Looking for Flash

Lori, that may all be true, but you will still contribute to needless death of non-Christians with your book title (and with its content, if your last post is a clue). You could avoid that by focusing on why Jesus does those things rather than deifying Jesus, who doesn’t need or want to be put on a pedestal. Jesus had a message to give to everyone and it wasn’t “I rock,” it was “everyone rocks.” The former is damaging, the latter uplifting.
I have heard of a case of demon possesion that relapse because the man was never completely freed from the demon. I'm not too sure what you mean by "mark" but hopefully you will have explained that in your book.
she just said it isnt about religion ... dont you see ?

shes not a bible clincher, she just realizes what jesus tryed to do- she doesnt approve/dissaprove christianity or anything, she simply accepts Jesus as one miraculous person of higher order... and she obviously had a life changing event happen which was not any kind of coincidence... ITS DESTINY, and it is so FAR-Fetched that it is MIRACULOUS ...

I seriously think you (atheroy) are jumping quite fast to conlusions, like most of the sheep around this website. Sit back and enjoy the ride, you may just find the answers to the questions in your mind that you so quickly refute with your fingers.

i would definetely like to hear more (lori) whenever the information is ready

take care

Hi Lori,

Welcome back. It seems Flash left the board shortly after yourself, and I am unaware of wether she subsequently interacted here under a different nic. Knowing her style, I have certainly not recognised any posts that I could identify with her.

This board has been very active, but most of the old regulars (bar Tiassa and a few others) have long since dissapeared. I miss the old Boris/Lori/Plato era greatly, but we have had some wonderful minds coming and going.

I am very happy for what you have found in your life, but I have one question for you. Are you still so damn HOT?


she just said it isnt about religion ... dont you see ?
You do realise that jesus is a religious figure, and that without the bible he would be nothing?

shes not a bible clincher, she just realizes what jesus tryed to do
Did I say she was? I merely asked if I was right in assuming she held a prior belief in jesus which meant that she ascribed the miracle she observed immediately to jesus when there could be nothing during that miracle to say 'look, jesus is implicit in this'.

she doesnt approve/dissaprove christianity or anything, she simply accepts Jesus as one miraculous person of higher order
The only thing that would reinforce or even give someone this belief would be the bible, and forgive me if I think that the bible is the basis for christianity.

and she obviously had a life changing event happen which was not any kind of coincidence
If this book of hers ever gets to print I'll pick it up and flick through it but I never refuted the fact that she had observed a miracle, just that she had a prior conviction that meant she made assumptions about the miraculous event.

ITS DESTINY, and it is so FAR-Fetched that it is MIRACULOUS
What is destiny? A belief that we have preordained purpose? Please show me why humans are so significant that in this almighty universe, something so small and insignificant has any purpose other than that of which it makes for itself. As for being miraculous, you haven't even heard what she has to say so why are you backing her up? I didn't cut down her idea so what are you defending?

I seriously think you (atheroy) are jumping quite fast to conlusions, like most of the sheep around this website.
Lol, you think I am jumping to conclusions? Read what I wrote, all I assumed was that she had a prior knowledge of jesus that must have stemmed from a belief in the bible- where else does someone learn about jesus? It is not I who jumped to any conclusions but you, so who's the sheep?

Sit back and enjoy the ride, you may just find the answers to the questions in your mind that you so quickly refute with your fingers.
Here you back up the fact that you jumped to a conclusion about what I wrote. Did I refute anything Lori said? No. Did I assume Lori had a prior belief in jesus that stemmed from the bible? Yes. Why? Because the bible is the only book that blows jesus' horn. I haven't refuted the idea of Lori's miracle; merely it's relevance to jesus. She is quite capable of answering for herself so I'm wondering what during the course of this miracle made Lori sit up and say 'jesus is implicit in this'.

So, I would say that it is you who needs to sit back and enjoy the ride, and read what I wrote instead of jumping to conclusions about after giving it no great thought.

Lori, bring the information. I'm a sceptic at heart but not because I want to be.

