Originally Posted by SnakeLord
...while going around telling everyone that eve had sexual intercourse with a 7 foot bipedal snake
Ok, I never said 7 foot...actually it was ten feet.
"This serpent was before man.... Let's draw a picture of him now. He's a great big fellow. He's between the chimpanzee and the man.
The devil, Lucifer, knew that that was the only blood that would mix with this human blood.
The only person he could deal with... He couldn't deal with the chimpanzee. That blood wouldn't mix. He couldn't deal with different things. He couldn't deal with the sheep. He couldn't deal with the horse. He couldn't deal with any animal. He had to deal with this serpent.
Let's take him now and see what he looks like: Great big fellow, prehistoric giant. That's where they find these big bones,
He was ten foot tall, great big shoulders, looked just like a man. And his blood, after coming down, coinciding one animal to another...
You can cross animals. They kept getting higher blood, higher form of life, higher form, till it climbs up into the man realm.
But the last connection here between here was cut off. How many knows that science can't find the missing link? All of you know that. Why? Here he is, the serpent."
You remember, God cursed the serpent, and change his form completly.... who before walked and talked and seduced Eve....creating Cain and that hybrid human\animal linage of his offspring, that the devil could work through.
I've kept this brief but if anyone wishes, a thorough investigation of history and the bible will reveal this mystery of humanities true origin.
"Now, on this hybreeding.
Eve was the mother of hybreeding. She misbred the human race.
But when she had this affair with the serpent, which was not a reptile...
The Bible said he was the most subtle of all the beasts of the field.
Science trying to find now, the--the bones of some creature between a monkey and a man......
The serpent was a man.
The blood of a animal won't mix with the blood of a human. No, sir. But this species was so close between there till he did mix, and Satan knew that."
Isn't it strange that they found great giants in the land after this?
I wish Josephus, the writer, would've thought of that.
Where'd those giants come from?
The seed of the serpent. The Bible said that he would cause the seed of the serpent... The seed of the serpent, the serpent had a seed, and the seed of the woman, that there would be eminty....remember?