Let's cut through the chase: Jesus didn't exist.


Why didn't he exist?

Imaginary gods don't seminate imaginary people. Remember Zeus and Alcmene?

Because you believe there is no proof, he didn't exist?

Aside from the fact no evidence exists, it is without reason to believe one can rise from the dead. Or, do you believe that too? George Romero would love you.

Why don't you get off peoples back instead of pushing your bubble-headed opinions on folk?

That is exactly what the rest of the world would like Christians to do.
water said:
As long as people are filled with anger, they won't see the truth.

Most theists by default are angry in this modern world, does that mean they don't see the truth?

Our very own Cardinal frequently speaks out in anger about society and non believers.

At a funeral I was at last week, the jist of the service was that non-believers will go to hell for not going up for communion (only 6 out of 90+ went up)... Oh, that and the fact we were all evil because we wanted to win the lottery...
Mythbuster said:
I would ask the same thing with Samsung who killed 1,000 Philistines with a donkey jaw.

I thought Samsung made semiconductors and commercial electronics? Samsung killed 1,000 small electronics companies with a diode array.

thats why i want a very non-religious funeral, kennyjc. even though i am very deeply involved with my faith...after i am dead, i believe that i will be dealing with "something else", so why preach to folks that just want to remember me?

i hate when funerals are not about the person that has died.
its retarded as hell.
my grandmother's funeral was like that, and i know for a fact that if she could have, she would have jumped out of the casket and eaten that preacher's brains (george romero style)
superluminal said:
I thought Samsung made semiconductors and commercial electronics? Samsung killed 1,000 small electronics companies with a diode array.



Qorl said:
If Jesus didn't exist than this people didn't either, lets say; William Valace, Buddha, Marcus Aurelius, Confucius, St Jude, Mohammed, St Augustine, Joan Of Arc, Lao Tzu... Why? Because I didn't see real photo of them.

Medicine Woman, God doesn't care if you agree with religion. Oh I almost forgot, this world happened from nothing.

M*W: History records evidence of William (W)allace, Marcus Aurelius, Mohammed, St. Jude, St. Augustine, Jean d'Arc, whether you've seen a real photo of them or not. They existed prior to the invention of the camera. As to Buddha, Confucius, and Lao Tzu, they would appear to have existed from their writings, but I don't know enough about them to argue their existence.

Just curious, have you seen a real photo of Jesus?
water said:
Medicine Woman,

What difference does it actually make to *you* if Jesus never existed and the Christian faith is not based on real events?

M*W: It would make a difference in that Christianity is false and not based on real events, ergo Jesus didn't exist. This changes nothing for me, but apparently it would for you. That's the difference.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Let's get right down to it. Jesus didn't exist, and there is no proof that confirms he existed. Why is it that people continue to believe he is their dying demigod savior? When will they ever learn that there is no Jesus. No savior. No heaven. No hell. No religion? When will you people realize you are living a big fat lie?

Actually, Jesus, as a historical person probably did exist. Why? There are writings of John the Baptist that most historians agree are authentic. Also, all the Jews and people who hated Christianity NEVER QUESTIONED Jesus existed or not as a historical person. If he didn't exist, and was completely made up, why didn't any of the proponents against Christianity just say he was created and imaginary? Also, you say there's no historical references made to Jesus, but why would there be? At the time, Jesus was just another messaih, just another teacher, with almost no importance at the time, why would historians write about him? If you lived at that time, and no historians mentioned you, that means with 100% certainty you didn't exist? Use some logic. Your argument doesn't match up.

Also, when will you uptight atheistic fools realize that all the science of today is also not true and you are living a BIG FAT LIE. Science in 100 years will be completely different from now. So that means there are many LIES in science that exist right now, but you fools believe it to be 100% true. How unnaturally ignorant.

No one's forcing you to believe in Jesus's message of peace, happiness, and goodness you fool. Why do you have a problem with people that want to follow Jesus's way? If you want to cause unhappiness and tyranny like your atheistic friend Stalin then go ahead.
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Jan Ardena said:
Why didn't he exist?
Because you believe there is no proof, he didn't exist?
Why don't you get off peoples back instead of pushing your bubble-headed opinions on folk? :)


M*W: Jesus didn't exist, because there is NO PROOF that he did. Why should I get off peoples' backs? They need to face THE TRUTH! Why do you credit the lack of proof of Jesus to only MY "opinion?" I'm not "pushing" my own opinions on anyone. Scholars more knowledgeable than myself have known all along that Jesus never existed. Why are you so gullible?
VitalOne said:
Actually, Jesus, as a historical person probably did exist. Why? There are writings of John the Baptist that most historians agree are authentic. Also, all the Jews and people who hated Christianity NEVER QUESTIONED Jesus existed or not as a historical person. If he didn't exist, and was completely made up, why didn't any of the proponents against Christianity just say he was created and imaginary? Also, you say there's no historical references made to Jesus, but why would there be? At the time, Jesus was just another messaih, just another teacher, with almost no importance at the time, why would historians write about him? If you lived at that time, and no historians mentioned you, that means with 100% certainty you didn't exist? Use some logic. Your argument doesn't match up.

Also, when will you uptight atheistic fools realize that all the science of today is also not true and you are living a BIG FAT LIE. Science in 100 years will be completely different from now. So that means there are many LIES in science that exist right now, but you fools believe it to be 100% true. How unnaturally ignorant.

No one's forcing you to believe in Jesus's message of peace, happiness, and goodness you fool. Why do you have a problem with people that want to follow Jesus's way? If you want to cause unhappiness and tyranny like your atheistic friend Stalin then go ahead.


Once agen FAKE, BUSTED & ARRESTED :lol: :D B) In Jan. 2, 2005
Looks like some people will do anything to prove that their believes are real.

Who did you think founded Christianity in the first place?

St. Paul
VitalOne said:
Also, when will you uptight atheistic fools realize that all the science of today is also not true and you are living a BIG FAT LIE. Science in 100 years will be completely different from now. So that means there are many LIES in science that exist right now, but you fools believe it to be 100% true. How unnaturally ignorant.

science doesnt claim to be truth. thats what theists commonly misunderstand. science is a problem solving technique. the solutions science has come up with for specific problems will be continuously put to the test in different situations and applied to different problems, and if the solution for one problem does not apply across the board, that doesnt discredit the worth of its original purpose. science will undoubtedly be different 100 years from now, but a sound conclusion today will not become unsound in the future because of it. you really are just lashing out because you wish you had some validation. its ok though, if you turn out to be right, i guess i'll see you in hell.
VitalOne said:
No one's forcing you to believe in Jesus's message of peace, happiness, and goodness you fool. Why do you have a problem with people that want to follow Jesus's way? If you want to cause unhappiness and tyranny like your atheistic friend Stalin then go ahead.

Well, aren't you just the breath of fresh air?

"Why do you have a problem with people that want to follow Jesus's way?"

Because, without exception, they want EVERYONE to follow jesus's way whether they want to or not. And that, my fanatical friend, is a fact. Christians do not practice tolernce. They practice pity and righteous indignation. And it is their god-given mission to convert the world. Those who won't convert are pagans or heathens and need to be eradicated. Read your bible. Deny it. I fucking dare you. You're all so enthusiastic about interpreting the scripture to fit your own sense of what's right and wrong, how about looking at it from the point of view of a non believer in the era in which it was written? And the bulk of the following 2 millenia? Not so pretty is it? Hmm?

Christian organizations are nothing more than terrorist sleeper cells in barely concealed sheeps wool.

So who's the fool? We know what you are...

See my avatar? Watch your back, christian.