Hi Peeps,


Nice to hear from you again. Yea, digging through the archives, doing research for the book, gave me quite a big warm fuzzy. I laughed my butt off reading some of those threads. I used to have a lot of fun out here talking to you guys. What do you mean hot? Hot-headed? lol...Jesus has done some work on me in this area...thank God! I'll never be perfect, but improvements are in the works.

Atheroy and others,

I know that what I have received...now and throughout my entire life is from Jesus. I know, through long and involved personal experience, that Jesus is exactly who He says He is. I only pray to the Father in the name of Jesus...you direct your prayer, and whom your answers come from in this way. You never get anything from God, in the form of an answer to prayer, that you didn't ask for. Which makes it very important to be careful what it is that you pray for, and in whose name, which I do. The circumstances surrounding this miracle involve an interpretation of the Book of Revelations, and in a very specific sense...not generally, that could be derived from any other belief structure that may be apocolyptic in nature. This is extremely specific to Jesus, and His second coming...the aliens are the locusts in the book...the antichrist, false prophet, spirit of Jezebel (mother of all prostitutes), and the mark of the beast...this has to do with John's prophecy on the little scroll that he ate from the angel's hand...the one that tasted sweet in his mouth, and turned sour in his stomach. This is the prophecy regarding the mark of the beast, antichrist, and false prophet, which will be ushered in, or perpetuated by the locusts (aliens). This miracle, and the healing (spiritual resurrection) that was manifest by it, is in fact due to the taking of the mark by this person whom I can not name at this time. But the mark was given and accepted, by deception, and via alien abduction, which of course involves lucid dreaming as well. The prophecy has been depicted in lucid dreams to this person, and I with the help of the Holy Spirit, are helping to interpret the dreams. The mark that this person took is real, and they have been living with it (in the flesh), and spiritually dead for years because of it...terrified...in misery...and alone. And Jesus, and only Jesus, resurrected, saved, and healed this person, who is now born again in Christ. You people don't understand how involved, and how specific this is. And again...I'm not talking about some dogma here...or some form of organized religion...its much, much bigger than that. I'm talking about the truth...and the truth is that Jesus is the only Son of God, and Saviour of the world.

Why do bad things happen to good people? Because of sin. There is so much sin in the world...the effects compounded thoughout history. It's not just our own sins that we suffer from, but all of the sin of the world...everyday. Take a look around...it sucks. Which is why this world must be brought to an end. The whole point is that you are given a choice of freewill, and in love. The consequence of sin shows you the difference. The consequence of sin is death. So choose something different. Choose to be saved...choose salvation. Choose forgiveness and redemption and restoration in Christ. He is the only way. Buddha nor Mohammed can cover our sin in their blood. This is like science people...it's mathematically sound. His sacrifice is the action that atones for the consequence of our sin. Would you rather it be your own blood? Would you rather have to suffer as Jesus did? Why? This is what the antichrist will want you to believe. That you will be saved and reborn of your own blood...by your own flesh. Don't believe the lie...you will surely die. No one ever wants to hear or see the truth. The truth is a double-edged sword, not a fuzzy bunny. It pierces the flesh, but it heals the spirit. People don't like the "flesh-piercing" part, cause it hurts. Yea, the truth hurts...now get over it, and let Jesus put some love on you, and make it all better...cause that's exactly what his love does. The truth may not be pretty to look at sometimes, but it sets you free...would you rather be blind? There is peace in knowing the truth, regardless of what the truth is. But lets not forget that the truth is that God is love...and Jesus loves you all so much that it could never be expressed in words.
Oh yea,

