Life? What are we here for?

The meaning of life?

You can give life whatever meaning you want. If you like to "donate" it to some god or another, that´s fine. If you use life to do whatever the fuck you want to do, it´s all right.
Since there is no definite meaning of life yet, go ahead and do what you want to do. :D

It is interesting that you don’t appear to have any original thoughts of your own and all your substantive posts are quotes from other sources. I wonder if you have any thoughts of your own or are just a slave to Islam.

Your article uses the watch-maker story again as a basis for a creation myth. This argument is a logical fallacy that shouldn’t keep being repeated. Everything evolves and has evolved, there is no basis or evidence of creation or a creator.

Read the Blind-Watchmaker and please stop quoting creationist gibberish -

Also this helps you understand how everything evolves -

But to your article and the attack on atheism and the meaning of life – I know these aren’t your words but you did extract them from the article so I assume you feel them of particular value, but the points should not go uncontested.

This feeling of doubt and confusion about the presence of a Creator and whether He sent messengers and prophets to guide mankind must be quite painful because it deprives the Atheist and the Agnostic of tranquility, security and peace of mind.
Firstly I have no doubt or confusion. The tranquility, security and peace of mind that you claim comes from religion can also be generated by any firmly held fantasy and delusion. The fact that you feel content believing a fantasy bears no connection with truth or reality.

The unbelievers do not have credible answers to the purpose of one’s existence.
Why should there be a purpose to life? Why can’t life simply be? What is credible about creating the fantasy of a super-being who does everything?

And thus they say that man lives for himself and for the pleasures of this life.
That’s Islamic propaganda. What many have already said in this thread is that meaning and purpose can be personally defined and those reasons might be selfish or selfless and altruistic. The point is that a god is not needed for someone to lead a valuable, meaningful and purposeful life.

So what happens when life turns sour? What happens when one goes through hardships?
That’s reality. Deal with it. Depending on a fantasy to help you is simply escapism.

It is no coincidence then that the largest number of suicides takes place amongst Atheists, Agnostics and people who do not know their purpose in life.
I see no quoted references to support this claim, but I would not necessarily disagree with the claim. However, I would expect that anyone, theist or otherwise who do not have clear ideas of what to do with their lives would potentially degenerate into depression and perhaps suicide.

Do you know which country has the largest number of suicides? It’s Japan.
Well actually no.

Remember that all major religions promise eternal life which is perhaps a strong basis for hope for the future and quite an attractive reason for the majority of the world to believe such claims. What is missing of course is any factual basis for the claim, and considerable evidence that no such thing is possible.

Religions for many millennia have had largely unfettered power to indoctrinate the world with their speculations about eternal life. For the majority of the world population these ideas have become sufficient reasons for life and purpose. But very few, I suspect, truly question their cultural heritage in religion and look for independent purpose outside of religion.

People like to have a positive message and something to connect with and religions offer such things. The truth that there is no underlying purpose or reason is of course a much harder and harsh route to take, but then there is nothing that says that truth and reality are easy and attractive.

In the end people tend to take the easiest route and choose, if they do indeed give it any thought, anything that makes them feel comfortable, and of course religious ideas are prolific and varied and can easily subvert the more gullible among us.

Katazia said:

It is interesting that you don’t appear to have any original thoughts of your own and all your substantive posts are quotes from other sources. I wonder if you have any thoughts of your own or are just a slave to Islam.

I am proud slave of Islam!! my thoughts are Islamic, I live according to islam, now, tell me, you live according to who ? to darwin ?? :rolleyes:
Darwin does not have any doctrine on human behavior that I am aware of, even so he is a better example to follow than Muhammed.
Proud_Muslim said:
I am proud slave of Islam!! my thoughts are Islamic, I live according to islam, now, tell me, you live according to who ? to darwin ?? :rolleyes:
What if she lives according to herself? Would that be so wrong?

Life itself is a mystery. We are born, we live and then we die. Are we meant to have some mystical purpose? Looking at history and the present, I'd say that any such purpose would be perverse in the extreme as we are unable to accept others as they are. Instead of being happy with what we have, we attempt to change things to what we think it should be. We join groups that tell us what it should be and then we spend the rest of our lives trying to convert others to our beliefs, instead of respecting the beliefs of others. We denigrate the beliefs of others, claiming our own to be superior, when in reality we have no way to be sure that it is so. We lose our identities in such groups, to the point where we don't know where the group ends and we begin.

