Looking for Flash

okinrus said:
Love requires giving up the things that the self values for the benifit of the beloved.

Love requires nothing. It is who you are by nature. You are not alive just to give up everything you value. This is clear when you include yourself amongst those you love.

So I think it can be argued that Jesus did care; he said "not my will be done but yours." It was only his Oneness with the Father that it made it possible to do the Father's will.

We are all one with God. We can all do God’s will. Jesus’ choice was do God’s will. God’s will is our will. By choosing God’s will, Jesus chose to do our will. That is why "not my will be done but yours." This is why he accepted crucification and would a thousand times.

It is true that Jesus remains loving, even when we sin, but if we reject him, then our free will would require the absence of love for that is what we've chosen.

No, that might be what religions want you to believe in their quest for more money & power. As part of God (oneness with God), you are love by nature no matter what you choose. Jesus loves you no matter what you choose. And because God’s will is your will, and Jesus’ will is God’s will, whatever you choose is the will of both. Either will help you achieve whatever it is you choose, even if that choice is to reject them. That is pure love expressed.
Love requires nothing.
A Love that requires nothing would be nothing. It is true that to love we must open our hearts and receive love. Someone who has opened their heart to love acts lovingly. So you are right that love does not force someone to act lovingly but someone who does not act in a manner befitting love does not have love. Thus, I can say love requires us to act, and the more sacrifice someone is willing to make, the more love one has.

It is who you are by nature. You are not alive just to give up everything you value.
I'm not sure what God's plan for me is but this was the plan Jesus accepted.

We are all one with God. We can all do God’s will.
If we we are all truly one with God, what is your explanation for why people do evil?

Jesus’ choice was do God’s will. God’s will is our will.
God's will for us does not mean God will force us in accord with his will.
okinrus said:
A Love that requires nothing would be nothing.

Does a rock require anything outside itself to be a rock? You are one with God, and God is pure love, thus you are pure love. It is easy to confuse this with man’s definition of love, which is the opposite of what man labels fear. These are relative terms unrelated to pure love, which is an absolute. God’s love, the love that you are, is a no-strings-attached kind of love. You can choose anything, do anything, and you are always expressing love/yourself. You never have more or less love based on some action; a rock is no more a rock when it rolls down a hill. It is when you choose to do God’s will (which is our will) that you will sacrifice more for others’ sake (our sake). That choice is no better than another except as you perceive it to be.

If we we are all truly one with God, what is your explanation for why people do evil?

There is no evil, just as there is no sin. These are labels man has given to a set of actions. God does not label like that except through us (by doing our will). God and Jesus help everyone regardless of their choice.

Does this mean that God thinks that killing babies is great? No. We are all one with God, so when we kill we kill part of our self. That would seem to be sub-optimal, but God doesn’t judge that. God will (if you ask) make the observation that life is not created for the purpose of destroying it. But regardless God will help kill the babies.

God's will for us does not mean God will force us in accord with his will.

God’s will is our will, so nothing is forced upon us.
okinrus said:
I'm not sure what God's plan for me is but this was the plan Jesus accepted.

Just as Jesus accepted a plan, chose a plan for himself, so too can you choose any plan you desire. You need not wonder what God’s plan is for you; God doesn’t dictate one (however, it will help you choose one if you ask). No plan is better than another except as you perceive that. And you can change your mind as often as you want.

There is lots of evidence that can be seen by 3rd parties...some was unfortunately destroyed by myself in fear...Satan buggin' me...on the telephone no less...I know, sounds crazy, but it's true. There have been lots of changes in me that are so profound that people know something miraculous has happened...mom and dad made me go to the doctor to make sure I don't have a brain tumor or something the other day...keep in mind, I'm 37 years old, and mom and dad are in the doctor's office with me...in the exam room even...they all think I'm nuts because of what I'm telling them that happened...but the "fruit"...the fruit of the spirit, that they see in me is sooooo good, that they can't deny it's a good thing...the story is just so over the top that they are worried...they can't fathom...can't relate. I've always been so level-headed and responsible...at least that they know of...an approval seeker even...a degreed accountant for crying out loud...the strong, stable one that know one ever worried about...and now this...they just can't reconcile. I've stopped smoking cigs cold turkey without so much as one withdrawal symptom...over a pack a day for 21 years...addicted so bad that I had one lit before my feet ever hit the bedroom floor in the morning...I would cry if forced to go without one for more than 4 hours...seriously, literally, cry...I quit drinking and smoking pot, after being an addict for about the same amount of time, 20 years or so...all of a sudden I'm a straight edge vegan...after being a junky of everything from eating disorders to junk food to drugs for almost my entire life. I'm healthier and happier and more fulfilled than I've ever dreamed was possible, and it definately shows. The dr. pissed me off by saying to my parents that "If this is her way of healing herself, then it can't be all bad."...referring to all of the positive changes brought about...I couldn't have done this myself in a million years...never. If I could have done it myself, then I would have by now. Why would I make up some miracle to attribute it to if I were doing it myself? I'm beginning to think that they are all crazy. Denial is a strange phenomenon to witness when it is so profound like this...my parents have known me all of my life...how can they think I'm nuts?...they definately know better. I just don't get it. They won't even consider the notion of a miracle...that what I'm saying is true...not even consider it for a moment. It's too much...too important...profound...meaningful and consequential...they just can't handle it. I can. Oh, and at the dr. they took blood, and prescribed an MRI, which I have to schedule tomorrow. When my dad first suggested that I go to the dr., I was a little upset...pride...it's a sin ya know...so I prayed about it and God said that it may not be such a bad idea. He reminded me of how atheists always want to put Him under a microscope and measure Him with a ruler and such, and if they can't then they claim that is why they don't believe. Who knows? I know though, that I'm in perfect health...no brain tumors here. And when they send me to a shrink, they will find the same thing...with their standardized sanity tests of sorts. More sane than I've ever been.

