Living Forever - the end of God?

A true fear of dying is just the wake up call most of us need to smell the roses of living. I couldn't disagree with you more. Knowledge that I may be dead tomorrow let's me prioritize my life today - and live a better life.

That what you are saying, does not come from the fear of death, but the acceptance of death. Two very different concepts.
To "smell the roses" of living is exactly what I´m talking about, but it is not associated with the fear of death.

You are afraid of death because you know you didn´t stop and smell the roses; therefore you are procrastinating, not truly living right now.
When you say "acceptance of death", I'm assuming you're talking about some state of tranquility where you don't concern yourself with death. The "fear of death" is far more likely to get you to act on and appreciate the things you have while you are alive - than an "acceptance of death" which really doesn't seem to be much of a motivating force. If you knew you only had one day to live - an acceptance of death would probably have you sitting down taking it easy while a fear of death would have you partying all night.
When you say "acceptance of death", I'm assuming you're talking about some state of tranquility where you don't concern yourself with death. The "fear of death" is far more likely to get you to act on and appreciate the things you have while you are alive - than an "acceptance of death" which really doesn't seem to be much of a motivating force. If you knew you only had one day to live - an acceptance of death would probably have you sitting down taking it easy while a fear of death would have you partying all night.

I missed the part were sitting down taking it easy is worst than going to party all night..
But anyhow, yes fear of death will probably have you partying all night having the most sex you can get; "wise behaviour" you know. This is ridiculous from my perspective.
Well, there you go. The difference is I would rather be partying all night - and you would rather be sitting down taking it easy. I'll have more fun.
How nice would it be to be able to live forever through such advance in science indeed. Achieving godhood? Perhaps not since this 'god' that we conceptualised is omnipotent. However immortality would be soooo sweet. The thought of being able to acquire as much knowledge as I want gives me orgasmic pleasure. Imagine how much moolah I can make and material wealth I can gather. Delicious. Though I'm not afraid of death, living forever sure beats oblivion of death.

End of religion? Sadly no. There will always be those that can't accept harsh reality and want to believe in some faith. It will be however a nice major blow to many religion's political influence (unless politic sees religion as a vehicle to further their control and agenda in which case they will continue to back it strongly). Though it's unlikely to happen it will be nice though when those blind zealots can just STFU to allow faster advancement of medical science and bioscience.
How nice would it be to be able to live forever through such advance in science indeed. Achieving godhood? Perhaps not since this 'god' that we conceptualised is omnipotent. However immortality would be soooo sweet. The thought of being able to acquire as much knowledge as I want gives me orgasmic pleasure. Imagine how much moolah I can make and material wealth I can gather. Delicious. Though I'm not afraid of death, living forever sure beats oblivion of death.

End of religion? Sadly no. There will always be those that can't accept harsh reality and want to believe in some faith. It will be however a nice major blow to many religion's political influence (unless politic sees religion as a vehicle to further their control and agenda in which case they will continue to back it strongly). Though it's unlikely to happen it will be nice though when those blind zealots can just STFU to allow faster advancement of medical science and bioscience.

Nicely done