Life is meant to be lived. But unfortunately, we do not do that. We destroy other lives in race to reach that unattainable goal. We, like every other organism in this universe, are here to live life. If it weren't so, we wouldn't be alive, we would not exist.
Proud Muslim,

I am proud slave of Islam!! my thoughts are Islamic, I live according to islam,
Why would you consider it a good thing to surrender your ability to think for yourself and become a slave to the ideas of others?

now, tell me, you live according to who ? to darwin ??
I am a slave to no one. I am a free individual.

I don't know if Darwin has any mention in Quran. However, I do realize after having discussions with a lot of Muslims that Darwin is synonymous with Devil for the modern Muslims. Whenever the word science comes into the debate, I hear these 'modern' Muslims saying all kinds of bad things about Darwin, as if he was responsible for killing hundreds of innocent Muslims using a weapon called science (more precisely 'evolution')!

The implications for the "Meaning and Purpose of Life" is significant for religionists once they fully comprehend the facts behind evolution. If abiogenesis was the evolutionary start of life on this planet then it isn't possible for there to be meaning or purpose to life defined by an external intelligence, e.g. gods or other similar fairy tale concepts.

The only recourse they would have is to argue that life was seeded by one of these super beings and that abiogenesis was not the beginning. But that seems more like desperation than anything meaningful. The continuing denial by some religionists of the overwhelming facts of evolution is really just infantile.

Or perhaps they could argue that abiogenesis and evolution are the mechanism used by gods. Either way the idea seems to involve an unnecessary super-being.

Katazia said:

Or are you upset because I have questioned a choice that has a theist tone?

Upset? Hardly. I just saw something worth pointing out.

A real value of the thread should then become one of discussion of stated choices. Or do you wish to object to debating in a debating forum?


I did point out what I saw to be contridictory behavior didn't I? :)
My suspicions were correct!
God just told me that he created every one for my entertainment purposes!
Now continue to entertain.....or be smited!!!!!! :D
There, now every one knows why they are here.
Proceed.... :eek:

I know some religious people supporting theory of evolution but they always say it was guided and/or started by God.

I think religious people don't have any aim in life, even if they don't realize that there is no God. Helping the poor, caring for family, etc is not what you call meaning of life. Its common sense, you've to do it if you want to survive and maintain a balance in human society. I am really not sure what life means for these followers!
you may know Darwin but for sure not Mohammed
in order to talk about Mohammed or even compare him with any one you should first know something about him.
those (well-known people) who know a bit about him do not a gree with you
dadubose said:
Sometimes I tend to struggle with what we are here for and what is life really about. I am sure that there isn't one single right or wrong answer to these questions. I myself vary in different beliefs about this subject. Is it to eat, drink, and be merry? To serve one another? To love? To have wars over religion and money? To fight for freedom? To be fruitful and multiply? ???????? I'm very interested to hear what everyone thinks Life is all about and what are we(humans) here for (whats the true purpose)?

Thanks everyone.


Q: What are we here for?
A: We are carrying cases for our gonads.

On a sidenote, we are a species who assigns 'value' to tangibles and
intangibles and we try to maximize our total values through substitituion and
Proud_Muslim said:
I am proud slave of Islam!! my thoughts are Islamic, I live according to islam, now, tell me, you live according to who ? to darwin ?? :rolleyes:
No offense, but I don't like his attitude. :p
I believe in evolution, but I don't think evolutionists live "according to" Darwin, that doesn't make any sense because Darwin did not have some sort of bible or quran or "Rules for Life" or anything like that.
And just because your religion does not approve of Darwin, doesn't mean you have the right roll your eyes at Darwin :D
Katazia said:

How can you estbalish a relationship with something that doesn't exist?

Why? And on the way to where?


:) Well Katazia the God of Abraham does indeed exsist and i do have a relationship with Him. ;) Of course you do not believe that and that is why you asked that question and so you will not believe my answer but i give it anyway.

I help other people be cause i am a person and all people are my people. I am no better than any other person, therefore if i am blessed to have the opportunity to accept truth, i desire that all people to have the same opportunity to accept truth. I help others on their way to eternity because i know that all people are eternal. Although people leave their flesh vehicles no one ceases to exist. It is my pleasure to help others with understanding and troubles of life.