Anyway, I'm going on and on...the evidence is being accumulated currently...which is why I can't devulge the details about this miracle right now. The other person involved, as I said is famous. I have never met this person. I've never talked to them, or corresponded with them, in the flesh, in any way. They, though, can astral project, and can somehow read my mind, or hear my voice in their head. I don't know how it works, I just know it's happening. The night of the healing...they came to me, in the spirit...I was on my couch reading my Bible. They were not alone, but with an angel of the Lord. The person gave me a hug and kissed me...and apparently that's healed them. I know?????????? I don't know why, I just know that's what happened. So they are now, and since then, 1000's of miles away. I am telling my story...writing it all down. And they are telling their story...writing it all down. Our stories are the same. Two halves of the same whole. I don't know when the halves will be brought together, but when they are, there will be evidence...and lots of it. Because there has been no interaction in the flesh, within which to conspire or to corroborate. That can be proven. Even with the evidence...there are those who will not believe, I know.

People believe what they want to believe. Did you know why it is that everyone doesn't know God like I do? Because they don't want to. It's a law...like e=mc2 or gravity or photosythesis are laws of science...seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened is a spiritual law. Our sincere desire to know of or not to know of the truth is the only thing that brings us to it, or keeps us from it. It's that simple...and yet it is not simple. Sincerity cannot be hidden from God. The flesh fights us every step of the way. The flesh worships the lies...feeds on them...to keep us in the dark. It takes humility to sincerely seek...sometimes being humbled can be quite painful to the flesh...but so beneficial to the spirit.

Well, it's nighty-night time for me. Love ya bunches peeps...*yawn*
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Lori_7 said:

There is lots of evidence that can be seen by 3rd parties...some was unfortunately destroyed by myself in fear...Satan buggin' me...on the telephone no less...I know, sounds crazy, but it's true. There have been lots of changes in me that are so profound that people know something miraculous has happened...mom and dad made me go to the doctor to make sure I don't have a brain tumor or something the other day...keep in mind, I'm 37 years old, and mom and dad are in the doctor's office with me...in the exam room even...they all think I'm nuts because of what I'm telling them that happened...but the "fruit"...the fruit of the spirit, that they see in me is sooooo good, that they can't deny it's a good thing...the story is just so over the top that they are worried...they can't fathom...can't relate. I've always been so level-headed and responsible...at least that they know of...an approval seeker even...a degreed accountant for crying out loud...the strong, stable one that know one ever worried about...and now this...they just can't reconcile. I've stopped smoking cigs cold turkey without so much as one withdrawal symptom...over a pack a day for 21 years...addicted so bad that I had one lit before my feet ever hit the bedroom floor in the morning...I would cry if forced to go without one for more than 4 hours...seriously, literally, cry...I quit drinking and smoking pot, after being an addict for about the same amount of time, 20 years or so...all of a sudden I'm a straight edge vegan...after being a junky of everything from eating disorders to junk food to drugs for almost my entire life. I'm healthier and happier and more fulfilled than I've ever dreamed was possible, and it definately shows. The dr. pissed me off by saying to my parents that "If this is her way of healing herself, then it can't be all bad."...referring to all of the positive changes brought about...I couldn't have done this myself in a million years...never. If I could have done it myself, then I would have by now. Why would I make up some miracle to attribute it to if I were doing it myself? I'm beginning to think that they are all crazy. Denial is a strange phenomenon to witness when it is so profound like this...my parents have known me all of my life...how can they think I'm nuts?...they definately know better. I just don't get it. They won't even consider the notion of a miracle...that what I'm saying is true...not even consider it for a moment. It's too much...too important...profound...meaningful and consequential...they just can't handle it. I can. Oh, and at the dr. they took blood, and prescribed an MRI, which I have to schedule tomorrow. When my dad first suggested that I go to the dr., I was a little upset...pride...it's a sin ya know...so I prayed about it and God said that it may not be such a bad idea. He reminded me of how atheists always want to put Him under a microscope and measure Him with a ruler and such, and if they can't then they claim that is why they don't believe. Who knows? I know though, that I'm in perfect health...no brain tumors here. And when they send me to a shrink, they will find the same thing...with their standardized sanity tests of sorts. More sane than I've ever been.

Anyway, I'm going on and on...the evidence is being accumulated currently...which is why I can't devulge the details about this miracle right now. The other person involved, as I said is famous. I have never met this person. I've never talked to them, or corresponded with them, in the flesh, in any way. They, though, can astral project, and can somehow read my mind, or hear my voice in their head. I don't know how it works, I just know it's happening. The night of the healing...they came to me, in the spirit...I was on my couch reading my Bible. They were not alone, but with an angel of the Lord. The person gave me a hug and kissed me...and apparently that's healed them. I know?????????? I don't know why, I just know that's what happened. So they are now, and since then, 1000's of miles away. I am telling my story...writing it all down. And they are telling their story...writing it all down. Our stories are the same. Two halves of the same whole. I don't know when the halves will be brought together, but when they are, there will be evidence...and lots of it. Because there has been no interaction in the flesh, within which to conspire or to corroborate. That can be proven. Even with the evidence...there are those who will not believe, I know.

People believe what they want to believe. Did you know why it is that everyone doesn't know God like I do? Because they don't want to. It's a law...like e=mc2 or gravity or photosythesis are laws of science...seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened is a spiritual law. Our sincere desire to know of or not to know of the truth is the only thing that brings us to it, or keeps us from it. It's that simple...and yet it is not simple. Sincerity cannot be hidden from God. The flesh fights us every step of the way. The flesh worships the lies...feeds on them...to keep us in the dark. It takes humility to sincerely seek...sometimes being humbled can be quite painful to the flesh...but so beneficial to the spirit.

