Listening to God?

Saint said:

I think the above writing is meaningless.
When did God speak audibly that i can listen to him?
Christians' thinking is rather subjective and self-righteous, they think everone must follow their way and set of value.
Am i goal-less if i do not follow bible's way?

I listen to God on a local radio station every morning on the way to work. Dial in on 94.4F.M on your car's radio dial. He should come in loud & clear for ya, especially if you're wearing a set of head phones. By the way, just for the record, God likes to listen to John Denver songs. :D
The Evelyonian said:
In some cultures they are but that is beside the point. The difference is that most male/female unions produce offspring, some don't. However there has yet to be a single homosexual union that has produced a child.
Do you really think this world needs more people, considering the destruction wrought by humans and the overpopulation our species is experiencing?

the Bible calls it unnatural.
But it's not unnatural. The definition of natural is "occurs in nature". Homosexuality is common in other species besides just humans, thus it is a natural phenomenon.

Homosexuality does exist in the animal kingdom but I wouldn't say it is common.
It's common enough.

That's why God said "be fruitful and multiply."
But god, if he exists at all, is obviously an intolerant and deranged psychopath. Worshipping him is no better than worshipping hitler.