Matthew 7
The Narrow Way
(3) 13 "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Thanks for responding, I wasn’t expecting you.

..the God of Abraham does indeed exist
How do you know?

and i do have a relationship with Him.
If true then how do you distinguish the relationship from an imaginary one?

Of course you do not believe that and that is why you asked that question and so you will not believe my answer but i give it anyway.
I’m open to any rational idea, but you need to do more than make assertions that cannot be distinguished from fantasy. What’s your evidence?

I help other people be cause i am a person
That really doesn’t make any sense. Murderers are ‘persons’ as well and they don’t help people. There is nothing inherent about being a person that requires one to help others.

and all people are my people.
We are all members of the same biological species, if that is what you mean.

I am no better than any other person,
Are you sure? Genetic disposition, intelligence, psychological profiles make us all very different to each other. Some prefer and are attracted to darker activities, and others the reverse. We are not all equal but creating a justifiable basis for judgment is quite a challenge.

therefore if i am blessed to have the opportunity to accept truth,
How do you define truth?

i desire that all people to have the same opportunity to accept truth.
We do all have the same opportunity – we have brains and the ability to think – if truth can be defined then it is conceivable that we might be able to discover it for ourselves.

I help others on their way to eternity because i know that all people are eternal.
Again, how do you know this?

Although people leave their flesh vehicles no one ceases to exist.
Your “flesh vehicle” and you are one and the same thing – explain how you can be two separate things – with evidence. I could perhaps except that your unique brain patterns represent “you” but to date those patterns decay and disintegrate as soon as the flesh vehicle stops providing nutrients and energy to the brain.

It is my pleasure to help others with understanding and troubles of life.
That’s fine – do whatever makes you happy and comfortable with your life.

Matthew 7
The Narrow Way
(3) 13 "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
This is so very true. Approximately two thirds of the world population believes that ancient superstitions and primitive religions represent truth and so never strive to find the way to life but die in ignorance and cease to exist – the easy way out - the wide gate. The way to life and the ways to prevent death lie through our knowledge and our desire to find solutions, the scientists among us are the narrow gate, and there are far too few of them. To date no one has yet discovered a way to live except perhaps those few who are in cryogenic suspension where their active brain patterns have been preserved before they could decay beyond recovery.

The way to immortality is going to take a big effort and we have only just begun. Certainly the belief in primitive superstitions and fairy tale characters like gods is not going to help any.

Katazia said:

Thanks for responding, I wasn’t expecting you.

How do you know?

If true then how do you distinguish the relationship from an imaginary one?

I’m open to any rational idea, but you need to do more than make assertions that cannot be distinguished from fantasy. What’s your evidence?

That really doesn’t make any sense. Murderers are ‘persons’ as well and they don’t help people. There is nothing inherent about being a person that requires one to help others.

We are all members of the same biological species, if that is what you mean.

Are you sure? Genetic disposition, intelligence, psychological profiles make us all very different to each other. Some prefer and are attracted to darker activities, and others the reverse. We are not all equal but creating a justifiable basis for judgment is quite a challenge.

How do you define truth?

We do all have the same opportunity – we have brains and the ability to think – if truth can be defined then it is conceivable that we might be able to discover it for ourselves.

Again, how do you know this?

Your “flesh vehicle” and you are one and the same thing – explain how you can be two separate things – with evidence. I could perhaps except that your unique brain patterns represent “you” but to date those patterns decay and disintegrate as soon as the flesh vehicle stops providing nutrients and energy to the brain.

That’s fine – do whatever makes you happy and comfortable with your life.

This is so very true. Approximately two thirds of the world population believes that ancient superstitions and primitive religions represent truth and so never strive to find the way to life but die in ignorance and cease to exist – the easy way out - the wide gate. The way to life and the ways to prevent death lie through our knowledge and our desire to find solutions, the scientists among us are the narrow gate, and there are far too few of them. To date no one has yet discovered a way to live except perhaps those few who are in cryogenic suspension where their active brain patterns have been preserved before they could decay beyond recovery.

The way to immortality is going to take a big effort and we have only just begun. Certainly the belief in primitive superstitions and fairy tale characters like gods is not going to help any.


Kat do you know what faith is?
You keep asking questions like how do you know this? Somethings we know only by faith. A deep knowing in our heart. Faith gives a person hope and faith is a very powerful force in the universe. Call it what you want we all are believing in the same thing, we are just calling it something different and not respecting our differences.