Well, it's nighty-night time for me. Love ya bunches peeps...*yawn*


Thanks for the information. I have noted some of the events that have
occured directly or indirectly as part of the whole experience:

* Talked to Satan on the telephone.
* Stopped Smoking cold Turkey after a 21 year addiction w/o withdrawl symptoms.
* Stopped drinking and smoking pot after a 20 year addiction w/o withdrawl symptoms.
* Went vegan after a lifetime of commercialized food.
* Have had communication with one or more paranormal entities.
* Have had mental communication with another individual (a famous

I understand and appreciate that you want to keep the really good details
away from the public at this point in time. Because of this, I would like to
make a seperate request. I would like to invite you to meet me in person
and after this, if you feel that I am someone whom you could tell the whole
story to, then I would definately give you my ear. Let me know what you



P.S. I live in California (U.S.).
Wow...that's quite a request. As I said, I'm writing it all down...trying to...it's so complex, but I'm working on it. And the other person will spill the beans eventually. Actually, I feel as though it is "their beans" to spill. And when they spill, the whole world will know. I just don't feel like I have a right to spill them on their behalf. It's their ball game, and I'm just waiting for them to pass me the ball. I don't know how this will be done logistically, or the timing of it all. But they need more time...how much more I don't know. But I do know...well, I'm almost sure that I myself will end up in Cali as well...when the beans are spilled. Maybe I can see you then...maybe we could both see you. Do you mind if I ask...why the invite? Are you a paranormal investigator, or a shrink, or a priest, or...just interested? Maybe you can't say here...if not, that's ok, I understand. To tell you the truth...I'm a bit confused about what I'm to be doing right now. The other person is the "leader", and I'm the follower...so I'm waiting for them to take the lead. For all I know, I'm not supposed to be doing anything but embracing the remarkable changes in me, and enjoying the ride. I don't even know if I should be posting about it out here. It's just that after having this happen, I just want to scream it from the rooftops, ya know? I want to tell everyone everything. It's so important...not just to me, but to everyone. What we know...what we've been shown...what can be shown...is so important. It will save so many souls...I just can't wait...but I can wait...I will...I must. Thanks for the invite. I'm so hoping that it won't be much longer. But God has a perfect plan, a perfect reason, and a perfect season...and I'm down with it. If He wants us to chat, then we'll definitely chat.
God's plan is perfect, I agree. No souls fall through the cracks (there are no cracks) hence none need saving. We are all perfect beings, some of us whom choose with their free will to label some souls as saved and the rest not, typically at the behest of organized religion which thereby increases its money & power. I think you have merged toxic beliefs with an authentic Jesus experience. I doubt Jesus told you that anyone needed saving.
Oh, and I should explain. The satan on the phone thing...it's my ex-husband...he's being influenced...possessed even. It's definitely demonic...I recognize the "fruit"...it's very obvious. Right after we met and started dating, he had a breakdown, and ended up temporarily in the psychiatric hospital. He was acting as if he had paranoid schizophrenia (sp?)...really bad, and really weird behavior. I, of course, figured the relationship was a no go, but kept in touch with him, just because I cared. His friends kind of blew him off while he was going through it. I know that they cared about him too, they just didn't know what to do, or how to handle it. It scared them, and because they loved the guy so much, couldn't stand to see him that way, ironically. You know how guys are *eye roll*. Anyway, he couldn't work, and was stuck in his parents house all day. So I'd go up and visit once or twice a week, and just sit with him on the porch, or take a drive, or something, depending on how he was feeling. He said some off the wall stuff to me during those visits. And he wouldn't sit next to me on the porch swing. We had been intimate prior to this happening. He thought that I was an undercover dea agent.

As quickly as he slipped into the donut hole, one day he came out of it. And he was fine. He recovered completely. Warily, I resumed the relationship with him. I loved him. We ended up getting married, but it didn't work out, obviously. I should have known better. I've learned the hard way that just because you love someone, doesn't mean that they will make a good husband. But during the course of our relationship I learned that he had a very skewed version of reality many times. Not so bad as when he was sick...but it was bad enough for him to go on anti-anxiety meds. Something was just not right with him. For the most part, I just thought that he was an asshole. He's definitely someone who doesn't want to look at the truth in many instances...particularly when it comes to himself, and his life, and his decisions/behaviors. He became progressively impossible to get along with.

There was one time though, when we were talking about the breakdown that he had before we were married. He told me that during that time, he was over at his sister's house watching tv, and he heard a voice, that he thought was coming from the tv. It was repeating, "go ahead and kill yourself...why don't you just kill yourself", over and over again. To the point that he started repeating it himself. He didn't realize that he was doing it, until his sister, who was watching tv with him said, "what the hell did you just say?!" And he snapped out of it.

Now, since we've split...we've been blessed enough to be able to forgive each other, and remain friends...only through Christ does this forgiveness take place, and it was such a relief to have. Or so I thought. Not too long before this happened...whenever the movie came out, I'm not sure...we went to see "The Passion Of The Christ" together. And we had a wonderful evening. We talked quite a bit before and after the movie, and during our conversations, he confided in me that he heard voices in his head. He told me some of the things that they said to him...and I knew they were demonic...liars...deceptive. I recognize their rhetoric from listening to some other friends of mine talk to me about their abduction/beings of light experiences. And doing general research on the topic as well. I told him that he needed to go to Jesus with this, and get protection...not to mention salvation. I always thought that Steve believed that Jesus was who He said He was. I was worried.

After that, and leading up to the miracle...as there were things that went on in my life prior to prepare the way for it...he started acting really odd. I talked to him on the phone a couple of times, and both times ended up having to hang up on him, because he was getting so beligerent and mean. Wanting to drag up old arguments and issues from way in the past...it just didn't make any sense at all. He called and apologized the next day both times, but it was just weird cause we were so far past all of that.

