Look at the regions where relgion is strongest

James R:

"This is far too big a topic to cover in a single post. Haven't you read any opinions like this in the press? Are you that sheltered in your community?"

Actually, I live in a very Liberal neighbourhood and in a very Liberal city, which indeed often puts forth such opinions. Clearly, I disagree, and thought you, as a particular supporter, might be able to provide me with some of your own assertions on the matter, after which we could discuss them.

"It is probably worth noting, however, that the US Constitution is based on secular principles, and enshrines separation of church and state. Thankfully, this has somewhat limited the excesses of the fundamentalists, historically. "

Yes. We do not have a Church of America which could wield executive, legislative, or judicial powers to make its pronouncements law.
James R said:
It is, however, an unusually religious country, unique among liberal democracies. And clearly religious fundamentalism causes all kinds of problems in the US.

What problems exactly? I haven't heard of any. Just religious people against abortion pretty much. Don't tell me there aren't any biblebashers where you live.
What problems exactly?

Examples include:

Homophobia, and all that goes along with it.
Lack of tolerance of people who have other belief systems, especially Muslims.
Holding back of potentially life-saving scientific research on religious grounds.
Minimising of the interests of non-human animals to the extent that they are largely discounted.
Unhealthy attitudes to sex and various things relating to it, such as contraception.
Continued attempts to limit or eliminate completely the right to abortion.
Interference in education, such as the refusal to teach certain aspects of science and instead to replace them with fundamentalist religious teachings labelled as science.
Effects on foreign policy, based on the belief that America is God's Country.

That's just a few I can think of immediately.