Logical Consistency of SR

I have already said it.
No, you haven't. You've come nowhere near the rigour and precision needed for a proper formalization.
Anyone here should demand a model.

Why dont you?
Because I don't share your delusions. And without a precise definition, there's really nothing to demand.

But, assuming that you could formalize the question, I suspect that one nice model would be Minkowski space. Satisfied?
No, you haven't. You've come nowhere near the rigour and precision needed for a proper formalization.

Because I don't share your delusions. And without a precise definition, there's really nothing to demand.

But, assuming that you could formalize the question, I suspect that one nice model would be Minkowski space. Satisfied?

OK, I would like to see the light sphere in the moving frame in the Minkowski space.

Can you show it to me?
OK, I would like to see the light sphere in the moving frame in the Minkowski space.

Can you show it to me?
A 2 week ban and you start up right where you left off, demanding people show you things you've already been shown dozens of times. In my last post I explained to you we'd already given the result to you, that the points obey the definition of a sphere, being all equidistant from some point. And the post before that I replied to the same whining from you, demanding maths people had already given you. You never retorted my discussion on fibre bundles or explanation of what a Lorentz transformation is and how it should be applied. And I've given the demonstration light spheres map to light sphere multiple times.

If you continue to ask for something you've already been given but which you're just deciding to ignore without retort I'll begin reporting your posts, because you're just wasting everyone's time by being a blatant liar, having learnt nothing from your 2 weeks off.
Moderator note: Jack_ has been banned for 1 month for trolling.


I mean, really. How stupid do you have to be to go through this process:

1. Troll a specific line.
2. Get an official warning from a moderator that further trolling will be met with a ban.
3. Continue in the same vein.
4. Be issued with a 2-week ban for trolling.
5. The first thing you do on your return is to continue trolling the very same topic.

It beggars belief.

Next ban will be permanent, by the way.