Then after the miracle happened...the day after. He called me and completely freaked me out by saying some things that had to do specifically with the miracle, and this other person involved. There was no way that he could have known. And he sounded weird. Not like himself...his voice was different...his tone...I knew that it wasn't him that I was talking to...even though it was him...his body anyway. The things that he said to me scared me so bad that I started spewing whatever scripture I could think of into the phone, and then I hung up. I was screaming and shaking so bad that I wouldn't even call it shaking, it was more like a mild seizure. I went down on my knees to pray, and God yelled at me to get up. Seriously yelled at me...I had never heard His voice so loud. I didn't know what to do...and in my panic, I gathered all of the things that I had concerning the miracle...well, not all, but much of it, including a piece of paper that could have been considered physical evidence, and burned it in the fireplace...along with a full carton of cigarettes.

Since then, he has called periodically, and it's the same thing. He starts out crying and talking suicidal. But then when I try to speak the truth to him, to help him. If I mention Jesus at all, he goes into a fit of hateful words and accusations (the accuser), yelling at me, in a voice that is not his own, so that I can't even get a word in edgewise, until I'm forced to hang up. The things that he says, he doesn't even realize, but I know, are satan trying to get to me...accuse me...scare me. Once I had a message on my answering machine from him. His voice came through saying one thing, but another voice was speaking at the same time, and saying something else. I could barely understand him, and I could not understand the other. But the other was not a human voice. It was definitely speaking words...I just couldn't make them out. The voice was hissing, and almost sounded synthesized...it definitely wasn't human. I turned the volume up and listened to it several times, just to make sure that it wasn't some background noise like a stereo or tv, or maybe some other person, but it was clear that it wasn't. It wasn't background noise at all. My ex's voice was in the background, and this voice was in the foreground. That's the other piece of evidence that I destroyed out of fear. I wasn't scared like I was the first time...not at all. By this time, I was actually getting used to it, if you can imagine that. But I didn't like it. I stopped trying to figure out what it had to say, because I didn't want to know or care what it had to say. And so I decided that I didn't want that on my machine, and hit the delete button. After all, why would I want a message from satan on my answering machine...yuck. It didn't occur to me until a couple of days later why I should have kept it...so people could hear it...hear for themselves...the people who now think I'm nuts.

I've since told my ex not to call me unless he wants to talk about the truth, and about Jesus. I love him and want to help him so much, but I realize that until he wants the help himself, the best thing I can do for him is to pray for him. God tells me that he will be healed and saved, but it's not time yet. I don't know why...I hate to see him in so much pain. I know that this is just satan's way of trying to get to me. He knows what this miracle means. And I pray for protection in Christ and receive it. If satan can't get to me directly, then he is trying to get to me indirectly through those that I love. My ex being an easy target unfortunately...he's just fallen right into his hands. The drugs and alcohol that he does makes it so easy for him to be manipulated too...like a puppet...I don't even think he's aware of what's going on most of the time.

Thanks for listening...I just wanted to clarify.

What Jesus says to me is that what is meant to be saved will be, and what was not will not be. That everything was created with a divine destiny and purpose. So I see your point. There are wheat, and there are tares, and the harvest is near. But there are different paths...circles and strings lets say...one is good, and one is bad. Both lead to the truth, for there is only one truth. One is a easy and pleasant path, one is a difficult and painful path. Prayer can change the path. Free will can change the path. But the only difference between people is that some are seekers, and some are not. Those that are will find, those that aren't will not, and it was meant to be so. And all leads to the truth...to show the truth...to learn it...to accept it and to love it...to choose it. God just knows our choices before we do...has from the beginning. So, what is meant to be saved will be regardless, and what is not, will not be regardless. But that does not mean that we all have to learn the hard way all of the time. Love is very important...love can change everything...and even in the midst of terror and horror, love can give you peace and shelter. That's what Jesus says to me. Without prayer, you learn the hard way, and what a waste of what could be a beautiful and joyful life...regardless of what's going on around you.
Lori_7 said:
Wow...that's quite a request. As I said, I'm writing it all down...trying to...it's so complex, but I'm working on it. And the other person will spill the beans eventually. Actually, I feel as though it is "their beans" to spill. And when they spill, the whole world will know. I just don't feel like I have a right to spill them on their behalf. It's their ball game, and I'm just waiting for them to pass me the ball. I don't know how this will be done logistically, or the timing of it all. But they need more time...how much more I don't know. But I do know...well, I'm almost sure that I myself will end up in Cali as well...when the beans are spilled. Maybe I can see you then...maybe we could both see you. Do you mind if I ask...why the invite? Are you a paranormal investigator, or a shrink, or a priest, or...just interested? Maybe you can't say here...if not, that's ok, I understand. To tell you the truth...I'm a bit confused about what I'm to be doing right now. The other person is the "leader", and I'm the follower...so I'm waiting for them to take the lead. For all I know, I'm not supposed to be doing anything but embracing the remarkable changes in me, and enjoying the ride. I don't even know if I should be posting about it out here. It's just that after having this happen, I just want to scream it from the rooftops, ya know? I want to tell everyone everything. It's so important...not just to me, but to everyone. What we know...what we've been shown...what can be shown...is so important. It will save so many souls...I just can't wait...but I can wait...I will...I must. Thanks for the invite. I'm so hoping that it won't be much longer. But God has a perfect plan, a perfect reason, and a perfect season...and I'm down with it. If He wants us to chat, then we'll definitely chat.


Yes, I do understand it's quite an unusual request. A complete stranger
asking to meet you (just to hear a story) in a state that I now understand
that you do not live in. I am not a paranormal investigator, shrink, priest,
or otherwise.

Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Ken (as you probably noted
from my last post) Professionally, I manage a team of engineers at a Silicon
Valley based software company called Mercury (http://www.mercury.com/). I
have a wife (a biotechnologist), some pets, and a house surrounded by alot
of nature. I like hot-tubbin', physics (yes I know that sounds a little nerdly),
cart racing, paint ball, playing video games, sky diving, and chatttin' in online
forums :).

