Listening to God?


World Peace? Yah right.
Your reaction is understandable since the future of your religion rests on the expectation of continual conflict. All the time you maintain that defeatist attitude then the antics of popes with their calls for world peace are but hypocrisy highlighted. If world peace, were to break out, then religions would die soon after. Perhaps it is no surprise that most conflicts right now have religions at their center.

What a thoroughly nauseous philosophy you follow.
Cris said:
The E,

But Christianity positively discriminates against Gays because of the bible - that is one example of intolerance.
Christianity doesn't- christians do. There are huge differences between Christianity and christians.
The Evelyonian said:
Spiritual guidance doesn't always involve God speaking audibly. Being guided by the Spirit is different for different people. For some it may be something as simple as an urge to do good for someone else, For others when they're speaking with someone words will come that are not their own,
the words they say, and the words they hear, in their heads, are solely their own.
The Evelyonian said:
Please read the words of Jesus. He never says to hate anyone.

"But I say to you, LOVE your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you," - Matthew 5:44
jesue does'nt say anything, but whats written also states this.
matt 10, 34: "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35: For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36: And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. "
a very hatefull statement, is it not.
there is a difference between being hatefull and to say to hate, you are known by your deeds, not just your words.
Cris said:
Perhaps it is no surprise that most conflicts right now have religions at their center.
Religion is the best excuse ever- you can't ever logically argue against it! If you say something against it, you are evil and they don't listen to you. How appropriate as an excuse! :eek:
stefan said:
jesue does'nt say anything, but whats written also states this.
matt 10, 34: "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35: For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36: And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. "
a very hatefull statement, is it not.
there is a difference between being hatefull and to say to hate, you are known by your deeds, not just your words.

Taken in context there is no malice in those words. In the years following Jesus' ascension Christians were persecuted and slaughtered wholesale. If a family member were to say "I'm a Christian" that could very easily tear that family apart. Many times a family member would turn in a son, daughter, father, or mother out of fear of sharing their fate.
The E,

The reason that the Bible disagrees with homosexuality is because in the Bible God ordained marriage as between a male and female.
Yes I understand, but the bible was developed by a primitive culture. This seems to be a short sighted and unenlightened attitude, and a discrimination against a significant part of the world population.

One of the purposes of this union was to create life. That is one thing a gay couple cannot do. A homosexual union cannot produce children.
But there are many heterosexual marriages where infertility prevents offspring. Shouldn’t such couples therefore be equally condemned for not being able to procreate? Where is the difference?

That is why the Bible calls it unnatural.
That really isn’t a good enough reason. Homosexuality is common place in the animal world and humans are no different. Surely marriage is primarily about a loving relationship between two people, and that holds whether they can produce children or not. Why would God create homosexuals and then forbid them to exercise their biological identities?

Christianity doesn't- christians do. There are huge differences between Christianity and christians.
No that is not correct. Christianity says it is wrong, that is discrimination and intolerance at the institutional level. And then some Christians are intolerant and others are tolerant.
Cris said:
But there are many heterosexual marriages where infertility prevents offspring. Shouldn’t such couples therefore be equally condemned for not being able to procreate? Where is the difference?

In some cultures they are but that is beside the point. The difference is that most male/female unions produce offspring, some don't. However there has yet to be a single homosexual union that has produced a child.

Cris said:
That really isn’t a good enough reason. Homosexuality is common place in the animal world and humans are no different. Surely marriage is primarily about a loving relationship between two people, and that holds whether they can produce children or not. Why would God create homosexuals and then forbid them to exercise their biological identities?

Homosexuality does exist in the animal kingdom but I wouldn't say it is common. Yes, one of the purposes of marriage is a loving relationship between two people. However it's main purpose was again to produce offspring. That's why God said "be fruitful and multiply."
The Evelyonian said:
In some cultures they are but that is beside the point. The difference is that most male/female unions produce offspring, some don't. However there has yet to be a single homosexual union that has produced a child.
Yeah, but homosexuals have faith that it could happen.

Homosexuality does exist in the animal kingdom but I wouldn't say it is common. Yes, one of the purposes of marriage is a loving relationship between two people. However it's main purpose was again to produce offspring. That's why God said "be fruitful and multiply."
God said that?!!!
So, you have direct access to the words (God uses language?) of a being you admit is beyond your comprehension?

Are you sure it isn’t schizophrenia?

I wonder why animals reproduce when they haven’t been told anything.
Satyr said:
Yeah, but homosexuals have faith that it could happen.

I doubt that.

Satyr said:
God said that?!!!
So, you have direct access to the words (God uses language?) of a being you admit is beyond your comprehension?
Yeah! Isn't it cool?!

I wonder why animals reproduce when they haven’t been told anything.

Actually they were told to be fruitful and multiply too. Read Genesis.
The Evelyonian said:
The reason the Bible disagrees with homosexuality is because in the Bible God ordained marriage as between a male and female. One of the purposes of this union was to create life. That is one thing a gay couple cannot do. A homosexual union cannot produce children. That is why the Bible calls it unnatural.

M*W: Please quote me the exact scripture where God states he has "ordained marriage as only between a male and female," which requires a specific ceremony to establish a legal and binding union.

Please don't cite the Wedding at Cana, unless you are willing to provide evidence that it was the wedding of Jesus and Mary Magdalen.

If you go back and re-read Genesis, there is nothing to be cited that Adam and Eve were married as in a legal union. Eve was a helpmate to Adam, so technically, it was the first common law union as there was no marriage ceremony. Further, Eve was made out of Adam, so technically, they were related.