One more thing...the reason that so many people have such a bad taste in their mouths about Jesus is because of the jezebel spirit. This is a demonic spirit that operates within the realm of organized religion. It is the spirit which takes Jesus' name in vain, and witnesses falsely in his name. People like to think that all that this means is saying "oh my god", or telling a white lie, but it's not that light, sorry. It is perpetuated by those who believe that "going to" church is a substitue for "being the" church. That is to say that they are involved in organized religion, and so slap the "I know Jesus" sticker on their foreheads, when in fact, they are not born again in Christ, and wouldn't know Jesus if He slapped them upside the head...which by the way, is exactly what the profession of this miracle will do...we're talking revolution here people...and it's about time. The jezebel spirit so perpetuates all of the judgement soaked, holier than thou, hypocricy that comes from "church people", and in turn, turns you off to Jesus. It's no surprise...I stayed away from Him for a long time because of it myself. Organized religion is in no way a substitute for being born again, and having a personal relationship with Jesus, and being counseled from an indwelling of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible it says that many will say to Jesus that they have done this and that in His name and professed His name many times...but that He will say to them "I never knew you". This is what the Bible is talking about. Witnessing falsely to Christ is the most dangerous thing a person could ever do, and I dare say that there may be a special place in hell just for those who do this...you know the "God hates fags" people...yea...a very special place for them in hell. So anyway, this spirit of jezebel is the very spirit that births the spirit of the antichrist...births as in gives birth to...the mother of all prostitutes...get it? You will see...when it all comes out...you will see the truth...and the truth is that God loves you...just the way you are...there is no sin that can keep you from His love...only your choice...and that is because He loves you so much that He gave His Son Jesus as a sacrifice for it...so that through Jesus, nothing stands in the way of that love...GOD IS LOVE...JESUS IS GOD COME IN THE FLESH...FEEL THE LOVE...TAKE IT...ITS FREE...THE PRICE WAS PAID BY THE GRANTOR OF THE LOVE...PEOPLE...GET TO KNOW YOUR MAKER...HE IS WONDERFUL...HE IS AMAZING...HE IS LOVE...AND DON'T LET ANYONE...ANY PERSON...ANY "CHURCH" PERSON GET IN YOUR WAY...THIS IS MUCH TOO IMPORTANT TO LEAVE UP TO SOME BLIND PERSON...FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF...JUST PRAY...JUST SEEK...JUST KNOCK...AND THE DOOR WILL OPEN...AND YOU WILL FIND...THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE...THE LOVE OF LIFE...TRUE LOVE.

I love you people, and I care about you all very much and I don't even know you...don't have to...He that is inside of me knows you...and His love is the love that I feel...if you would only choose to feel this love...it will change you forever...like it has me...there is nothing else like it...it fills the hole...you know what hole...it fulfills the desires of your heart...every last one...why?...because He is the one that put those desires there when He made you. Look and see...ask in sincerity and you will receive. Please people...this is life or death.
Lori_7 said:
The book isn't about Mohammed or Buddha...the book is about Jesus.
Mohammed nor Buddha caused the miracle to manifest...Jesus did.
I don't have a personal relationship with Mohammed or Buddha...but with Jesus.
Mohammed nor Buddha have answered my prayers...Jesus has...every single one.
Mohammed nor Buddha have miraculously healed people...Jesus has...healed me.
Mohammed nor Buddha have ever raised someone from the dead...Jesus has...and it's what the book is about...it's what the miracle is about.
Mohammed nor Buddha have revealed truth in prophecy concerning the last days on earth...Jesus has...and He's revealed that truth to me...and it's what the book is about...it's what the miracle is about.
Mohammed nor Buddha are the Son of the Living God...God come to the earth in the flesh...the Saviour of the world...of all of humanity...Jesus is.

This isn't about politics, or diplomacy, or exclusivity...and it's not about organized religion...it's not about any religion at all...it's about Jesus...and what He has done for me...and for this other person who has been healed...brought back to life...and for everyone...when He died for all of us...and it's the truth.

So you buy the advertising. Good for you. Doesn't make it true. According to the Qu'ran, those who worship Jesus as the Son of God are polytheists. According to the Book of Mormon, Doctrines and Covenants, and the other LDS scripture, Christ came to the States.
And Zanket,

Are you surprised to find sin within the confines of an organization of sinners? No...I understand that this is not your point entirely.