To answer the question (of 'why the invite'), I like to learn about things that
help me attain deeper understanding of how life and / or the universe works
(a personal interest so to speak). For example, I have interviewed several
people with life changing experiences and have found equalities in their
experiences (some of which I have been able to tie to real biological
function). The reason I am telling you about myself is to help set expectations
about who I am and establish trust.

At this point in time, I understand that you have a conflict to deal with. On
one hand you want to tell the world about this entire experience, and on the
other hand, you feel as if the other person involved really needs to 'ok' this
by taking the first step. I would like to take an opportunity to step out of that
conflict to at least communicate with me about the experience. The reason
for this is that I am concerned that if a publication about this comes out, I
will never see it. I would propose that we still meet in person (perhaps over
an upcoming weekend). I will guarantee (in writing / NDA contract if you like)
that the information stays between us. I would be more than happy to cover
your travel, hotel, and meal expenses while you are here (after all I am
asking for your time). Let me know your thoughts on this.


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That is close to the understanding that I have, which is: Prayer (seeking) can shorten the path. Everyone is on a path to salvation, if you want to call it that. Salvation is the realization--the experience--that we are one with God. Jesus says to me that some people are on the short path, others are taking a longer route, and no route is better than another. Also prayer can take many forms; it’s really just opening yourself up to communication from God (or Jesus, a personification of God).

Your experience is similar to the experience of many others. I think you would enjoy reading about these. Check out www.near-death.com. Especially read George Ritchie’s experience with Jesus at http://www.near-death.com/experiences/ritchie01.html. See the books Embraced by the Light and Saved by the Light.

The message you are writing down is a timeless message. In its briefest form it is “wake up, there is a shorter path!” The reason this message is important is not because people need to do something to be saved (of that they are assured), but because people desire a shorter path.

Your ex-husband is influenced not by Satan, who doesn’t exist, but by one or more souls who fear God or for some other reason wish to keep people on the longer path. In George Ritchie's story you will read about how these souls use people with drug & alcohol problems, who, as you surmised, leave themselves vulnerable.

I know a person whom Jesus hugged, after which she was able to kick a deep addiction. Unfortunately she still has an addictive personality, so she turned to religion for a better understanding of Jesus, and became addicted to its fire & brimstone message. Now she believes that almost all people are going to hell for eternity, even for small infractions. (Of course the church is there to take her money in return for better odds for herself.) That is ironic to me since Jesus did not make such a judgment about her in her time of need.
Sorry it has taken me so long to respond but more important matters were at hand,


I know that what I have received...now and throughout my entire life is from Jesus. I know, through long and involved personal experience, that Jesus is exactly who He says He is.
jesus is jewish. Are you jewish Lori? If you believe what jesus believes, why are you turning to the bible for instruction??

And again...I'm not talking about some dogma here...or some form of organized religion...its much, much bigger than that. I'm talking about the truth...and the truth is that Jesus is the only Son of God, and Saviour of the world.
Why do people seem to forget that jesus subscribed to an organised religion? What can be bigger than the endorsement of a god?

Why do bad things happen to good people? Because of sin.
No, as the old saying goes, shit happens. Bad things don't happen to people. Things happen to people. People in turn interpret the event as to how it relates to them. Humans are the only judges of what is good and what is bad because we are the only sentient beings that have conscious thought that extends into the realm of the figurative and imaginative- beyond the physical. Everything is relative to us by our own understanding. Interpret it how you will but beyond the fact that we think we are all so bloody important, the universe would function just as well as it does if we weren't here.

There is so much sin in the world...the effects compounded thoughout history.
Sin is a concept born and translated through language. It is so foreign in nature to this world that I don't bother with the idea that people are coerced by something intangible into performing acts that are not socially acceptable. Look at the animal kingdom of which we are a part. Unless you are suggesting we are not of this nature, this world, why would we be any different?

Take a look around...it sucks.
You must have a pretty dismal outlook on life. Why don't you try to enjoy it once in a while?

Which is why this world must be brought to an end.
To what end? Humans don't have purpose other than that of which we give ourselves. We occurred on this planet. This world will continue on until it is sucked up by a black hole or is destroyed by a massive comet or is swallowed up by an expanding sun. This world has no meaning in the sense humans like to think, like you like to think.

The consequence of sin is death.
No, it is not. Unless you are suggesting that people age because of sin. In which case I will have to disregard all that you are saying.

This is like science people...it's mathematically sound. His sacrifice is the action that atones for the consequence of our sin. Would you rather it be your own blood? Would you rather have to suffer as Jesus did?
This is not like science. In no way is this mathematically sound. jesus performed no sacrifice, he was always going to live on, one day of getting the crapped kicked out of you is no sacrifice, it's misguided punishment. god did not need this event to occur to achieve what he wanted, for the life of me I can't understand why he didn't base this change around an event of greater importance and meaning other than working to satisfy the grotesque human need for martyrs. jesus is a human manifestation. If we create through belief then I could understand the christian god- what you essentially believe Lori- but it is not belief that creates if I am to understand the definition of the christian god therefore I can't understand. There is no other way to account for the monumentally flawed representations of gods all over the world.

Don't believe the lie...you will surely die. No one ever wants to hear or see the truth. The truth is a double-edged sword, not a fuzzy bunny. It pierces the flesh, but it heals the spirit. People don't like the "flesh-piercing" part, cause it hurts. Yea, the truth hurts...now get over it, and let Jesus put some love on you, and make it all better...cause that's exactly what his love does. The truth may not be pretty to look at sometimes, but it sets you free...would you rather be blind? There is peace in knowing the truth, regardless of what the truth is. But lets not forget that the truth is that God is love...and Jesus loves you all so much that it could never be expressed in words.
Your truth is different from my truth. In fact I don't have truths because they are absolute, of which nothing I can be absolutely sure of. I don't think like that all the time but boiled down that is what I believe absolutely. Bring on the proof of your miracle, but the rest of this you are talking about has no meaning to me because I don't believe in any of it at all. Not christ or antichrist.