If you don't beleive in God i'm sure that you believe in self and life. The breathe that you breath connects you to life. I can also say that the breathe you breath connects you to God. It's all the same thing. God is everything. Life is everything. Once again same thing! Notice that we all share this earth. Notice that we all share the air that we breath. Notice our connection!!!![/B] I'm sure Kat that you are substaining yourself by planting your own fruits and veggie, producing your own animals if you eat meat. You plant trees and plants all around yourself so you can have nice fresh air. I'm sure that if you get a tooth ache you dig in your own tooth and put a filling in it. My point is this, Life/God is all around you. Self is all around you whether it's yourself or myself. We can't do nothing without each other, without God/Life. You are a fool if you think that you can.

Faith is unseen. You can't see the wind but you can feel it and see trees moving and paper on the ground moving whenever it moves. (I wish i was invisible like the wind! I'll have some fun! :) ) If you believe in your heart about a thing you don't always need valid evidence. I don't need no evidence that someone created a car. It's good despite the TRUTH. I don't need no evidence that God created my wife. She good in bed despite the TRUTH. Whatever works for you do it but just keep in mind that God is loving you everyday because you are connected and ONE with HIM/HER/IT everytime you breath in that invisible air that keeps you alive!

One more thing Kat. That god that the world presents to us I do beleive that it's a fairytale god like the toothfairy. I BELIEVE that God lives in US and is an expression in all of creation. I AM God and YOU are God, WE all are God(not gods) connected like the World Wide Web or a wireless network or a telephone call from New York to China.

Holla back Kat

Much love
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Kat do you know what faith is?
The term faith is wielded by religionists as if it some form of magical super weapon, it is of course nothing of the sort. Faith, in the religious sense means nothing more than believing something is true without any evidence. It is simply a form of irrational thought and has no validity in the process for the determination of truth.

However, the term faith has other meanings and is used in everyday life to mean many things, and usually where evidence is present. Faith in one’s doctor, or loved one, or that you can win a race, or your car will get you to work, etc. We have faith in these types of things because we have past evidence that these events and things are trustworthy. The term faith here is used in the sense of inductive reasoning.

The religionist quite happily quotes faith in the irrational religious sense and then insists it is defined as if it is the meaning that means proven trust. The religionist is most likely confused about the meaning out of ignorance or does it deliberately hoping the opponent doesn’t know the difference.

But in the end religious faith is nothing more than lazy and irrational thought.

You keep asking questions like how do you know this?
That’s because I know you DO NOT KNOW but are only using speculative imagination. By repeatedly asking I am hoping it will make you think more clearly.

Somethings we know only by faith.
You cannot know anything via faith; if you knew something for sure you would not need to quote faith.

A deep knowing in our heart.
Your heart is a blood pump and has no bearing on logical reasoning. What you really mean is that you let your irrational emotions lead you to believe what you want rather than what is true.

Faith gives a person hope
I agree. But an irrational hope for something has no bearing on whether the belief has any truth behind it.

and faith is a very powerful force in the universe.
And just as easily a great force for destruction and death.

Call it what you want we all are believing in the same thing, we are just calling it something different and not respecting our differences.
No, this is nonsense. You believe that using irrational thought is of some type of value and I do not. I have no respect for those that spread false hope and ignorance.

If you don't beleive in God i'm sure that you believe in self and life.
I believe that I am self-aware and that I am alive since there is significant evidence for those facts.

The breathe that you breath connects you to life.
It is a part of our respiratory process that keeps us alive. There is no need to make it sound mystical.

I can also say that the breathe you breath connects you to God.
Clearly you can say it but is has no rational basis – it is your fantasy and unless you can show some evidence for the claim then your statement is meaningless.

It's all the same thing. God is everything. Life is everything. Once again same thing!
Dream on – these are just pointless statements.

Notice that we all share this earth. Notice that we all share the air that we breath. Notice our connection!!!!
All biological life has its route in the evolution of DNA and in that sense all life on this planet is one large biological interconnected entity. But what makes us different to other species is that we have evolved to a point where we are self-aware, and with that ability combined with our creative intelligence we should, in the not too distant future develop technology where we can replace our biological needs and ties to the planet. And we can all go our separate ways and spread out throughout the universe.

