Looking for Flash


Go to church? I am the church!
Registered Senior Member
Hi Everyone,

I just re-registered with this forum. I used to post here several years ago under the name Lori...it's been a long time. I don't recognize any of the old familiar names of those that I used to talk to. Well, it's been about 4 years since I've been out here.

Anyway...I've recently had a miracle occur in my life. A huge, whopping, mind-blowing miracle. One that is more major and astounding and important than statues crying tears of blood, or stigmata, or sightings of the Virgin Mary, and the like. I can't go into the details of the miracle here, as it would take forever. It's so complicated, and involved that I'm in the process of writing a book about it right now. I will say, though, that it has to do with a topic which is the reason that I came out here to post years ago. And involves a person that I spoke to on this forum.

One of the people that I used to talk to out here posted under the name of Flash. Flash and I talked for a couple of years, and became very close friends, even roommates for a short time, but have lost touch. I haven't talked to her in about 3 years.

But because of what has happened to me, I have to get in touch with her now. So I'm out here to try to find her. Does anyone remember her? Heard from her lately? I'm hoping that she still comes out here to browse and/or post occasionally. If so, please post here, or e-mail me right away.

Thanks to all. When I'm finished with my book, I would like to make it available on the internet, and will post a link here asap. And in the meantime, remember that Jesus rocks. Love you.
What a coincidence. I'm almost sure you were the recipient of some bashing in the very first thread I read here. It was an archive thread, what was it...? The Yeshua ben Joseph thread in the religion archive. That's it. Welcome back. :)
Hi, and yea, I got my fair share of bashing out here. But to be fair, I could be quite a b***h myself...regrets. I've grown up a bit since then, thank God.
Don´t you know the phrase:
And he who is without sin throws the first rock?

Jesus had no sins, so he can throw rocks at people. Therefore Jesus rocks. :D
Welcome home

Welcome home.

Flash is around somewhere, under a different name, and not frequently. I'll raid my messages and see if I can come up with it.


Lori ... I admit I can't find the message I thought I had sitting around. So I can't be sure. The person I'm thinking of hasn't been around for a couple months, but there's a longer gap than this in the posting history. M'apologies that I can't be any more specific, but it just wouldn't be nice since I'm not sure.

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Enigma, you really don't know the phrase so and so rocks? It means that this person is a cool guy who rocks. Rocks being a verb form of rock and roll, daddio. It's like coolsville. Don't be a square, hep cat.

Arrgh, must stop speaking the slang of American decadence... It's just so enticing...
I'm not saying that he he doesn't rock, I'm just wondering what makes him so great.

I think that I would title the book "Jesus Rocks". I mean that he's awesome. He's awesome because He's the saviour of the world, the Son of God. His sacrifice has allowed for all of our sin to be forgiven, and for our redemption and restoration and healing. His love and passion and power makes life worth living, and a joy to live, when He is living through you. He makes all the difference...He is the difference. I love Him with all of my heart, and I give Him all of my life. And what He has done with my life amazes me...absolutely blows my mind...better than anything I could have ever imagined in a gazillion years. The fulfillment of my heart's desires...the blessings that I have received, and am receiving right now absolutely astound me. That's what I mean by Jesus rocks. I saw a t-shirt the other day that said "Jesus, the alternative rock"...thought it was cute. He is the rock that I build my house on. He is the rock of ages. Invincible...eternal.
Hi Tiassa,

I'm so glad to see you out here still! I miss our long conversations, you big wind-bag! I've been reading up on some of them in the archives, and have laughed, and laughed. We really knew how to stir it up didn't we? Come to find out, I had absolutely no idea just what and how much stuff I was stirring...but I'm finding out. Tiassa, my miracle is gonna blow your mind, buddy. So put a hat on, and get ready. I'm writing it all down. It's so complicated, but I'll say this..