One more thing...the reason that so many people have such a bad taste in their mouths about Jesus is because..
Of christians and the bible. If I wanted to believe in gods that revelled in their own crapulence I would look no further than christianity. Not because of any jezebel spirit. I'm sure if jesus existed he was probably a pretty good dude, it's his so called people and what has been written about him and around him which do him the massive disservice.

I'll stop there before this gets any longer, but in all honesty you can't understand what I am telling you because you think I have somehow been subverted into thinking this.



My problem is that I am impatient, but I'm going to have to get over it. I just can't do this right now...the time is not right. I feel that I shouldn't even be out here saying what I've said...the timing has to be right. I know that everything will accomplish God's will in the end, but for now, I must sign off, and do my telling to my personal works files. I promise though that unless you're on some deserted island, completely cut off from society, that you'll know about this when it all goes down. As a matter of fact, if you give me your e-mail addy, I'll make sure of it.


This is going to sound strange, and I apologize, but I'm not really out here to debate. I know that this is a debate forum, so I'm going to quit posting here, at least for now. I was just looking for someone who used to post here. I am so far beyond debating the existence of God, and the identity of Christ...it's like debating the existence of my little brother, and his identity. It's just pointless...because I know that the only reason that you don't know what I know about God is because you don't want to. It's law...if you look at the truth...the truth behind your own intent...you will see. You don't want to know the truth...you're even out here telling me why you don't want to know. So you know that there is nothing that I can say that will change that. It is your decision of your own free will to change that. But I must ask you a rhetorical question...and that is why? Why don't you want to know the truth? At least be honest enough to admit that you don't want to know. It's law, Atheroy...it's science...there is nothing else standing in your way except your own sincere desire.

I will close with this thought though. That the same organized religion...the same hypocrits that you are referring to in your refutal (they are called pharisees in the Bible)...are the very people who killed Christ. The power structure in His day, religious and political were threatened by His existence, and put an end to it, in the name of power and greed and fear of the truth, and the destruction that it brings to their own sin. So I ask you, are you going to let the exact same thing that killed Christ, kill you too? The whole reason that He came and made Himself a sacrifice to this, is so that you would not have to. Let Him take your place. After all, He would have gone through it all, just for you...even if you were the only one. I strongly suggest that you actually understand the scriptures before making up your mind...it's really important...be honest with yourself Atheroy. It may feel like being jaded and defensive is a source of protection, but it's a lie...it can destroy you. Peace.
Lori_7 said:

My problem is that I am impatient, but I'm going to have to get over it. I just can't do this right now...the time is not right. I feel that I shouldn't even be out here saying what I've said...the timing has to be right. I know that everything will accomplish God's will in the end, but for now, I must sign off, and do my telling to my personal works files. I promise though that unless you're on some deserted island, completely cut off from society, that you'll know about this when it all goes down. As a matter of fact, if you give me your e-mail addy, I'll make sure of it.


This is going to sound strange, and I apologize, but I'm not really out here to debate. I know that this is a debate forum, so I'm going to quit posting here, at least for now. I was just looking for someone who used to post here. I am so far beyond debating the existence of God, and the identity of Christ...it's like debating the existence of my little brother, and his identity. It's just pointless...because I know that the only reason that you don't know what I know about God is because you don't want to. It's law...if you look at the truth...the truth behind your own intent...you will see. You don't want to know the truth...you're even out here telling me why you don't want to know. So you know that there is nothing that I can say that will change that. It is your decision of your own free will to change that. But I must ask you a rhetorical question...and that is why? Why don't you want to know the truth? At least be honest enough to admit that you don't want to know. It's law, Atheroy...it's science...there is nothing else standing in your way except your own sincere desire.

I will close with this thought though. That the same organized religion...the same hypocrits that you are referring to in your refutal (they are called pharisees in the Bible)...are the very people who killed Christ. The power structure in His day, religious and political were threatened by His existence, and put an end to it, in the name of power and greed and fear of the truth, and the destruction that it brings to their own sin. So I ask you, are you going to let the exact same thing that killed Christ, kill you too? The whole reason that He came and made Himself a sacrifice to this, is so that you would not have to. Let Him take your place. After all, He would have gone through it all, just for you...even if you were the only one. I strongly suggest that you actually understand the scriptures before making up your mind...it's really important...be honest with yourself Atheroy. It may feel like being jaded and defensive is a source of protection, but it's a lie...it can destroy you. Peace.


Thanks for the update. If I may ask, aside from timing (i.e. waiting for
your counterpart in this experience to take the lead) are there any obstacles
right now that are hindering our meeting? I appreciate your expression of
confidence in that I will know about your materails when they go out. I will
PM you my email address seperately.


This is going to sound strange, and I apologize, but I'm not really out here to debate. I know that this is a debate forum, so I'm going to quit posting here, at least for now. I was just looking for someone who used to post here.
You don't have to reply :) but I can't leave this with no reply of my own.

I am so far beyond debating the existence of God, and the identity of Christ...it's like debating the existence of my little brother, and his identity.
You may be far beyond debating the existence of your god but that only shows your absolute belief in something, nothing more. I'll take your word for it that you have a sibling, but to compare the existence of a sibling with a god to me is far fetched. One is very real and the other is very real in the imagination, I gather that you feel your gods existence to be equal to that of your brothers, but you weren't born into a family that told you that your younger brother existed- only when he made his way into this world did you at first conceive that he existed.

It's just pointless...because I know that the only reason that you don't know what I know about God is because you don't want to.
I love all these assumptions you can make about me and think they are true. Probably what you believe about me is 99% wrong and that's fine by me but you'll never understand what I'm trying to say if this is the case. My story is much more complex than simply not wanting to know about god, but seeing as we're not debating further on this I won't elaborate.

