Long Life Spans: “Adam Lived 930 Years and Then He Died”

Yea! I remember reading something like that when I was a kid, I'd be a fool to believe such tripe today though!. ;)
The fact that other cultures have similar stories (such as a world wide flood for instance) only lends more weight to the basic fact being true but of course legends and myths can change the base truth into something slightly different over the years.

Well Gordon, if this were the case, (and please be honest), which of the stories do you think would be the most reliable? One written at the time, or one written thousands of years later?

Of course you'd put more trust in the original. Given that the Gilgamesh flood story predates Noah by a millennium and a half, it is clearly more accurate than the Noah version - which is but a mere re-telling of the same story.


The latter, being a re-telling, can not help determine validity of the story. The original itself would have no valid basis either. Given the lack of worldly understanding, a tiny river deluge could be considered a "worldwide flood" to such early people.

So basically we're left with actual evidence.. and alas, there is no actual evidence for a global flood.

Sorry Gordon, didn't mean to spoil your fun.
Laika said:
What kind of timespan are you considering then, if not that over which modern humans have existed?
Not necessarily that over which anatomically modern humans have existed.
MarcAC said:
Not necessarily that over which anatomically modern humans have existed.

Then how is it relevant to the proposed shortening of human life-spans?

BSFilter said:
The book I read about this also said the this mysterious race came from a tenth planet in our solar system with a HUGE orbit, larger than plutos, which could help explain the long lifespans. And it was when this planet approached Earth that the great flood occured...etc.

You suggest a body with an orbit that crosses the paths of all the planets from Earth to Pluto, and yet perturbs none of them? How does an extremely elliptical orbit explain the long life-spans? Did the book suggest the mechanism responsible for the flood? How long do you think this planet has been in such an orbit?
Laika said:
Then how is it relevant to the proposed shortening of human life-spans?
That depends on what you're willing to call human and what/who you think Adam refers to.

Don't be misled by the title of the thread or the referenced article.

The scientists on Reasons present the case for longer lifespans - scientifically a promise for the future and a prompt to look back at the past - that's what's interesting.
SnakeLord said:
Well Gordon, if this were the case, (and please be honest), which of the stories do you think would be the most reliable? One written at the time, or one written thousands of years later?

Of course you'd put more trust in the original. Given that the Gilgamesh flood story predates Noah by a millennium and a half, it is clearly more accurate than the Noah version - which is but a mere re-telling of the same story.


The latter, being a re-telling, can not help determine validity of the story. The original itself would have no valid basis either. Given the lack of worldly understanding, a tiny river deluge could be considered a "worldwide flood" to such early people.

So basically we're left with actual evidence.. and alas, there is no actual evidence for a global flood.

Sorry Gordon, didn't mean to spoil your fun.

Still hawking your Sumerian stories are older, tripe.....eh.
Older doesn't mean truth.
Cain lied and killed his brother without a cause.
Your Sumerian "stories" are written by descendants of that linage.
All lies.
Moses said he got the Noah story by vision.
Thats how truth is revealed.
Amos 3:7

The sons of god were the godly believing line of Seth's descendants....
They got the vision.

You see....fallen angels\aliens never mated with mortal women....
They are disembodied spirits, inhabiting animals like swine and serpents without a soul...as allowed by God only.

The sons of god as "fallen angels" or annakuki "aliens" coming to earth to mate with the daughters of men...........didn't happen that way.
Thats the same lie Sumerian, Babylonian, and modern so-called "christian" scholars all spew to the masses.....for a reason.
You have fallen for it.
Babylon is a trap, a cage....
MarcAC said:
That depends on what you're willing to call human and what/who you think Adam refers to.

Don't be misled by the title of the thread or the referenced article.

The scientists on Reasons present the case for longer lifespans - scientifically a promise for the future and a prompt to look back at the past - that's what's interesting.

Well, perhaps you'd like to share your defintion of 'human', and what/who you think Adam refers to. I'd have thought that to Bible literalists Adam was an anatomically-modern human who lived about 6000 years ago. To those who are a little more flexible I expect that Adam may just be a metaphor. I don't know what to think myself because I'm not familiar with the Bible.

But whether Adam lived 6000 years ago or 6,000,000 years ago, I still don't see the relevance your claim that...
the days were shorter and possibly the oribtal (Earth) year.

TheVisitor said:
Moses said he got the Noah story by vision. Thats how truth is revealed.
Visions are the font of truth? You should PM Duendy - I reckon she's probably had a whole religion's worth.

Just joking, Duendy!
MarcAC said:
That depends on what you're willing to call human and what/who you think Adam refers to.

Don't be misled by the title of the thread or the referenced article.

The scientists on Reasons present the case for longer lifespans - scientifically a promise for the future and a prompt to look back at the past - that's what's interesting.

At the time the bible records Adams lifespan at 930 years there were two different species alive.....
Seth's linage are recorded 8-900+ years, never 1000 though....because of Gods' Word.
Cains linage in length of years are not recorded.......for a reason.

Look at work today done with the human genome project, they have found an enzyme that coats certain cells and makes them "immortal", but most cells don't have this enzyme, and they lose DNA information on every cell reproduction and shut down.
There is a patented process to introduce this enzyme to every cell in the human body, making lifespans longer again.
It involves a virus....the process is called "TeloVector"
Viruses have no ability to reproduce, without a host.
They write themselves into the host's DNA, and are reproduced as the host cells reproduce.....piggyback style.
The reduction in life spans was from the mixing of the two linages, and perhaps something as simple as a virus.....
Gordon said:
In the Book of Job chapter 26 verse 7 it says

He spreads the skies over unformed space,

hangs the earth out in empty space. (Message Version)

This of course is centures ahead of Aristotle's view of the universe and fully in accord with what we now know although it was written about 4000 years ago!

