yum, yum. Sugar is poison you know...I've heard doctors say that it's a cancer cell's favorite food...it's what cancer thrives on...and it can kill you...just like the lies. People...it's time to bite the bullet, and get healthy...time is short.
time is very short, but most people spend their entire lives with a blanket over thier head, effectively not giving a dam about truth, living in the 'real world' and just 'getting through life'. dam i hate that. although im sure thats what i, along with every other, will become.
your blanket is probably different from mine though :)
as for what else you said, its all true. i think you might be being on harsh on spymoose there, everyone admits to mistakes at some point. but right now, im sure moose wont admit hes an idiot.
sugar is probably a cancer cells food simply cause its high in energy, but ill keep on eating it if its all the same to you ;)
Beach Babe,

"Jesus Rocks" would be the title. He totally rocks.

The real world sucks...they made a show about it, and it sucks too. The real world IS THE BLANKET...the veil, that keeps us in the dark. The light of Christ exposes the lie...and radiates the truth...the warmth of His love melts your heart...so that all of the broken pieces melt back together again...and it's made whole again...as the truth heals you...heals your heart...your soul...your spirit. But it makes your flesh go "OUCH!". Taking that blanket off is hard to do...it's hard to trust that you'll be ok...but He takes care of you so well...you will never regret it...and you'll never want to go back under...in the dark...ever again. I love Him...I love Him...I love Him...bunches and bunches and bunches...He's so amazing...amazing grace...just like the song. He takes care of everything....provides, protects, heals, restores, redeems, and even resurrects...and His love is pure and true and eternal. He is beyond words...but I try.
A fine example of how religion can be dangerous. Anything that teaches you that the 'real world sucks', and furthermore, that the solution to the suckiness is faith in something, is dangerous.

If your religion tells you to clean up the Earth and find cures for diseases, well, that's something else.