My point is this, Life/God is all around you. Self is all around you whether it's yourself or myself. We can't do nothing without each other, without God/Life. You are a fool if you think that you can.
Perhaps to some degree except that the imaginative concept of God is irrelevant to the issue of life.

Faith is unseen.
Faith is irrational, dangerous and useless.

You can't see the wind but you can feel it and see trees moving and paper on the ground moving whenever it moves. (I wish i was invisible like the wind!
We know these things because we can detect them; faith is not needed or ever needed.

If you believe in your heart about a thing you don't always need valid evidence.
You do if you want to know if it is true otherwise you are simply guessing and gambling on what may well be false hope. Making decisions based on emotionalism (heart to you), is well known to be one of the most unreliable methods for finding truth.

I don't need no evidence that someone created a car. It's good despite the TRUTH.
Show a car to caveman and see if he thinks the same way. You are arguing from the position of knowledge from evidence not faith. But then cars weren’t created, they evolved like everything else. But that wasn’t your point was it? When something is self-evident then sure you don’t have to seek evidence, but there is nothing similar you can say about your god fantasy.

I don't need no evidence that God created my wife.
You mean her parents had nothing to do with the process. I think you need some lessons on human reproduction.

.. keep in mind that God is loving you everyday because you are connected and ONE with HIM/HER/IT everytime you breath in that invisible air that keeps you alive!
The air comes from our atmosphere and the delicate balance with biological life on the planet. It hasn’t always been there and it probably won’t be there in the future. But please keep in mind your fantasy friend when the Earth is finally struck by a giant meteorite and destroys all life on the planet; an inevitability scientists say. We are alive because the environment changed into conditions where life could evolve, those conditions will change in the future and biological life will end. We need to have developed technology where we can leave before those events occur. I don’t see that any imaginary gods are going to help any time soon.

That god that the world presents to us I do beleive that it's a fairytale god like the toothfairy.

I BELIEVE that God lives in US and is an expression in all of creation.
Why? There is no factual basis for that; all you have is a dream.

I AM God and YOU are God, WE all are God(not gods) connected like the World Wide Web or a wireless network or a telephone call from New York to China.
Except that the WWW is real and God is nothing but an imaginative figment.

Katazia said:

The term faith is wielded by religionists as if it some form of magical super weapon, it is of course nothing of the sort. Faith, in the religious sense means nothing more than believing something is true without any evidence. It is simply a form of irrational thought and has no validity in the process for the determination of truth.

However, the term faith has other meanings and is used in everyday life to mean many things, and usually where evidence is present. Faith in one’s doctor, or loved one, or that you can win a race, or your car will get you to work, etc. We have faith in these types of things because we have past evidence that these events and things are trustworthy. The term faith here is used in the sense of inductive reasoning.

The religionist quite happily quotes faith in the irrational religious sense and then insists it is defined as if it is the meaning that means proven trust. The religionist is most likely confused about the meaning out of ignorance or does it deliberately hoping the opponent doesn’t know the difference.

But in the end religious faith is nothing more than lazy and irrational thought.

That’s because I know you DO NOT KNOW but are only using speculative imagination. By repeatedly asking I am hoping it will make you think more clearly.

You cannot know anything via faith; if you knew something for sure you would not need to quote faith.

Your heart is a blood pump and has no bearing on logical reasoning. What you really mean is that you let your irrational emotions lead you to believe what you want rather than what is true.

I agree. But an irrational hope for something has no bearing on whether the belief has any truth behind it.

And just as easily a great force for destruction and death.

No, this is nonsense. You believe that using irrational thought is of some type of value and I do not. I have no respect for those that spread false hope and ignorance.

I believe that I am self-aware and that I am alive since there is significant evidence for those facts.

It is a part of our respiratory process that keeps us alive. There is no need to make it sound mystical.

Clearly you can say it but is has no rational basis – it is your fantasy and unless you can show some evidence for the claim then your statement is meaningless.

Dream on – these are just pointless statements.

All biological life has its route in the evolution of DNA and in that sense all life on this planet is one large biological interconnected entity. But what makes us different to other species is that we have evolved to a point where we are self-aware, and with that ability combined with our creative intelligence we should, in the not too distant future develop technology where we can replace our biological needs and ties to the planet. And we can all go our separate ways and spread out throughout the universe.

Perhaps to some degree except that the imaginative concept of God is irrelevant to the issue of life.