Your question shows the destructive power of this jezebel spirit, for you yourself have been hurt by it. When born again, the Holy Spirit convicts you of your sin...points it out to you...to lead you to crucify your flesh...so to speak...to turn from it. The Holy Spirit does not lie, and compels you to truth in all things, and in all of your ways...to call a sin a sin. The jezebel spirit lies and leads those who follow it to lie...to witness falsely in the name of Jesus...to rationalize their sin...taking His name in vain...their own vanity...for the sake of their sin...their hate, lust, greed, envy...whatever it may be...to rationalize their sin, and justify it as righteousness in His name...and it is a lie. As I said...these people would not know Christ if He were to stand before them in the flesh...as a matter of fact...they would probably crucify Him. Do you understand?

I don't buy anything...it's not for sale. Throw all of your doctrines and dogmas and books and ministries of mere men out the window. The truth comes of One source...there is only one truth...that is mathematically sound...2+2=4...never 3 or 5...no matter how much you may want it to...you can believe it equals 3 or 5 if you want to...but you will undoubtably end up bouncing a lot of checks. Do not look to others to seek the truth for you...only look to yourself. It's too important to leave in the hands of someone else. I've met Jesus personally...felt His presence, not with my skin...heard His voice, not with my ears...and I've seen Him, not with my eyes, but all around me, working in my life...miracles that blow my mind. This is not about a dogma...I'm sorry, but it's just not that simple.

Your question shows the destructive power of this jezebel spirit, for you yourself have been hurt by it.
You should realize that the concept of spirits (evil or otherwise) and souls is based on the word “breath” or “air”. Early primitive observations noted that dead people had no breath and so they deduced that breath was a “living” force. This was quickly extended to the idea that those who had illnesses or disease had sucked-in evil spirits, which were apparently everywhere. Of course we now fully understand the role that breath plays in human respiration and we now know that this primitive concept of spirits and souls is simple nonsense. Unfortunately religionists did not spot the rather obvious transition of mythology to the truth. And hence the silliness of spirit concepts continues to this day.

That you seem to be seriously proposing that such evil spirits actually exist displays a significant degree of primitiveness and extreme gullibility in your outlook and beliefs.

When born again, the Holy Spirit convicts you of your sin...points it out to you...to lead you to crucify your flesh...so to speak...to turn from it. The Holy Spirit does not lie, and compels you to truth in all things, and in all of your ways...to call a sin a sin.
The Holy Spirit concept is of course just an extension of the breath nonsense and equally has no value.

The jezebel spirit lies and leads those who follow it to lie...to witness falsely in the name of Jesus...to rationalize their sin...taking His name in vain...their own vanity...for the sake of their sin...their hate, lust, greed, envy...whatever it may be...to rationalize their sin, and justify it as righteousness in His name...and it is a lie.
Wonderful and colorful nonsense.

As I said...these people would not know Christ if He were to stand before them in the flesh...as a matter of fact...they would probably crucify Him.
Well fortunately that isn’t going to happen since he was only ever a fictional imaginative construct derived from a whole host of merging mythologies and which only survives today because the idea was sponsored by a powerful political force (Constantine). I believe the main choice was between Christianity and the Sun, and the Sun came a close second. I suspect that had the decision gone the other way then your gullible mentality would now be extolling the virtues of Sun power.

But it is very unfortunate that you intend to write another book of fiction about this nonsense and try to declare your claims as truths. This only further encourages the already large numbers of deluded people to waste their lives in pursuit of fairly tales.


I've met Jesus personally...felt His presence, not with my skin...heard His voice, not with my ears...and I've seen Him, not with my eyes, but all around me, working in my life...miracles that blow my mind.
And so as you clearly indicate - it is all in your head. There is nothing wrong with optimism and positive thinking, but there is no justfication for attributing these excellent traits to a fictional supernatural cause.

Wake up and see reality.


You're in for a big surprise someday soon.
I’d love to say the same for you but unfortunately when the time comes you will simply cease to exist and you just won’t be around to appreciate my saying “I told you so”.

So dream on my poor irrational deluded friend, for that is all you can do along with exercising your vivid and creative imagination. You certainly have no facts, reality, or science on your side, just your baseless false hopes and over-emotional desires.

Lori_7 said:
Do you understand?

