Look at the regions where relgion is strongest

hug-a-tree said:
America doesn't have extreme religious fighting like in the middle east. No daily bombings going on here against people. Sure I have mormons knocking on my door but I can handle that.

No theu just supply the weapons.

Strange how the fighting is maximum in those countries where the US is bringing democracy
Dug-T said:
Yeah but one sentence is all religion is worth as i see it, because its all just a circle of hate that you cant break... Just airing my views accept it, or fuck off.
you have been reported for verbal abuse.

hold a conversation, or dont. there is no need to be inflammatory.
Dug-T said:
And then you will realise religion is fucked up and has no place in modern society...

The question however begs: WHY are they fucked up? The Devil does not bother with countries that have embraced the modernist lies of free living and "enlightened" thought. Nature will punish them as it must. No, the Devil concentrates on countries where he bring can down the most believers.
The Devil Inside said:
you have been reported for verbal abuse.

hold a conversation, or dont. there is no need to be inflammatory.

Which means you cant accept my own views which is what i knew anyway thanks for biting like a fish to bait.
Let's take western europe as an example. Spain, France and Italy are more religious than the UK which has few religious people. Spain, France and Italy all have weaker economies than the UK
France 43-54% non-believers
Britain 31-44% non-believers

But I get the point... Countries tend to be religious where social security lacks. Religion simply acts as a big thumb to suck on. There are exceptions of course but that general trend is pretty consistent.
Dug-T said:
Which means you cant accept my own views which is what i knew anyway thanks for biting like a fish to bait.
this is contradictory to the statement that i reported...in which you told me to fuck off if i didnt agree with you.

good job!
anything impartial....like governmental census records maybe?

i mean..would you trust statistics or studies from the christian coalition that say they are growing stronger by the day? :)
What makes you think that website is not impartial? It's analysis is based on the best surveys on religion we have. The rates of atheism/non-religious are widely accepted as being as close as can possibly be extracted from survey.

Government census records tend to be geared towards ethnicity and religion born into, rather than asking what people actually believe. For example: In the government census people will just be asked what religion they belong to, whereas the surveys on the website I supplied are asked "Do you believe in God".

So which question do you think gives us a better picture to what people believe? Asking them what religion they belong to, or if they actually believe in God?
governmental census records dont have an agenda, for one.
there is no such thing as a paper like the one you supplied not having an agenda.
The Devil Inside said:
governmental census records dont have an agenda, for one.

No, they don't. But if we're looking for a survey on lack of belief in God, their survey is not going to be suitable. People just answer their religion because that is what they grew up with. Which is why asking the simple question wether or not they believe in God would give us a more accurate picture of levels of belief vs non-belief. Do you agree?

there is no such thing as a paper like the one you supplied not having an agenda.

Yes, damn those academic types, eh?

What is unfair about their analysis on a survey which simply asked "Do you believe in God"? There is a definite correlation which can be drawn from the results which the article fairly pointed out. If you think there is something unfair which reveals a hidden agenda, then you will have to point it out to me.
The United States is not a modern country and is "fucked up", James R? What do you base that upon?

I didn't say the US is not a modern country.

It is, however, an unusually religious country, unique among liberal democracies. And clearly religious fundamentalism causes all kinds of problems in the US.
James R:

What problems do religious fundamentalism cause in the US? For the US is at present - and for quite a long time - the world's military and economic powerhouse.
Prince James: The 'war against' terror, without such American religious fundamentalism would probably not exist, therefor the war in Iraq would probably not exist.

Blocking research which could cure disease in order to protect the sanctity of a few cells.

Voting someone like Bush to run their country.

Well I could go on and on, but I only have 5 minutes break. Perhaps someone could take over...

"Prince James: The 'war against' terror, without such American religious fundamentalism would probably not exist, therefor the war in Iraq would probably not exist."

Yes, the American religious fundamentalism of 20 Arab men who snuck into our country and then slaughtered 3,000 of our people. As to the rest of it, I believe you would be hard pressed to find Christianity, or any other religion, as the cause of our current policy of protecting America against the terrorist organizations that openly declare us their enemy. Or was it a war against Wotanism and Shinto that prompted WWII? Or perhaps Buddhism in Vietnam?

"Blocking research which could cure disease in order to protect the sanctity of a few cells."

So ethical concerns over practice which destroys human life is not an ethical issue? Or perhaps any ethical issue in science should be ignored? Similarly, can you name any diseases that have been cured by embryonic stem cells? I can name many diseases which -adult- stem cells have shown to be able to deal with.

"Voting someone like Bush to run their country."

What are your objections to Bush? He has been a rather okay president. Lessened our tax burdens, for one.

What problems do religious fundamentalism cause in the US? For the US is at present - and for quite a long time - the world's military and economic powerhouse.

This is far too big a topic to cover in a single post. Haven't you read any opinions like this in the press? Are you that sheltered in your community?

It is probably worth noting, however, that the US Constitution is based on secular principles, and enshrines separation of church and state. Thankfully, this has somewhat limited the excesses of the fundamentalists, historically.