Let University Science Labs be required to display TEN COMMANDMENTS

M*W: Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the original "commandments" called the Code of Hammerabi? That would mean they were plagarized by Moses (that is, if Moses existed)! And who knows? Maybe they were plagarized by Hammerabi! In any event, from what I've researched about 'Moses,' (if he existed), he went up on the mountain, came back with the tablets, not once, but twice, and said god actually had spoken to him! Since Moses was to have believed (again, if he even existed) that the Sun was God (Amen, Aten-Ra, etc.), how could the Sun talk? What exactly did Moses hear? I believe the ten commandments were copied from earlier codes, and all Moses did was copy them. His motive was to control the nomads under his command. Yet, biblical scholars and archeologists confirm there is absolutely NO evidence of any Exodus! So, was Moses a pharaoh as history teaches? Was Moses a patriarch if he never existed? Were the Codes of Hammerabi (another name for AbRAham)? Could it be that NONE of these ancient people existed? Was their inclusion in history (recorded by men) just a way to destroy the matriarchal societies? Why do the stories of the old testament keep repeating from earlier myths (i.e. all the "ark" illusions like Noah's Ark, Ark of the Covenant, Ark that baby Moses was sent down the river in, and various other 'entombments')? Last, but not least, if all these plagarized stories were repeated several times, how can the monothistic religions be valid, when the ONLY god they believed in was the Sun?
Silas said:
Voldemort, CC.

I stand corrected... going back to work on the ol' spells now. It is time
the dark mark instilled fear in the hearts of mudbloods again! All hail the
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the original "commandments" called the Code of Hammerabi? That would mean they were plagarized by Moses (that is, if Moses existed)! And who knows? Maybe they were plagarized by Hammerabi! In any event, from what I've researched about 'Moses,' (if he existed), he went up on the mountain, came back with the tablets, not once, but twice, and said god actually had spoken to him! Since Moses was to have believed (again, if he even existed) that the Sun was God (Amen, Aten-Ra, etc.), how could the Sun talk? What exactly did Moses hear? I believe the ten commandments were copied from earlier codes, and all Moses did was copy them. His motive was to control the nomads under his command. Yet, biblical scholars and archeologists confirm there is absolutely NO evidence of any Exodus! So, was Moses a pharaoh as history teaches? Was Moses a patriarch if he never existed? Were the Codes of Hammerabi (another name for AbRAham)? Could it be that NONE of these ancient people existed? Was their inclusion in history (recorded by men) just a way to destroy the matriarchal societies? Why do the stories of the old testament keep repeating from earlier myths (i.e. all the "ark" illusions like Noah's Ark, Ark of the Covenant, Ark that baby Moses was sent down the river in, and various other 'entombments')? Last, but not least, if all these plagarized stories were repeated several times, how can the monothistic religions be valid, when the ONLY god they believed in was the Sun?

Medicine Woman,
What evidence can you find of the exodus of whites out of Detroit and other cities in the 70s? Your not going to find much, especailly something that happened thousands of years ago.

If Moses had worshipped Ra, he would not have been remembered as one who taught a new doctrine.

There were many law codes written on stele or other stones in ancient time. Hammurabis code contains similarities, but that does not imply derivation. Indeed, his code was known. But Moses' code was remembered for being different from the others, and the fact that it was derived directly from God.
Medicine Woman said:
That would mean they were plagarized by Moses (that is, if Moses existed)!

Here she goes about the "plagiarism" again...

Since Moses was to have believed (again, if he even existed) that the Sun was God (Amen, Aten-Ra, etc.), how could the Sun talk?

Moses knew that there was no "God". He himself wrote the commandments. He had found his real self, and thus he became "the higher self" ("God") Moses said that God wrote the commandments so that the people would understand him.

So, was Moses a pharaoh as history teaches?

"Pharaoh"? So what if he was?
Lapdog: What evidence can you find of the exodus of whites out of Detroit and other cities in the 70s? Your not going to find much, especailly something that happened thousands of years ago.
M*W: Apparently, this is what the biblical archeologists realized when they dug up the Sinai.
Lapdog: If Moses had worshipped Ra, he would not have been remembered as one who taught a new doctrine.
M*W: Sorry to disappoint you, but there is plenty of documented evidence that Moses (also called Aminadab, Tuthmosis IV, Amenhotep IV, and Akhenaten (long for Aten-Ra and Amen), believed the Sun to be God. When he allegedly went up on the mountain, as did all the patriarchs of that age, to be closer to the Sun=God, I suspect Moses or whoever the hell he was to be affected by the desert heat and hallucinate. I don't for one minute believe 'god' dictated those commandments to Moses, and the story of the burning bush is not all that holy. I've seen in my lifetime grass and bushes catch on fire in the blazing heat, and the only thing I could hear 'god' saying is get a goddamned water hose.
Lapdog: There were many law codes written on stele or other stones in ancient time. Hammurabis code contains similarities, but that does not imply derivation. Indeed, his code was known. But Moses' code was remembered for being different from the others, and the fact that it was derived directly from God.
M*W: ...and so the story goes, but Moses thought he, himself, was 'god.' Read everything you can find by Ahmed Osman. He's an expert on Moses.
Scholars, the "scribes" Jesus spoke of, should not quickly be trusted in our era.
Cottontop3000 said:
Who should I trust Lawdog, you?
dont trust me...trust the thousands of truthful saints and historians that are no longer read with credulity, merely because they are old. The falsifiers of the modern matrix have trained your mind to be incredulous so that you cant see through to truths that were so evident to most everyone until the last century.
yes but then they got educated, with education comes wisdom, wisdom to see the falsehoods in religion. once people were no longer kept in the dark, they saw the light.
religion is a thing of the past, and when humanity ceases to be ruled by dogma and superstition, it will be the dawn of a new age, the real dawn of man.
The Modernist Matrix that you adhere to has its own DOGMA and superstitions.
People dont want to live in ZION, after all,
theres no steak dinners there...
The Jews sure seem to want to live in Zion.

Try looking these terms up, or learning a bit about world historys and cultures before you start making moronic "The Matrix" references :p

Oh yes, it's also probably worth mentioning that monuments to the ten commandments on public land have not been banned - some have been ruled to be in conflict with the constiutional prohibition of government establishing a religion, but the Supreme Court has said that they are still to be handled on a case-by-base basis.
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Mystech said:
The Jews sure seem to want to live in Zion.

Try looking these terms up, or learning a bit about world historys and cultures before you start making moronic "The Matrix" references :p
do you call moronic everything which you know to be true?
No, only those things which are clearly pretentious, unknowingly silly, or outright absurd and poorly thought out.
Lawdog said:
dont trust me...trust the thousands of truthful saints and historians that are no longer read with credulity, merely because they are old. The falsifiers of the modern matrix have trained your mind to be incredulous so that you cant see through to truths that were so evident to most everyone until the last century.

Not merely because they are old, but merely because they are wrong. Don't worry your self, I don't trust you or them, not anymore. Mine eyes have see the glory of the coming of the Human Race. I agree with Mis-t-highs when she says that the only reason for religion's success in the past is because of the lack of education in the world. If God would come set me straight, I would be more than glad to listen, however He will have to that in Person and in a way that I could prove it to all of you.

I think it's a given that God is a lie and a fabrication of men lusting after power in this world.
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Science labs are filled with filthy atheists. They wouldn't be bothered much by the 10 commandments. They will probably have dirty orgies in front of the sign, involving animals and ... homosexuals!!!