Look Out! She's Got A Hello Kitty lunchbox!

Xev said:
You people are getting worse and worse!

Actually I think that was a movie once.
But there was a disclaimer saying that the actress was over 18.

It's no fun when it's consensual dammit.
The fact they're police doesn't really factor into it for me.

Yeah, see - it wouldn't at first.
Hell I fantasize about taking a tasor to annoying people.

But see cops are different.
Cops uphold law and order, the combined might of weaklings.

It's fucking disgusting to me, that they are turning on each other.
The people cheering the cops aren't grinning because some weak slut got what she deserved. They're cheering because some fuckwit with power issues beat up on a little kid.

It's the motives that get to me.
Plus as a woman, I have a natural maternal urge.

It's no fun when it's consensual dammit.

Virgin tears are nature's lubricant.
And yeah, what the hell happened to you?
Is the problem that the girl was threatening the cops, or that they couldn't 'control' her, or just that she was being a little whiny brat?

I mean, perhaps we should separate those things. Are the cops there to teach the girl a lesson? Is that their job?

The fact was they were either too lazy to shut her up properly, or too spoiled and she was annoying them.

I mean its a thirteen y/o girl people... its not like she was going to escape or something. Or maybe the cops were pussies and were afraid she would kick them in the balls, (some girls might) so they used their fancy tasers. Press the button and the girl shuts up.
Are the cops there to teach the girl a lesson? Is that their job?
Whether it is or not she required a lesson.
Once upon a time it wasn't about who's job it was, all chipped in where jobs needed doing. Children would come scampering home with red backsides after trying to steal a pie out of old man jangles' window, and their mother would say serves you right.
Now if the creepy old man down the road is spanking other people's children he's a sex offender. And so children are running riot, stealing pies left and right(ok, so kids don't steal pies anymore, possibly never did) as though they're untouchable.

If this girl has it in her head that police can't taser her she'll keep kicking and screaming in their cars and generally being a shit wherever because it's "no one's job" to do anything about her antics.
She's got it in her head that the world is hers to freely run riot in. Which would be fine if it applied to everyone. She'd be more carefull if steve the cannibal with a taste for 13 year old girls also felt like the world was his to freely run riot in.
She'd probably have better family values, and respect her parents because she'd know that's where her security is.

I fear baron max is correct.
She's probably outraged this happened to her, feeling a great injustice has been done, and all the hype would be nurturing those feelings in her.
Baron Max said:
You say the behavior of the cops sickens you, why doesn't it sicken you that a 13-yr old child would act in such a way?

Because she's a thirteen year old girl and as such I don't expect quite so much from her. She's a god damned child, they throw fits, they get histerical, it happens!

50,000 volts is the sort of measure you use to subdue a raging 300 pound black man dusted to the eyeballs on coke and meth looking to kill him a cop with his bare hands.

For 65 pound young girls, you let them shout and throw a fit and ware themselves out some, something tells me that even if she went totaly berserk and decided to attack the cops, somehow those officers would still be going home to their wives that night.

Tasering that young girl was a disproportionate use of force compared to the genuine threat that she presented to the cops.

Xev said:
Obviously, it is essential to democratic society that we develop, if not a healthy contempt, at least a certain skepticism regarding authority figures.

That a majority would side with armed police officers over a thirteen year old child is disgusting.

Fist in the air, Xev, right on.
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Xev said:
The people cheering the cops aren't grinning because some weak slut got what she deserved. They're cheering because some fuckwit with power issues beat up on a little kid.

What people are you talking about? Who was cheering? ...and how the hell do you know why they were/are cheering? Please explain that to me.

"Cops uphold law and order, ..." Yeah, and she was definitely out of order.

"It's the motives that get to me." And how do you know what the motives are/were? Please explain that to me.

Sometime, most of the time, we all must suffer the consequences of our own actions. But those consequences must might not be what we've predicted ....should we then NOT have to suffer those consequences?

Baron Max
Because she's a thirteen year old girl and as such I don't expect quite so much from her. She's a god damned child, they throw fits, they get histerical, it happens!

At thirteen one ought to have sufficiant self-discipline to avoid becoming hysterical.
I certainly did.
She was probably like any other lemming, figured that the cops were going to take care of her lemming ass even if she threw a fit. If she has any sense, she knows better now.

I don't see the big deal. It's just a bit of state-sponsored S&M, your tax dollars at work. She's not even injured.

Like I said, no worse than a hangover.

"I mean, perhaps we should separate those things. Are the cops there to teach the girl a lesson? Is that their job?"

No, but it happened to be their function. Sometimes things turn out very well all by accident.

Baron Max:
What people are you talking about? Who was cheering? ...and how the hell do you know why they were/are cheering? Please explain that to me.

