You have correctly observed. There is no need for more advanced mathematics.Sarcasm noted.
But, origin, by whose curriculum standards is this "high school algebra"? I think you have overestimated Emil's contributions to this thread. It looks like literally elementary school arithmetic, circa age 11, to me.
I think I gave enough time to contest the dates.
But as you like more advanced mathematics,I recommend the following exercise.
1. To put yourself in touch with the basic measurement units and derivatives. With special attention to the definition of speed.
2. To put yourself in touch with vectors and why speed is a vector.
Now you are able to define the relative velocity between two objects, considering the definition of speed and that speed is a vector.
3.Punctiform objects exist only in mathematics. You must leave this world and enter reality where objects have size.
The exercise itself:
Consider that you get close to a sphere with a high enough speed to be length contraction.
Are you close enough to the sphere so that the velocity vector, decomposed by the directions of the various points on the sphere have significantly different values.
Assuming you're as good at Mathematical Analysis and Special Mathematics, you calculate the shape of the sphere, taking into account the Lorentz transformation.
That has to do in two stages.
The distance until the all points on the "visible" hemisphere, considering the velocity vector for each point,
and the sphere "thickness" corresponding to each vector.
Now you've got a new geometric figure and you can play with him.
For example rotating sphere with a constant angular velocity and see the speed of different points on the surface of your new geometric figure.
Or try doing a triple integral on the surface of this new geometric figures.
What do you say, this satisfies your cravings for advanced mathematics?