Look Out! She's Got A Hello Kitty lunchbox!


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
A 65-pound 13-year old. Seriously.
...excessive force may have been used by police officers who used a stun gun on a 13-year-old girl who was being uncooperative after they took her into custody for fighting with her mother.

The 65-pound girl was handcuffed in the back of a patrol car Feb. 7 when she was shocked twice with a 50,000-volt Taser, according to a Sheriff's Office report. (Full text here)

She was kicking and screaming in the back of a police cruiser, so where was the threat to anybody? They should have just let her flail around, she'd tire out eventually. This was a totally unneccesary use of a weapon. Just as a police firearm can wound or kill, so can tasers. People die when these things are used; they should be treated as lethal force.

:m: Peace.
Fucking pigs, they think their weapons are non-lethal, so they abuse people with them. They need to learn some judo or something, and how to tie people up, lazy bastards.
goofyfish said:
They should have just let her flail around, she'd tire out eventually.

And if she'd done something to harm herself, you'd be the first one to yell about the cops not doing enough to help her, right?

goofyfish said:
Just as a police firearm can wound or kill, so can tasers.

The use of TASERS have a very good track record. I'm guessing that the old style of wrestling a suspect to the ground caused many more injuries than the TASERS have.

goofyfish said:
This was a totally unneccesary use of a weapon.

Well, they obvious didn't think so, cause they used it. So it's just your opinion against theirs, right? You know what they say about opinions, don't you? :)

Oh, by the way, what would you have posted if that 13-yr old girl was a blackbelt karate champion? Would that make any difference in your opinion? If so, why?

Baron Max
Tasers are fun, heh. I've no problem with it being used on this girl. I do have a problem with it being used on that old man awhile back because it could screw with his heart at his age. Otherwise it's safe for anyone else. Tasers just sound worse than they are.

- N
Anyone who's hysterical or out of control deserves whatever their behaviour inspires others to do to them.
I would have slapped her in the face myself.
But then, I don't have a taser.
I've been tazered on a couple different occasions, once with my own 40,000 volt tazer and once by security guards breaking up a fight. It's up there with the more painful sensations in life, but I'd far prefer being tazered to listening to Bauhaus.

What a fucking pussy. Dollars to dimes the mommy who had her darling widdle daughter arrested is the one who'll try to sue the cops for excessive use of force.

" Anyone who's hysterical or out of control deserves whatever their behaviour inspires others to do to them."

Amen. Some dysgenic prosti-tot flips out and is taught a lesson.
Granted, I'd side with a thirteen year old girl with a crazy-ass mother over some creep-o pig with women issues, but she should have known what to expect.

The cops aren't there to protect you.
They aren't there to escort your stupid butt to a psychiatric ward.
They're there to maintain law and authority.

By the way, who wrote this:
"The girl's mother told police she had called police because she was afraid the girl was run away and hoped to get medical attention for the girl"

Standards for written English....declining...
If the mother was afraid of the girl enough to call police, why would the police not consider the girl dangerous. It's also quite possible that there were other parts of the story we do not know, like whether or not it was a caged car, or just a normal police car. Sometimes, community police called in for minor family disputes don't have car with the cage between because they rarely transport prisoners. What do we know? Do I think using a tazer on a child is wrong? No. I've seen some pretty viscious and dangerous little shits. One kid at my sons old school bit off his teachers pinky finger and gave her a concussion by throwing a chair halfway across the room.

Obviously, the mother is to blame for raising a raging little brat and/or not getting help for her sooner. I hate most parents.
goofyfish said:
She was kicking and screaming in the back of a police cruiser, so where was the threat to anybody? They should have just let her flail around, she'd tire out eventually.
Who knows? Maybe she was trying her best to kick out one of the car's windows, and the police wanted to prevent that. Maybe they had urgent business somewhere else and didn't have time to simply wait for her to tire out. Maybe it looked like she was going to injure herself. There’s three possible explanations that I just came up with off the top of my head, and I’m sure that there are plenty of potential others.
I'm guessing that the old style of wrestling a suspect to the ground caused many more injuries than the TASERS have.
Agreed. There would probably have been a significantly higher risk of injury to the girl if the police had attempted to subdue her by physically overpowering her.
This was a good idea. I think that cops, and even just average citizens, ought to have the right to taser children who so much as flash them a defiant eye. That's the culture I want to live in. Now that the high and mighty liberal supreme court says we can't sentence kids to death, we need to find more effective ways to kill them before they ever reach trial, this is just one tool toward that end.