If you look up the history of marriage, you will find that marriages were established as social customs between a male and female who desired a secure environment for procreation and the laws of inheritance and property rights. The wife became the legal property of the husband, and the children became the legal property of the father. They were nothing more than indentured slaves, according to the laws of the day. The institution of marriage, a patriarchal invention, ensured the male was the fair and square owner of his wife, children and property.

It is also cited in the OT law that a man is required to become the husband of a deceased brother's widow. Although this may happen from time to time, it is not the norm today.

Through the ages, marriages have come in all shapes and sizes of social customs.

polygamy-more than wife at a time
polygyny-several wives at same
polyandry-several husbands at same time
endogamy-marrying someone within one's own tribe or clan
exogamy-marrying to someone outside of one's own tribe or clan.
common law marriage-cohabiting without official ceremony
monogamy-remaining sexually faithful to one spouse (at a time)

So, seeing how marriages were established as the social norm for property ownership (over many cultures over time), I fail to see how the bible establishes the only right definition of marriage. After all, Abraham, Moses, David, all had numerous wives (some were even their sisters)! This can easily be found in the bible and in historical texts.

In those days couples didn't marry for love but for economic and political liaisons -- with that usually being in the best interest of the male.

Pope Nicholas I in 866 AD, declared that "if consent be lacking in a marriage, all other celebrations (as in the sacraments), even should the union be consummated, are rendered void." This shows the importance of a couple's consent to marriage. This has remained an important part of church teaching through the years. Therefore, the only true marriage is the one where both partners consent to be married to each other. Gender has nothing to do with it.

It wasn't until 1563 at the Council of Trent where it was decreed that marriages should take place in a ceremony in front of two witnesses and a priest. Love wasn't a necessary requirement for getting married or procreating as long as both of the couple were consenting.

Homosexuality had absolutely nothing to do with invalidating a marriage between two consenting people.

On another little historical note, homosexuality was not only common practice in ancient Egypt between royal brotherhood, Moses and his brother Aaron got it on according to biblical scholars. In ancient Rome, it was not only common but encouraged to have little eunuchs around for male pleasure. Even the wives of the royals knew what their husbands were up to, and it wasn't the Boy Scouts.

Failure to procreate may have been a big no no in biblical times (i.e. Sin of Onan), just as it was accepted and encouraged to procreate with one's wifely handmaiden to begat a child if the wife be barren. Why don't you christians ever bring up these customs when are certainly no longer accepted in our society?

Even Sodom and Gommorrah was not about homosexuality. It was about inhospitability to one's fellow man.

If you must read and believe everything you read in the bible, at least read current archeological and historical research about the bible. You might just learn something **shakes head and sighs**.
The Evelyonian said:
I doubt that.
But you selectively doubt.

Yeah! Isn't it cool?!
And pathetic.

How fortunate you are that he communicates with you.
Any personal messages, yet?

Actually they were told to be fruitful and multiply too. Read Genesis.
Oh yeah 6 thousand years ago or something?

Good thing too because those animals wouldn’t know what to do with their time.

We are so lucky to have the same commands as animals. We don’t get confused that way.
The E,

Homosexuality does exist in the animal kingdom but I wouldn't say it is common.
It is widespread. I’ll post some links later.

Yes, one of the purposes of marriage is a loving relationship between two people. However it's main purpose was again to produce offspring. That's why God said "be fruitful and multiply."
One doesn’t need to be married to produce offspring. If the primary command is to procreate then marriage is not needed.

Procreation is not the primary role of marriage. It is about a contract between two people who wish to honor and cherish each other in a loving committed relationship. Having children is an optional feature, where some can, others can’t, and some choose not to. After a certain age most couples are unable to produce offspring, should they then dissolve their marriage? No, all these indications are that procreation is not the primary role of marriage. In the typical Christian vows of marriage no mention is made of the need to procreate, it is neither primary nor required. With that in mind those same vows can be applied equally well to homosexual couples who also wish to have a committed loving contract. Why is that wrong?
Cris said:

No that is not correct. Christianity says it is wrong, that is discrimination and intolerance at the institutional level. And then some Christians are intolerant and others are tolerant.
Jesus said "hate sin, but not sinners" as well as "love one another" unconditionally. So from a philosophical point of view, christianity can't possible discriminate nor be intolerant.
Lawdog said:
Saint, (as you title yourself in folly):

I belive that when a thread is submitted a question needs to be posed. You are asking if you are goal-less. Search the scriptures and you will find what God is asking of you. Be careful however, make sure that you submit yourself in humility to the study, else false doctrines will enter your mind. Always pray to the angels and saints for their help in interpreting scripture.
Where are angles and demised saints?
Why shall i pray to them?
I would rather buy books from evangelical bookshop to read.
scorpius said:
""Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore he who resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment."
..........Romans 13:1"

Typical King James version aberration... :rolleyes:

A whole bunch of kings sat down to finally "translate" the Bible and what do they gives us? This shit? :rolleyes:
The Evelyonian said:
A homosexual union cannot produce children. That is why the Bible calls it unnatural.

I think you are prejudised!
A hetersexual couples also can be childless purposely by using contraceptive, is that unnatural too and wrong?
Religions that believe in GOD, such as Islam, Judaism and Christianity (RC+Eastern orthodox+protestanism), are making the most chaos in the world as what we can see in
middle east's conflict!