Learning to become an Atheist

For all you people who do not believe in God and do not have God and Jesus in your hearts...I will pray for you. God bless you all.
We are born without a belief in any gods. We are born atheists.
Some of us choose to stay that way.
So born, with no knowledge of God to begin with and then......? .kind of like 'follow no one' but a use logic and reason....?
So without someone telling the child, about a God, then it may be easier to just learn everything else and naturally be atheist.
Does an atheist have to say, they don't believe in a creator?

And then use your thinking to discover your beliefs .
Yes use logic and reason to find out what it fits .
The child can be either Atheist or theist because when questioning the dilemma of who created whom; the child later in life can be persuaded in any direction .
An Atheist does not believe in God ( creator ) and this is from the definition of the world itself .
Humans socially anthropomorphize, not naturally. Otherwise we can not understand the different human understandings such as the belief systems of hunter gatheres who tend to see humans as a part of wider nature.

I'm not sure what you mean, isn't social behavior natural? Think about it this way: bugs bunny, mother nature, father time, the grim reaper,... see the pattern? This is something that all humans do, they place human qualities on things that aren't human.

Could be. Yet this being social and hierarchial differ from the natural ones. Many animals share these norms, yet they do not make written rules or establish institutions to support their social structures. Ours is political, rather than natural.

Are humans not natural? Other social animals that don't have written rules or institutions are limited from doing so by cognitive abilities and resources; however, many still do have rules and and support structure.

If it means that "we believe due to our human nature", I would like to ask what is human nature, and how do we define it to find a concrete place for belief.

Human nature is to collect energy and persist with our particular genetic adaptations. Belief is a survival adaptation. If we believe what our parents say then we are more likely to avoid danger. If we believe what the group believes then we have common ground, cooperative behavior, and resource sharing.

Maybe they think what they value is actually truth.

That can be the case; however, those same people won't have a clear definition of 'truth' either.

They don't say that "I value this because it is psychological, and I ignore the truth."

Correct. They would say "I value this because it makes me feel [happiness/comefort/satisfaction/purposeful/justified/etc.]".

Some people under certain situations. We can not generalise, even if we use the word "often", in order to leave an open door.

Have you ever heard questions like these?:

"What is the meaning of life?"
"What is the purpose of the universe?"
"Which is better, red or black?"

These are subjective questions seeking a objective answers. If you pay close attention, you will hear people asking similar questions on a daily basis. All humans do this (no exceptions).
For all you people who do not believe in God and do not have God and Jesus in your hearts...I will pray for you. God bless you all.

You should pray to Krishna instead, it's a much better God. (According to your God, it's your obligation to kill me now)
I'm not sure what you mean, isn't social behavior natural?

No it's not. Nothing human is natural. We don't code our things (language, law, rules, rituals, logic, belief systems etc.) according to nature. Anything related to our animal feature (bodily or mentally) can have a natural background. But they are by definition non-human elements.

Are humans not natural?

Other social animals that don't have written rules or institutions are limited from doing so by cognitive abilities and resources; however, many still do have rules and and support structure.

So you seriously compare 30 thousand years of learned art, literature, technology, science, morality, justice, engineering with what animals use in their daily life actions. Is that so? What structure do animals support? Tax office or sex shops? Maybe they have a bureaucracy. Get serious please...

Human nature is to collect energy and persist with our particular genetic adaptations. Belief is a survival adaptation. If we believe what our parents say then we are more likely to avoid danger. If we believe what the group believes then we have common ground, cooperative behavior, and resource sharing.
These are not the definition of "human nature", merely a part of functional elements of human universe. Define "human nature" please. Is it Hitler like or Chaplin like. Which one correctly represent human nature, Einstein or Darwin, Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Stalin or Mc Carthy, Rita Hayworth or Freddy Mercury? What is human nature?

Have you ever heard questions like these?:

"What is the meaning of life?"
"What is the purpose of the universe?"
"Which is better, red or black?"

I mostly hear answers...

These are subjective questions seeking a objective answers.
If your adjectives happen to be "meaning, purpose, or better", they will always be subjective. However if you switch them with "mechanism, rules, or functional/efficient" respectively, then you would enter the area of objectivity.

If you pay close attention, you will hear people asking similar questions on a daily basis.
What will happen if I pay close attention; will the mechanisms of subjective and objective intertwine each other?

All humans do this (no exceptions).
All humans do fart as well (no exceptions).
how does a person learn to become an atheist?

Is there a bible to it?

No bible. Learning how to think critically probably helps. So does having an interest in religion.

Or is it possible that most atheist (self prescribed) were once religious?

It's probable, given that most people's parents follow some kind of religion to some degree or other, and teach that religion to their children.

What I think is very common is that atheists have an interest in religion. That causes them to question it, to investigate different forms of religion, and so on, rather than blindly accepting one religion without every really thinking about it.
Nothing human is natural.
I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding of what people are deeming as "natural" here.

If you're using "natural" as the opposite of "man-made" then fair enough - by default anything man does is "man-made" and thus not "natural".

But this is rather a specific and confusing usage of the term "natural".

As is usage that confuses "natural" with "normal".
Your example Hitler - he was clearly not "normal" - but he was natural.

"Natural" to me, and probably to most of scientific persuasion, is anything that is governed by the laws / physics / nature of the universe.
Since humans are governed by those very laws, physics and nature, humans ARE natural - and everything we do is natural.

To claim them as not natural would surely be to assign them the label of "unnatural" or "supernatural"?
Your example Hitler - he was clearly not "normal" - but he was natural.
He was not.

"Natural" to me, and probably to most of scientific persuasion, is anything that is governed by the laws / physics / nature of the universe.
Since humans are governed by those very laws, physics and nature, humans ARE natural - and everything we do is natural.

I don't know your planet, but here humans are governed by government rules.

To claim them as not natural would surely be to assign them the label of "unnatural" or "supernatural"?
No, simply human; or "artificial"...
I'd say so, all the ones I have met were uncomfortable with belief. There are some who were fanatics as religious people and simply change the focus of their fanaticism but usually people without belief are like that since birth.

Perhaps born with the propensity. I mean, I was born gay, and it pretty much started there. . . for me.

As a child, I grew up as a Christian, a very conservative christian. I considered myself an avid believer. Really, the only thing that drove me away from Christianity was the fact that I was gay. Were it not for the incompatibility of my "lifestyle" with the Lutheran-cum-Baptist-cum-Assemby Of God that I was, I probably would have continued in my course as some bible thumping parrot.

In time, I was eventually forced to resolve those differences. At first, I did so by becoming a Christian denomination that accepted gays (United Church of Christ), but by that time I had become so disillusioned with the notion of worshiping a deity that I started wondering what the hell it was all for. Out of some odd coincidence, I picked up Charles Pellegrino's book, "Return To Sodom and Gomorrah" (where he describes his own adventures through the middle east as a non-believer), which--for the first time--made me think it would be okay to be an atheist. That some horrible thing wouldn't happen. That, by letting go of fairy tales and accepting science and rational thought, I'd be okay. And since about that time, I've come to not just believe in science. I've come to see all the fallacies and ridiculousness of believing in gods, demons, devils, heaven and hell, not because those things are wrong, but because they are patently made up just to control people's lives.

What good, overall, has REALLY come from the great monotheistic beliefs in the west? Or the polytheistic beliefs in the east? Little, I would suspect, beyond--say--Angkor Wat, Notra Dame, and a few others.

You should pray to Krishna instead, it's a much better God. (According to your God, it's your obligation to kill me now)

if you know krishna, it can be mirrored like a born god (a jesus as christ, kind of believing)

there are stories of the guy (krishna) having 16,000 gopis (wives/girlfiends) and if any many can handle that, he almost a god.
I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding of what people are deeming as "natural" here.

If you're using "natural" as the opposite of "man-made" then fair enough - by default anything man does is "man-made" and thus not "natural".

that is pretty direct truth

ie.... and since most knowledge is taught, then what 'god(s)' exists unless described by mankind?

the kid is born; learning that food is required to stop the hunger pains, and clothes keep em warm but never sees or knows the magic of creation unless told that it's....... 'the belief'.
No bible. Learning how to think critically probably helps. So does having an interest in religion.

It's probable, given that most people's parents follow some kind of religion to some degree or other, and teach that religion to their children.

What I think is very common is that atheists have an interest in religion. That causes them to question it, to investigate different forms of religion, and so on, rather than blindly accepting one religion without every really thinking about it.

kind of neat we ALL have CHOICE; to think all by ourselves.

seem the crunchy cat has a nice hold on the concept; just be honest (with yourself).
That paper seems to be more about the process of congnitive evaluation.

kind of like 'be aware' of evalutating; within ourselves


* Valuing truth.
* Understanding why people believe.
* Understanding what motivates people.


valuing truth................... (that should be an indicator on the stock exchange)

to let us all know how the world is turning

In fact, that concept of "valuing news", could make for a fine website to address media bias. Kind of like a media watch dog.
For all you people who do not believe in God and do not have God and Jesus in your hearts...I will pray for you. God bless you all.

Your prayers will open the door to the devil. God and the devil come together you don't get one without the other.

Your prayers are hereby quarantined. You can have the devil all to yourself.
if you know krishna, it can be mirrored like a born god (a jesus as christ, kind of believing)

there are stories of the guy (krishna) having 16,000 gopis (wives/girlfiends) and if any many can handle that, he almost a god.