What I understand I disagree with. In the ultimate reality there is no such thing as sin. If there were then your free will would be subverted. Jesus wouldn’t do that. Jesus could be crucified a thousand times; he wouldn’t care. Pure love can’t be anything different. Jesus loves everyone regardless of what they do, say, or think. Jesus loves liars and murderers the same as anyone else. By emanating pure love, Jesus helps people to change their beliefs on their own. It’s an optimal but slow process, in the short term often thwarted as in, “if you don’t believe in Jesus then you are bad.” That sentiment is reflected in your comment that “these people would not know Christ if He were to stand before them in the flesh...as a matter of fact...they would probably crucify Him.”
Lori_7 said:

I don't buy anything...it's not for sale. Throw all of your doctrines and dogmas and books and ministries of mere men out the window. The truth comes of One source...there is only one truth...that is mathematically sound...2+2=4...never 3 or 5...no matter how much you may want it to...you can believe it equals 3 or 5 if you want to...but you will undoubtably end up bouncing a lot of checks. Do not look to others to seek the truth for you...only look to yourself. It's too important to leave in the hands of someone else. I've met Jesus personally...felt His presence, not with my skin...heard His voice, not with my ears...and I've seen Him, not with my eyes, but all around me, working in my life...miracles that blow my mind. This is not about a dogma...I'm sorry, but it's just not that simple.

No offense, but the fuck are you talking about? How is unquestioningly believing something not dogma? The fact you claim to have met Jesus doesn't prove His existence anymore than Dogma proves that God looks a lot like Alanis Morisette.

It sounds like you are going to write quite an interesting book. If it would
be ok, I would like to ask for some specific information at this point in time
rather than waiting for the full written text to become available.

1) What are the miracles that occured that could have been physically
observed by a 3rd party (at the time of the miracle)?
2) What are the miracles that occured that were stricly bound to your
personal perception (i.e. stuff that could not be observed by a 3rd partY)?


What I understand I disagree with. In the ultimate reality there is no such thing as sin. If there were then your free will would be subverted.
This is somewhat true. Everyone who sins is a slave to sin.

Jesus wouldn’t do that. Jesus could be crucified a thousand times; he wouldn’t care. Pure love can’t be anything different.
Love requires giving up the things that the self values for the benifit of the beloved. So I think it can be argued that Jesus did care; he said "not my will be done but yours." It was only his Oneness with the Father that it made it possible to do the Father's will.

Jesus loves everyone regardless of what they do, say, or think. Jesus loves liars and murderers the same as anyone else.
It is true that Jesus remains loving, even when we sin, but if we reject him, then our free will would require the absence of love for that is what we've chosen.

By emanating pure love, Jesus helps people to change their beliefs on their own. It’s an optimal but slow process, in the short term often thwarted as in, “if you don’t believe in Jesus then you are bad.” That sentiment is reflected in your comment that “these people would not know Christ if He were to stand before them in the flesh...as a matter of fact...they would probably crucify Him.”
okinrus said:
This is somewhat true. Everyone who sins is a slave to sin.
M*W: ...and everyone who sins is addicted to their sin.
Love requires giving up the things that the self values for the benifit of the beloved.
It takes a lotta love to get the self to deny it's personal addictions.
So I think it can be argued that Jesus did care; he said "not my will be done but yours."
M*W: Jesus was not capable of caring for anyone other than those who lived and were close to him when he was alive -- just as we all are capable of loving those we know in our time.
It was only his Oneness with the Father that it made it possible to do the Father's will.
M*W: It was only "Our Oneness with our own Creator" that made it possible to do our Creator's will.
It is true that Jesus remains loving, even when we sin, but if we reject him, then our free will would require the absence of love for that is what we've chosen.
M*W: Jesus was only capable of the emotion of "love" during the time he was alive and nothing more. Sin has nothing at all to do with the Jesus of Crucifixion fame. I know you don't understand this concept, since you've been pre-programmed by your religion. The "absence of love" only occurs when we follow a negative path that puts our soul in a vacuum (like Christianity does). It is sad that you Christians turn a simple Rabbi into a dying demigod savior Messiah. The "Messiah" has not yet come, and you are betting that he already has come -- which he has not.