Remember I came out here to tell everyone about the aliens, and how they would usher in the antichrist and false prophet, and perpetuate the mark of the beast in the end times? Well, someone who used to post out here (not Flash), had it happen to them. They were given the mark...they accepted it through the same phenomenon...lucid dreaming...alien abduction...they were deceived...thought they were being "reborn". But they were damned instead...found themselves to be spiritually dead. Something that I cannot conceive of myself...how it would feel. But this person knows how it feels. I can't tell you who the person is, so don't ask. But they are famous. God used me to heal this person. Bring them back to life...spiritual life. And I don't even know why He chose to use me, or to involve me, but He did. And I am so grateful, and so priviledged, and so blessed...and my mind is blown. And when the truth comes out of this person...then the whole world will know the truth...those who choose to believe. It will be hard not to believe based upon the way things have happened. There is evidence. I think that's one reason that I am involved. Evidence of the miracle, for those who wish to see it. And so many will be saved...so many will know the truth, and be changed. I'm so excited...I've never been this happy or excited in my life...its just unbelievable, and yet...the truth. I love you Tiassa. Can't say when it will all come out. I don't know...I am waiting...it's not up to me to decide when. But keep in touch out here, cause I want you to know ok?
Lori_7 said:
I think that I would title the book "Jesus Rocks".

I hope that you would not. If you do then you’ll likely contribute to the millions of painful deaths that have occurred in Jesus’ name. Please don’t promote a Christian-only mindset. Jesus’ own message was that we could all be like him, and surely there are others like him alive today, calling themselves Muslims or Buddhists or whatever.
The book isn't about Mohammed or Buddha...the book is about Jesus.
Mohammed nor Buddha caused the miracle to manifest...Jesus did.
I don't have a personal relationship with Mohammed or Buddha...but with Jesus.
Mohammed nor Buddha have answered my prayers...Jesus has...every single one.
Mohammed nor Buddha have miraculously healed people...Jesus has...healed me.
Mohammed nor Buddha have ever raised someone from the dead...Jesus has...and it's what the book is about...it's what the miracle is about.
Mohammed nor Buddha have revealed truth in prophecy concerning the last days on earth...Jesus has...and He's revealed that truth to me...and it's what the book is about...it's what the miracle is about.
Mohammed nor Buddha are the Son of the Living God...God come to the earth in the flesh...the Saviour of the world...of all of humanity...Jesus is.

This isn't about politics, or diplomacy, or exclusivity...and it's not about organized religion...it's not about any religion at all...it's about Jesus...and what He has done for me...and for this other person who has been healed...brought back to life...and for everyone...when He died for all of us...and it's the truth.

Why are miracles to do with jesus? When you had this miracle occur, at some point did something say this miracle has anything to do with jesus? Could it be that this miracle you had was a miracle but nothing to do with jesus- that you just think it has to do with jesus because that's where you believe miracles come from?

I have a tough- really impossible is the word I should use- time swallowing what is in the bible (I'm guessing that's what you've based your faith off). The bible is so flawed and the god it represents so flawed that calling the biblical god divine is to me like watching a purposeful car crash go wrong in slow mo, then describing the event as divine.

The car is there in the beginning, the step is taken to make a purposeful crash, the original mistake occurs, and from then on everything that happens is destructive and drawn out without any insight, understanding or redemption. When the crash comes to an end the car ascends and everyone who saw it becomes a disciple of the car crash and devotes their life to that message and the coming of the final car crash.

But what is the message? Where is the message? It's a nasty event full of mistakes and contradictions that offers great hope by ascribing the figurative to the literal when this is all bar impossible. Jesus takes a beating for a day for no good reason, then anyone who can't accept this or the surrounding message that this jew represents will be subjected to an eternity of a beating much worse than that of what jesus received.

To me christianity is outrageously flawed. So there may be a god out there somewhere, but would he seriously be the blundering biblical bully that so many of the people of this world like to believe in? Where's the scope for growth and understanding when an old book with the help of other old books ties down the majority of this worlds people in a state of intolerance and ignorance.

I don't know how you came to the conclusion that jesus was wrapped up in your miracle, but I would bet safe money on the fact that you implicate him in your miracle simply out of your existing belief in the fellow.