It's law...if you look at the truth...the truth behind your own intent...you will see. You don't want to know the truth...you're even out here telling me why you don't want to know.
Lol, I look at the universe in a very different way to you Lori, one of the main reasons behind this is beacuse I was brought up without any religious dogma's implemented into my neurons through my parents. Forgive me if I feel I look on the universe with a less biased view than you, and have therefore found truths that you might easily ignore because of your natural bias. In my total years of existence I have not been closed off to the idea of god, for the most part I did not know about god. For a little bit I didn't like christians because of a select bastard few, but all the while if god wanted a vessel I would really have been the perfect kind. I'm still waiting for something, anything, to revel this truth to me you speak about. But believing in the bible would for me be believing in a man made god. If it is not apparent to you that the bible is flawed beyond reconciliation then you can further not understand what I am trying to say.

So you know that there is nothing that I can say that will change that.
Likewise there is nothing I can say to you that will change the fact you have liberally applied me with a preconceived set of ideas about who I am and what I believe. The reason you can't say anything to me that will change the belief you have of me is beacuse you're not talking to me, instead, you're talking to what you think of me. I can't reply, because you aren't talking to me anymore, you're talking to an idea of me you have in your head, much like that of your god probably.

It is your decision of your own free will to change that. But I must ask you a rhetorical question...and that is why? Why don't you want to know the truth? At least be honest enough to admit that you don't want to know.
You've definately gone ahead and categorised me. I want to know the truth, I search for it in my heart just about as much as I search for it around me. The fact that you believe absolutely in yourself and I believe something else means we can't debate or even talk about what I believe, it is of no moment to me, this has happened with almost every christian I have talked to.

It's law, Atheroy...it's science...there is nothing else standing in your way except your own sincere desire.
No. Firstly I would make some smart ass comment on the fact that you misunderstand what science is and secondly I would take offence. You don't know me, how on earth are you making these assumptions about me? From what you've seen of what I believe which currently consists of about two posts on an internet discussion board? Whatever, my sincere desire hasn't changed from when I was 3- an insatible curiosity untainted by the constricts of religious dogma. Though not a desire as we would classify them, you've got me fixed in your mind as something I'm not.

That the same organized religion...the same hypocrits that you are referring to in your refutal (they are called pharisees in the Bible)...are the very people who killed Christ.
god killed christ. By your own belief in the fact that jesus had to die on the cross to absolve us of our sin you cannot refute the fact that god killed christ, he made it so to save us. Why or perhaps more accurately, how can you believe in anything else?

The power structure in His day, religious and political were threatened by His existence, and put an end to it, in the name of power and greed and fear of the truth, and the destruction that it brings to their own sin.
No, this event needed to happen so it happened. Your religion is baseless otherwise.

So I ask you, are you going to let the exact same thing that killed Christ, kill you too?
If anything I am more like christ than you would think. I challenge old beliefs not because I was brought up to do so but rather because I believe things that we know now that we didn't know before. That and a mostly unbaised view of the world has helped me immensly in discerning things I otherwise wouldn't have if I had been programed by my parents to believe any outdated scripture of any kind.

Let Him take your place. After all, He would have gone through it all, just for you...even if you were the only one.
Gone through what? jesus never died, he got beaten for a day like many did then hung out on a cross like many did. I'm not refuting the idea of god, but the idea that god would need such an event to affect change- basically the bible is where I have problems. I just don't know how anyone can believe something so flawed.

I strongly suggest that you actually understand the scriptures before making up your mind...it's really important...be honest with yourself Atheroy.
Yet another assumption about me Lori? You really shouldn't have, the only one you are doing a disservice to is yourself. Maybe I hold my beliefs about the bible because I view the bible how I believe christains should. You believe god had a hand in it and that god is perfect. Why then is the bible so useless? Sure it's got some good stuff in it, but on the whole, the god represented within its pages is one sadistic sonofabitch.

It may feel like being jaded and defensive is a source of protection, but it's a lie...it can destroy you. Peace.
I am not being defensive, it's how you think I'm being. You have amazing skills of assumptive powers. I don't care if assumptive is a word I just made up either. You have, with this post, shown an astounding skill to apply ideas to someone you know little to nothing about. I'm glad you aren't debating further with me, because it would be an excercise most painful.

Be safe in your ignorance of others if it gives you Peace,


The timing is the only thing. I just don't want to get ahead of what is supposed to be. I will know when it is right, and I don't know that yet. When the time is right, it won't even be up to me...I won't even have a choice, I will just have to tell the truth is all. And you will know...I've got your addy, and I'll use it. Love you.

Hey, I'm not calling you out, ok...not making assumptions about you personally. It's just that I know the law...and I have experienced the law and how it works in my own life. It's true for anyone, and everyone, the same. And I know, that like anyone and everyone else that does not know Christ, that it is because they don't want to. Don't you hear yourself say that you don't want to? With what you think of Him, why would you? But do you know that you are making up your mind about Him, and rejecting Him, without ever knowing Him? Is that sound judgement in your opinion? After all, He doesn't take prisoners ya know. You can always meet Him...decide you don't like Him...and tell Him to take a hike...what are you afraid of? That you'll love Him like I do? That you'll have been wrong about Him?

