"Prince James: The 'war against' terror, without such American religious fundamentalism would probably not exist, therefor the war in Iraq would probably not exist."
Yes, the American religious fundamentalism of 20 Arab men who snuck into our country and then slaughtered 3,000 of our people. As to the rest of it, I believe you would be hard pressed to find Christianity, or any other religion, as the cause of our current policy of protecting America against the terrorist organizations that openly declare us their enemy. Or was it a war against Wotanism and Shinto that prompted WWII? Or perhaps Buddhism in Vietnam?
"Blocking research which could cure disease in order to protect the sanctity of a few cells."
So ethical concerns over practice which destroys human life is not an ethical issue? Or perhaps any ethical issue in science should be ignored? Similarly, can you name any diseases that have been cured by embryonic stem cells? I can name many diseases which -adult- stem cells have shown to be able to deal with.
"Voting someone like Bush to run their country."
What are your objections to Bush? He has been a rather okay president. Lessened our tax burdens, for one.