Life begins. . .

so basically you just a talking 6 foot pile of purified chromosomes?
:eek: wow and I thought I was fuck up.
haha...Cool skill made quite a prosperous thread here. We should make him moderator of the biologyforum. He certainly knows what he is doing.
That an understatement! He would moderate so well it would seem like he does not even exist here! :rolleyes:
If I were a moderator I would deleted these last few posts, period.
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I don’t know I have not taken a class on development biology yet. If you want I could give you the generals on cell cycles operons and hormone syntheses.
I have the 6th edition of that book, and it is good, its very helpful! I took a course in Developmental Biology last semester! Very interesting!! Anyways, I would go along with Spurious's suggestion and read the text book, I found it very informative!
I do know this thread exists!
I just been caught up playing Pristontale.

Originally posted by Clockwood
No you won't.

Originally posted by Clockwood
This brings up a point. Are not the egg and sperm 'alive' at least as much as the bacteria they resemble? If so, does not life begin at their formation and not when they fuse?
They are not alive until they fuse.
'Special Ed' aka cool skill

don't listen to him. he's attempting to induce non-biological semantics into a biological topic for very transparent anti-choice sentiments. just ignore him. he's on my ignore list.
Hi Cool Skill:
I am a little confused about the "Special Ed." appellation.
I kind of expected a few replies to your original post , pro or con, with some support for their respective positions based in Biology. Haven't seen much though, so I thought I'd give this a shot. Spurious and some others hopefully will point out where I am off the mark.
I understand your position to be that the life of an individual organism, an individual, multicellular, eukaryotic, sexually reproducing organism, begins with the fusion of sperm and egg. I assume that you mean karyogamy.
If an individual, multicellular, eukaryotic organism is alive, then the life of that organism must have begun at some point in time. The question, the point of debate, is when.
I think that it all depends on what sort of life cycle is involved:
Consider organisms that produce spores by meiosis, such as fungi. A spore produced by meiosis divides mitotically, again and again, to form a multicellular mycelium. This multicellular mycelium is genetically identical to, and the direct descendant of, that spore. It seems that the life of that mycelium began upon the completion of meiosis.
Now, for organisms that produce gametes by meiosis, most if not all animals, then any multicellular organism is a direct descendant of the zygote, formed by karyogamy. So, I think that is a sound statement that you made: It's life began with the fusion of the sperm and egg nuclei. It's a little different in mammals than in, say, a sea urchin, I believe. It seems that sperm and egg nuclei do not fuse immediately in mammals. They both share a common spindle apparatus and divide mitotically first, and then they fuse. But, It seems that your point is still essentially correct. Spurious, or whoever wants to, please add your two cents.
For plants and some protists that have alternation of generations, the life of the gametophyte begins with the formation of the spore, and the life of the sporophyte begins with the fusion of the sperm and egg nuclei.
Am I wrong about this? If so, someone please add corrections or amend my statements here to make them correct. I realize that there are plenty of confounding factors with some species. The concept of an individual is not always clear with some plants and protists. Different fungal mycelia may fuse. Then, there's polyploidy etc. But I think that for the most part I'm fundamentally sound here. If not, please explain.
You pose a pretty good argument.
Indeed this thread is full of replies that were intended to attack cool skill rather than adress the actual topic. Typical hater behavior.
Life defined is not necessarily sentinent awareness.
The qualities of life that distinguish living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter is manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.
In the case of the human organism as well as the other members of the animalia, this topic addresses the point at which life begins.
Originally posted by cool skill

They are not alive until they fuse.

well...I think that they are certainly not 'viable' by themselves until they fuse. In that respect you could call them not alive.

Sperm cells and egg cells do interact and respond to their environment though. They would have a certain degree of 'awareness' of their environment. They need for instance to interact with each to fuse and respond to each other.