Life in America is funny


Registered Senior Member
All the religious bumper stickers and rosary beads on rear mirrors. The hand written letters that get delivered to my door trying to convert me to their religion/church. Local news which acts as a mouth piece for religion. Memos from employers owing success to being "faithful to the One who provides everything"... Yes.. "One" with a capital O!

Give it a rest! Don't these people realize that when someone is dead long enough to smell, that they don't wake up and fly away?

This place needs secularized the shit out of!
KennyJC, my humble friend...the days of apathy and despair have come upon this nation, yet we are here together standing strong and ready, united like never before. Through God you shall meet us, welcome the Unitarian Universalist Church into your heart, deep inside we will be all together and happy. Praying for you and Spidergoat.
The christians in America are so damn terrified of atheists they feel God has given them a mission to save these souls.
Heh. We wouldnt want this becoming a habit would we?
After all most progress is achieved as a result of conflict/competition.
All the religious bumper stickers...
This place needs secularized the shit out of!

So you want to force your views onto all of us in the same way that you complain about the religious people trying to force their views onto you?

And you don't see any problem with that???

Baron Max
So you want to force your views onto all of us in the same way that you complain about the religious people trying to force their views onto you?

And you don't see any problem with that???

Baron Max

He didn't say or imply such. Your paranoid desperation is showing.
So you want to force your views onto all of us in the same way that you complain about the religious people trying to force their views onto you?

And you don't see any problem with that???

Baron Max

It's no coin toss I'm afraid. That's why I don't see anything wrong with it. You see, I know the christians in this country are wrong on just about everything. I know it, because you see, corpses that smell don't come out of the graves and fly off into the sky.

But that's just as far as truth goes. We all know there is no truth behind this stuff. The reason why I care however, is not so much based on what these christians say is true or not, it's the fact that they are so intermingled with politics in this country.


You also have presidents who fail to recognise American atheists as citizens. So no, I don't see anything wrong with "forcing" my views.
That is just stupid and has no basis in reality.

Well if I really need to spell it out...

Senators being religiously bigoted stems from the every day shit of me getting hand written letters in indoctrination letters in the mail.

In the UK I had none of the every day religious shit therefore I had no high level politicians being religiously bigoted.
First i have to say that i have no idea what you are talking about.

the biggest homophobes i have ever known were not religious and i live in U.S and never received anything in the mail to indoctrinate me.

i am not religious either nor am i an atheist but you are a liar.
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