Look Out! She's Got A Hello Kitty lunchbox!

A police officer that would tazer a 13 year ol has serious brain damage.
We are supposed to feel like we are protected and served by these losers?
Dr Lou Natic said:
But humans. Dogs, cattle... they're bred well, and outstanding individuals are produced.
Humans have alot of potential. But poor breeding practices inhibit outstanding individuals from being produced.

Quite right. But I disagree with your idea that violence is the best method of control.

Fully implemented... the result might look like a bad version of a Dickens novel.

Crotchety old evil schoolmasters with long rulers.

"Do your exercises! Or it's a beatin' for you!"

"How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?"

That sort of thing.
-Bob- said:
Crotchety old evil schoolmasters with long rulers. "Do your exercises! Or it's a beatin' for you!"

I wonder how the percentage of crime in populations in those days compares to the percentage of crime in today's more lenient societies?

Baron Max
Nasor said:
Agreed. There would probably have been a significantly higher risk of injury to the girl if the police had attempted to subdue her by physically overpowering her.

There are actually statistics that prove this. I believe you could probably find the statistics at www.taser.com but i'm not positive. I want to say the stats are that there has been an 80% drop in injuries to both suspects and officers since the tasers have been implemented, but I'm not positive on the number. But for some reason, 80% is screaming at me.

I am in "cop school" and have been sprayed with chemical (mase) and have been tazed. The taser was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, however, I would rather be tazed then sprayed. With the taser, it's there and its done. 5 seconds of pain, thats it. Whereas when you get sprayed, your going to be in some considerable pain that can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

I remember there being an uproar a long time ago about a kindergartner who was tased by police. The story behind it is that the kid was in the principles office, had somehow got ahold of some broken glass, and I don't remember if he was cutting himself or if he was just threatening the cops or what. I remember thinking this kid was demented though. Especially for being in kindergarten. Anyway, the police tazed him and took him into custody. The kid was fine after the 5 second ride from hell. Holy moley people went nuts. It was a justified taze but holy crap. People did not like that.

I have absolute no quams and will not hesitate to use the taser. Yes, it hurts like a bitch, but its the safest and quickest way to end a dangerous situation. I would much rather tase a child then spray them. I know when I was sprayed, it affected my breathing. It was much harder to breath, and I think that would freak a kid out more then the dreaded 5 second ride.
