Life Lesson Learned??? WTHell??

I've seen developmentally challenged people at checkouts be treated rudely and condescendingly when they didn't do anything wrong or take up anybody's time. That proves people are just jackasses. I hurt for them as they have feelings too. Those impatient assholes are trying to get home in a hurry to warm their butt indentation on thier couch with their fatasses.
I've seen developmentally challenged people at checkouts be treated rudely and condescendingly when they didn't do anything wrong or take up anybody's time. That proves people are just jackasses. I hurt for them as they have feelings too. Those impatient assholes are trying to get home in a hurry to warm their butt indentation on thier couch with their fatasses.

OH! We were talking about you? Are you that person often? If so, maybe you need to shop at night or use the self scanner line. Life is to short to stress like that, especially over groceries.
sad. :(

I dont stress all the time, but at times I will have a bad day and it will just push me over the edge, but dont go thinking that everytime someone has 16 items in the 15 item line I freak out. There are times however when I have seen people with literally a full cart in the line made for people who dont have full carts, and as I used to be a checker at a grocery store I know how annoying this can be for everyone. If you do this, trust me all the people behind you would vocalize how much they disliked you when them came up to the checker, and the express checker hates when people do that crap.
...the express checker hates when people do that crap.

then the express checker needs to be better trained. The ones here say "I'm sorry hon, this is the express lane, you need to be over there." Now if there is no one around, I have had express checkers say "I can help you"

But I have NEVER heard anyone go apeshit like what you described.
then the express checker needs to be better trained. The ones here say "I'm sorry hon, this is the express lane, you need to be over there." Now if there is no one around, I have had express checkers say "I can help you"

But I have NEVER heard anyone go apeshit like what you described.

Who said anyone went apeshit? At the place where I worked we were not permitted to tell a customer to yuse a different line as it may have upset them, and the customer is always right. This always puzzled me because I thought "what about the people behind them"?

Apeshit would be if I assualted them Or threw the grocery cart out of line, not telling them that I think they are inconsiderate, or talking to my friends about how inconsiderate I think they are.
I think I now see why this guy wrote the article.

why is that? Because he was suprised that people have manners and are polite? I dont mind letting people go ahead of me, and maybe I shouldnt combat impoliteness with more impoliteness, but hey like I said sometimes I just have a bad day.

After reading this thread, I wonder how people can even think that we should all just get along and love each other?! ...LOL!

I also can't believe that some of y'all are meaner and nastier than I make out to be. Geez, that's fuckin' sad, man, like, ....really, really sad.


Baron Max
Thats fine because i would be staring at a cold and inconsiderate bitch who has no ability to be politre and follow the rules, so I would have no problem being that impolite jackass, as you basically just gave everyone in line the finger it would be up to me to give it back to you.

LOL Oh I hate that too. They get in line with a cart full of groceries when it clearly says 15 or less. I give them dirty looks too, especially if I am in a hurry and I have 8 things and the other lines are full.

Have you ever come across this. When ppl are done with their shopping cart they just leave it in the middle of the parking lot and get in their car? ( we have little huts where you are supposed to put it back) One time not long ago it was really windy out. I was loading my groceries and this woman finishes just leaves her cart. The wind got hold of it and it smashed right into the side of a car. She saw it happen and just got in her car and drove away like she could give a shit! The car door got dinged. There really are a lot of assholes out there!
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Baron Max

Yes, I agree it will NEVER HAPPEN!! Just think, if just the people in this forum got together in person...I think there would be some casualties :argue:
I doubt it. No matter what we said to each other on the forum, I think it would be fun to actually meet. We'd surely be a little more restrained in person? :p
Looks like there is a bit of resentment on this thread towards people who won't tolerate the retardation, ineptitude and selfishness of certain shoppers.

Express means express. If you have a trolley full of junk, get out of the Express lane, morons.
....Express means express. If you have a trolley full of junk, get out of the Express lane, morons.

I agree. But some people get more than a bit upset when someone is taking longer than they think is necessary.
Have you ever noticed that person who doesn't get their money out til the very last grocery sack is packed. Its like they forgot they had to pay for it.
I wouldn't stand there and loudly proclaim how inconsiderate they are.
Just think, if just the people in this forum got together in person...I think there would be some casualties
On the contrary. Whenever I see a member post their picture in the Picture's thread I tend to start choking on cigarette smoke, or send pieces of food flying, or spill my drink all over, or simply sit modestly entranced. I'm still waiting to see what Baron Max looks like.
I agree. But some people get more than a bit upset when someone is taking longer than they think is necessary.
Have you ever noticed that person who doesn't get their money out til the very last grocery sack is packed. Its like they forgot they had to pay for it.
I wouldn't stand there and loudly proclaim how inconsiderate they are.

I like it when they wait until the amount is known then start looking in their purses to find the check book to write the entire check out. Why is it they can't have the check alreay made out while they are waitng for their order to be tallied up then all they need do is sign the check instead of wasting everyones time trying to get it done at the end. :shrug: