Let University Science Labs be required to display TEN COMMANDMENTS


Digging up old bones
Registered Senior Member
Since the TEN COMMANDMENTS are no longer allowed in Courts, they should instead be displayed in University "Science" Labs, so that those dark sorcerers who fiddle with human genes, clones, death drugs, and embyonic stem cells can be reminded of how they contravene God's Law.
But thou shall not kill, and some of these treatments would save lives. So, it would be contra-biblical NOT to do this research.
"How dare the courts not tolerate my intolerance!" the Christian shouted.
Didn't I just post something opposite of this somewhere?

Yes, I did.

And no, the Ten Commandments can stay out of science labs, but I would encourage churches to place as huge a copy as they like on their front lawns.

Charles Heston is weird.
I agree, we need to display the Ten Commandments in public places as well as in private institutions! Also, the Indian creation myth that we were all ejaculated out of a god's stellar dong needs to be taught as the objective truth that it is in our schools! Only kosher meals should be served in commercial restaurants, and the only vacation destination allowed should be holy Mecca! Furthermore, our young boys should be put through ritual drinking of seamen by way of felating older males, and engaging in anal intercourse so that they can grow to be properly masculine as per the rituals of some south pacific island tribe who's name eludes me that I read about once in National Geographic!
Mystech, by making all of that manditory and persecuting those who dissobey I have to say that you, by modern evangelical christian standards, would be the most holy crusader for freedom of religion ever!
LMFAO @ Dug-T :D (I second that motion please)

our young boys should be put through ritual drinking of seamen by way of felating older males, and engaging in anal intercourse so that they can grow to be properly masculine


I think water should read this bit.
Lawdog said:
Since the TEN COMMANDMENTS are no longer allowed in Courts, they should instead be displayed in University "Science" Labs, so that those dark sorcerers who fiddle with human genes, clones, death drugs, and embyonic stem cells can be reminded of how they contravene God's Law.

Should evidence of a god that has any authority become known and, assuming that this god disapproves of such research, then by all means do it.

But until that time, no one god or religion deserves precedence over another. Either give them all equal representation or take all of their references off of public property.

While they're at it, they need to get that superstitious shit off of money and out of the Pledge of Alegiance.

Until religious cults are ready to put a sticker in their texts (i.e. the Bible) that warn that the information inside is "only theoretical" and is in "no way proven," they have nothing to say about what should or should not be displayed on or in public property.
While they're at it, they need to get that superstitious shit off of money

I guess that's one good thing about England. Instead of some fictional sky being's name, our notes have pictures of Darwin and other important people.

But I do agree with you completely.
When they find the originals then they can put them up wherever they like.

Fair 'nough?

SnakeLord said:
I guess that's one good thing about England. Instead of some fictional sky being's name, our notes have pictures of Darwin and other important people.

But I do agree with you completely.

Isn't Britain moving to the Euro? Doesn't the Euro have imaginary buildings on it?
Raithere said:
When they find the originals then they can put them up wherever they like.

Fair 'nough?


Better yet, why not ban all sloganeering from public spaces? If the argument is that a displaying of the Ten Commandments is a form of religious intolerance, doesn't it follow that advocating any form of value judgement is equally intolerant?
Lawdog said:
Since the TEN COMMANDMENTS are no longer allowed in Courts, they should instead be displayed in University "Science" Labs, so that those dark sorcerers who fiddle with human genes, clones, death drugs, and embyonic stem cells can be reminded of how they contravene God's Law.

Why make a substitution when absence is so much better?
Voldemort, CC.

Wow, some of my atheist colleagues seem to have lost their sense of humour. I mean, Lawdog is serious about his beliefs, but either he was taking the piss or he just wrote a post begging to be parodied. And seriously that's a great picture of Chuck Heston!

Lawdog said:
Since the TEN COMMANDMENTS are no longer allowed in Courts, they should instead be displayed in University "Science" Labs, so that those dark sorcerers who fiddle with human genes, clones, death drugs, and embyonic stem cells can be reminded of how they contravene God's Law.
Let's see.
1. I am the LORD thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
2. Thou shalt not worship idols.
3. Thou shalt not take the LORD's name in vain.
4. Respect the sabbath.
5. Honour thy father and mother.
6. Thou shalt not kill
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery
8. Thou shalt not steal
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, or thy neighbour's ass​
(so that covers no homosexuality, then), or anything else of thy neighbour's.
Now, let me see. I forget, there were only ten commandments, weren't there? I mean, (allowing for the famous 11th Commandment, "Thou shalt not get caught") were there 12 and 13, too?
12. Thou shalt not interfere with deoxyribonucleic acid or chromosome structure.
13. Thou shalt not mimic nature by creating the genetic equivalent of a monozygotic twin.
I mean, otherwise I don't see exactly where genetics and pharmacology are really covered in the rules about honoring God above all other Gods, not making idols, not taking his name in vain, resting on Sunday, honoring one's parents, killing, stealing, screwing around, lying in court or desiring other peoples' stuff.
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Isn't Britain moving to the Euro? Doesn't the Euro have imaginary buildings on it?

Pfffffffft. Wont happen. :) (Blair wants it, the public don't - and Blair's an idiot).
[offtopic]Since when did what the public wanted affect whether Blair got what he wanted or not??


I'm pro-Euro and anti-European Constitution. It contains stuff that should be part of legislation, not constitutionally banned. One of those things is a universal ban on human cloning. As if the rights and wrongs of that are as clear cut as the right of freedom, the right to due process and the presumption of innocence!
Lol yeah you're right, but I think the recent election issues have brought him down a peg or two. I don't think he'll be around long enough to have any real say in the matter.