Wrong, and precisely my point. It is only an ad hominem if you are ignoring the pertinent discussion points, and directing your argument towards something regarding the discusser. And again, there is the misconception in your post that ad hominems are bad things or insults. They aren't. Most ad hominems are neutral, or even positive.
If I ask you to trust the mathematics of a man because he is Asian, I am making an ad hominem fallacy. Appeals to authority are a special type of ad hominem, so common that they deserve their own Latin jargon. Trust him, he has a PhD. That is an ad hominem as well, though most would not be so generic, and call it argumentum ad verecundiam.
I was discussing ecological issues the other day and a friend pointed out that I was wrong about something because I drive a V8. Ad hominem. Nothing rude about his point, but he wasn't finding anything wrong in my argument, instead he pointed out what seemed to him a contradiction in my character.
All of this is germane to the discussion about LG because he brings up this cop-out all the time, and I have yet to see him use it accurately. And Sam just goes to show that he isn't alone in this. People who do all their arguing on forums have been brainwashed into thinking that ad hominem means something it doesn't. They have learned incorrectly because of the vast number of posters that feign intelligence by calling an insult an ad hominem, in the hopes that a little Latin will shield them from the burden of actually defending their points.
an ad hom is the attempt to derail the thread by launching into personal attacks and determining that anything said by a person is "stupid" on the basis that one thinks they are "stupid"
I think it could be due to the vast quanitity of your ad homs that I can't recall a single post of yours that examines the substance of what I have advocated - similarly I cannot recall a single post by prince james that is an ad hom, perhaps because he always examines the substance of what I post - both Prince james and yourself are atheists - what do you think the difference is?