You say that you want the truth...I believe you are sincere. But listening to you...I would have to ask...are you sure you don't mean to say that you want the truth...as long as it's not that Jesus is who He says He is? As long as the truth is not Christ? You are saying "give me the truth, as long as it's not Jesus". That's what I hear when I listen to you...I'm sorry, but I'm just being honest. You sound jaded as all hecky. Forget the Bible Atheroy...you're not going to get to know Jesus by reading a book...not even His book. You get to know Jesus by getting to know Him. I'm talking about a personal relationship with Him. You can hear His voice, feel His presence, and see Him do things in your life...see Him as He shows Himself to you...and I'm telling you that He will...just like He did me...and I'm telling you, you will love Him. He loves you. You must admit that you don't want to know that. You don't want that to be true, do you? It sounds like it would be your worst nightmare come true, but you are wrong. You are wrong about Him. All you have to do is sincerely open up and give Him a chance, and He will show you. I promise you that. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. So knock! Are you scared? Scared of Jesus? Don't be such a sissy. Come on...what have you got to lose? Put up or shut up...and I mean that affectionately :), cause you know I love you baby!
gunter glieben glauchen globen
all right, i got somethin' to say
it's better to burn out
than fade away
all right, gonna start a fire

c'mon rise up gather round
rock this place to the ground
burn it up let's go for broke
watch the night go up in smoke

rock on...rock on
drive me crazier
no serenade, no fire brigade
just a pyromania come on

what do you want?
what do you want?
i want rock n roll!
yes i do
long live rock n roll!

oh let's go let's strike a light
we're gonna blow like dynamite
i don't care if it takes all night
gonna set this town alight c'mon

what do you want?
what do you want?
i want rock n roll!
all right
long live rock n roll!
oh yeah yeah

rock of ages, rock of ages
still rollin', keep a rollin'
rock of ages, rock of ages
still rollin', rock n' rollin'
we got the power, got the glory
now listen...

i'm burnin', burnin', i got the fever
i know for sure, there ain't no cure
so feel it, don't fight it, go with the flow
and gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme one more for the road

what do you want?
what do you want?
i want rock n' roll!
you betcha
long live rock n' roll!

(cool guitar solo)

we got the power, got the glory
we're gonna burn this damn place down,
down to the ground!

ROCK ON....JESUS ROCKS...and so does 80's metal...nice ;)
Lori_7 said:

There is lots of evidence that can be seen by 3rd parties...some was unfortunately destroyed by myself in fear...Satan buggin' me...on the telephone no less...I know, sounds crazy, but it's true. There have been lots of changes in me that are so profound that people know something miraculous has happened...mom and dad made me go to the doctor to make sure I don't have a brain tumor or something the other day...keep in mind, I'm 37 years old, and mom and dad are in the doctor's office with me...in the exam room even...they all think I'm nuts because of what I'm telling them that happened...but the "fruit"...the fruit of the spirit, that they see in me is sooooo good, that they can't deny it's a good thing...the story is just so over the top that they are worried...they can't fathom...can't relate. I've always been so level-headed and responsible...at least that they know of...an approval seeker even...a degreed accountant for crying out loud...the strong, stable one that know one ever worried about...and now this...they just can't reconcile. I've stopped smoking cigs cold turkey without so much as one withdrawal symptom...over a pack a day for 21 years...addicted so bad that I had one lit before my feet ever hit the bedroom floor in the morning...I would cry if forced to go without one for more than 4 hours...seriously, literally, cry...I quit drinking and smoking pot, after being an addict for about the same amount of time, 20 years or so...all of a sudden I'm a straight edge vegan...after being a junky of everything from eating disorders to junk food to drugs for almost my entire life. I'm healthier and happier and more fulfilled than I've ever dreamed was possible, and it definately shows. The dr. pissed me off by saying to my parents that "If this is her way of healing herself, then it can't be all bad."...referring to all of the positive changes brought about...I couldn't have done this myself in a million years...never. If I could have done it myself, then I would have by now. Why would I make up some miracle to attribute it to if I were doing it myself? I'm beginning to think that they are all crazy. Denial is a strange phenomenon to witness when it is so profound like this...my parents have known me all of my life...how can they think I'm nuts?...they definately know better. I just don't get it. They won't even consider the notion of a miracle...that what I'm saying is true...not even consider it for a moment. It's too much...too important...profound...meaningful and consequential...they just can't handle it. I can. Oh, and at the dr. they took blood, and prescribed an MRI, which I have to schedule tomorrow. When my dad first suggested that I go to the dr., I was a little upset...pride...it's a sin ya know...so I prayed about it and God said that it may not be such a bad idea. He reminded me of how atheists always want to put Him under a microscope and measure Him with a ruler and such, and if they can't then they claim that is why they don't believe. Who knows? I know though, that I'm in perfect health...no brain tumors here. And when they send me to a shrink, they will find the same thing...with their standardized sanity tests of sorts. More sane than I've ever been.

Anyway, I'm going on and on...the evidence is being accumulated currently...which is why I can't devulge the details about this miracle right now. The other person involved, as I said is famous. I have never met this person. I've never talked to them, or corresponded with them, in the flesh, in any way. They, though, can astral project, and can somehow read my mind, or hear my voice in their head. I don't know how it works, I just know it's happening. The night of the healing...they came to me, in the spirit...I was on my couch reading my Bible. They were not alone, but with an angel of the Lord. The person gave me a hug and kissed me...and apparently that's healed them. I know?????????? I don't know why, I just know that's what happened. So they are now, and since then, 1000's of miles away. I am telling my story...writing it all down. And they are telling their story...writing it all down. Our stories are the same. Two halves of the same whole. I don't know when the halves will be brought together, but when they are, there will be evidence...and lots of it. Because there has been no interaction in the flesh, within which to conspire or to corroborate. That can be proven. Even with the evidence...there are those who will not believe, I know.

People believe what they want to believe. Did you know why it is that everyone doesn't know God like I do? Because they don't want to. It's a law...like e=mc2 or gravity or photosythesis are laws of science...seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened is a spiritual law. Our sincere desire to know of or not to know of the truth is the only thing that brings us to it, or keeps us from it. It's that simple...and yet it is not simple. Sincerity cannot be hidden from God. The flesh fights us every step of the way. The flesh worships the lies...feeds on them...to keep us in the dark. It takes humility to sincerely seek...sometimes being humbled can be quite painful to the flesh...but so beneficial to the spirit.

Well, it's nighty-night time for me. Love ya bunches peeps...*yawn*
hmmm dont know, maybe you just grown up,become more mature and responsible ;)
most people eventualy do ,you know!