Look at the regions where relgion is strongest


Registered Senior Member
And then you will realise religion is fucked up and has no place in modern society...

The United States is not a modern country and is "fucked up", James R? What do you base that upon?
baumgarten said:
Yeah, but all of Mexico's poverty is obviously religion's fault.
no, it is the result of extreme corruption in the political system since the nation's modern inception.

italy is a nation with similar beliefs and percentage of roman catholics.....they arent poor, in the context we are using to judge.

*shrug* i dont like catholicism, i just think people should be objective before creating garbage threads. :)

i tore the premise of the thread up with one post consisting of 1 sentence...that should say something about the validity of the concept being expressed in the initial poster's "oh-so-eloquent" attack on religion.
The Devil Inside said:
no, it is the result of extreme corruption in the political system since the nation's modern inception.

italy is a nation with similar beliefs and percentage of roman catholics.....they arent poor, in the context we are using to judge.

*shrug* i dont like catholicism, i just think people should be objective before creating garbage threads. :)

i tore the premise of the thread up with one post consisting of 1 sentence...that should say something about the validity of the concept being expressed in the initial poster's "oh-so-eloquent" attack on religion.
NO, it's because Jesus (who never existed, by the way) told them to give all their material possessions to the Man! Get a brain! ;)
The Devil Inside said:
no, it is the result of extreme corruption in the political system since the nation's modern inception.

italy is a nation with similar beliefs and percentage of roman catholics.....they arent poor, in the context we are using to judge.

*shrug* i dont like catholicism, i just think people should be objective before creating garbage threads. :)

i tore the premise of the thread up with one post consisting of 1 sentence...that should say something about the validity of the concept being expressed in the initial poster's "oh-so-eloquent" attack on religion.

Yeah but one sentence is all religion is worth as i see it, because its all just a circle of hate that you cant break... Just airing my views accept it, or fuck off.
samcdkey said:
A very very religous person, I presume.
Nah i believe in free thought, my opinions but they are pretty valid i'd say, i'm more moral than lots of so called religious people, but i am not moral by any guidelines set out in a stupid book that contradicts, other than my own common sense.
Dug-T said:
Nah i believe in free thought, my opinions but they are pretty valid i'd say, i'm more moral than lots of so called religious people, but i am not moral by any guidelines set out in a stupid book that contradicts, other than my own common sense.

I see your point and all. Like some people use religion to hide behind when they're doing wrong.
Though I don't think that religion can take all the blame in this. It's not the enemy, for the most part.
hug-a-tree said:
I see your point and all. Like some people use religion to hide behind when they're doing wrong.
Though I don't think that religion can take all the blame in this. It's not the enemy, for the most part.

Yeah but guess who created religion? its all about power, using fear....
I'll never buy into it..