Faith is irrational, dangerous and useless.

We know these things because we can detect them; faith is not needed or ever needed.

You do if you want to know if it is true otherwise you are simply guessing and gambling on what may well be false hope. Making decisions based on emotionalism (heart to you), is well known to be one of the most unreliable methods for finding truth.

Show a car to caveman and see if he thinks the same way. You are arguing from the position of knowledge from evidence not faith. But then cars weren’t created, they evolved like everything else. But that wasn’t your point was it? When something is self-evident then sure you don’t have to seek evidence, but there is nothing similar you can say about your god fantasy.

You mean her parents had nothing to do with the process. I think you need some lessons on human reproduction.

The air comes from our atmosphere and the delicate balance with biological life on the planet. It hasn’t always been there and it probably won’t be there in the future. But please keep in mind your fantasy friend when the Earth is finally struck by a giant meteorite and destroys all life on the planet; an inevitability scientists say. We are alive because the environment changed into conditions where life could evolve, those conditions will change in the future and biological life will end. We need to have developed technology where we can leave before those events occur. I don’t see that any imaginary gods are going to help any time soon.


Why? There is no factual basis for that; all you have is a dream.

Except that the WWW is real and God is nothing but an imaginative figment.


Kat you are fun!!!

Are the scientist that beleive in God false scientist like Jesus was a false phophet?

So you won't believe nothing without evidence? I guess not sense there is not evidence of God/Life.

Where did the concept of remote control come from?

What is spirit or do you believe in that?

What is the source of all power? the universe i guess you would say if you do what's the source of that? Dig deep for me because you talking scientific and the great evolution process has put God in the science area.

What if god exists and you are slow in your evolution experience? Because we learn something new all the time.

How do you know that I am not God? What's your EVIDENCE?

There are so many things in the universe that is true that only a few have the evidence. God is the evolution process. God set it all in motion. What's my evidence. Common sense or maybe it's because I believe what my mother said or in what my father and his parents parents said about God existing. But that don't make it the truth, I'm just excepting what i was taught from birth just like the language that i speak. Is language fantasy?

Transformation is key in the evolution process. We are constantly changing based off of what we believe. No person believes the same thing but we all are meeting and agreeing on new things daily. Unity amongst human is a key in order for humans to further things on earth. My entire point with you is that God and Life(the process, evolution, and everything within life) are one in the same. You speak a different language than others. It's not wise to tell a person whats not because you have no evidence and can submit to the wisdom and knowledge of a person who speaks different from you. Look in the dictionary, there are many words with many meaning. Also there are many languages that can be spoke. Lets find common ground.

One thing on faith. Religion doesn't have a thing to do with any words in my view. It's simple some have faith in their parents for things and their parents deliver and some have faith in God and God delivers. After experiencing one or both that's evidence for that particular person that their parents are parents by meaning and that God is God by meaning to that particular person.

Kat do you believe in the bible?

Kat do you believe in the dictionary?

both in my opinion are reference books one to history and one to words?

holla back Kat.

many smiles :) :) :)

Are the scientist that beleive in God false scientist like Jesus was a false phophet?
Statistics show (I can give you references if you need them) that scientists tend not to be religious by quite a wide margin. I’m sure that comes from the thought processes involved in the scientific method and the constant never ending need to seek evidence and proof. At least that is true of modern scientists. But there will always be a few statistical exceptions.

So you won't believe nothing without evidence?
Any rational conclusion requires evidence.

I guess not sense there is not evidence of God/Life.
Your English was off there – can you re-phrase please?

Where did the concept of remote control come from?
I give up, where did the concept come from?

What is spirit or do you believe in that?
The origin of spirit and soul comes from “breath” and from ancient observations that people who were alive had breath and when they were dead the breath was gone. Breath was considered the mystical life force of each person. We now know that breath is just a biological respiratory requirement so the superstition of spirit/soul can now be put to rest.

What is the source of all power?
Why need there be a source of all power?

the universe i guess you would say if you do what's the source of that?
Energy and matter exist and from all our observations cannot be created or destroyed, just merely interchanged.

Dig deep for me because you talking scientific and the great evolution process has put God in the science area.
God cannot be in the scientific arena since science requires evidence.

What if god exists and you are slow in your evolution experience?
Fine, then perhaps one day we will discover him, in the meantime there is nothing to suggest that he does exist and it is irrational to prematurely conclude that he does exist in the absence of any credible evidence.