Should I use very small words so that you can understand my explanation?

Yeah, and she was definitely out of order.

I have no problem with writing that into the function of law enforcement, but it ought to be uniform.

If we taser 13 year olds for being brats, then we also ought tasor middle aged executives for being assholes, and bitchy prozac addled soccer moms for being dumb breeders.

Where does it end?

See this is the sort of thing that happens when you delegate authority. Long time back, it used to be your own damn job to stay secure. Now I can't slap any random person for being a stupid little cunt, but cops can taser some brat for being a brat.


Because they have a fucking uniform and some dysgenic jerk-off's okay.

Pisses me off.

And how do you know what the motives are/were? Please explain that to me.

Generalized misanthropy with a bit of psychological observation.

Sometime, most of the time, we all must suffer the consequences of our own actions. But those consequences must might not be what we've predicted ....should we then NOT have to suffer those consequences?

So? I'm not arguing otherwise. I just don't like the hypocrisy of America-in-general saying that the cops' actions were a-okay.

The motives of those in this discussion are different.
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Mystech said:
She's a god damned child, they throw fits, they get histerical, it happens!

Well, perhaps she won't be so damned quick to throw a fit now, huh?

"50,000 volts is the sort of measure you use to subdue a raging 300 pound black man ..."

It seemed to work quite well on that little 65# girl, too, didn't it?

"..., you let them shout and throw a fit and ware themselves out some,..."

And is that what you'd suggest when she's also a grown adult? And if not, why not? It worked as a little girl, why won't it work for adults, too?

I can just see the cops in 10 years or so ...all of 'em standing around watching adults throw temper tantrums and being able to do nothing but "...let them shout and throw a fit and ware(sp) themselves out some,..." Yeah, good police work, huh?

As to your idea of "disproportionate use of force", I have to ask you ...were you there? Or are you depending on the news media or the Internet forums for your info?

Judge not, lest ye be also judged. I heard or read that somewhere ....nice line, huh?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Sometime, most of the time, we all must suffer the consequences of our own actions. But those consequences must might not be what we've predicted ....should we then NOT have to suffer those consequences?

Yes, however when we allow those consequences to be artificially dictated by those with the greatest capacity for force present at the time, then we create a rather dangerous situation, don't we? By your logic, were I sitting next to you as you wrote this post, I'd be quite justified in hitting you upside the head with a brick for being so painfully dense.

Would you just chock that up to taking your comeupin’s? Somehow I don’t think you’d thank me and ask for another. There's a big difference between a reasonable measure as dictated by an upsetting situation and a completely unnecessary, belligerent, and disproportionate use of force. This is getting a 65 pound kid into a squad car, not a fucking shock and awe campaign.
Xev said:
The people cheering the cops aren't grinning because some weak slut got what she deserved. They're cheering because some fuckwit with power issues beat up on a little kid.

That is exactly the type of thing Dr. Lou likes though! Let me channel him for a moment!

"Xev, you only called that man a fuckwit with power issues because you are a weakling. The strong must attempt to destroy the weak, it is their place. If nature wanted the weak to rule then it would have made them strong. Little girls should be systematically destroyed until only strong little girls remain. Fuckwits with power issues are inherently superior to weaklings because they can dominate and destroy and abuse."

*clears throat* there we go.

I also think its sick how many of you think that someone deserves whatever an authority figure decides to give you. You'll make any excuse in your head for why she deserved it, just so you don’t have to think that a police officer was completely out of line.

If an officer came into your home and kicked your cat for playing with yarn I bet you would all be rationalizing about how that cat was way out of control with swatting at that yarn like that.

Kids get hysterical folks, it happens, when one of them weighs 65 pounds and is already handcuffed, rest assured that you are a sick fuck if you tazer them.
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Dr Lou Natic said:
(ok, so kids don't steal pies anymore, possibly never did)

You are nothing but a historical revisionist and a pie theft appologist.
Mystech, your first sentence throws me a bit. "...when we ALLOW those consequences...."??? Allow? Consequences are seldom what we ALLOW.

"By your logic, were I sitting next to you as you wrote this post, I'd be quite justified in hitting you upside the head with a brick for being so painfully dense."

Well, yeah, but you ain't sitting next to me, are you. And I'd suggest that perhaps those two cops felt just the same bit of anger that you experienced when you wanted to hit me with a brick. You expect the cops to control their actions, yet you seemingly can't?? Interesting.

".....65 pound kid into a squad car, not a fucking shock and awe campaign."

Well, I don't know about that. Apparently it WAS a shock and awe campaign. ....and it seems to have worked, too.

Hey, Mystech, are you calmed down any yet? If I gave you a TASER, would you use it on me? ....just because I disagreed with you?