Seriously, though, you people who are behaving as though this behavior is somehow acceptable sicken me. Is there no humanity in you at all?
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They should have tasered the mom for raising such a brat. Theres a serious problem with parenting in when the police need to be brought in
Mystech said:
...you people who are behaving as though this behavior is somehow acceptable sicken me. Is there no humanity in you at all?

No "humanity"? Why do you project your angst against the cops and not the violent, uncontrollable girl? You say the behavior of the cops sickens you, why doesn't it sicken you that a 13-yr old child would act in such a way?

Is the behavior of the child "acceptable" to you? If so, why? How?

By the way, I enjoyed your sarcastic first paragraph and I think it might be an effective tool for people who don't think for themselves. Such talk is often used to incite the ferver of groups, crowds and mobs ...sorta' like a good ol' fashioned hangin' party, huh?

Baron Max
Gimme a break, Mystech.

For the first time in her life, this little raging monster learned that there are consequences for her actions. It's quite clear the mother didn't ever teach her.

I also think that parents who only ever give "time outs" to their children should be shot.
Arditezza said:
Gimme a break, Mystech. For the first time in her life, this little raging monster learned that there are consequences for her actions.

Well, part of the problem is that she probably has NOT learned that lesson! For one thing, look at how the media is playing this up as tho' it's all the cops' fault, not the her own? Look at how people here at the forum and probably all over the Internet leaped to her defense over and above the cops.

No, I'm afraid that that little girl has NOT learned any lessons ...and worse, I think the lessons that the media and legal system are teaching is that one does NOT have to take responsiblity for their own actions. In fact, I'd be surprised if that little girl is punished in any way ....yet my best guess is that the cops involved will be suspended and might never get another job as a cop anywhere in the country. Lessons learned??

Baron Max
If you've ever been tasered. As Xev pointed out, it's not at all a pleasent. Not to mention, that most people lose control of their bladder either a little bit or a lot and that's pretty humiliating for a child. I had a raging headache after I got tasered.

Even if the only thing she learned was to fear the cops... that's not so much a bad thing. A little healthy fear is okay.
Baron Max, would you care to explain how needing a taser to subdue a 65 pound child is not their fault?

Very few on this forum have condemned the cops, I see 3 people out of 8 responding to this thread have condemned the cops for their action. Nowhere near a majority, in fact kinda creepy.

I expect people like myself to say that the girl deserved it. But the average person should probably not.

"Obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues children should learn. "

The more strongly one agrees, the more authoritarian one's personality tends to be.

Obviously, it is essential to democratic society that we develop, if not a healthy contempt, at least a certain skepticism regarding authority figures.

That a majority would side with armed police officers over a thirteen year old child is disgusting.


I felt no ill-effects. I had a bitch of a headache the next day, but I blamed that on my bad decision to alternate shots of tequila with shots of Jaeger. :)
They should have pulled her pants down and given her a good rape. That always shuts the women up.
You people are getting worse and worse!

Actually I think that was a movie once.
But there was a disclaimer saying that the actress was over 18.
It might have been true:
A 12-year-old boy has been detained for life by a judge at Teesside Crown Court for raping his teacher at a special needs centre.

The schoolboy, who is one of Britain's youngest convicted rapists, attacked the woman as she sat next to him during a one-to-one teaching session.

Afterwards, he stole her car and drove it for 30 miles before dumping it.

It seems our children are turning on us. The cop was correct to shoot the little harlot.
The fact they're police doesn't really factor into it for me.
Tantrums and hysterics tend to get what they deserve. It's totally obnoxious behaviour, seemingly crafted to be detrimental to the survival of the individual exhibitting it.
The world would be a better place if everyone who threw a tantrum died on the spot.

If there wasn't such a thing as police she REALLY wouldn't be able to act like that.
If there were no police, me or one of the millions of mes out there would choke her to death upon seeing her behave that way.
It's simple courtesy on the part of the police men to cause her some pain. They probably empathised with the mob standing around who were grinding their teeth just wanting to shank the wailing brat but unable to do so due to the presence of the law.

I'm not sure what's bothering you xev, although I'm guessing you can somewhat relate to the 13 year old girl and it's probably a little unsettling to think you could have been at the mercy of these police with a majority actually wanting them to hurt you.
For me it's only if you were hysterical.
Smartasses are fine, it's the ones who lose control and go on a "furious" rampage without having the braun to back it up that just fucking break my balls. They only do it because they're so sure no one is allowed to hurt them.
If more police could hurt those that do it we'd start seeing a decline in this behaviour.
I'd rather police fuck off and let nature take it's course, but that's not going to happen so I'll comprimise.