Because we learn something new all the time.
Sure, but that doesn’t mean that we’ll discover any gods anytime soon.

How do you know that I am not God? What's your EVIDENCE?
I can imagine a scenario where we all evolve into super-intelligent beings and then we all merge together into a single entity and then we discover other advanced life and intelligence in the universe and all intelligence merges together into one single super intelligent being that transcends time and matter and has the knowledge and power to create another universe. But then that’s just my imagination.

So how do I know you aren’t God? You don’t fit any of the usually accepted definitions of God. But feel free to add another definition since without the constraint of any facts these definitions are only limited by human imagination.

There are so many things in the universe that is true that only a few have the evidence.
Agreed, but you can’t know they are true until you have the evidence. To claim something true beforehand is both irresponsible and irrational.

God is the evolution process.
No, God is just an imaginative concept – the word doesn’t map to anything known.

God set it all in motion.
As Hawking stated – the universe can be explained without regard to God – this doesn’t mean that God does not exist merely that he is unnecessary.

What's my evidence. Common sense
Actually common sense isn’t very common. Not so long ago it was considered common sense that the world could not be a sphere, we would simply fall off, and that it is obvious that the world must be flat. Einstein’s special relativity and quantum events also defy common sense. The truth discovered by science is often complex and difficult to understand – the typical lay person finds the explanations offered by religion much easier, but unfortunately they aren’t based on anything real or substantial.

or maybe it's because I believe what my mother said or in what my father and his parents parents said about God existing.
And if you were born in an Islamic country or a Hindu country then you would most likely adopt their fantasies instead. Religion is a cultural thing handed down through many centuries of superstitious ignorance.

But that don't make it the truth, I'm just excepting what i was taught from birth just like the language that i speak. Is language fantasy?
Understood, but language isn’t a belief so the comparison doesn’t work.

Transformation is key in the evolution process. We are constantly changing based off of what we believe.
To some degree but we also change based on the evidence we discover, and primarily scientific evidence.

Unity amongst human is a key in order for humans to further things on earth.
Achieving consensus would be ideal but unrealistic. The vast ignorant gullible masses who choose not to think will stew in their worthless religious superstitions until someone wiser and more knowledgeable tells them otherwise. Progress is left to the few with foresight, energy, and political power. But science is likely to remain separate and will slowly bring about inevitable change and the presentation of truth about the universe and ourselves. What we need though is for the politicians/religionists to stay out of science – e.g. the USA ban on stem cell research is unforgivable.

My entire point with you is that God and Life(the process, evolution, and everything within life) are one in the same.
I understand, but my response is that God is simply an unnecessary component. It doesn’t add anything useful or necessary.

You speak a different language than others. It's not wise to tell a person whats not because you have no evidence and can submit to the wisdom and knowledge of a person who speaks different from you.
I’m not quite sure what you are trying to say here.

Look in the dictionary, there are many words with many meaning. Also there are many languages that can be spoke. Lets find common ground.
Agreement on word meaning is often a key to mutual understanding. However, the ability to use logical and rational thought and to reach reasoned deductions is the greatest asset possible for mutual comprehension.

One thing on faith. Religion doesn't have a thing to do with any words in my view.
Unfortunately words are the only vehicle available to religion and they have been used to manipulate and indoctrinate gullible and ignorant people throughout the history of mankind.

It’s simple some have faith in their parents for things and their parents deliver and some have faith in God and God delivers.
Show me evidence that God has delivered something?

After experiencing one or both that's evidence for that particular person that their parents are parents by meaning and that God is God by meaning to that particular person.
Understood, but if God delivered anything or if there was any real evidence then religions would never have to insist on a need for faith – they could simply point to the evidence and say – look I told you. But they can’t do that because there is nothing there that can deliver.

Kat do you believe in the bible?
That it exists? Of course, I have numerous copies. If you mean do I believe that it contains truth then no, it is almost pure myth.

Kat do you believe in the dictionary?
I have several of those as well. Do I believe what the dictionary says? Not always, I have found many errors over the years. It is usually a good guide to how people define many words and concepts. But language, especially English, is constantly changing and one must be aware of that.

both in my opinion are reference books one to history and one to words?
Both are indeed reference books, one is about mythical imaginative fictional stories, and the other has some practical value.
