Long Life Spans: “Adam Lived 930 Years and Then He Died”


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Reasons said:
New Discoveries in the Biochemistry of Aging Support the Biblical Record
Exactly how God altered human life spans no one knows. However, recent discoveries in the biochemistry of aging continue to build the case for the reliability of Scripture—specifically of Genesis 5 and 6. Researchers stand on the threshold of additional breakthroughs in understanding the aging process. Further advances are anticipated in the endocrinology and hormonal control of aging, and in deciphering Werner’s syndrome (a disorder that leads to premature aging).41-44 One can look forward to these and other discoveries in the biochemistry of aging with the confidence that they will continue to lend credibility to the biblical record.
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Information can be constructed to support anything. My question is why would God put a limit on mankind's years as if we were immortal to begin with?
My question is if people could live for 900+ years, why would they die at all? This is just silly, people are not trees. It would be a disaster for the planet as well, unless the birth rate were cut dramatically.
Mrhero54 said:
Information can be constructed to support anything.
Only in the relevant context, in which case it is worthy of consideration.
My question is why would God put a limit on mankind's years as if we were immortal to begin with?
Immortal in what sense?

In the Bible there are two types of death, Physical and Spiritual.

Humans were Spiritually immortal to begin with - I haven't seen anything I can interpret as physical immortality.
spidergoat said:
My question is if people could live for 900+ years, why would they die at all? This is just silly, people are not trees.
I don't understand your position. Trees die, even after living 5000+ years. The progression of aging may just have been slower. Not to mention the little fact that the days were shorter and possibly the oribtal (Earth) year.
It would be a disaster for the planet as well, unless the birth rate were cut dramatically.
Well, it was wasn't it? The population of humans wasn't rather large back then.

I'm not saying I believe humans lived 900+ years (as would be applicable to present humans) - the evidence is there to be considered by all - I'm considering it.
Christians are not interested in science unless they can scrape the barrel of it to support wild claims.

If you are so interested in science then why are you even religious at all since much of it proves your religion false?
Its not the science that bothers me but the reasoning.

How would you feel if your Dad lived to be 930 but your hair started turning gray at 40.

How did people keep track of their birthdays without a calendar?

If God made us spiritually immortal, then why not physically immortal as well? Or If the body can die, why not the spirit?

And doesn't the Bible mention spiritual death ALL THE TIME? "The wages of sin are [spiritual] death...etc."

What's the point of physical death anyway?

These are the type of questions that keep me from believeing that the Bible is good for nothing but toilet paper.
KennyJC said:
Christians are not interested in science unless they can scrape the barrel of it to support wild claims.

If you are so interested in science then why are you even religious at all since much of it proves your religion false?
i think it is unfair of you to lump all christains into the same pile
i am very much interested in science
i am very much interested in why religion is so universal
google the phrase "god gene"
KennyJC said:
Christians are not interested in science unless they can scrape the barrel of it to support wild claims.
:D, funny, but just that, not substantial.
If you are so interested in science then why are you even religious at all since much of it proves your religion false?
Science isn't life, just a part of it.

Proves your religion false... how so?
Mrhero54 said:
Its not the science that bothers me but the reasoning.
Me too.
How would you feel if your Dad lived to be 930 but your hair started turning gray at 40.
That's emotion, not reason.
How did people keep track of their birthdays without a calendar?
While it is hard to say when exactly humanity started to understand the cyclic motions of the "stars", it started at one point. The oldest civilisations display interest in the "stars" and their motions.
If God made us spiritually immortal, then why not physically immortal as well? Or If the body can die, why not the spirit?

And doesn't the Bible mention spiritual death ALL THE TIME? "The wages of sin are [spiritual] death...etc."
I think spiritual death in the Bible means spiritual isolation from God, the Nurturing Source. But, you can be reborn.
What's the point of physical death anyway?
Maybe population control... or maybe it's just a physical fact that everything obeys some cyclic "law of nature" where since nature is dynamic, and we're an integral part of it, then we must be a part of that dynamic whole and participate in its cyclic progression (change). Everything "dies".
These are the type of questions that keep me from believeing that the Bible is good for nothing but toilet paper.
Interesting, ever tried to seek any answers?
Marc, I am Muslim and we also believe that before the flood in story of Hazrat Nuh (Noah), mankind's lifespan was significantly different. There are some traditions by our Prophet Muhammad (s) that Hazrat Adam was very tall and also his lifespan was very long. I think there is a tradition that Hazrat Noah preached to his people for more than 900 years, but when they didnt listen then Allah swt brought the flood to wipe them out.

You are very knowledgeable and have good points to make. I agree with alot of what you said.

Thanks for the information.

Proves your religion false... how so?

All of science say's Adam and Eve never and couldn't happen. I.E. It's impossible. That is not scientific theory, it's a fact. It also never happened 6,000 years ago and Eve wasn't created from Adam's rib and Adam wasn't made from dust and clay. This is all pretty basic stuff as far as science goes.

But, here you come and say that because it may be possible to control aging via science, you use this theory to support the above paragraph. Shame on you.
People simply cannot live that long. In ancient times, disease and poor medical knowledge prevented it except among the rich and the powerful (kings, empeorors, nobility).
The only reason people can live into thier 120s nowadays is because of modern medicine, medicine they did not have in ancient times.
Since god does not exist, he cannot "change" human biochemistry to allow longer ages. It is scientifically impossible.
Hapsburg said:
Since god does not exist, he cannot "change" human biochemistry to allow longer ages. It is scientifically impossible.

Yet it is 'possible' Humans have formed from other species and even originate from inorganic to organic molecules to unicellular to multi cellular organisms to fish to rats to apelike creatures to humans?

I think that change of humans life spans would be easier and more logical than humans coming from other species.

I think that change of humans life spans would be easier and more logical than humans coming from other species.

Firstly, human life spans do change. Not to the degree of 930 years though.

Secondly, I agree. Woah my uneducated brain finds it crazy that humans evolved from organic goo. I also find it crazy that gravity compresses dust to form stars. Woah! Dude!

I better go pray to the creator of the universe who is in human form and has a penis...
Oh right, so the other 1 or 2 billion are wrong then. Phew! At least you're right though, that's the main thing.
While the purpose of this scientific research to prolong human life exist, and continues to develop, I much really doubt that only two individuals started the whole human race! Adam & Eve are mythological stories, this is not literal. The bible is not a document of past events, it's stolen stories from many cultures, the Hebrews hardly knew how to read or write, these stories are depicted by others of that era. It's not original, though their document has survived the test of time.

Adam & Eve myth