Gordon, I question if this was the actual intention of the verse. I question the translation, but I also question if this was ever intended to be literal. If you take it literally, from my knowledge, then it's wrong, as the earth is not hanging upon or by anything, is it? What does one do with the many verses which refer to pillars and the four corners of the earth and such? Are these all symbolic, while this verse which can be translated in a certain way to look scientifically accurate, literal?

Gordon said:
It is interesting that the age given in the Bible for the reduced lifespan is 120 years which seems to have been about right for a very long time as a maximum age.

I'm not sure that was the intention of this verse. It could be the timespan humans were allotted to live before the flood. Also, there's this argument that it was in reference to the end of Adam's life: http://www.levendwater.org/companion/append24.html

The text doesn't actually say that the maximum lifespan for mankind would be 120 years. It says: And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

Although, I suppose it is possible that there was a connection, as Moses is said to have lived 120 years. Maybe that was about the maximum lifespan around the time of Moses?
Still hawking your Sumerian stories are older, tripe.....eh.
Older doesn't mean truth.
Cain lied and killed his brother without a cause.
Your Sumerian "stories" are written by descendants of that linage.
All lies.
Moses said he got the Noah story by vision.
Thats how truth is revealed.

I would ask that you grow up a little. The fact of the matter is that the Gilgamesh flood story predates the biblical story by around 1,500 years - and yet for some bizarre reason you try labelling it as "tripe", while going around telling everyone that eve had sexual intercourse with a 7 foot bipedal snake. You're an embarrasment.
SnakeLord said:
...while going around telling everyone that eve had sexual intercourse with a 7 foot bipedal snake. You're an embarrasment.
I missed that one; who claimed Eve had intercourse with the reference snake?

Speaking of snakes; How did you get to be a snake lord?
MarcAC said:
It would be so much better if some of these descriptors could be backed by some qualifiers.

And why would arguments that have been refuted time and again due to the lack of knowledge and understanding coupled with ladles of blind faith and ignorance require yet more qualifiers?

Aren't you tired of rehashing the same old nonsense?
I missed that one; who claimed Eve had intercourse with the reference snake?

Visitor does it all the time. That and the world got knocked off balance by an ancient nuclear bomb. Reason I brought it up was because if I had have given my original response to his post, I knew he'd say it. All I did was save him the trouble.

Speaking of snakes; How did you get to be a snake lord?

Well, I've always had pet snakes and was given the nickname Snakeman when I was younger because of it. Eventually I started playing UO, (an mmorpg), and made my char name SnakeLord because the "Lord" suited more with that particular style of game.
Laika said:
...whether Adam lived 6000 years ago or 6,000,000 years ago, I still don't see the relevance your claim that...
All depends on what you know about how the rotation rate has slowed over time.
MarcAC said:
Never mind.

That's what it always boils down to in the end, doesn't it Marc?

Of course, you certainly won't claim that YOU will live to a ripe old age of 900 - why is that, Marc? Aren't you a believer in your god?

Does not your piety warrant a long life?

If an atheist lived longer than you, barring an accidental death or some such medical condition, would your god be showing you disfavor?
Originally Posted by SnakeLord
...while going around telling everyone that eve had sexual intercourse with a 7 foot bipedal snake

Ok, I never said 7 foot...actually it was ten feet.

"This serpent was before man.... Let's draw a picture of him now. He's a great big fellow. He's between the chimpanzee and the man.
The devil, Lucifer, knew that that was the only blood that would mix with this human blood.
The only person he could deal with... He couldn't deal with the chimpanzee. That blood wouldn't mix. He couldn't deal with different things. He couldn't deal with the sheep. He couldn't deal with the horse. He couldn't deal with any animal. He had to deal with this serpent.
Let's take him now and see what he looks like: Great big fellow, prehistoric giant. That's where they find these big bones,
He was ten foot tall, great big shoulders, looked just like a man. And his blood, after coming down, coinciding one animal to another...
You can cross animals. They kept getting higher blood, higher form of life, higher form, till it climbs up into the man realm.
But the last connection here between here was cut off. How many knows that science can't find the missing link? All of you know that. Why? Here he is, the serpent."

You remember, God cursed the serpent, and change his form completly.... who before walked and talked and seduced Eve....creating Cain and that hybrid human\animal linage of his offspring, that the devil could work through.

I've kept this brief but if anyone wishes, a thorough investigation of history and the bible will reveal this mystery of humanities true origin.

"Now, on this hybreeding.
Eve was the mother of hybreeding. She misbred the human race.
But when she had this affair with the serpent, which was not a reptile...
The Bible said he was the most subtle of all the beasts of the field.
Science trying to find now, the--the bones of some creature between a monkey and a man......
The serpent was a man.
The blood of a animal won't mix with the blood of a human. No, sir. But this species was so close between there till he did mix, and Satan knew that."

Isn't it strange that they found great giants in the land after this?
I wish Josephus, the writer, would've thought of that.
Where'd those giants come from?
The seed of the serpent. The Bible said that he would cause the seed of the serpent... The seed of the serpent, the serpent had a seed, and the seed of the woman, that there would be eminty....remember?
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(Q) said:
...the end...
I am absolutely lost in all these [imo] frustratingly ridiculous questions... what rational reason in this Universe would you have for asking all of them? :confused: