Life? What are we here for?

Katazia said:

Statistics show (I can give you references if you need them) that scientists tend not to be religious by quite a wide margin. I’m sure that comes from the thought processes involved in the scientific method and the constant never ending need to seek evidence and proof. At least that is true of modern scientists. But there will always be a few statistical exceptions.

Any rational conclusion requires evidence.

Your English was off there – can you re-phrase please?

I give up, where did the concept come from?

The origin of spirit and soul comes from “breath” and from ancient observations that people who were alive had breath and when they were dead the breath was gone. Breath was considered the mystical life force of each person. We now know that breath is just a biological respiratory requirement so the superstition of spirit/soul can now be put to rest.

Why need there be a source of all power?

Energy and matter exist and from all our observations cannot be created or destroyed, just merely interchanged.

God cannot be in the scientific arena since science requires evidence.

Fine, then perhaps one day we will discover him, in the meantime there is nothing to suggest that he does exist and it is irrational to prematurely conclude that he does exist in the absence of any credible evidence.

Sure, but that doesn’t mean that we’ll discover any gods anytime soon.

I can imagine a scenario where we all evolve into super-intelligent beings and then we all merge together into a single entity and then we discover other advanced life and intelligence in the universe and all intelligence merges together into one single super intelligent being that transcends time and matter and has the knowledge and power to create another universe. But then that’s just my imagination.

So how do I know you aren’t God? You don’t fit any of the usually accepted definitions of God. But feel free to add another definition since without the constraint of any facts these definitions are only limited by human imagination.

Agreed, but you can’t know they are true until you have the evidence. To claim something true beforehand is both irresponsible and irrational.

No, God is just an imaginative concept – the word doesn’t map to anything known.

As Hawking stated – the universe can be explained without regard to God – this doesn’t mean that God does not exist merely that he is unnecessary.

Actually common sense isn’t very common. Not so long ago it was considered common sense that the world could not be a sphere, we would simply fall off, and that it is obvious that the world must be flat. Einstein’s special relativity and quantum events also defy common sense. The truth discovered by science is often complex and difficult to understand – the typical lay person finds the explanations offered by religion much easier, but unfortunately they aren’t based on anything real or substantial.

And if you were born in an Islamic country or a Hindu country then you would most likely adopt their fantasies instead. Religion is a cultural thing handed down through many centuries of superstitious ignorance.

Understood, but language isn’t a belief so the comparison doesn’t work.

To some degree but we also change based on the evidence we discover, and primarily scientific evidence.

Achieving consensus would be ideal but unrealistic. The vast ignorant gullible masses who choose not to think will stew in their worthless religious superstitions until someone wiser and more knowledgeable tells them otherwise. Progress is left to the few with foresight, energy, and political power. But science is likely to remain separate and will slowly bring about inevitable change and the presentation of truth about the universe and ourselves. What we need though is for the politicians/religionists to stay out of science – e.g. the USA ban on stem cell research is unforgivable.

I understand, but my response is that God is simply an unnecessary component. It doesn’t add anything useful or necessary.

I’m not quite sure what you are trying to say here.

Agreement on word meaning is often a key to mutual understanding. However, the ability to use logical and rational thought and to reach reasoned deductions is the greatest asset possible for mutual comprehension.

Unfortunately words are the only vehicle available to religion and they have been used to manipulate and indoctrinate gullible and ignorant people throughout the history of mankind.

Show me evidence that God has delivered something?

Understood, but if God delivered anything or if there was any real evidence then religions would never have to insist on a need for faith – they could simply point to the evidence and say – look I told you. But they can’t do that because there is nothing there that can deliver.

That it exists? Of course, I have numerous copies. If you mean do I believe that it contains truth then no, it is almost pure myth.

I have several of those as well. Do I believe what the dictionary says? Not always, I have found many errors over the years. It is usually a good guide to how people define many words and concepts. But language, especially English, is constantly changing and one must be aware of that.

Both are indeed reference books, one is about mythical imaginative fictional stories, and the other has some practical value.


First, thanks Kat for having such a good debate with me. I love this stuff. OK back to the subject.

Was there ever a point in life when you believed in God? If so did God hurt you?

Religion and God aren't nowhere near the same thing.

Is God a word is the English language?

Since it's clear that you know the word God and understand it in context with what I am saying, I want to know what God means to you personally? Also speak from YOUR emotional being/heart on this please?

Yes religion is a bunch of crap. Please know that I believe and realize that. God is super intelligence. What's the problem with calling it God?

*Super Intelligence​
*Creator of the universe​
*Not Religion​

Can you give me your title and subtitles

Do you believe in prayer and meditation?

Evidence of God. I'm sure that you will call it something else, why? Because your language is different but here i go.

Evidence #1
A person prays to God for money to pay a car note (I am talking about myself) 302.16 to be exact. The next day I receive a check from my mom for 350.00. Once again God is not religion in this case God was my mom. Call it what you want. This also happened. I believed in my heart or had faith that something would happen to pay that bill and it did. 2+2=4 and God + Me believing= $$$. My faith made me whole.(That's religion jargon!!! ;) ) I thank God for being super intelligent in that situation by moving my mom to randomly send me 350.00 for no apparent reason. Without God and faith many people(not you) may be hopeless or stressed out about a situation like that.

Evidence #2
I AM God. Come to Atlanta, GA and hang out and EXPERIENCE me and your evolution experience just might happen.

Evidence #3
You are God. Go look in the mirror with your natural eyes, if you're not blind, and notice your entire being. Notice the similarites you have with others. Notice the billions of people in America sharing the earth together. That's God too. I don't know what you are looking for but people have evidence of God all the time. You just call it something else. Whats the use of calling it something else when you can wrap it up by calling it God. Do you look for evidence? Seek and you just might find.
You are God Kat and I worship you for the communion that we are having on I love that you can speak about super intelligents to others in a way that I can't. I look at it like this; we are one body I'm a nose hair and you are a finger nail. I stop foriegn things from going up the nose and you scratch itches. WOW we are apart of a body and serve different purpose and we both dislike religion!!!

What you think about that?

much peace