Baron Max
Fuckwits with power issues are inherently superior to weaklings because they can dominate and destroy and abuse.

Generally, fuckwits with power issues are fuckwits with power issues because they can't dominate and destroy and abuse.

It's my point. Modern society breeds these assholes because people are pansies.

If we didn't delegate authority to the point which we do, the kid would have grown up knowing that she had to take care of herself.
Not expecting the cops to take care of her!

I also think its sick how many of you think that someone deserves whatever an authority figure decides to give you.

Oh please. Nobody here is defending the cop qua cop.

Again - it's you submissive fucking pansies who delegated self-defense and got us into this mess.

Kids get hysterical folks, it happens, when one of them weighs 65 pounds and is already handcuffed, rest assured that you are a sick fuck if you tazer them.

She's 13, almost old enough to bear children and certainly old enough to know better.

There are places to lose control.
There are places and times to become violent.
In front of a bunch of cops is not such a place or time.

I don't think you have to be an authoritarian to thus conclude that the girl was fucking stupid and thus deserved what she got.

Baron Max:
You expect the cops to control their actions, yet you seemingly can't??

Are you fucking retarded?
Writing us from the dialup AOL connection in your 'tard group home?
Cops are paid very well, and given all manner of perks and access to drugs, in exchange for being able to control their actions.

Mystech, being a civilian, does not have such motivation.

Oh wait, I forgot that we're all equal....
SpyMoose said:
Kids get hysterical folks, it happens, ...

Betcha the next time that little girl decides to get hysterical, she thinks about that TASER incident. Might even look around to see if there're any cops around close! See? She's learned a valuable lesson in how to deal with ones own problems ....WITHOUT heaping them onto someone else.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Mystech, your first sentence throws me a bit. "...when we ALLOW those consequences...."??? Allow? Consequences are seldom what we ALLOW.

Are you trying to convince me that it was in fact, not some mortal hand which picked up the taser and shocked that little girl? Was the cop acting by some unstoppable physical law of nature? Do you mean to imply that there was no conscious choice? The authority of his badge compelled him beyond his ability to exercise any restraint at all over his arm as it shot out toward that little girl and jolted the daylights out of her?

I hate to say this, Max, you don't even have very many posts yet, but you're striking me as just another brain-dead arch-conservative with debilitating daddy-issues who can't seem to comprehend even the simplest of human interactions so long as there's some vague idea of punishment involved.

Baron Max said:
Well, yeah, but you ain't sitting next to me, are you.

Is this, then the sole qualifying factor between what is justice and what isn't even a moral dilema? Pretty crappy distinction, if you ask me.

Baron Max said:
And I'd suggest that perhaps those two cops felt just the same bit of anger that you experienced when you wanted to hit me with a brick. You expect the cops to control their actions, yet you seemingly can't?? Interesting.

Did I try to say that one could be justified and the other could not? Or did I say that by your logic both were justified? Don't worry, I know how bad public schools can be these days. But keep with it, read a little bit every day, and I'm sure that eventual your comprehension skills will get up to par. If you've got the time, you might consider taking a class at a community college. Education is a lifelong journey!

Baron Max said:
Well, I don't know about that. Apparently it WAS a shock and awe campaign. ....and it seems to have worked, too.

Yes, toward the end of unnecessarily incapacitating, and endangering a young child. What would have happened if that taser had killed her, I wonder. Weren't you talking just a few posts ago about the consequences of one's actions?

Baron Max said:
Hey, Mystech, are you calmed down any yet? If I gave you a TASER, would you use it on me? ....just because I disagreed with you?

Ahh I see, I'm sorry, it wasn't just problems with reading comprehention, you're also just a dick. I've got to say you're making a bit of an ass of yourself, this attitude of yours has got me giggling.
Mystech, what the hell are you ranting about??????

Didn't you read my post at all? ...or didn't you understand it?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Didn't you read my post at all? ...or didn't you understand it?

Read through your own post again, you'll see that it was you who misunderstood, and took on a rather silly superior tone founded on an observation of yours which missed the point so blindingly that it's rather laughable. Normally I wouldn't take the extra time to spell that out, but it seems like you need it.
Weren't you a christian not so long ago?
Talk about a 180.

Virgin tears are nature's lubricant.
And yeah, what the hell happened to you?

Believe it or not, I wanted to say these things freely when I was a Christian. Only difference was that I felt ashamed then.



"Xev, you only called that man a fuckwit with power issues because you are a weakling. The strong must attempt to destroy the weak, it is their place. If nature wanted the weak to rule then it would have made them strong. Little girls should be systematically destroyed until only strong little girls remain. Fuckwits with power issues are inherently superior to weaklings because they can dominate and destroy and abuse."

What happened to the meek shall inherit the earth?